Tablets for acne on the face list

External inflammations are clear symptoms of dysfunction of organs or entire systems within the body. To treat such problems, doctors prescribe pills for acne on the face, which help normalize hormonal levels and restore metabolism.

Types of tablets

Before prescribing any medications, the doctor conducts an initial examination of the patient, after which he is sent for tests. Having in hand the results of research and the conclusions of some other specialists (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, therapist), the dermatologist will be able to determine the cause and nature of the rash and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Acne pills

Doctors use the following types of medications:

  1. Dietary supplements. These are active food supplements, which also include vitamins and mineral complexes. They are safe and are used to restore metabolism, cleanse the skin and ensure that the body is saturated with various beneficial substances;
  2. Hormonal. Used if the cause of rashes on the face is a hormonal imbalance. These include birth control pills, which are often prescribed to girls for acne and acne during adolescence;
  3. Antibiotics. If the cause of acne is serious (for example, damage to organs by viruses or diseases of the excretory system), then Tetracycline, Erythromycin and others tablets are used.

It is worth remembering that taking pills for blackheads and acne does not replace the rules of personal hygiene and the necessary control over the diet. If you really want to succeed, then you only need an integrated approach. You can buy most of the tablets described at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Dietary supplements and vitamins

Remember, self-medication is dangerous to your health. You should not prescribe pills on your own, as an incorrectly selected drug can only aggravate the situation. This happens if, for example, hormonal pills are used to treat viral acne, or the infection causing irritation is resistant to a certain group of antibiotics.

Popular dietary supplements, homeopathic preparations and vitamins:

Name Purpose
Clearasil These are supplements from the company of the same name, which has been one of the market leaders in the production of anti-inflammatory dietary supplements for many years. They are safe and non-addictive; to achieve the best effect, it is best to use them together with external cleaning products. The properties of Zinerit tablets are similar to it.
Loma Lux Acne (Acnemol) A good and gentle homeopathic remedy. It is known to have strong anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating and catalytic effects. It is one of the best acne treatment methods.
Evisent "Brewer's yeast for acne" Yeast drinking supplements are suitable for treating the skin and hair of nursing and pregnant girls. It is believed that they contribute to weight gain, so girls who are prone to obesity need to be careful. Improves skin quality, removes acne and pimples, promotes accelerated hair and nail growth.
Zincteral Zinc tablets that normalize the amount of this mineral in the body. A lack of zinc causes problems with reproductive function and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The product will quickly eliminate its deficiency and restore normal metabolism.
Vitamin complex "Vitacharm" Multivitamins A and B help normalize blood circulation and restore skin elasticity. In addition to the fact that metabolic processes and the condition of the epidermis are normalized, the quality of hair and nails is significantly improved.
Bioton Dietary supplement with active natural composition and retinol. The tablet contains various herbal extracts, vitamins, and mineral compounds. This drug helps cleanse the skin from the inside, ensuring enhanced functioning of the excretory system.
Collagen This natural protein is often taken in tablets to normalize metabolic processes in the skin and improve its nutrition. Of course, dietary supplements with collagen or hyaluronic acid are very expensive, but they are really effective: they remove acne, cleanse pores, and help get rid of the first wrinkles.
Mumiyo An excellent folk remedy for the treatment of subcutaneous acne and wen. This is a resin that can be applied to the face (the mask has a wide range of uses) and taken orally.


Name Note
Acnecutane and Roaccutane Systemic local antibiotics, the active substance of which is isotretinoin. This is a strong drug that is used to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To achieve results, systemic retinoids must be used for at least six months, and this is already harmful.
Ampicillin A semi-synthetic antibiotic is used if purulent acne appears on the forehead and cheeks as a result of exposure to E. coli or other pathogens of the intestines and stomach. In some cases, it is prescribed for the treatment of boils.
Acyclovir A strong medicine for herpes infections, also available in cream form. The instructions state that it can also be used as a drug for irritation of the mucous membrane or for acute colds of the skin.
Streptocide Available without a prescription, it is the cheapest and simplest method of treating epidermal irritation caused by gonococcus, streptococcus and other bacilli. Suitable for treating teenagers and nursing mothers with severe rashes and purulent pimples.
Flemoxin Solutab These are anti-inflammatory tablets with a penicillin base. It is used for infectious lesions of the soft tissues of the body and skin, helps to quickly get rid of rashes and ulcers.
Polysorb A well-known detoxification treatment. The powder is dissolved in water and drunk, which allows it to act within the first hour after use. It is used to treat viral hepatitis and its consequences on the skin, purulent septic diseases, and subcutaneous and catarrhal acne.
Lincomycin (Clindamycin) Cheap lincosamide. Fights a wide variety of diseases caused by rods and harmful microorganisms. It has proven itself as an effective treatment for erysipelas, mastitis, abscesses, and boils. Suitable for nursing mothers.
Doxycycline (similar to Metrogyl) Cheap and strong tablets against infections that appear on the skin and are transmitted by airborne droplets. They promote tissue regeneration and are prescribed for ulcers, boils, edema and even syphilis.
Trichopolum A strong antibiotic that fights sexually transmitted microorganisms and is also used to treat demodex. In addition to active antiseptic actions, it also normalizes the functioning of the excretory system. Strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
Nystatin It acts on acne caused by candidiasis. It can also fight other fungal diseases and normalize the protective function of the skin. The antibiotic belongs to the penicillin group, it has a minimal number of contraindications and possible side effects.
Lactofiltrum and Levomycetin These are not antibiotics, but drugs aimed at restoring normal intestinal microflora after using strong drugs. Dosage: tablet three times a day, drink for at least 3 days. If you have purulent acne after using antibiotics or other medications, then be sure to take a course of Levomycetin - it will cleanse the body.
Unidox Solutab Tetracycline prototype. It is used to treat almost all known bacterial pathogens of skin problems. It is easily absorbed and does not cause allergic reactions.
Tablets for acne and colds Metronidazole A well-known antimicrobial drug is sold in the form of solution, powder and tablets. It affects the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract, normalizing their functioning.
Methyluracil Accelerates regeneration processes in case of tissue damage, is used for chronic skin diseases and the treatment of acute infections. Combines well with other medications.

Video: what not to do for acne


Contraceptive pills for acne and pimples:

Name Peculiarities
Yasmin Effective, it helps not only to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also to improve hormonal levels and mental state. It affects the endocrine and nervous systems, normalizing their functioning. Yarina and Janine have a similar effect on the body.
Regulon, Rigevidon This medicine is not addictive, unlike the vast majority of birth control pills. After cancellation, no side effects occur. A minimal amount of hormonal substances has a gentle effect on the endocrine system, improving the condition of the skin and hair.
Diana-35 Combined estrogen oral contraceptive. It is used to improve the skin of women of all ages, helping to stabilize the production of hormones. Allows you to remove acne before menstruation.
Novinet These oral contraceptives are worth highlighting for the reason that they are used to initially get the body accustomed to the effects of this group of drugs. It contains luteal and follicular hormones, so even teenage girls can take the pills.
Jess, Chloe Oral contraceptive pills, which are often used to treat acne in teenagers. The main advantage of the drug is the low level of hormones: in one pill there is almost a microdose of them. Not addictive.
Claira Multiphase strong contraceptives. It should be noted that pharmacies sell plates with different amounts of hormones, so you can choose the right type for any girl. Used to prevent skin problems, obesity and reduce the risk of cancer.
  1. Just taking pills is not enough. It is necessary to apply ointment to problem areas (this can be Baziron cream, acetylsalicylic paste). This will help regulate the work of the sebaceous glands from the outside;
  2. If the acne or boil is purulent in nature, then it is imperative to take external measures to destroy it. This could be Traumeel C ointment or solution, a mixture of aspirin and paracetamol, etc. Reviews claim that salicylic acid and calendula tincture, which can be combined with tablets, will help quickly remove inflammation and acne;
  3. Eliminate all flour and sweets from your diet, because otherwise even tablets will be powerless;
  4. Exfoliate regularly and change your bed sheets to prevent your pores from becoming clogged with dead cells;
  5. Wash and wipe problem areas with herbal decoctions. Tansy, chamomile, thyme, mint, sage, and string will help.

Acne is a disease familiar to most people. Most often, it first appears in adolescence and goes away after it, but can persist throughout life. For treatment, various external methods are used - proper cleansing of the skin and care for it, drying and anti-inflammatory ointments and mash, solutions and creams with antibiotics and much more (Skinoren, Baziron AS, Zinerit, Tsindol, etc.). When acne cannot be cured with local remedies, acne pills come to the rescue.

Briefly about acne


Several factors are to blame for the occurrence of acne:

  1. disturbed hormonal balance;
  2. reduced protective functions of the skin;
  3. infections;
  4. hyperkeratosis (disruption of the normal process of skin exfoliation);
  5. excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

All of them lead to increased production of sebum, blockage of pores and the occurrence of an inflammatory infectious process inside them with the formation of pustules (pimples).

Some processes can be influenced using local means. Others require mandatory systemic therapy.

What tablets are used for acne

In order to influence the pathogenesis factors of acne, dermatologists use:

  1. hormonal drugs;
  2. antibiotics;
  3. retinoids;
  4. sorbents;
  5. probiotics;
  6. vitamins.

All of them should only be prescribed by a doctor due to the large number of side effects and contraindications. You can only take sorbents, probiotics and vitamins on your own.

Hormonal tablets against acne


The most common cause of acne is an increased level of androgens in the blood. In order to normalize this indicator, girls and women are prescribed hormonal therapy. The method of correcting hormone levels and the specific drug is chosen by the gynecologist. In some cases, an additional consultation with an endocrinologist may be necessary.

Most often, oral contraceptives are used to treat acne from hormonal drugs:

The course lasts 3-4 months after which the hormonal status is re-evaluated. In some cases, these acne medications may be prescribed for a long period of time – 1-2 years.

Hormonal products are very effective in treating acne, as they not only normalize hormone levels, but also help reduce the secretion of sebum, as a result of which the rashes decrease and the skin clears.

Antibacterial agents against acne

Since purulent formations on the skin, which include acne, are provoked by various infections, antibiotics for acne in adults are used very often. They are included in local acne treatments and prescribed in tablets.

Antibacterial treatment for acne is usually long-term – from 3 months to a year. But at the same time, the dosages are selected low, so no particular harm is caused to the body. This scheme is effective only for skin diseases.

Many patients are frightened by the need to take antibiotics for so long, since everyone knows about their harm. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between conventional treatment with these medications and acne therapy. To cope with a skin infection, you do not need massive antibiotic therapy for a week, as with other inflammatory processes caused by bacteria. On the contrary, you need small doses, but for a long time. Then the antibiotics will have the desired effect in the skin, but will not affect other organs and systems. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of such appointments.

Tetracycline antibiotics have proven to be most effective for acne. If there are contraindications to them or bacterial resistance is detected, then macrolides, nitrofurans, and sulfonamides are prescribed.

Tetracyclines for acne


Tetracyclines include:

  1. Minocycline;
  2. Doxycycline;
  3. and Tetracycline itself.

In the treatment of skin diseases, Doxycycline is most often used as part of the drug Unidox Solutab. Thanks to its convenient dosage, it is enough to take this acne medicine once a day, which is important for long-term therapy - patients often forget about taking pills multiple times.

Treatment at such a low dose almost never leads to side effects. In rare cases, allergies, swelling, and skin irritations may develop.

Macrolides in the treatment of acne

This group of drugs is also often prescribed for the treatment of acne. One of its representatives, erythromycin, appears in many products for external therapy. But it is also used internally for severe acne. Perhaps this is why in recent years many cases of resistance of skin flora bacteria to erythromycin have been reported. Therefore, other drugs from macrolides are used:

  1. Josamycin;
  2. Clarithromycin;
  3. Azithromycin, etc.

Josamycin (Vilprafen Solutab) is an antibiotic for acne, which is prescribed not only for acne, but also for deep infectious processes in the skin - boils, carbuncles, erysipelas.


Antibiotics of the nitrofuran series are most often prescribed when acne is accompanied by demodicosis (a disease caused by the demodex skin mite). They are equally effective against ticks and most skin infections.

The most widely used of this group is Metronidazole (Trichopol, Metrogyl). It is used both in the form of acne tablets and as part of local remedies.

Sulfonamides against acne

Sulfonamides were among the first to be used in medicine among all antibiotics. Therefore, their contraindications and side effects are best studied, and treatment with their help is safe and effective. But due to widespread use, resistance to them often arises.


However, sulfonamides have been used with good results for acne. Dermatologists prescribe:

  1. Streptocide;
  2. Sulfamethoxazole;
  3. Trimetaprim et al.

These anti-acne tablets should be taken during or immediately after meals, as otherwise they can provoke stomach discomfort (nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain). Additionally, it is recommended to drink more water.

Sulfonamides increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun, so you should use sunscreen during treatment.

Systemic retinoids

This group of drugs is the most effective for acne, but also the most dangerous in terms of side effects.

In Russia, the following systemic retinoids are used:

The pronounced result from their use is explained by the ability to reduce the secretion of sebum, and over time even lead to atrophy of the sebaceous glands. Due to this, blockage of the skin ducts is eliminated and rashes are reduced. Bacteria are deprived of their nutrient medium. Skin keratinization processes are normalized. All this leads to the disappearance of acne, the face is cleansed, looks fresh and well-groomed.

But despite their high effectiveness, these acne treatment tablets are used with caution and only when other measures are ineffective due to many adverse reactions.

To avoid relapses, Roaccutane and its analogues are prescribed for a long period. In parallel with skin treatment, side effects from other organs may develop - pain in muscles and joints, visual impairment, liver pathologies, headaches, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, etc. Severe dryness of the mucous membranes is almost always observed. Most patients complain of cheilitis (dry lips up to painful cracks). Therefore, these drugs should never be taken independently.

Pregnant women should absolutely not take retinoids, as they have a pronounced teratogenic effect (cause deformities in the fetus). To prevent this, double contraception is recommended for all girls and women during the treatment period.

Only a dermatologist should prescribe systemic retinoids after conducting all the necessary tests. Subsequently, tests are repeated throughout the treatment to monitor the condition of the internal organs. Dosages during therapy can also be adjusted to select the maximum safe dose while maintaining the therapeutic effect.

Sorbents in the treatment of acne


Drugs that bind toxins have also begun to be used in the treatment of acne in recent years. These include sorbents:

  1. Polysorb;
  2. Enterosgel;
  3. Polypephane;
  4. Activated carbon.

Their use leads to cleansing of the body and increasing its resistance to infections, which contributes to the disappearance of acne.

Most often, sorbents are prescribed together with probiotics. First, they take drugs from the first group for at least a month, then from the second. That is, they first help the body get rid of toxins and pathogens, then normalize healthy microflora. Together, these processes help improve immunity and local protection against infections.


Despite the fact that lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are found in the intestines, they actively help fight for the beauty and purity of the skin, as they provide immune protective properties. Therefore, in the treatment of acne, an additional course of probiotics is prescribed after a course of enterosorbents.

The list of popular drugs from this group includes:

  1. Bifiform;
  2. Acylact;
  3. Biphilis;
  4. Probifor;
  5. Bifidum bacterin, etc.

They must be taken for a long time - at least a month. And to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to continue treatment for up to three months.

Vitamin therapy in the treatment of acne


Vitamins and microelements have a significant impact on the appearance and condition of the skin. With acne, a deficiency of vitamins B, A, E and C is often detected. They should be taken when acne appears. You can buy tablets and capsules containing only one element. But it is more convenient to choose complex drugs. They not only contain all the substances necessary for the body, but are also selected in the optimal quantity and ratio.

In pharmacies you can find vitamin complexes specially created to maintain healthy skin or treat acne.

You also need to monitor the correctness and adequacy of your diet, since a person receives many vitamins and microelements from food. For acne, the diet should contain a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, lean meats, and vegetable oils (they contain a lot of healthy fatty acids).

Anti-acne tablets are used when local treatment is ineffective or as an addition to it to consolidate the result. The choice of a specific drug depends on the form of acne, the degree of its neglect and the individual characteristics of the patient. You should not experiment with self-medication, since most systemic remedies have many contraindications and serious side effects. It is better to immediately consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist and entrust the choice of therapy to a competent specialist.

Video about acne

Medical expert article

Anti-acne pills are a relevant topic, because it is so unpleasant when inflamed bumps of various sizes appear on the skin, especially on the face, which in some cases do not respond to any ointments or creams.

Dermatologists say: if topical products do not help with acne, you need to look for the cause and act on it from the inside.

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Antibacterial drugs for acne treatment

Antibiotics provide a positive therapeutic effect when bacteria begin to multiply rapidly in the clogged sebaceous ducts and inflammatory infiltrates form. The main thing is that the drugs act on these bacteria.

Tetracycline tablets for acne, active against a large number of bacteria, can be used for pustular and large conglobate rashes, as well as for folliculitis. The standard daily dosage of this drug for acne is 10-15 mg (in 2-3 doses); Tetracycline can also be used every other day for 21 days.

Acne tablets Doxycycline (Doxacin, Vibramycin, Novacycline, Unidox, etc.) belong to the tetracycline group and are used for various infectious and inflammatory pathologies, including purulent lesions of the skin and soft tissues in severe forms of acne. The daily dose of this drug prescribed by dermatologists is 0.5 g; The tablets should be taken once a day after meals with a glass of water.

Erythromycin anti-acne tablets (synonyms: Adimicin, Ilozon, Synerit, Eomitsin, Eriderm, etc.) are macrolides and are used in dermatological practice in the same extreme cases as all other antibiotics. For adults, the standard single dose of the drug is 0.25 g (with a maximum permissible daily dose of 2 g).

The use of Levomycetin tablets for acne can be explained by its wide range of antimicrobial effects (from pneumonia and dysentery to purulent otitis and peritonitis), but still it is not taken orally for skin infections, since dermatitis is among its side effects. Although chloramphenicol, mixed with an alcohol solution of salicylic and boric acid, is part of a popular suspension for lubricating acne.

Metronidazole tablets for acne and its synonym - Trichopolum tablets for acne - have the same active ingredient - a derivative of nitroimidazole (generics based on it - Metroseptol, Metrovit, Trikaside, Rozex, Flagyl). This is a remedy against protozoans (Trichomonas, Giardia) and anaerobic bacteria (Bacteroides spp., Fusobacterium spp.). Prescribed for the development of abscesses of the lungs, brain and abdominal organs, and for general sepsis. The instructions do not provide for oral administration of these drugs in the case of acne treatment, however, there are forms for external use - Metrogyl gel, Rozamet cream, etc.

Side effects of acne tablets with antibacterial properties are numerous and are expressed in dyspeptic symptoms, changes in the composition of obligate intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), a decrease in the number of red blood cells and platelets in the blood, liver dysfunction, various neuropathic and allergic reactions, as well as the development of superinfections. And an overdose can lead to irreversible liver dysfunction and hearing loss.

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What pills help with acne?

Before you start listing the names of acne tablets, it should be noted that, firstly, among organotropic drugs that affect the skin, you will not find such a category, and, rather, these will be drugs for the treatment of acne.

Secondly, non-inflamed comedones require exclusively external treatment and proper skin care. But with purulent acne, inflamed papular, pustular and large conglobate (very dense) pimples, with ostiofolliculitis or sycosis (caused by staphylococci), one cannot do without complex therapy using oral medications, which must be determined by a specialist in dermatological diseases after determining the etiology acne. And the main indications for the use of acne tablets are the appearance of acne due to hormonal imbalance in adults, intestinal problems, as well as the presence of foci of bacterial infection. So, products aimed at eliminating the causes of their appearance help against acne.

Regarding disturbances in the production of hormones in the body, it should be clarified that hormones (progesterone in women, testosterone in men) largely determine the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the volume of sebum synthesized by them. And a pimple pops up exactly in the place where excess lipid secretion of the sebaceous gland has accumulated and has not come to the surface as expected to perform its functions - increasing the acidity level of the skin and protecting it from microbes.

As for bacterial infections, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibakterium acnes are involved in the appearance of acne (acne vulgaris, acne conglobata, etc.).

It should be recalled that the use of acne pills during pregnancy is completely unacceptable.

Hormonal acne pills

Hormonal pills for acne on the face can only be used by women (and girls after menarche), and the so-called physiological (juvenile) acne cannot be treated with hormones under any circumstances.

With increased synthesis of the androgenic hormone testosterone by the ovaries and adrenal cortex, acne can appear in women of childbearing age, and due to estradiol deficiency, this problem occurs either with ovarian cysts or during menopause, when the production of this hormone gradually decreases. In addition, experts attribute pathologies of the adrenal glands, leading to increased synthesis of cortisol (hypercortisolism), to hormonal causes of acne.

Hormonal acne tablets Cyproterone (Androcur) have an antiandrogenic effect, that is, they reduce testosterone levels, which leads to a temporary (during the period of taking the drug) decrease in sebum production and the cessation of pathological hair growth in women (hirsutism). The drug is also intended for the treatment of malignant neoplasia of the prostate gland in men. Cyproterone has many side effects, in particular, dryness and flaking of the skin (xerosis), abdominal pain, nausea, swelling, impaired liver function, fatigue and increased absent-mindedness.

Hormonal tablets for acne on the back Drospirenone are used to improve the condition of women during menopause. Taking these tablets helps get rid of acne and oily seborrhea, but can lead to such undesirable consequences as thrombophlebitis and vascular thrombosis, increased blood pressure and heart rate, cholecystitis, swelling of soft tissues, blurred vision, pain and formations in the mammary glands, cramps , sleep disorders.

In addition, Drospirenone is part of oral hormonal contraception - in combination with estradiol (or a synthetic estrogen analogue ethinyl estradiol). But birth control pills for acne can only be prescribed if a woman, based on a biochemical blood test, is found to have excess testosterone. These products include Jess acne tablets, Angelique tablets, Diane-35, Yarina, Zhanin, Midiana, etc. The method of use and doses of such drugs are described in detail in the attached instructions, since they are taken according to a schedule depending on the woman’s monthly cycle.

Contraindications to the use of acne pills based on sex hormones include varicose veins, a tendency to form blood clots, diabetes mellitus, vascular pathologies of the brain, liver and kidney failure, gynecological neoplasms, etc.

Roaccutane for acne

Acne tablets Roaccutane (Isotretinoin, Acnekutan, Dermoretin, Sotret, Isotroin, Amnesteem, Claravis, Absorica) are systemic retinoids that affect tissue metabolism. According to dermatologists, these are the best acne pills available today and the latest advance in acne treatment, especially for severe cystic acne and pimples that do not respond to other medications.

The drug's active ingredient, 13-cis-retinoic acid, is a metabolite of retinol (vitamin A) and is thought to act by binding to the retinoid receptor (RXR). The pharmacodynamics of retinoids have not been fully elucidated, but the result of their influence is inhibition of the production of sebaceous glands of the skin secretion. In addition, gland ducts and follicles are not clogged with dead keratocytes, since retinoids block cell proliferation and desquamation, that is, they prevent the development of follicular retention hyperkeratosis. Thus, all factors in the formation of comedones and pimples are eliminated.

The daily dose of Roaccutane is determined at the rate of 0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, tablets are taken once a day (with food). Like tablets for acne on the back and other parts of the body, Roaccutane is recommended to be taken in a higher dosage. Usually the course lasts 8-10 months. In cases of hormonal etiology of acne (in women aged 20-30 years), a course of treatment with systemic retinoids can significantly improve the skin condition without the need for constant use of hormones.

Side effects of acne tablets Roaccutane: dermatitis, dry lips (cheilitis), xerosis, blepharitis, sicca keratoconjunctivitis, dry nose and nosebleeds, nasopharyngitis, pain in muscles and joints, anemia, thrombocytopenia, increased liver transminases, ulcerative colitis, increased levels cholesterol and blood glucose, osteoporosis (in adolescents there may be impaired growth of skeletal bones).

Roaccutane has a teratogenic effect, so women of childbearing age should use the most reliable means of contraception not only while taking these pills, but also for a month after completion of treatment. According to the FDA, from 1982 to 2003 in the United States, more than 2 thousand women became pregnant during treatment with this drug: most pregnancies ended in miscarriage, and about 160 children were born with birth defects.

Intestinal tablets for acne

Intestinal tablets for acne are intended, on the one hand, to normalize the intestinal microflora, and on the other, to absorb and remove all metabolic products and, first of all, excess cholesterol. And also to reduce the absorption of fats by binding and removing free bile acids from the body. In this way, enterosorbents (absorbing intestinal drugs) can help fight acne.

Most often, doctors recommend such absorbent stomach tablets for acne as Carbopect (activated carbon, pectin, microcrystalline cellulose), Lactrofiltrum (hydrolyzed lignin with lactulose) or Filtrum-STI (based on hydrolyzed lignin).

Directions for use and dosage: orally, 2-3 tablets (they can be crushed first) - three times a day, an hour and a half before meals, with 150-180 ml of water. Enterosorbents are not used for exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal atony. An overdose can cause constipation and abdominal pain.

Brewer's yeast for acne

By using Brewer's yeast tablets for acne, you reinforce your body with thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin and, very importantly, biotin (vitamin B7).

What does this do for the treatment of acne? Firstly, it helps strengthen the immune system. Secondly, brewing yeast vitamins are involved in the synthesis of the bactericidal protein enzyme lysozyme, which not only protects cells from damage and accelerates the healing process, but also creates conditions for normal lipid-carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Thirdly, biotin, a coenzyme of fatty acid metabolism, regulates the secretion of sebum, and leucine contained in yeast ensures the regeneration of skin cells. In addition, the bacteria of brewer's yeast Saccharomyces boulardii restore and normalize the intestinal biocenosis, and then the synthesis of endogenous biotin is resumed and, accordingly, fat metabolism is improved.

Dermatologists recommend taking brewer's yeast in tablets, two tablets three times a day (after meals), for children 5-12 years old - one tablet once a day.

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Zinc tablets for acne

Zinc is associated with the production of somatotropin (growth hormone), somatomedin (insulin-like growth factor) and the main male sex hormone testosterone. So, when the body lacks this microelement, the level of cortisol, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism, decreases, but, most importantly, the synthesis of testosterone decreases. And this not only negatively affects the male genital area (in terms of erection), but also leads to acne. For this reason, acne pills for men are drugs containing zinc compounds.

Zinkovital lozenges are recommended to be taken two tablets once a day (after meals). Zincite effervescent tablets must be dissolved in water and taken in the morning before breakfast - once a day, for at least 30-40 days.

Zincteral or Zinc Sulfate (in tablets of 1.24 g) is prescribed 1-2 tablets twice a day (an hour before meals); children 10-14 years old - one tablet per day. Duration of treatment is up to two months. Side effects of acne tablets with zinc include nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, a metallic taste in the mouth, sore throat, and increased body temperature.

Instead of the listed medications, dermatologists may recommend taking vitamins with zinc for men.

Acyclovir and Traumeel for acne

Those who believe that Acyclovir is an acne pill are mistaken. This antiviral drug is for Herpes simplex - the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2). And those “pimples with a yellowish liquid inside” on the lips or in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds are not pimples, but vesicles (vesicles) with serous liquid.

So Aclovir is useless for acne. But with herpes rashes there is no way to do without it, since this drug stops the replication of the DNA of the virus and thereby prevents the appearance of new vesicles on the skin - very contagious.

Acyclovir is taken for five days - 20 mg (one tablet) five times a day, preferably every 4-4.5 hours. Swallow the tax tablet whole and wash it down with water. This drug is also available under the trade names Gerpevir and Zovirax.

Traumeel is a homotoxic (homeopathic) drug of plant and mineral composition; in relation to soft tissue injuries of various etiologies, it exhibits anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and regenerating properties, relieves swelling and pain. Indications for use include dermatological diseases such as furunculosis, hidradenitis, eczema, and diaper rash. A furuncle is a purulent inflammatory focus in the hair follicle and sebaceous gland, so, most likely, Traumeel is also suitable for simple acne. The method of its use is sublingual (under the tongue), the dose is one tablet three times a day.

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Masks made from acne tablets

Among the remedies for acne there are masks made from acne tablets. To prepare them, aspirin tablets for acne are used in combination with cosmetic clay, natural honey, kefir and aloe juice.

It is enough to crush a couple of acetylsalicylic acid tablets and mix them with clay powder (1:1), and then dilute with boiled water to a paste, adding a few drops of chamomile, geranium or lavender essential oil. This anti-acne mask stays on the skin for 15 minutes.

Another composition: aspirin tablets crushed into powder are mixed with honey and aloe juice, and in the third option you need to prepare a homogeneous mixture of aspirin and kefir.

Mumiyo for acne in tablets can also be used for a healing mask. For example, one tablet of mumiyo should be diluted in lukewarm boiled water (two tablespoons), and then this liquid should be added to a mixture of ingredients such as steamed oatmeal or oatmeal, potato starch or grated fresh cucumber.

Masks made from acne tablets should be left on the face for no more than a quarter of an hour, and it is best to wash off with an infusion of chamomile at room temperature.

The same medications may have different effects on different people. That is, it helped some, but not others. Therefore, reviews of acne pills are very diverse. The only thing they have in common is their complete confidence that it is almost impossible to deal with acne...

But we must not forget the most important thing: you should look for the cause and act on it not only from the outside, but also from the inside, using acne pills recommended by your doctor.