Thermal water for hair

Cosmetic water for face. What is it called?

In a world of advanced technology, the cosmetics industry does not stand still. For our beloved women, many facial skin care products have already been invented and released. Nowadays, cosmetic waters for the face that have a natural character are very popular. These can be hyaluronic water, micellar water, and thermal water. Last time we looked at what a “micellar” is. Now let's talk about thermal water.

Thermal water began to gain great popularity among cosmetologists and models. They talk about it on the Internet, write in newspapers, and you can even hear from a close friend. But why is this water useful, and do we need it?

Let's look at the definition of thermal water, find out its benefits or harm, and how it should be used correctly.

What is thermal water

High in the mountains, where hot mineral springs lie, such water is extracted. The high temperature ensures the uniqueness and purity of the component of such water. Due to its origin, it was given the name “Thermal Spring Wooters”, or “thermal water”.

The composition of the “thermal water” practically resembles mineral water. Although it may differ from its other counterparts in the presence of minerals that may be present in the source, in cosmetics its acid-base balance is neutral and does not affect the skin in any way.

For more convenient use, thermal water is sold in the form of sprays with a fine atomizer. It can be found both in pharmacies and simply in cosmetic stores. The most popular drugs are French brands.

What is thermal water for the face?

The special composition of such water has a wide range of excellent properties, such as calming and removing irritants, stopping itching and nourishing the skin.

* Skin hydration occurs due to the high content of minerals in the composition. When applying such water to the face, a protective film is formed that prevents moisture from evaporating, causing the skin to become more dry when exposed to external factors.

* The thermal bath also serves as a wonderful inhibitor of the oxidative process. The skin receives a kind of protection and does not risk “earning” radiation from UF rays.

* In addition to the fact that thermal water helps the skin “protect itself” from harmful environmental factors, it can also serve as a kind of regenerator.

Skin types and how Thermal Spring Waters affects them.

Thermal water for oily skin

For people who have problems with their skin being too oily or having problems only in certain areas, thermal water will help solve them. The special properties and composition, equipped with minerals, will help relieve irritation, and the high salt composition will dry the skin a little, eliminating excess fat. The redness will go away and the skin will heal faster.

For dry skin

Those with dry and sensitive skin are strongly recommended to always carry this water with them. Although such water can help against dryness and soothe the skin, it is best to choose the one that contains the least amount of salt, so as not to achieve the opposite effect and dry out the skin.

For normal skin.

For people who are lucky enough to have normal skin, thermal water will not have much effect. However, don't be upset if you really want to try it. It can serve as an excellent freshener in hot weather, and as an excellent “protector” of the skin from the external influences of the sun.

Thermal water for hair.

If such water perfectly helps us protect the skin of the face and perfectly moisturize it, then how will it work if it is applied to the hair.

Of course, the thermal bath is just as useful and irreplaceable for the hair and scalp. It helps both get rid of external problems such as dandruff and hair loss, and simply moisturize the hair itself, nourishing and protecting it.

It has been proven that after the first use of such water on the scalp at the roots, the dryness gradually disappears and dandruff no longer bothers us. Hair follicles are visibly strengthened and hair loss no longer occurs

becomes our problem, hair grows more noticeably, delighting us with its thickness.

If for some reason your hair has begun to lose its natural shine, then thermal water will be an excellent solution. Simply apply it to clean, damp hair, and within a month you will notice the difference.

Plus, you no longer have to ruin your hair with dubious styling products. Thermal water can be used as a “light” hairspray if your hairstyle is quite simple or you decide to leave your hair down. But it should be noted that this method of application can only be used on clean hair.

Do not overdo it.

Why can the skin dry out after using a thermal bath?

What is better: tonic or thermal water?

As we have already found out, our water is only available as sprays. They can be provided to us in two forms.

1. Pure type of thermal water without impurities.

2. Tonics that contain natural extracts of essential oils.

Just like regular water, thermal water can deprive our skin of moisture when it dries. Therefore, when you apply thermal water to your facial skin, you need to blot it a little so that excess salts are collected. If you don’t do this procedure, then thermal water, instead of moisturizing your skin, will do exactly the opposite. A sort of “thermal” paradox.

In this case, the best way to moisturize is tonic. All you have to do is apply it to your face and let it absorb into the skin. Tonics, unlike ordinary water, do not tighten the face when evaporating and do not risk drying out the skin when evaporating.

Note that the main reason for skin tightness may be the high salt content in the spray. Even if you did everything correctly when applying, and the skin continues to “tighten”, giving an unpleasant sensation, it is recommended to replace such a product with a less concentrated one, or choose a toner.

Rules for using thermal water

Gently spray thermal water onto clean skin of your face, avoiding your lips and eyes (it is advisable to cover them), let it absorb a little but not dry, just 2 minutes is enough, then with a light movement of your hand, gently remove the moisture from your face with a napkin, but do not wipe it off.

The manufacturer does not prohibit us from using thermal water under creams. And if you decide to use it in this way, then all you need to do is spray water on your face, giving it some moisture. Now you can apply the cream.

Interesting fact! Unlike facial toners, thermal water does not even out the acidity balance when applied. Therefore, before choosing between tonic and thermal water, it is better to weigh the pros and cons. Thermal water has only a neutral balance and will not help even out the acidity of the face after washing, while toners are designed for this.

Cosmetics that may contain thermal water

Thermal water, in addition to sprays and tonics, can also be contained in a cosmetic line of skin care products. You just need to simply notice the inscription “thermal spring waters” in the name and on the back of the label to understand whether your balm or serum contains this substance.

These cosmetics are great for daily use for any skin type without causing irritation.

Thermal water is also excellent for use after surgical interventions, accelerating healing and providing comfort to your skin.

Once you try this cosmetics, you will already notice the difference. The skin will stop peeling and will not suffer from dryness and inflammation.


Thermal water is a special type of warm “mineral water”, which is extracted from hot springs located in the mountains. It has neutral acidity, regardless of where it is obtained.

For use in cosmetics, it can be either pure or packaged as a spray, or added to other skin care product lines.

Thermal water is an excellent solution in the fight against dry skin, as well as for those with sensitive facial skin. It is able to activate regenerative processes, moisturizes the skin well, and gives it softness and a healthy appearance.

And in order not to cause the opposite effect of moisturizing, it is recommended to blot the thermal water with a napkin after use.

Elena Efremova • 12/23/2015

We have all heard such words as geyser, thermal spring, Roman baths more than once. All this is about the amazing gift of nature - thermal water.

Thermal water, obtained from the very depths of mineral springs, has a truly unique composition and an incredible variety of beneficial properties. Containing dozens of minerals and trace elements necessary for health, it is used for both beauty and health.

Many sanatoriums have long used thermal water to treat the digestive, vascular and other body systems. She entered the beauty industry later, becoming part of many cosmetic products, as well as as an independent product.

Composition of thermal water

If we talk about the composition of thermal water, it is important to note that in almost all cases it will be somewhat different. This depends on where the water is obtained and on the variety of minerals and elements in each of the thermal springs, as well as on their temperature.

Thermal waters are saturated with magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, bromine, iodine, sodium and many other trace elements. Thermal water is also rich in chlorides, sulfates, carbonates, silicates, bicarbonates and other types of mineral salts. The water of some springs also contains the unique element selenium, which stimulates skin regeneration.

The branch of medicine known as balneology studies the composition and beneficial properties of natural thermal water, and this is not in vain. Thermal water is not just a marketing ploy of cosmetic companies, but truly a whole storehouse of useful substances. It is not for nothing that Poppaea, the wife of the Roman Emperor Pontifex Maximus, Queen Cleopatra, as well as Julius Caesar and many other famous personalities of different eras, loved thermal baths so much.

Today on the shelves of most of our cosmetic stores you can see thermal water of various types from different manufacturers. Spray cans with the coveted water, which have become almost a hit among other skin care products, are represented by such brands as Vichy, Ureage, La roche, Yves Rocher, Avene, Dermophil, Kenzo and others. Many even produce not just one variety, but several, for each skin type.

What kind of thermal water is there?

Depending on where exactly the source is located, thermal water may vary in composition. It happens:

  1. low-mineralized, i.e. has a low salt content, suitable for sensitive and dry skin;
  2. neutral, i.e. has a pH close to the mineral composition of our body fluids, suitable for almost everyone;
  3. highly mineralized, i.e. contains a high concentration of mineral salts and beneficial elements. Suitable for those with oily or combination skin;
  4. selenium-containing, i.e. Contains a high content of selenium, an antioxidant that can fight for youthful skin. This type of water is suitable, which is rare, for all skin types, including allergy sufferers and children;
  5. artificially enriched, i.e. created by specialists with the addition of plant extracts and various essential oils.

What is thermal water for?

There is no doubt that a lot can be said about the properties of natural thermal water. What ordinary water cannot provide, what mineral water lacks, and what is so vital for our skin, is found in abundance in thermal water. The invaluable benefits of thermal water for our skin are obvious:

  1. it perfectly refreshes the skin, instantly transforming its appearance;
  2. saturates the skin with minerals and nutrients after removing makeup;
  3. promotes rapid recovery and prevents irritation after scrubbing or peeling procedures;
  4. cleanses the skin and can be used as a toner;
  5. increases the skin's ability to counteract the negative effects of our environment;
  6. forming a protective barrier on the skin, prevents the skin from losing natural moisture;
  7. improves skin absorption of the beneficial substances of a cream or mask when using thermal water immediately before applying the product;
  8. can be used to fix makeup;
  9. has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps fight acne;
  10. used to dilute thick and dilute dry care products, for example, clay or alginate masks.

In addition to its basic properties, thermal water also has many advantages:

  1. it has an absolutely natural and healthy composition;
  2. it can be used both on a clean face and over makeup;
  3. a bottle with a sprayer is convenient to have with you in your purse and use, if necessary, anywhere;
  4. it can be used as an ambulance for burns;
  5. it can be used by allergy sufferers and children;
  6. It suits basically all skin types when selected correctly.

Thermal masks

As already mentioned, it is recommended to dissolve face masks in dry form with thermal water. In this case, the mask not only performs its main functions, but is also enriched with minerals and trace elements of thermal water, which means it also becomes thermal.

And recently, on the shelves of many cosmetic stores and hypermarkets one could notice the appearance of packages in the form of sachet and sometimes in large volumes of wash-off and leave-on thermal masks containing the mineral properties of thermal water.

Masks are presented with the following effects:

  1. Soothing and moisturizing. This is a real ambulance, because... In 5 minutes of exposure to the skin, the mask relieves irritation, improves and refreshes the complexion, and also stimulates skin cells to renew.
  2. Anti-wrinkle. Magically, within 10 minutes of exposure, the mask actually smooths out wrinkles. A relatively minor drawback is the presence of parabens in the mask.

How to use thermal water correctly

Depending on what we want to get from thermal water, we need to have the right approach to its use.

The most common use of thermal water, which is suitable for refreshing facial skin during the day when in a dry room or during the hot season, is irrigation.

To do this, you need to spray a spray of thermal water in the air, and then place your face directly under this cloud, and if necessary, blot your face with a napkin. The number of uses during the day is not limited. The face is irrigated in the same way before using creams in the morning to awaken the skin and in the evening to improve the effect of the night cream, as well as before applying a mask and after cosmetic procedures with a peeling effect.

Direct spraying on the body is recommended after natural tanning or visiting a solarium.

When using thermal water instead of tonic, as well as for additional cleansing of the skin, you should apply water to a cotton pad and wipe your face with it.

There are no strict recommendations for the use of thermal water. No matter how you use it, it will in any case care for and saturate your skin with minerals. The most important thing is to choose thermal water that is suitable for your skin. Having made the right choice, you will probably fall in love with this cosmetic miracle of nature in a small bottle, and thermal water will become a real must-have for your cosmetic bag.

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Thermal water is one of the skin care products. Today it is often used in cosmetology. The most common product is a spray. True, not all people understand the purpose of this tool. The fact is that this is a real natural skin tonic. It is pure due to the special influence of pressure and high temperatures on it.


It contains many salts and minerals. Some people compare thermal water with mineral water. This really doesn't make any sense. The only similarity between the raw materials is that both waters are extracted from natural sources.

The structure of thermal water is much lighter than that of mineral water. It does not contain that same excess of minerals and therefore is not able to soothe the skin. Its chemical composition differs significantly in the concentration of salts, minerals and trace elements. All this depends on the source of production.

The hypertonic form of water is perfect for caring for dry skin. It works great against oily skin. If we talk about isotonic water, it has universal properties and is suitable for almost everyone.

Due to its composition, the product is able to penetrate deep into the skin. This allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in tissues and thereby provoke their renewal.

[1], [2], [3]


The benefits of thermal water are simply incredible. The fact is that each remedy has its own pros and cons. But this product has practically no drawbacks. Therefore, it is worth immediately starting to consider its beneficial properties.

Thermal water can soothe the skin. It is better to apply it before a nourishing cream or mask. This way the effect will be significantly enhanced. This product has always been indispensable at any time of the year, especially in the summer. When it's hot outside, your skin lacks moisture. The product can also be applied over makeup. In this case, there will be no “leaks”.

It is often added to many creams and lotions. You can easily dilute dry masks with it. The allergic reaction from this product is minimal. This product is suitable even for sensitive skin. The water contains exclusively natural ingredients.

It should be noted that the product is intended to improve skin condition. She is not able to treat serious problems. Thermal water can be used as a skin care aid.



Depending on the source from which the raw material was extracted, we can talk about its properties. The fact is that thermal water can be salty, sulfuric, calcium, sodium, or contain many salts and trace elements.

The water is saturated with sodium chloride, bromide and iodide and is beneficial for the skin, especially sensitive skin. Minerals can increase skin elasticity and prolong its youth. It is used not only as sprays and other cosmetics. There are entire springs where people can take special baths.

Thermal water contains many useful substances. It is advisable to apply it in the morning after a shower on the face and body. During the day, you can wet your skin directly over your makeup.

Contraindications for use

If this is thermal water intended to moisturize the skin of the face and body, then it should not be used if you have hypersensitivity. For such cases, there is a certain type of this remedy.

If we talk about thermal water sources and taking baths, then there are slightly different contraindications. So, people with an acute stage of the disease should not resort to this method of recovery. Tuberculosis and thrombophlebitis are prohibited.

People with skin diseases, especially fungus, infections and inflammations, are not recommended to use this healing method. If you have grade 3 hypertension, grade 2-3 ischemia and individual intolerance to baths, they definitely cannot be used. After all, unpleasant discomfort may arise.

[5], [6], [7], [8], [9]

Thermal water for face

It allows you to keep your face in excellent shape, maintain makeup and saturate the skin with essential minerals and trace elements.

Water from a thermal spring will help invigorate the skin before applying makeup (it can be used as a morning toner), or as a means of fixing makeup. Basically, thermal water for the face comes in convenient bottles with a micro spray, which allows you to spray a small amount of water onto your facial skin, enough to moisturize the skin, but not wash away your makeup.

Thermal water spray is very convenient to carry with you - to refresh yourself in the car, or in the office during a working day. Based on practical experience, it makes the skin elastic and helps maintain it throughout the day. It is simply impossible to underestimate the properties of this product. Today it has managed to find its admirers and is especially popular.

Thermal water for hair

This product can fight split ends along with many nourishing oils.

This “drug” can be applied to hair everywhere. There are no contraindications for use here. Thermal water can really remove split ends. Moreover, this is not a visual effect. So, many oils simply create a visualization of healthy hair, but after washing off the product, everything returns to normal.

Thermal water really penetrates damaged hair, nourishes and restores it. This is the constant advantage of this product. You can use it without consulting a doctor. Because no harm can be done to the hair. Naturally, if a person has sensitive scalp, then you need to select special water.

Thermal water for the body

Thermal body water is designed to nourish and moisturize the skin. In summer, the skin becomes significantly dry. Dry wind, direct sunlight - all this negatively affects the skin as a whole.

At such times, it is necessary to carefully monitor the skin and constantly moisturize it. Naturally, you can resort to lotions and other remedies. But you need to understand that they take a lot of time to be absorbed into the skin. Thermal water penetrates the skin immediately. Moreover, after applying it, you can get dressed and safely go out. This is the undoubted advantage of this product.

There are varieties of products for dry, normal and sensitive skin. Therefore, every girl will be able to choose a product to her liking and based on her own needs.

Thermal water for dry skin

Thermal water for dry skin can moisturize it properly. Thus, many people suffer from increased dry skin. Dealing with this phenomenon is not always easy. Many creams and lotions have a minute effect. Simply put, the day after applying the product, the skin will be just as dry.

In this case, the superiority is seen directly at the thermal water. It has a long-lasting effect and puts the skin in order. This remedy is not temporary. Therefore, it can be safely taken for general skin improvement.

When choosing it, you should start from personal preferences. There are many options for a universal remedy. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of a particular product. If a person, in addition to dryness, also has constant irritation, you need to take a more responsible approach to your choice.

How to replace thermal water?

Do you know what to replace thermal water with? In fact, ordinary mineral water is suitable for this. Thermal water is water from a thermal spring, purified and enriched with essential minerals and trace elements.

Its main difference from mineral water is that the latter contains much more salts, iron, copper and other elements that the body does not need in such quantities. But not every woman will wash her face with mineral water. And in general, this is not a cosmetic product. This influence can easily ruin your makeup.

It is impossible to notice the thermal water. Moreover, it is simply impossible to prepare it at home. To relieve skin irritation, it is enough to use ordinary mineral water. You need to choose it with a minimum amount of salts, since they can dry out the skin. If it is sparkling water, you need to leave it open for several hours so that the carbon dioxide comes out. After this, mineral water can be used in the same way as thermal water, spraying it from a suitable spray bottle.


The price may vary depending on the manufacturer and the place where the product was purchased. It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. After all, a lot depends on the purpose for which thermal water is purchased and in what form.

If this is a cosmetic product in the form of a spray intended to moisturize the skin and eliminate unpleasant irritation, then the price will fluctuate around 80 hryvnia. When it comes to cream and lotion, the price category is slightly higher and amounts to approximately 100 hryvnia. Shampoo is more affordable; it will cost its owner 50-70 hryvnia.

It is worth noting that the above figures are averages. Because there are very cheap options for thermal water, the cost of which does not exceed 50 hryvnia. There are also expensive cosmetics, the price category of which exceeds 200 hryvnia.

Much depends on the place where the product is purchased. So, in a specialized store it costs much less than in a pharmacy. Naturally, properties also affect the cost.

[10], [11], [12], [13]


Reviews about thermal water can be both positive and negative. The fact is that a lot depends on the person himself, the cosmetic brand and the expected result.

But if we consider this issue in general, then mostly thermal water has positive reviews. The product itself has a number of positive properties. He can overcome many skin problems. This can be both inflammation and elimination of signs of psoriasis. The latter is possible only with the right choice of drug, together with complex therapy.

Thermal water is an excellent remedy. It is perfect for any skin type. Therefore, there simply cannot be negative reviews. In any case, there are many more satisfied people. So you need to try the product and draw your own conclusions. Because thermal water can really save a person from many skin problems. And you need to make a choice not based on someone else’s reviews, but on your own experience.