Facial tapes for wrinkles reviews

About the so-called innovative method with a rejuvenating effect - face and neck lifting using special patches.

The passing of years and gravity over time make adjustments to female beauty. So I, having met my reflection in the mirror in the morning, realized that something had to be done about it... Modern cosmetology offers many ways to “restore youth” - from radical to low-traumatic.

Before leaving my precious face in the hands of professionals, I decided to study the method that attracted me - facial taping. And since I am a meticulous girl, you can believe me - I checked a lot of information before I made my conclusion about this procedure, which I want to share.

Facial taping – what is it?

Cosmetologists advertise this method as an instant rejuvenation of the face and neck on the eve of any significant event, or a lasting effect with constant use.

The method involves sticking fabric patches onto areas of the face with tension, which smooths out the skin.

On most beauty salon websites they advertise it like this:

  1. innovative, popular, developed using the latest technologies.

I think that after almost 100 years this technology has already become obsolete. TV was invented at the same time, but now we use plasma panels...

How it works?

Of course, I trust beauty industry specialists, but I’m used to checking the facts. And immediately a doubt arose in me - how can you remove wrinkles by stretching the skin?

Any woman is familiar with the concept of “stretch marks” - after pregnancy or sudden weight loss. But for deep wrinkles on the face, it is recommended to apply the patch at night...

And any wrinkle is “laid” not in the surface layer of the skin, but deep inside, in the facial muscle, which no patch can reach.

Facial taping at home

This actually sounds masterpiece! We do not treat a bad heart or a broken leg on our own, but go to the doctor. How much do you have to dislike yourself in order to consciously stretch the skin on your own delicate face, guided by massage line diagrams from the Internet!

If you are not a specialized physician or cosmetologist, then you do not know:

  1. structure of the skull; mechanism of movement of facial muscles; structure of the epidermis.

I just want to look into the eyes of a specialist who offers the taping method to “quickly and effectively get rid of wrinkles”...

And in general, at home you can only afford a mask made from strawberries or cucumbers: it is both healthy and tasty.

Types of facial tapes

Tape is a plaster. It sounds beautiful and mysterious, drawing attention to the procedure. In fact, this is an ordinary cotton strip impregnated with an adhesive composition.

In general, it is very similar to the plaster that we stick on our heels when we rub a callus. True, the price is several times different, depending on the manufacturer...

It is believed that the tape must be carefully selected to avoid allergic reactions. I don’t argue that the composition of the impregnation varies from brand to brand, but the key word is still “adhesive composition,” and glue is glue in Africa, and it cannot bring any benefit to the skin.

Results of aesthetic facial taping

Of course, advertising is the engine of trade, but you can’t deceive lovely ladies 35+ who want to quickly and painlessly improve their appearance!

The producers of this “miracle remedy” need to sell it, and for this they need us to buy it. So recommendations from cosmetologists, positive reviews and “before” and “after” photographs appear on the Internet, although now children in the middle group of kindergarten already know what Photoshop is.

What they promise and what they actually do

  1. Myth: fresh look, double chin reduction. Reality: only while the patch is stuck on the face.
  1. Myth: relatively cheap compared to salon procedures. Reality: not that cheap...
  1. Myth: no side effects. Reality: allergic reactions, dry skin, clogging of skin pores with an adhesive base, the appearance of acne and comedones.
  1. Myth: lasting anti-aging effect after a course of 10 procedures (for small defects). Reality: in 10 skin stretching procedures, small defects will most likely turn into global ones.
  1. Myth: getting rid of deep wrinkles in a course of 30-40 procedures. Reality: after 30 procedures, it’s better not to look in the mirror.

In general, dear ladies, I am not rich enough to buy cheap things. I consider facial taping to be an absolutely useless, and sometimes even harmful, procedure that can ruin any woman’s face. I hope that my “research” saved someone from such “cosmetic” intervention!


I use it at night, before doing facial gymnastics and self-massage. I use it because I can’t get over sleeping on my side, over the years this has led to a shift of subcutaneous fat to the center of the face and nasolabial fat packets have appeared, which began to float down, spoiling the appearance very much. Tapes do a good job of redistributing tension. But it’s better, of course, to learn to sleep on your back)

Tapes work - Fact! Allergies can be caused, this is all individual, if it is to cats, this does not mean that cats are bad)) Systematics are needed in everything. This is how a person is designed, he accumulates problems for decades and then wants to fix everything without making any effort at once!

The techniques work, but they are not for the lazy. If you are waiting for the effect of one procedure, then contact a plastic surgeon. The point of using taping is to correct the oval of the face, fixing the jowls and drooping chin where they should be. At the same time, nothing is stretched there, at least 30 ducks for sure. I am an active user of this procedure, although I do not buy expensive tapes, but use a sticky cotton bandage (roll - 150 rubles). The effect is the same. Over time (in my case, after about 2 months), the oval tightens significantly. I use the fixation at night. Sometimes I use a facial brace.

Absolutely everything was written correctly! Before you do anything with your face, you need to read and study the structure of the facial muscles! Neither stapes nor Facebook building work!

I don’t know about tapes, but face building definitely works.

Maybe you're just lazy? Well, go to the surgeon, let them tighten it up and cut it off, febtling works 100% and Asahi massage works if done regularly.


Facial taping is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the skin and eliminates wrinkles. It is carried out using kinesio tapes - elastic cotton tapes with hypoallergenic glue, which have the following effects on the body:

  1. removal of foreign liquid;
  2. increased lymph flow and blood flow;
  3. muscle relaxation;
  4. skin tightening.

Aesthetic taping has been around for over 40 years. Initially, it was used to restore athletes. Cotton tapes accelerated rehabilitation by relaxing facial muscles and improving metabolism. Later, kinesio taping became of interest to cosmetologists.

Aesthetic medicine experts have discovered that applying tape eliminates muscle hypertonicity, the main source of wrinkle formation.

Gradually, cotton patches became an alternative to surgical procedures. In 1995, this rejuvenation procedure was included in the official list of rehabilitation and medical care tools in the United States. It began to be used in sports, cosmetology, and medicine.

Positive changes after the procedure

Aesthetic taping brings the following results:

  1. normalization of the condition of facial muscles;
  2. disappearance of fine wrinkles;
  3. reduction of the double chin and nasolabial folds;
  4. tightening the corners of the eyelids;
  5. smoothing wrinkles around the lips;
  6. elimination of bags and swelling under the eyes;
  7. elimination of facial wrinkles.

The taping technique relieves pain in areas of bruises, hematomas and swelling. It eliminates wrinkles on the neck, smoothes crow's feet, lifts the upper eyelid and tightens the oval of the face.

How is taping carried out?

Cotton tapes of different lengths and widths are glued to the skin to tighten the face. Like a botulinum toxin injection, the patches relieve tension in the facial muscles and reduce the mobility of tissues that provoke the formation of nasolabial and glabellar folds. This allows you to avoid the appearance of age-related defects, reduce their severity, and create the effect of tightening and lifting the skin.

Facial taping prevents lymph stagnation, improves blood circulation, returns the skin a healthy color and softens its surface. This rejuvenation technique accelerates the regeneration of the dermis and helps remove harmful substances from the skin layers.

Recommended kinesio tapes for the face against wrinkles:
















Taping vs classical cosmetology

The taping procedure is valued for the following advantages:

  1. zero risk — unlike surgical operations and Botox injections, cotton tape is not capable of irreversibly ruining your appearance. There is not a single “victim” of this method recorded in the world;
  2. comfort and safety — the patch is applied for several hours in a beauty salon or at home. It does not leave negative consequences such as swelling or redness of the skin, but it saves from wrinkles;
  3. quick effect — even one session of aesthetic taping of the neck and face brings noticeable results. Regular use of cotton patches radically transforms your appearance;
  4. naturalness — cotton ribbons improve facial features in a natural way.

Anti-wrinkle patches for face and neck cost 4-5 times lessthan professional face creams. One hundred taping sessions are cheaper than one surgical operation.

Indications for “pasting” the face

Cotton anti-wrinkle tapes for the face and neck are used in the following cases:

  1. predisposition to hypertonicity of the facial muscles - the patches prevent the occurrence of premature age-related defects;
  2. intolerance to skin creams - the taping technique perfectly replaces these cosmetic products;
  3. fear of surgery or the inability to perform it. Cotton tapes do not cause pain, have a small number of contraindications and are applied with minimal preparation of the face.

Also plasters for face and neck against wrinkles in demand among people who want to remove wrinkles and prevent deterioration in the appearance of their skin.

Limitations of the taping procedure

Requirements for patches


Taping is carried out with tapes that meet the following requirements:

  1. long-term retention of shape and protection against stretching;
  2. the base is made of first-class cotton, which does not cause skin irritation or other negative reactions;
  3. the presence of an adhesive substance with hypoallergenic properties.

Give preference to a reliable and proven brand with good reviews and international certificates. A striking example of such products is BBTape kinesio tapes.

How is taping carried out?

The wrinkle removal procedure is performed in 3 stages:


  1. Thoroughly clean the face with soap and other hygiene products. Degreasing and drying the skin;
  2. applying tapes in accordance with the selected rejuvenation scheme;
  3. Carefully remove the cotton tapes 1-8 hours after they are attached.

It is recommended to undergo the first tape lifting from a qualified specialist. He will select the optimal pattern for your face, show you how to glue tapes, and give professional advice and recommendations. For home aesthetic taping, it is recommended to use a muscle atlas.

Taping schemes

Between the ages of 30 and 40, patches are applied to the cheeks and mouth. This arrangement of tapes tightens sagging areas of the face, smoothes nasolabial folds, and slows down skin aging.

At the age of 40, tapes should be added to the area above the eyebrows, to the area between the tips of the lips and nose, and to the chin. Such facial taping schemes will help remove wrinkles (“crow’s feet”) and improve the condition of the neck.

At the age of 50, taping covers the entire face, including the forehead and lips.

Getting rid of wrinkles “with your own hands”

Self-taping for age-related defects is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. sticking special strips on the forehead to eliminate horizontal wrinkles;
  2. fixing tapes in the jaw area to tighten sagging ovals;
  3. fixing narrow patches in the area between the outer corners of the eyes and eyebrow arches to smooth out crow's feet;
  4. placement of tapes perpendicular to the nasolabial folds to eliminate this defect.

Tips for taping

To increase the effectiveness of aesthetic taping, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. glue the fixing ends of the tapes without tension to avoid stretching the skin;
  2. remove hair in the taping areas in advance to ensure strong adhesion of the patch;
  3. avoid folds on the tape - a rash may form in the places where they appear;
  4. remove the tape if it causes itching for more than 20 minutes. “Prolonged scabies” may indicate an allergy to glue or cotton. It also appears when the quality of the patch is poor.

5 additional tips

To achieve maximum results, follow these recommendations:

  1. do not strain your facial muscles while wearing the tape;
  2. moisturize the skin after completing the procedure;
  3. take a 3-day break between taping sessions so that the skin can rest;
  4. contact specialists if you are not confident in your abilities;
  5. wear the patch for at least 30 minutes. If you have deep wrinkles, you can leave it on all night.

Summing up

Facial taping is a beneficial, painless and inexpensive procedure that provides the following results:

  1. smoothing or eliminating age-related defects;
  2. improvement of well-being and metabolism in the facial area;
  3. removal of harmful substances from the dermis;
  4. getting rid of rashes and other skin problems.

Facial taping is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the skin and eliminates wrinkles. It is carried out using kinesio tapes - elastic cotton tapes with hypoallergenic glue that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Customer Reviews

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Perhaps some people don’t know what tapes are. Full name Kinesio tape. These are special patches that are used on the body and face. On the body for various injuries in athletes and not only. And on the face to tighten the oval to remove wrinkles in different areas of the face. Nasolabial lips, crow's feet, eyebrows, wrinkles on the forehead - everything can be corrected. Taping also helps well against swelling.

I’ve been meaning to try it for a long time, watched the video, read it, and now I’m ready)))

I bought these tapes for 160 rubles. The tape is 5 cm wide and 1 meter long. There are more profitable and larger packages, but I decided to start small, in case I don’t like it or don’t like it. I bought it online. I’ll leave a link at the end of the article why I buy everything online.

How is kinesio tape different from a regular patch? They are made of cotton. They breathe. If used on the body, you can leave it on for a week and wash with it. The tape will not fall off or stretch.

Of course, you can’t wear tape on your face for a week. I glue it on in the evening and remove it the next day in the morning or afternoon, depending on how much time I have. Despite the fact that I am an allergy sufferer with a great deal of experience, I do not experience any allergies from the tapes, which is what I was afraid of.

Tapes come in different widths and colors. The first one I bought was beige, and the second one was blue. I've run out of beige, so I'll scare my household with blue stripes on my face, like in the movie Avatar :).

I decided to do a course of taping. 10 sessions every 2 days. So far I have applied tapes to my face 3 times. I liked the result and was clear after the first time.

I apply kinesio tapes to the eyebrow area, forehead and cheekbones, as I want to tighten the nasolabial area. It looks like this:

I sleep peacefully with tapes on my face. They do not interfere and there are no creases or stretched skin.

What is the effect of tapes?

Already after the first time, I discovered that the muscles on the forehead had relaxed well and stopped curling, forming folds between the eyebrows. The feeling on the forehead is also better. The nasolabial lips tightened slightly. Of course, not wow, but noticeable. I hope that after the full course the effect will be even better.

How to apply tapes to the face.

For the eyebrow area, I cut a piece of tape 2 cm wide. I do not cut it lengthwise all the way, leaving a couple of cm. I measure the length so as not to go into the hair.

I glue from bottom to top, slightly spreading the cut ends, as in the photo. And also above the eyebrows. The point is that the muscles are fixed and do not allow wrinkles. In addition, micromassage occurs.

On the cheeks I measure the required length, width 2-3 cm, and also cut lengthwise. I start gluing from the middle of the face to the edges. I start by lightly covering the wrinkle area. You can see it in the photo. I’ll post a video at the end so you can clearly see how to glue them.

How I remove tapes from my face.

The first time I shot it simply, dry. Unpleasant, of course, but tolerable. The main thing is to do everything carefully so as not to stretch the skin. You need to peel it off from the bottom up, with short smooth movements, holding the skin with your finger.

The second and third time I tried to soak the tapes with oil. But I didn’t see much of a difference. Next time I’ll try soaking it in water and then soaking it in oil and tell you if that makes sense.

Small traces of glue may remain on the skin, which can be easily removed with oil. I have been washing my face with hydrophilic oil for a long time, which I already wrote about, so I don’t see any problem in this. You can read about hydrophilic oil, how to make it yourself, why it is used and how to wash your face using the link at the end of the article.

When I finish the course, I will definitely share the results and impressions, so check out my channel!