Test to determine facial skin type online

All women want to look great. Often girls use special skin creams, cosmetics, make various masks and much more. All this is done in order to be the most beautiful and attractive. But very often, when buying any cosmetic product, many do not pay attention to what type of skin it is intended for. Today we will talk about how to test your skin type.

How to determine your facial skin type

Take the test

How to determine your facial skin type?

Before we tell you how to determine what type you have, it is worth noting that it is very important that you buy cosmetics that suit you. Many women do not know that using, for example, a cream for oily skin, but at the same time having dry skin, not only will you not get any positive reaction, but, on the contrary, you can only harm yourself.

The fat type is determined very simply. It is usually accompanied by a fairly large amount of sebaceous secretions. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the mechanisms that are responsible for the secretion of sweat are not working well. Usually, special products are required that can dry it.

The dry type is also quite easy to recognize. The skin becomes too dry, even overdried. Usually, in addition to dryness, peeling and some roughness appear. They can be detected by simply running your finger across your face. They are concentrated mainly on the forehead and cheeks. Sometimes this can happen under certain circumstances, for example, in severe frost or when it is quite windy outside.

If we talk about normal and combined types, then everything is much more complicated. It is not always possible financially or there is simply no time to go to a specialist. That is why there is an online test that will help you decide exactly. An online test to determine your skin type is something that almost every woman needs.

How to determine your facial skin type using a test?

There are many different tests of this kind on the Internet. Usually you can go through all of them at home on your own. The test will help you determine what kind of skin you have quickly and effectively. This is a very useful invention that will help you determine absolutely free of charge what you cannot find out on your own.

After passing this test, you no longer have to worry that you are using the wrong cosmetics. It will be much easier for you to select a cosmetic product, and now you will know for sure that it will help and not harm.

Enter your details before taking the test

This online test will allow you to determine your facial skin type. The test was developed by American dermatologist Leslie Baumann, consists of 4 parts, each of which contains key questions to determine which factors and to what extent determine the condition of your skin: how oily or dry your skin is, sensitive or resistant to irritants, prone to pigmentation disorders or not , is prone to wrinkles or tends to remain smooth. Some of these factors are familiar to you, some are not, but that's okay. You don't need to understand them to answer the questions, which themselves are very simple and contain clues.

Taking the test will give you the opportunity not only to find out your skin type, but also to receive detailed recommendations from Leslie Baumann on caring specifically for your skin type.

All you have to do during the facial skin type test is answer the questions as honestly as possible. Imagine you are playing a game. If you're asked to evaluate your skin without using moisturizer, or to wear foundation but skip the powder, give it a try (unless you're a man, of course)! Of course, you can give an answer based on your guesses, but your results will be more accurate if you follow the directions exactly. If you don't have enough information to assess your skin condition and answer the question, observe how your skin looks, feels, and reacts throughout the day in the various situations described, and then return to the test.

Some questions focus on past circumstances, but most assess the condition of your skin today; This is exactly how they should be answered. You must answer all questions without exception. To determine your skin type with maximum accuracy, choose answers under the letters A, B, C or D; Choose answer D only if you cannot answer the question any other way.

16 skin types according to Leslie Baumann's classification and recommendations for caring for each skin type:

Skin type depends on heredity, age, lifestyle and a host of other factors. A visit to a cosmetologist begins with determining your skin type. And choosing the right skincare products is also directly related to whether you know what kind of skin you have: dry, oily or combination. This test will help you get to know your own skin. Obviously, it will be of more interest to women, but it can also be useful for men.