Tape in cosmetology


Kinesio tape is a modern, breathable patch that is designed to quickly relieve pain, restore damaged areas of the body and prevent injury during intense physical activity. Kinesio tape has high elasticity, due to which it stretches well and does not cause discomfort during use. A special hypoallergenic acrylic glue is applied to the surface of the patch, which is quickly activated when the tape is lightly rubbed with your hand. For more information about what kinesio tape is and a video on how to use it, see here.

The elastic patch is resistant to water, so it adheres firmly to the surface of the skin even with frequent showers or daily swimming in the pool. It does not contain drugs, making it suitable for use by young children and people with sensitive skin. For the manufacture of modern kinesio tapes, materials such as natural cotton, rayon and nylon are usually used. Fabric patches are intended for one-time use. The elastic tape has a therapeutic effect for 24 hours. Regardless of what type of kinesio tape you use, it is recommended to wear them for three to five days.

By visiting the AthleticMed online store, you can easily select and buy high-quality kinesio tapes for the face or body of the BBTape brand in accordance with your wishes and requirements. The cost of elastic bands is affordable for the majority of the population and depends on the material from which they are made.

Taping can be used not only in medical centers and beauty salons, but also at home to treat acne, cellulite or varicose veins. It is worth noting that a decrease in skin sagging and an improvement in complexion is observed after just a few procedures, regardless of what material the kinesio tape was used from.

To obtain quick results, it is recommended to simultaneously use magnetic therapy, special lymphatic drainage massage or various wraps while taping the body or face. Wearing tapes on the face helps reduce swelling under the eyes and effectively correct the oval line of the face. In addition, with the help of aesthetic facial taping, after just a few procedures you can significantly smooth out wrinkles and reduce the size of the double chin.

Before performing self-kinesio taping at home, it is recommended to watch videos or read special books about the rules for applying elastic bands to the skin. Thanks to this, the effect of using fabric patches will increase significantly.

Types of kinesio tapes for smoothing wrinkles on the facial area

Aesthetic taping of the neck, décolleté and face is a painless and safe analogue of not only Botox injections, but also plastic surgery. The use of modern elastic kinesio tapes can significantly improve the condition of facial skin without surgical intervention.

Cosmetic taping with various high-quality tapes from the South Korean brand BBTape, presented in the AthleticMed online store, is an effective way to smooth out uneven areas around the eyes and forehead. Cotton or silk kinesioplasters are usually used for this procedure. You should wear them on your face for at least three hours.

The most popular cotton products for facial taping among our clients are 2.5 and 5 cm wide beige and blue kinesio tapes from the world famous BBTape brand. Products made from natural material are easy to apply to the skin, allow air to pass through well, and increase blood circulation and lymph movement. Thanks to this, the oval of the face is improved, crow's feet are smoothed out and nasolabial folds are reduced.

In the AthleticMed online store you can easily buy special pre-cut kinesio tapes PRE-CUT and EDEMA STRIP from the BBTape brand. Elastic kinesio tapes of this type have different widths and are optimal for performing lymphatic drainage techniques and applications on the face, neck or décolleté. Pre-cut kinesioplasters provide effective skin tightening in a short period of time.

When taping the neck, décolleté or face with artificial silk kinesio tapes, wrinkles are smoothed out much faster. Products made from viscose are very thin, have a soft surface and fit tightly to the skin. Most often, clients of our AthleticMed online store buy purple BBTape Ice silk kinesio tapes, the width of which is 5 cm. The use of this elastic kinesio tape when taping various areas of the face ensures a reduction in swelling, lifting the corners of the eyelids, as well as smoothing out facial wrinkles and folds on the forehead.

Rules for facial taping

It is recommended to clean and degrease the skin before applying tapes, regardless of what types of products you use for cosmetic taping. Before applying fabric kinesio tape to the surface of the face, apply a light moisturizer. It is worth noting that during aesthetic taping, kinesio tapes must be glued taking into account the location of the muscles and the nearest lymph nodes. In addition, you should pay attention to existing age-related facial changes.

A fabric kinesioplaster with rounded ends should be glued to the skin without tension in the direction of the massage lines. To activate the adhesive base and firmly fix the kinesioplaster, you need to lightly rub it with light hand movements. If you want to get the maximum effect, the elastic product must be worn for at least eight hours. After completing the cosmetic facial procedure, it is necessary to loosen the adhesive base using a special spray or liquid for removing kinesio tapes. It is recommended to remove the product without sudden movements in the direction of the nearest lymph nodes. After removing the kinesioplaster, apply a moisturizer to the skin of your face or neck.

A course of aesthetic kinesio taping usually includes about 8–10 procedures. The duration of each session ranges from three to eight hours.

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One of the methods of non-surgical facial skin transformation is taping. In this article we will talk about the features of the method of aesthetic facial taping at home.

Taping in cosmetology

Initially, taping was used in sports medicine, in rehabilitation after various injuries. Gradually, this taping technique appeared in cosmetology.

Taping in cosmetology is a budget procedure with the effect of lifting, tightening and rejuvenation. The aesthetic kinesio taping technique helps to relax the muscles in the neck and face, improving lymph flow and blood flow.

The principle of the procedure is to apply special fabric tapes to the facial muscles, which fix the skin and muscles in a certain position.

The effect of kinesio taping on the face

The effect of facial taping becomes noticeable after just a few procedures. Regular use of the technique is the key to successfully resolving the existing problem.

Aesthetic taping has the following positive effects:

  1. Lifting, facelift;
  2. Getting rid of stretching and sagging of the skin;
  3. Getting rid of shallow and medium wrinkles;
  4. Elimination of skin sagging;
  5. Alignment of the oval of the face;
  6. Double chin removal;
  7. Improving blood circulation, lymph flow, metabolic processes in the skin, muscle tissues of the face and neck;
  8. Strengthen the process of skin regeneration and rejuvenation;
  9. Tapes help get rid of swelling of the face, eyes in particular.

As you can see, there are a lot of aesthetic benefits for the health and beauty of the face.

Contraindications to facial taping

Any rejuvenation and transformation procedure has its own indications and contraindications.

Important contraindications for aesthetic taping of the face and neck:

  1. Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, warts, acne purulent rashes);
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs (runny nose, sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils);
  3. Allergic reactions to temps (individual intolerance to components);
  4. Injuries, cuts on the skin;
  5. For problems and paralysis with the facial nerves;
  6. During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, with acute viral infections.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of contraindications. You should definitely pay attention to them.

What tapes to use for the face

To carry out the procedure, you will need special tapes. They are made from natural materials (cotton fabric, coated on one side with special medical glue.

You can buy facial tapes at pharmacies and beauty stores.

After gluing the tape patches to your face, you may feel a slight itch, but this does not mean that an allergic reaction has occurred. They should not be removed immediately.

The advantage of elastic tape patches is that they are very similar to the physical properties of human skin, fixing it in the correct position, slightly lifting it, accelerating intercellular processes.

Schemes and rules for aesthetic taping of the face and neck

Important to remember! Tapes should not be applied to the area under the eyes, to the upper and lower eyelids, or to the neck. The skin in these places is very delicate and can stretch, adding wrinkles.

Fig. 1 - Areas where it is prohibited to attach patches are indicated in pink.

Features of the facial taping procedure according to schemes, depending on the problem area:

Taping to get rid of nasolabial folds and raise cheekbones

A five-centimeter tape is glued to the zygomatic minor and major muscles.

Taping begins from the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, the lips are retracted to the side opposite to the side of taping.

Next, the entire tape is glued over the zygomatic muscles without tension.

For an example of taping to lift cheekbones and nasolabial folds, see the video:

In addition to the zygomatic muscles from the nasolabial folds, it is also necessary to tap the lateral nasal muscle, which is involved in the formation of nasolabial folds.

In this case, the tape is applied along the edges of the nose, starting from its middle without tension. See the video for an example of overlay.

Kinesio taping for wrinkles around the eyes

The orbicularis oculi muscle is taped from the outside. To do this, measure the required length of a two-centimeter tape from the eyebrow to the convex part of the cheekbone under the eye.

The middle of the tape is removed from the paper and glued to the corner of the eye.

Next, the upper and lower parts are glued without tension.

Eyes are taped for 3-8 hours during the day or before bedtime.

It is forbidden to sleep with such tape, as the creases may worsen.

Taping for horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

The length of the five-centimeter tape is measured according to the height of the forehead.

The paper is removed from the edge and the anchor is glued directly above the bridge of the nose.

Using the palm of your hand, stretch the skin of the forehead near the hair and apply the rest of the tape without tension.

Taping for eyebrow wrinkles

The technique in this area is based on taping the muscles that are spasmed during the formation of the interbrow region: the frontalis and the corrugator muscles.

The first tape, as long as the height of the forehead, with a forked end, is applied without tension along the frontal muscle from the area between the eyebrows to the hair. The second and third are applied to the frontalis muscle above the eyebrow (see the video below for the application diagram).

In addition to the frontalis muscle, it is recommended that tapes be applied to the corrugator muscles, starting from the inside of the eyebrow. When applied, the eyebrow is pulled towards its outer edge towards the temple. The tape is applied without tension.

For patterns of taping the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow, see the video from 3:11 minutes.

Taping from jowls, for tightening the oval of the face

Kinesio tape is applied to the line of the jaw arch starting from the mental muscle without tension. An example of an overlay in the video below.

Taping for wrinkles around the mouth

Tapes are applied to the orbicularis oris muscle. The patch is carefully glued above the upper lip in the shape of a mustache. The tension of the tape should be along its long side. Example of video overlay.

Facial taping schemes for rejuvenation

There are many options for facial taping. For example, here is a diagram of one of the methods of facial taping to eliminate wrinkles.

Fig. 2 - Variant of the scheme for applying tapes to the face.

Facial lymphatic drainage taping schemes

The appearance of facial puffiness with age is a sign of lymph stagnation in the neck and head. Lymphotic kinesio taping helps normalize the flow of lymph on the face and neck, thereby eliminating swelling.

The author of the following video talks in detail about cosmetological kinesiotaping and provides his own scheme for facial taping for the purpose of rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles and lymphatic drainage.

Important Tips and Recommendations

You can leave the taping overnight. In some cases, types are not removed for several days. This method is used in the case of deep age wrinkles and severely sagging skin. Before application, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the facial skin of cosmetics and various contaminants.

When removing the patch, it is best to moisten it with water so that it does not hurt.

It is important to remove tapes along the massage lines. After removal, you need to wash your face and lubricate your skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

A facial taping session should last at least half an hour, and preferably longer.

If the wrinkles are deep, it is recommended to use this technique for several months (47-50 procedures).

The visible effect of the classes appears after completing a course of sessions, since the technique has a cumulative effect.

It is best to start doing taping procedures from the age of 25-30, as a way to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles.

To correctly perform the taping technique, you must have basic knowledge of the location of the facial muscles.

Results before and after facial taping

I conducted an experiment on daily taping of the eyebrow wrinkle at night for 40 days. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that applying the tape has a very good effect on relaxing the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow. Immediately after removing the tape, the wrinkle looks significantly smaller. However, during the day I also continue to wrinkle my eyebrows and by the evening the depth of the wrinkle returns to what it was originally. I think that in addition to applying tapes to one area, you need to apply them to all areas of the face in order to have a comprehensive effect on the problem of aging. And in addition to taping, one should not forget to use other natural rejuvenation techniques.

Photos before and after lymphatic drainage taping from the double chin:

To prevent the negative manifestations of age, it is recommended to use a variety of natural rejuvenation techniques: facial gymnastics, facial massages, aesthetic taping, biomechanical stimulation, regularly cleanse the body, eat right, take dietary supplements and, of course, enjoy life more. In this case, your image in the mirror will delight you for a very long time.

Next, we suggest reading an article about dyeing with henna at home.

As a cosmetologist, I have a negative attitude towards facial taping. Tapes are adhesive strips, tapes on which special glue is applied. Essentially a band-aid.

Initially, tapes began to be used in professional sports for the recovery of athletes after injuries.

Facial taping in cosmetology and sports

Tapes really help relieve tension in certain muscles and speed up recovery from injuries, which is why in some cases they are successfully used by sports doctors.

But cosmetology cannot calmly ignore something that can somehow be adapted to the cause of preserving youth and beauty. And recently they have begun to actively advertise kinesio tapes for the face.

Tapes are distributed on the face according to special patterns in order to relax certain muscles, such as the forehead muscles, and reduce the severity of wrinkles. Or prevent their appearance and fixation.

The effectiveness of tapes for facial rejuvenation

In certain cases this can be effective.

When used correctly with tapes, some muscles can be relaxed and the corresponding goal can be achieved - smoothing out wrinkles or relieving swelling caused by muscle spasm.

But sometimes advertising promises look childishly naive. When they say that with the help of tapes you can:

  1. tighten the oval,
  2. eliminate jowls,
  3. remove nasolabial folds,
  4. eliminate double chin.

With the help of competent thread lifting, it is really possible to tighten the tissues, because there is fixation there. Yes, there is a risk of complications, but that is another question.

In the case of tapes, they sometimes promise to tighten tissue simply by gluing the tapes to your face and leaving them for several hours.

Well, really, it’s naive to believe in this. When you put on a bra and lift your breasts for a while, you know that when you take off your underwear, your breasts will not remain raised.

Why should any other principles apply to tapes?

For example, the cause of nasolabial folds may be lost volume in the cheekbones or drooping fat bags. And of course, tapes are not able to restore the lost volume or return fat packets to their original place.

By the way, during photo shoots, models are also sometimes given a patch to lift their breasts. And it is clear that the lifting effect lasts exactly until the patch is removed.

This is what facial taping looks like 😳

Tapes disrupt skin barrier properties

Whatever women indulge in, as long as there is no harm. But in this case there is harm.

It is recommended to use tapes regularly - apply them for several hours or even leave them overnight. What is not good in itself is that it is not good that there is a patch on the skin all the time. This adversely affects the microbiome and overall skin health.

But besides this, when a person removes the adhesive tape, he injures the epidermis, which leads to a violation of the barrier properties of the skin.

As a result, the skin intensively loses moisture, becomes more sensitive, more permeable to smog particles and those components of cosmetics that should not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The skin also becomes more vulnerable to ultraviolet rays.

So when you ask: how do I feel about tapes? I hear: how do you refer to the violation of the barrier properties of the skin?

Of course I will answer - negatively.

Skin restoration and a safe alternative to tapes

The first thing a cosmetologist should do when he sees a violation of the skin’s barrier properties is to restore the barrier. Therefore, it is quite natural that I cannot approve of means that would violate it.

Moreover, you can destroy the barrier quickly and easily - you don’t need to break it, you don’t need to build it, you don’t need a lot of intelligence here. And to restore the barrier properties of the skin, it will take both knowledge and time.

With a number of professional cosmetic procedures and even when using some home care products, we sometimes deliberately violate the skin barrier. For example, when using acids and retinol.

But with the right approach, such funds are used temporarily - in a course. And after the course, experienced cosmetologists always prescribe care that helps restore the skin after using aggressive products and procedures.

And most importantly, we resort to such aggressive methods when there is no way to solve the problem in other, more harmless ways.

In the case of tapes, the game is not worth the candle. You can achieve muscle relaxation using the same manual or hardware massage or self-massage of the face.

Moreover, without side effects in the form of disruption of the skin barrier.

What else is useful to read?

Olga Fem

For more than 10 years, I have been helping my clients prolong the youth of their skin and give it a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Now, with the help of my books “Self-instruction manual for skin care #1”, “55 mistakes in facial care” and self-massage of the face “Renaissance”, almost everyone can improve their skin condition!