Wrinkles under the cheeks

Wrinkles on the face have and will always cause women a lot of trouble. After all, they indicate not only the years lived, but also indicate the age of the owner. And even more so - wrinkles on the cheeks, which generally age a person, especially a woman. It’s all the more disappointing if they appeared much earlier than they could have been expected. This, unfortunately, happens very often.

Why do they appear on the cheeks?

However, wrinkles on the cheeks - whether they are premature or just due to age - are not a reason to give up on everything. This is a signal to begin a decisive struggle for your attractiveness and decent appearance.

Bad habits = wrinkles

Of course, folds on the skin of the face are not a disease. It’s just that with age, serious changes occur in the skin. Collagen and elastin, which provide elasticity and freshness to our face, are produced by cells in ever smaller quantities. Because of this, light folds of skin on the cheeks, formed during the work of facial muscles, are no longer smoothed out as before. And they turn into permanent wrinkles.

Bad habits such as smoking or drinking too many drinks generally weaken the facial muscles. In other words, quitting smoking is one of the real ways to remove wrinkles on the cheeks without using any ointments or creams.

Control your emotions

Another reason for the appearance of premature folds on the cheeks is emotional impulses. Anger, joy, surprise, etc. - all this is reflected on the human face. And the constant work of facial muscles, unfortunately, always leaves its indelible marks on the skin, forming, for example, when smiling, wrinkles on the cheeks. Try to curb your emotions, don’t laugh too much for no reason, don’t make cute faces and don’t wrinkle your nose, no matter how it suits your face.

By the way, even such an uncontrollable thing as sleeping on your stomach also adds unnecessary folds to your cheeks. To get rid of problems with wrinkles, you need to forget about bad habits and attract three allies to your side: desire, perseverance and patience.

Types of wrinkles depending on age

Wrinkles on the cheeks: Video

Let's get rid of wrinkles

There are many ways to remove wrinkles on the cheeks. Naturally, in order for the cheeks, like the whole face, to be elastic and attractive, they need to be taken care of from a young age. But at a young age, of course, you shouldn’t start using anti-wrinkle products on your cheeks. Like all other muscles, they require training.

And if wrinkles appear on them with age, then, of course, you need to see a doctor or a beauty salon. There are a number of appropriate procedures for this.


This is the easiest way to rejuvenate facial skin. Its meaning is that dead skin cells of the face, which can hang like a “dead weight” on the cheeks, are removed forcibly. The procedure can be mechanical, chemical and physical. During mechanical peeling, the keratinized upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated with a special tool. Deep mechanical peeling is carried out in specialized clinics.

During chemical peeling, various fruit acids are used: salicylic, retinoic, glycolic. Acids, destroying the dead layer and exfoliating it, simultaneously accelerate those biochemical reactions that promote cell regeneration. A very good procedure for oily skin types.

Physical peeling includes ultrasound and laser. At its core, this is a procedure reminiscent of conventional grinding. The only instruments here are high-frequency sound and laser beam energy. A distinctive feature of the use of laser is resurfacing in the operating room under general anesthesia.


One of the most popular injection drugs today is Botox or its analogue, Dysport. These drugs, after being administered subcutaneously at the desired point on the face, for example, on the cheek, block the flow of nerve impulses from the brain into the muscles. The muscles remain motionless, wrinkles are completely smoothed out after two weeks. The effect of such injections lasts from six months to a year, after which the procedure must be repeated again.

Injections of hyaluronic acid into wrinkles on the cheeks. This acid itself is part of the skin, but with age its amount in the cells decreases significantly. By replenishing its quantity in cells, natural prerequisites for regeneration are created. This operation lasts no more than half an hour, the result is noticeable immediately, and is practically “written on the face.”

Anti-wrinkle cream

In many cases, ointments and creams are the best way to get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks. But these cosmetic products have one feature: they are all made taking into account age categories. If a woman is over 40, then you should not buy a cream with the “30+” index at all - it will not have the desired effect. The ointment or cream should perform the following functions:

  1. relieve skin fatigue;
  2. improve her nutrition;
  3. protect from excessive sunlight;
  4. tonify;
  5. activate cell regeneration processes.

Wrinkles on the cheeks, especially deep ones, need to be combated comprehensively. Consult a dermatologist: only he can tell you which cream is needed for daylight hours and which one is needed for the night. Together, their action will give the most effective results. Moisturizing, cleansing and toning must be used together with dermatological cosmetics.

Anti-wrinkle masks at home

Anti-wrinkle masks are a great addition to all other ways to get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks. We offer several effective recipes.

  1. Mix two spoons of oatmeal, a spoon of strong tea and two spoons of honey, add a little water, and heat for steam. Apply a thick layer of warm mixture to your face, cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of flour with mashed yolk, add milk. Bring to the consistency of sour cream, apply to face. Rinse off after five minutes, but not with water, but with weak warm tea.
  3. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add flour (preferably rye), stir until creamy, leave in a warm place for a day. You will get a leaven that needs to be applied to the face in a thick layer. The mask is washed off after 10 minutes alternately with warm and cold water.
  4. And this is a miracle cream! A tablespoon of honey, two dessert spoons of cognac, 100 g of cream, one yolk and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice must be mixed thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the face with a cotton swab and left for an hour. Then it is washed off with warm water.

Take care of your skin at any age and don't let wrinkles age you!

Effective folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes: Video

Every woman at some point experiences discomfort due to the formation of wrinkles on her face. After all, a real fashionista wants to hide her true age, look attractive, fresh, despite her age. Wrinkles on the cheeks, which can appear at different ages, especially age women.

What are cheek wrinkles?

Often the appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks makes women think about their age. They believe that this skin defect is caused by temporary changes. But this is not true in all cases. In the cheekbone area, the appearance of wrinkles can be caused by various reasons, which we will discuss below.

The appearance of small, deep lines on the skin of the face can be caused by dehydration, nervous tension, and stress. Wrinkles can be of the following types:

  1. facial expressions. Changes in mood are reflected in the face, which changes with joy, frustration, or a smile. Such wrinkles appear on the cheeks and under the eyes;
  2. age. When the dermis loses its elasticity, vertical wrinkles appear. They indicate a loss of elasticity and are the first signs of aging.

This video will tell you about the reasons for the appearance of such wrinkles:

Reasons for appearance

No one can reverse age-related changes in the skin. After all, over time, the tone of the facial muscles responsible for facial expressions and expression of emotions weakens. Wrinkles on the cheeks occur under the influence of a number of factors:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. bad habits. Smoking has a particularly negative effect on the condition of the epidermis. After research, it has been proven that muscle tone in women who smoke is much weaker than in those who do not smoke;
  3. strong emotionality. Cosmetologists recommend restraining emotions so as not to provoke the appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks prematurely. Laughter and smile leave deep marks on the skin - wrinkles;
  4. dehydration.

Wrinkles on the cheeks (photos before and after treatment)


How to get rid of them

You can get rid of wrinkles or prevent their increased manifestation at home.

  1. To do this, it is enough to watch your facial expressions (do not grimace in vain, restrain your emotions), give up bad habits, and apply anti-wrinkle masks.
  2. Various cosmetic procedures (massage, peeling, injections) can also help. In more complex cases, special procedures are performed for rejuvenation (mesothreads, fractional photothermolysis).

At home

At home, you can perform special exercises that strengthen the tone of the facial muscle fibers. It is also convenient to apply oils, make masks, massages. When using cosmetics, the main thing is to choose them correctly according to age. Anti-wrinkle cosmetics should have a number of properties:

  1. UV protection;
  2. nutrition of dermal cells;
  3. toning;
  4. strengthening the regeneration process.


It is quite difficult for very emotional women to monitor facial expressions. To get rid of prematurely appearing wrinkles on the cheeks, you can train the muscles of the cheeks. Facebuilding, facelifting is specific gymnastics for the facial muscles. Its goal is to maintain the tone of the facial muscles. Try the following set of exercises:

  1. Before starting the exercise, relax. We close our lips with a tube, place our index fingers on our cheekbones. At the same time we smile with our upper lip and pronounce the vowel “E”. The lower jaw should not move, only the cheeks move. You need to do 20 approaches.
  2. To tighten the cheeks and improve the oval of the face, we perform this exercise. We take a mouthful of air, like a balloon. We “roll” the balloon in a circle, left/right. While doing the exercise, you can take water into your mouth.
  3. We puff out our cheeks, stretch our lips in a circle, and blow out the air very slowly.
  4. Open your mouth (it should be oval-shaped), press your index fingers to your cheekbones. We smile with an open mouth, the oval shape should be maintained. The fingers help hold the cheek muscles. You need to do at least 35 repetitions.
  5. We draw a lot of air into the mouth, while the cheeks swell, the lips are closed tightly. We release the air through the mouth covered with our hand. The cheeks should swell more and hurt from the inside.



Massage helps remove wrinkles in the cheek area. You can use different types of it:

  1. plucked. We perform pinching along the massage lines (back and forth). This type of massage stimulates blood circulation and relieves tension. It is recommended to perform it after bodyflex;
  2. wet. A terry towel is moistened with water and patted on the skin of the cheeks until it turns red;
  3. vacuum. To do this you need banks. Cupping massage combats sagging dermis and vertical lines. It refreshes the skin of the face, restores freshness, increases the tone of the dermis, eliminates tension from the cheek muscles and muscle fibers responsible for drooping corners of the mouth.

You can also use special massagers:

  1. mechanical (from 2 balls). They should be guided along massage lines;
  2. electric massager. Much more efficient than mechanical;
  3. vacuum. It has several effects at once (cleansing pores, creating a vacuum effect, eliminating wrinkles on the cheeks and forehead. But there are a number of contraindications to its use, which you need to familiarize yourself with before use.

The Japanese recipe for fighting the disease is in the video below:


Almost all vegetable oils are effective in the fight against wrinkles. They need to be applied to the problem area daily. Be sure to apply the oil in the morning and evening, and if possible, you can carry out the procedure several more times during the day.

The following oil mixtures work well against wrinkles:

  1. Jojoba + avocado + wheat germ. Take 1 tbsp of each vegetable oil. l., add rosewood essential oil (4 drops), frankincense oil (3 drops). Apply the mixture of oils at night, you can repeat the procedure during the day. Helps remove deep wrinkles.
  2. Peanut butter (1 tbsp) + almond oil (1 tbsp) + cypress oil (2 drops) + orange oil (2 drops).
  3. Peach oil (2 tbsp.) + ylang-ylang ether (3 drops) + lemon oil (2 drops). Copes well with expression and shallow wrinkles.
  4. Rosehip oil 1 tbsp. l.) + sesame oil (1 tbsp.). Smoothes out shallow wrinkles.
  5. Solid shea butter (1 tbsp) + olive oil (1 tbsp) + avocado oil (1 tbsp) + patchouli oil (2 drops) + sandalwood oil (2 drops) + neroli oil (3 drops) ).


To moisturize the epithelium, increase its elasticity and smoothness, you can use cosmetic masks. Let's look at the most popular ones.



Its consistency is similar to cream. To eliminate deep wrinkles, it must be applied regularly. Prepare a mask from the following components:

  1. 3 egg whites;
  2. bay leaves (5 pieces);
  3. olive oil (2 tbsp);
  4. burnt alum (2 tbsp.).

First prepare a decoction of bay leaves (300 ml). Mix the beaten whites with bay broth (3 tbsp), add alum. Apply the resulting cream using a cotton pad and leave it overnight (for convenience, secure it with a band-aid). The effect will be noticeable after a week of regular application of the mask.


The quick effect of the mask is explained by the presence of collagen in gelatin. It's easy to prepare a mask:

  1. Pour gelatin with warm water or herbal decoction, vegetable/fruit juice, milk (1:5).
  2. Let the gelatin swell.
  3. Bring to a liquid state in a water bath.
  4. Remove and let the mixture cool.
  5. Apply to the problem area (cheeks).
  6. Let stand for 30 minutes.
  7. Wash off with warm water.


Injections with hyaluronic acid are considered a very effective way to eliminate wrinkles. They not only have an immediate effect, but also activate the natural synthesis of this acid inside epithelial cells.

For biorevitalization, Botox and Dysport are most often used. After the drugs are administered subcutaneously, nerve impulses traveling to the muscle from the brain are blocked. At the same time, muscle immobility is achieved, and the smoothing of wrinkles is noticeable after a couple of weeks. The effect of the procedure lasts about six months. Then it is recommended to repeat the injection.

Treatment without surgery

Peeling is considered the simplest way to rejuvenate the epidermis. During the procedure, dead cells are removed. This is done in several ways:

  1. chemical. It is carried out using acid-based preparations;
  2. laser;
  3. mechanical. Carried out using special devices;
  4. ultrasonic.

Another effective way to eliminate wrinkles on the cheeks is “beauty injections”. These are injections of hyaluronic acid. Cosmetologists will need only half an hour to restore the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis to the skin.

Cosmetic procedures will help eliminate small, deep wrinkles in the cheek area:

  1. biorevitalization is represented by the subcutaneous administration of hyaluronic acid preparations;
  2. redermalization is represented by the subcutaneous administration of a special drug “Hialual”;
  3. mesotherapy is represented by an injection procedure, which involves the injection (to a depth of 0.5 - 6 mm) of a drug containing the components necessary for the skin;
  4. mesowarton. The method of injection rejuvenation and restoration of the dermis is carried out using the following drugs: Mezovarton, Mesoxanthin.



Surgical methods are also used to smooth out deep wrinkles on the face. They are used in extreme cases, because these methods of rejuvenation are traumatic. Of these, they are often carried out:

  1. fractional rejuvenation. It consists of targeted evaporation of areas of the dermis using a laser. Helps remove fine and deep wrinkles;
  2. laser resurfacing. The classic method of rejuvenation is to evaporate the surface layer of the dermis. This procedure helps to start the process of skin renewal;
  3. thermolifting (laser lifting). Collagen is heated using infrared laser radiation. Experts compare this method of rejuvenation in effectiveness to plastic surgery for a facelift;
  4. contour plastic surgery involves filling wrinkles with special fillers based on hyaluronic acid (fillers);
  5. mesothreads are considered the newest anti-aging procedure, which is classified as minimally invasive. Special threads are inserted under the skin. Thanks to the ribbed shape, the threads cling to the internal tissues. In this way they are tightened;
  6. Plasmolifting is considered a cell therapy for rejuvenating the dermis. It is carried out on the basis of platelet-rich plasma.

How to do a cheek lift with your own hands? The video below will tell you about this:

When a person smiles, folds appear on the cheeks. As a rule, they form on the sides of the nose and go to the corners of the mouth. You may also notice fine lines around the eyes (“crow’s feet”), but for more on that, see the article on wrinkles around the eyes.


They differ from other facial wrinkles in that they do not always indicate age. Expression wrinkles appear due to the movement of facial muscles. Chatterers and cheerful people are more likely to have deep creases in their cheeks when they smile than people who don't talk much. So, teenagers and people in their 20s may have noticeable lines on their cheeks, but the skin on the rest of their face remains smooth. Genes also matter, we inherit facial features from our parents, so don't blame yourself too much, hereditary factors may be to blame.

It's also important to note that they usually don't look terrible, and you shouldn't try to correct any one line that appears on your face. Most people find them cute.

Deeper, more pronounced wrinkles that are noticeable even when you're not smiling can be caused by age, skin damage from sun exposure, and habits that reduce collagen and elasticity, such as smoking. With a decrease in elasticity, most of the skin on the face begins to sag, including the skin of the cheeks.

When the cheeks sag, the nasolabial fold is also disrupted, leading to the formation of wrinkles on the cheeks.

You can prevent deepening of nasolabial folds by taking better care of your skin. You should always use sunscreen and try to quit smoking. Eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and minerals will also help stop the formation of deep lines.

How to get rid of it?

1. Fillers (fillers)

Fillers can be acidic or collagen and are administered by injection. Both are natural components of the skin's connective tissue. They will mainly work by building collagen and enhancing skin firmness to improve its appearance within a few months. Collagen dermal fillers are best for deeper wrinkles. You may need to keep visiting your dermatologist for additional injections. The most popular fillers for nasolabial lines are Perlane, Restylane and Juvederm. You need to consult with a specialist about which filler is right for you. While fillers have many reviews and testimonials about their effectiveness, there are times when they may not be the best solution for this problem.

2. Botox

Using Botox to correct your smile line may not be the best idea. The reason for this is the way injections work. The toxin gets in and weakens the muscles, making the skin smoother. This approach is risky if applied below the eye area, as it can disrupt facial movements. No matter how much you want to get rid of folds on your cheeks, you should think about the consequences, since you still need to move the muscles of the face, at least the mouth.

3. Fat injections

For this procedure, fat collected from a suitable donor is injected as wrinkle filler. Fat injections can remove lines around the mouth.

4. Facelift

A facelift is one of the surgical treatment options. This procedure works by tightening sagging skin on the cheeks to reduce folds and lines.

5. Cheek fillers

They are different from injectable fillers. The method involves a surgical procedure to place implants in the cheeks to smooth out smile lines. After surgical manipulations, not only will facial wrinkles be smoothed out, but your cheeks will probably take on the ideal shape for you.

6. Excision

This is a surgical procedure in which the skin in the folds is completely excised. This may be the best treatment for nasolabial folds.

7. Creams

Not everyone wants to deal with surgery or injections into their facial skin. This is why there are cosmetic products that can be applied topically to reduce the appearance of this problem. There are several types of creams and serums designed to eliminate expression lines. Although they may not produce results as quickly as a more aggressive method such as plastic surgery, some treatments can be quite effective. There is no way to say which cream is best, but it is worth choosing a product with the right ingredients. A good product, including cream, for wrinkles and folds should contain one of the following components:


It encourages skin cells to retain moisture, making it firmer, which helps reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the cheeks. Silicone creams will temporarily fill wrinkles in the skin


This is mainly vitamin A and should be present in the cream because it stimulates collagen production.


Contained in newer products. Peptides appear to be an integral part of an effective anti-wrinkle cream.

Natural home remedies

They do not give such instant results as surgical methods. But this does not mean that there is no home remedy that can help combat this problem. Natural remedies have fewer adverse side effects and are rarely expensive. Using one of the following methods, you can reduce the lines on your cheeks when you smile, even on the smallest budget.

1. Facial exercises

Exercise promises many changes on the skin of the face. All you need is a face, a mirror, some information about the exercises and a sequence of actions to get results.

Exercises to remove facial wrinkles

2. Homemade masks

Egg white

It is worth trying to apply a little egg white to the problem area, then wash it off after drying. This mask will help tighten the skin around your mouth, minimizing smile lines and other wrinkles.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is often cited as a natural remedy for skin problems, including the nasolabial folds. You need to apply a little coconut oil on your skin to make the lines less noticeable.

Honey mask with avocado

These two ingredients are also often used in home remedies for skin imperfections. Honey increases circulation, and avocado moisturizes and nourishes the skin. If you add a little egg white for a tightening effect, you might get the best mask against expression lines.

3. Makeup

Here's a helpful makeup tip to hide wrinkles on your cheeks. The best choice for this is to use a primer. A good primer will fill in the creases in your skin, providing a smooth base for your makeup and thereby hiding imperfections.