How to make a white clay mask

White clay for the face is a natural product. It is also called kaolin, after the place where it was discovered. Clay was first discovered in the Chinese province of Kaolin, where there are still large deposits of this product.

White clay is rich in many mineral compounds, such as silica, aluminum, zinc, manganese, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, etc. Kaolin is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. This product can help with severe intoxication, it is used as a lotion for arthritis, and you can also brush your teeth with it so that the tooth enamel becomes stronger and whiter.

If you use face masks made of white clay, then this composition will have an anti-inflammatory, smoothing and tightening effect. And to smooth out wrinkles on the eyelids, we recommend using anti-wrinkle eye masks for skin rejuvenation with various natural ingredients.

White clay and its properties

  1. White clay is, first of all, an adsorbent. It has the ability to absorb toxic substances, fats, microorganisms and fungi. Therefore, by applying a white clay mask to your skin, in a short time you will get rid of oily shine on your face, as well as various impurities of the dermis that clog in the pores.
  2. An undoubted advantage is the fact that white clay for the face has a mild peeling effect, as it exfoliates dead skin particles of the epidermis.
  3. By using kaolin along with other products, you will get rid of acne and painful pimples in a short time, and your skin will become smooth and healthy in color.
  4. As mentioned above, clay contains useful microelements such as zinc, magnesium, potassium and others. When applying clay to the face, these components are able to penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis, exerting their beneficial effects.
  5. Another advantage of white clay is that it practically does not cause allergies.

How to properly prepare white clay for the face

A white clay mask will work much better if it is prepared correctly. Here are some recommendations for preparing such masks at home:

  1. Always cleanse your skin first when applying a mask. But that is not all. After washing, you need to steam your face and apply any rich cream around the eyes.
  2. The container in which you are going to mix the clay should be either glass or ceramic. Metal reduces the properties of clay, so the device for stirring the mass should also be non-metal. It is best to prepare a wooden spoon.
  3. To avoid lumps, add water to the powder in several portions, constantly stirring the clay.
  4. The resulting slurry should not be too thick or liquid. The resulting mass should resemble thick sour cream.
  5. As soon as you have prepared a white clay mask, immediately apply it to your face, leave for an average of 15 minutes, and a little less if your skin is dry.
  6. The frequency of use of such masks depends on your skin type:
    — oily skin can easily tolerate the procedure every 4 days;
    - for normal skin, once a week is enough;
    - if you have a dry type, then the procedure with white clay can be used no more than twice a month.

Methods of using white clay masks

To prepare a white clay mask for problem skin, you need to dilute a certain amount of powder with water. But many cosmetologists recommend using other ingredients instead of water for better effect:

  1. For example, cosmetic mineral water.
  2. Dairy products.
  3. Decoctions from medicinal plants.
  4. Milk.

Such components are added depending on the expected result.

  1. If you want to relieve inflammation from the skin and get rid of painful acne, then add mineral water with aloe juice to the mask.
  2. If your goal is to narrow pores, prepare a mask based on tomato juice.
  3. If you want to whiten your skin and get rid of pigmentation, a white clay mask should contain parsley, cucumber or strawberry juice. By the way, each component also has additional properties - parsley enriches the skin with vitamins, cucumber has a moisturizing effect, and strawberries exfoliate old cells.

Homemade white clay masks

Mask with drying effect. Prepare clay, baby powder and regular milk. Mix all ingredients. Keep this mixture on your face for 10 minutes.

If you suffer from too oily skin, then the following mask will help you. Prepare one serving of powder, two servings of vodka and ¼ serving of aloe juice. Now mix everything thoroughly and apply to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes. If the mask is too thick, dilute it with additional water.

Mask for oily skin No. 2. White clay is mixed with the white of a chicken egg to form a creamy mass. The mask can be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes.

If your skin is prone to inflammation. First, dilute the clay with water, then add 1-1.5 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of alcohol to it. Apply the product in a thin layer and leave for 20 minutes. Instead of alcohol, you can use an alcohol tincture of chamomile or calendula.

To eliminate pigmentation use the following white clay mask recipe. Add 2-3 teaspoons of cucumber pulp. In this case, there should be approximately the same amount of clay. The finished mask is applied for 20-25 minutes. Before using this mixture, perform a cleansing facial peel, so the clay will have a better effect on the skin.

For dry skin. Prepare clay and honey, mix in equal parts, or you can take a little less honey. Mix these ingredients well with a small amount of water and apply to your face. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

Want to know about the white clay Cleopatra mask? Then watch the video.

The great thing about these white clay face masks is that you can use them at home anytime. And preparing them according to our recipes will not be difficult.

And another video about an effective mask for oily skin, which helps tighten the pores on the face.

Indications and contraindications for the use of white clay

A white clay face mask is recommended for all skin types with various problems.

White clay is a unique natural material with centuries of cosmetic experience. With the help of this healing powder, girls cope with the most painful problems: early wrinkles, vitamin deficiency, acne. A white clay face mask strengthens, cleanses and tightens the dermis. The product occupies a leading position in the ranking of affordable and “working” home cosmetology products.

The miraculous possibilities of white clay (or scientifically, kaolin) were discovered several centuries ago in China. When the first deposits of this rock were discovered and its composition was studied, the mineral immediately found application in medicine and cosmetology.

White clay is a white powdery substance, sometimes with a yellowish or blue-gray tint. It is mined in Russia, China, Bulgaria and Ukraine, undergoes special purification, then is packaged and sent to pharmacy counters and to the shelves of cosmetics stores.

Kaolin: what's inside

Nature has endowed kaolin with a whole “bouquet” of microelements that are beneficial for skin health. For example, it contains zinc, a well-known antioxidant that fights the harmful oxidizing effects of free radicals. It has a drying, brightening effect on the skin, mattifies and evens out the complexion. What else is white clay rich in?

  1. Silicon. Stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the epidermis.
  2. Manganese. Degreases the skin and gives a noble matte finish.
  3. Aluminum. It has a lifting effect, making facial contours clearer and the upper layer of the dermis smoother.
  4. Calcium. Nourishes the skin at the cellular level, takes an active part in metabolic processes, making the skin silky.

What white clay masks can do

The natural composition of white clay is safe and has virtually no contraindications, suitable for both normal and problem skin. The exception is painful dermis, so if you have skin diseases or extensive inflammation, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor before use.

Kaolin in masks has a complex effect on the skin. Women who regularly use this product for facial care and epidermal health note that clay “takes away” a whole set of problems, such as:

  1. wrinkles, fading, dullness. Due to the fact that kaolin provokes collagen synthesis, a face mask with white clay tightens the oval, smoothing out wrinkles and ensuring a healthy color of the dermis;
  2. excessive pigmentation. Kaolin has a good whitening effect;
  3. minor inflammations, irritations. Due to the content of magnesium, calcium and other trace elements, white clay has a healing and soothing effect;
  4. excess oily sheen. Masks with white clay dry the skin, narrow enlarged pores, and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Application: 5 steps

Before you start preparing and using masks based on white clay, you need to know some rules that will make the process of rejuvenation and skin treatment much more effective. There are five nuances.

  1. Cleansing. Before the clay healing procedure, cleanse your facial skin well. Regular washing with mild products will help with this. Do a light exfoliation or scrub.
  2. Dishes . Use only glass or wood. Metal utensils are not suitable for mixing the components of clay masks because the metal reacts with other chemical elements that are part of the clay and can “neutralize” them.
  3. Consistency. Mix mineral powder with water until you get a paste-like mass. Make sure that there are no lumps and the mass is not liquid, otherwise it will drain from your face.
  4. Application. You can apply the clay all over your face, but avoid the area around the eyes. Since clay has a drying effect, it can have a negative effect on sensitive skin where there are no sebaceous glands.
  5. Time . How long to keep the mask on depends on your skin type. For dry skin, five minutes will be enough. If the dermis is combination, the exposure time increases to ten minutes, and if the dermis is oily - up to 20 minutes. The mask can be slightly soaked with a sponge and then washed off with water.

Choose: 6 recipes

Beauties from all over the world are experimenting with recipes made from white clay. As a result, a selection of proven means has accumulated. Some have a pronounced rejuvenating effect, eliminating the first wrinkles. Others are recommended for cleansing and antiseptic action. Still others are suitable for reducing pigmentation and getting rid of acne. Choose the most suitable recipe and start acting.

Medicine for acne and blackheads

  1. Take clay powder and aloe juice in equal proportions.
  2. Add some mineral water to these ingredients.
  3. You can supplement the composition with two drops of tea tree oil.
  4. Time - 15-20 minutes.

Nourishing cream substitute

  1. Place two tablespoons of cooked oatmeal in a bowl.
  2. Add one and a half tablespoons of white clay to the porridge.
  3. Pour three tablespoons of warm milk into the mixture.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, cover your face with the paste, and leave for 20 minutes.

Rejuvenating clay cocktail

  1. Pour one tablespoon of white clay powder and the same amount of sea buckthorn oil into a bowl.
  2. Add two drops of neroli and tea tree oils.
  3. Dilute the mixture with one or two tablespoons of milk (the amount of liquid depends on the desired consistency of the mask).
  4. Apply to face, remove after 15 minutes.

Complete solution

  1. Take one tablespoon of white clay and twice as much cottage cheese.
  2. Add one dessert spoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the mixture.
  3. Beat one yolk into the mixture.
  4. Apply a thin layer.
  5. Remove after 20 minutes.

Clean and bleach

  1. Mix white clay and water in equal proportions (for example, one tablespoon each).
  2. Add two drops each of tea tree and geranium oils.
  3. The next ingredient is freshly squeezed lemon juice. You will need one teaspoon.
  4. The session lasts 15 minutes.

Fruity refreshing fresh

  1. Take one tablespoon of clay and combine with the same amount of peach, strawberry, apricot or apple puree.
  2. Add a teaspoon of 20% sour cream.
  3. Cover the skin with the mixture. Make sure that the mixture does not get into your eyes.
  4. Session time is 10-15 minutes.

Since women have been using white clay face masks for a long time, there are a lot of reviews about this cosmetic material on the Internet. And it is clear that a face mask made of white clay at home attracts beauties not only with its properties, but also with its “penny” price - in pharmacies, a hundred-gram pack of kaolin costs on average from 20 to 50 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. (Prices are as of May 2017). Thus, the product works according to the principle of three “Ds”: accessible, cheap, effective.

Women's reviews: “I always keep clay in reserve”

I have known for a long time that white clay is a good product for cosmetic procedures, but I recently decided to try it on myself, following the advice of a cosmetologist I know. My white clay is from Bulgaria, I bought it there when I was on vacation at the seaside, the packaging says that it is mined in the Rhodope Mountains - these are mountains in Bulgaria. I diluted it with lavade or rose water, also brought from there, I make masks 2 times a week - this is enough to remove dry skin, irritation, blackheads, refresh the skin and make it soft, but I would argue about age spots...

Clay is simply irreplaceable, especially considering its cost! I always have a few packs in reserve!

I also believe that there are no better face masks than clay ones. I often buy clay for masks at pharmacies. Good effect and very inexpensive!

I've tried several different "colored" clays, but I like the white one the best. Or rather it suits my skin better than the others.
I can’t say that my skin is problematic, it’s combination, sensitive, I have black spots and unevenness. There are no pimples as such, but sometimes a couple of these “buddies” pop out and leave marks after leaving. So here it is. I struggle with all these problems in a comprehensive manner, and white clay is also included in this complex.

An easy and affordable way to quickly get your face in order is a mask. And the white clay mask is a godsend! Its benefits include cleansing, moisturizing, combating oily skin and blackheads.

  1. The benefits of white clay masks
  2. Mechanism of action on the skin
  3. Who is a white clay mask suitable for?
  4. Homemade mask or ready-made product
  5. White clay mask: choosing recipes and products
  6. Terms of use
  7. Precautionary measures

The benefits of white clay masks

White clay masks cleanse pores well. © Getty Images

To understand what white clay is, just go to the pharmacy. It is sold there in the form of a white powder with a yellow or blue tint. The scientific name of such clay is kaolin, since it was first found in China, in the Kaolin area.

“This set of substances allows you to effectively absorb dirt and fight oily shine. As practice shows, white clay is one of the most gentle and delicate abrasives, ideal for skin prone to rashes and inflammation. Aggressive exfoliants are not suitable for such skin. The same cannot be said about kaolin. It acts extremely gently, but effectively.”

nitrogen in a highly digestible form.

The effect of masks with kaolin is much more obvious if you use them on a regular basis. After such procedures, the skin becomes as if glowing from within, elastic and very soft to the touch. But that is not all. What else do clay masks do?

Nourishes with nutrients by absorbing sebum.

Stimulate cell regeneration and oxygen metabolism.

Improves tissue metabolism, making pores less noticeable and restoring a healthy complexion.

Activate the synthesis of collagen, on which, as is known, the elasticity of tissues depends.

Mechanism of action on the skin

Kaolin makes the skin firmer and more elastic. © Getty Images

Acting delicately, white clay improves blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen and increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Who is a white clay mask suitable for?

White clay masks are suitable not only for those who suffer from acne, oily shine and blackheads.

After several procedures, women with “aging” skin will be able to enjoy a tightened facial contour, healthy color and elasticity of the skin.

Those with normal or combination skin will receive a heavy dose of essential microelements.

Kaolin extremely rarely causes allergies, so there are no contraindications for masks with white clay.

Homemade mask or ready-made product

Of course, in the 21st century it’s strange to talk about making masks yourself. Nevertheless, homemade cosmetics are becoming a trend, and more and more women around the world are preparing creams and masks with their own hands, adhering to the principles of Slow beauty - slow beauty.

We call for action without fanaticism. And be sure to remember that the skin’s reaction to a homemade mask is unpredictable. In this sense, cosmetic brands deserve more trust. When developing a new product, they always strictly observe the proportions and check the composition for tolerance.

White clay mask: choosing recipes and products

There are many homemade recipes for white clay masks. © Getty Images

White clay mask for oily skin with aloe


1 tablespoon kaolin powder;

2 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka;

1 teaspoon aloe juice.

How to prepare and use:

Apply a thin layer to the skin and leave for 10 minutes;

rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily skin with lemon


40 g white clay;

20 ml hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare and use:

mix clay, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide;

After 15–20 minutes, wash your face.

Detox mask with charcoal, Vichy