Vibrating massager revoskin gold reviews

Anyone (especially the fairer sex) wants to prolong the youth of their skin and always look good. In order to help them with this, the Revoskin ionic vibrating facial massager was created. This is a unique device for solving problems with wrinkles, dry skin and other aging processes.

What is Revoskin

Revoskin is a device whose name speaks for itself. This is a revolutionary device that can not only eliminate minor skin imperfections in a short time, but completely cleanse and regenerate it. Daily use makes facial skin smooth and elastic, without the use of drugs, expensive cosmetic injections and surgery.

The result is achieved through vibrations that improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues. These actions slow down aging. In addition, "Revoskin" helps against wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation, dullness and unevenness, and due to the action of negatively charged ions, muscle tone improves, helping to even out the tone and structure of the skin.

Device Description

The device was developed in Japan together with specialists from France. The size of the device is small, easily fits in the palm of your hand, and the color is golden. Conventionally, the device is divided into 3 parts:

  1. The first is a removable back panel for installing/replacing batteries.
  2. The main one is the brass body of the ionizer, which fits securely in the hand without slipping during operation.
  3. The third part is a vibrating element for contact with the skin.

The Energy Beauty Revoskin device has the following technical characteristics:

  1. aluminum and brass body;
  2. gold-plated nozzle;
  3. power – 1.5 V;
  4. battery operation;
  5. dimensions – 140 x 16 mm;
  6. nozzle width – 35 mm;
  7. product weight – 80 g (without batteries).

"Revoskin" was created in order to maintain the radiance and youth of the skin. Gold plating on the nozzle protects the skin from various types of infections, since this metal has high antioxidant properties. Due to the fact that the device is very small in size, you can always take it with you and do a massage anywhere it is convenient. It even fits in a small women's handbag.

Japanese women have been using Revoskin for a long time. There are no negative reviews among their responses. And now Russian women have the opportunity not to spend huge amounts of money on cosmetic procedures and creams. There is also no need to resort to surgical interventions.

The Revoskin device is recommended for use by men and women at the first signs of aging and the appearance of wrinkles, starting at about 25 years old, when the causes of aging can still be eliminated at their inception. You can use the device at an earlier age (but not earlier than 16 years), if necessary, since it does not give any side effects.

How does "Revoskin" work?

The device has a positive effect on the skin due to high-frequency ultrasound pulses that thoroughly penetrate the dermis and activate tissue at the cellular level. The pulsation of negative ions stimulates blood flow and fills cells with oxygen. As a result of this, they are restored and become more full.

Over time, external modifications in the skin condition also appear: wrinkles smooth out and disappear, pigment spots and freckles become lighter, complexion is evened out and the water-lipid balance of the skin is restored. In addition, such hated phenomena as increased skin oiliness, peeling and dryness disappear. To consolidate the result, experts recommend using facial rejuvenation cream.

Consequences of constant use of "Revoskin"

Regular use of the device leads to the following:

  1. Blood flow in the dermis improves, and cellular nutrition of the skin is renewed. Cells become elastic, filled with oxygen and moisture.
  2. Muscle muscles are further stimulated. The skin of the face becomes elastic, toned, bruises and bags under the eyes disappear. The overall tone of the face improves.
  3. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep wrinkles are made less noticeable.
  4. The complexion smoothes out and becomes healthy.
  5. Vibrating facial massager "Revoskin" controls sebaceous secretions, accordingly, oily shine disappears, and the skin becomes matte and smooth.
  6. By regulating sebaceous fibers, pimples, inflammation and acne disappear, and the pores gradually narrow.
  7. Peeling and dryness disappear. This occurs due to proper metabolism, which stimulates natural hydration and nutrition of the skin.
  8. Cells initiate the production of their own collagen, which prevents the skin from aging.
  9. Hyaluronic acid is produced, which, as a result of accumulation in tissues, begins to reconstruct the water balance. Skin cells fill with moisture and retain it throughout the day.
  10. The comfortable vibrating nozzle naturally polishes the upper layer of the epidermis, blurring scars, scars and stretch marks.
  11. Constant use of the device makes the skin young, blooming, beautiful and toned.

Reviews from those who have long appreciated Revoskin Gold confirm all of the above.

How to use the device

Experts recommend using Revoskin every day, at least twice a day. The duration of one session lasts from 3 to 10 minutes. Studies have revealed that the first effect becomes noticeable after the fifth procedure, depending on the initial condition of the skin. After three weeks of constant use, the appearance improves significantly.

Now you need to learn about the device and how to use it. "Revoskin" must be used, performing all actions in a certain sequence:

  1. It is necessary to wet the skin with vitamin tonic or water.
  2. Turn on the device.
  3. Apply it to the area to be treated and begin moving along the massage contours.
  4. Problem areas need to be given more attention (treated more thoroughly).
  5. The area under the eyes is treated only if there are crow's feet using gentle movements without pressure.
  6. If necessary, the treated area is moistened with water/tonic again.
  7. After treating the face with the nozzle, the device should be turned over and an acupuncture (acupressure) massage should be performed.
  8. Rinse your face and pat dry with a clean towel.
  9. The final stage is the application of a caring cosmetic product.

The treatment course lasts 2 months. However, the high security of the device makes it possible to use it on an ongoing basis.


The Revoskin massager has a large number of properties:

  1. Non-comedogenic, unlike most cosmetics that clog pores. As a result of its use, they, on the contrary, narrow.
  2. An ideal solution for those who are prone to allergic reactions to cosmetic products. It does not cause irritation or rashes, but has a positive effect on sensitive skin.
  3. The Japanese device "Revoskin" is universal. It can be used by both the weaker and stronger sex.
  4. High-quality metal alloy and top gold treatment guarantee long service life and preservation of appearance.
  5. The device is not subject to mechanical damage and is not afraid of water.
  6. The ultra-compact size and suitable shape allow you to use the massager anywhere and treat different areas of the skin.
  7. The positive impact of cosmetics with Revoskin increases tenfold.
  8. Promotes the penetration of vitamins and nutrients into the deep layers of the skin.
  9. Due to gold ions, the cosmetology massager helps to stop the aging process.

The precious metal is perfectly absorbed by human skin and leads to the strengthening of the collagen framework. Gold ions have always been famous in cosmetology for their healing properties, such as:

  1. Restoration of all processes in skin cells and tissues.
  2. Removal of toxic substances.
  3. Elimination of excess active oxygen, which leads to early aging.
  4. Regulating skin acidity. Hydrogen ions help increase their own concentration.
  5. Electrolyte balance.
  6. Improving the protective properties of the skin.


Is Revoskin Gold safe? The instructions for the device provide some contraindications. The vibrating massager is not recommended for use:

  1. For children.
  2. Pregnant women.
  3. For those who have a tendency to high blood pressure.
  4. With heart disease.
  5. For asthmatics.
  6. Hypertensive patients.
  7. If there is rosacea, when the vessels are clearly visible on the cheeks. In this case, any mechanical impacts on problem areas should be avoided.

You shouldn’t chase beauty at the risk of your own health. Before use, you should consult with your doctor, who will tell you exactly whether the device can be used in a particular case.

It is important! If you have dark circles under your eyes, you should make sure that the cause of their appearance is not caused by a disease. Otherwise, the massager will be powerless.

The principle of operation of the device

The main purpose of vibrating massagers is to relax muscles in order to relieve fatigue. The Revoskin massager works in a similar way. But there is a small difference, which is that the action of this device is aimed at eliminating imperfections in a small area of ​​skin, most often on the face.

The device produces vibration pulses that affect all layers of the epidermis, which has a positive effect on its general condition. Blood circulation increases, as a result of which the recovery process accelerates and the turgor of tissue cells increases.

"Revoskin" has earned both negative and positive reviews - they occur equally often. This can be explained by incorrect use of the device or the purchase of a product on a third-party site with a high probability of counterfeit.


In the process of studying information about a device on various portals, you can often stumble upon bad reviews. "Revoskin" - a scam or true? So let's find out. This device is quite popular. Therefore, there are a huge number of fakes, like any famous thing. Accordingly, buyers purchasing a non-original product do not receive the expected result, which is why negative reviews appear.

What to look for to understand whether it is a fake or an original?

  1. Real "Revoskin Gold" vibrating massagers are sold only on the manufacturer's official website.
  2. The device is not sold through offline stores and sites.
  3. Non-original devices have different equipment.

With this information, every buyer is guaranteed to be able to buy a real facial massager and protect themselves from scammers and scammers.

Revoskin: real reviews

The process of skin aging is individual, for each person it begins at a different age and occurs at different speeds, but in any case it cannot be avoided.

At about 25 years of age, the enrichment of the skin with blood begins to slow down, and year after year this process only gets worse. Subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner, the main protein structures of the skin - elastin and collagen - begin to disintegrate, and as a result, taut and elastic skin slowly fades. The formation of wrinkles is complicated by the peculiarities of the facial structure and facial expressions, as well as external influences, such as ultraviolet radiation, hot or cold air, and even the presence of chemical particles in precipitation.

A vibration massager with ions can perform up to 6 thousand vibrations per second, which primarily stimulate the saturation of the skin with blood. As a result, the epidermis receives more oxygen, and metabolic processes are resumed. Therefore, cells activate their work, and the breakdown of elastin and collagen stops. In addition, the peculiarity of "Revoskin" is that it must be used on damp skin, which means that during the process of exposure, moisture is driven into the pores, and the process of restoring the water balance occurs. All this together returns freshness and elasticity to the outer layer of the skin. In a word, facial rejuvenation occurs.

Ultraviolet light is both a friend and an enemy of the skin at the same time. On the one hand, the sun promotes the production of vitamin D in the body, which is necessary for better absorption of calcium, phosphorus and regulation of cell production and metabolic processes. On the other hand, ultraviolet radiation destroys the cells responsible for eliminating melanin. This factor influences the formation of age spots with age.

Real reviews of Revoskin indicate that the device uses pulsations to disperse melanin, reducing its accumulation in certain areas. The result is amazing: skin tone is smoothed, spots simply melt before our eyes. In addition, "Revoskin" starts the process of restoration and protection of cells that protect the skin from the reappearance of age spots.

Negative reviews

There are no people who would not strive to maintain youthful skin for as long as possible. It is precisely on this desire that expensive cosmetic centers make money. Unfortunately, the procedures carried out there do not always give the expected effect, since many of them have simply become irrelevant.

Japanese products and cosmetics have always been famous because this country uses innovative developments in the field of high technology. And today, the Land of the Rising Sun continues to amaze and delight. The ionic vibration massager is proof of this. Just one compact device can solve in a few minutes a significant list of problems that cosmetologists struggle with for a long time, using expensive products. So, why is Revoskin criticized and the Internet is filled with negative reviews about it?

Why is the device getting bad reviews?

It is possible that negative reviews are the machinations of competitors, since many of them simply fade against the background of an ionic vibrating massager. This is proven not only by real reviews of Revoskin, but also by the very convincing appearance of those who have been using it for some time. Most negative stories about the use of the device are written by anonymous people. In addition, the text lacks clear language about its shortcomings. Negative reviews of "Revoskin" are reviewed with messages of this type: “purchased - used - don’t like it - don’t buy.” But they do not give a complete picture of this product, so you should not trust them.

The next option for having bad reviews on the Internet is that they can be written by girls who decided to save money and bought a fake instead of the original device. The only question is, what kind of complaints and dissatisfaction could there be in this case? After all, the manufacturer warns: original products are sold exclusively through the official website. Most likely, wanting not to spend extra money, the customers purchased “Revoskin” at a more favorable price, in their opinion, in a dubious place.

Reviews from cosmetologists about "Revoskina"

The effectiveness of the device is gaining respect from the cosmetology community at lightning speed. And this is not at all surprising, since “Revoskin” not only eliminates the effects of negative environmental influences, but also guarantees reliable protection of the skin from subsequent exposure to negative factors.

Reviews from dermatologists

Still in doubt whether Revoskin is a scam or not? Modern cosmetology centers strive to keep abreast of the latest trends and observe the emergence of new developments in the field of skin care.

Since "Revoskin" is able to cope with various problems, for example, acne, irritation and dryness at the same time, as well as restore metabolic processes, leading beauty experts are increasingly turning to this device. Its use guarantees 100% efficiency of the services provided. Since professionals are working with it, it’s at least worth a try.

Where to buy "Revoskin Gold"?

Are you interested in the device, but don’t know where to buy Revoskin? To purchase an original product, you must contact the manufacturers exclusively. Due to the fact that the ionic vibration massager is in great demand, scammers have appeared on the Internet selling counterfeits under the guise of the original. For some, the cost of the product is 2 or even 3 times higher, others cannot provide certificates of conformity, and still others require prepayment. Therefore, you need to take the choice of a seller very seriously, and it is better not to take risks and place an order on the manufacturer’s official website.

The ordering process is as follows:

  1. Find the official website online and go to the main page.
  2. Go to the ordering section.
  3. Leave your personal information (initials and mobile phone number) in the special box.
  4. Wait for a call to the specified number from a store employee.
  5. Get a consultation (free).
  6. Ask any questions you have.
  7. Place an order for "Revoskin".
  8. Receive the parcel at the post office.
  9. Pay for the purchase upon delivery.

How much does Revoskin cost?

The cost of the device may vary slightly depending on the region.

  1. Russian Federation – 1290 rubles (promotion with 50% discount).

Shipping takes about a week and is carried out throughout Russia and to European cities. Payment is made upon receipt by mail and in cash to the courier.

  1. Ukraine – 890 hryvnia.
  2. Republic of Belarus - 70 bel. rubles
  3. Kazakhstan – 13,990 tenge.

The Ionic vibration massager "Revoskin" is a very entertaining device. On the Internet you can find a lot of, let’s say, not very positive information, but with a good preponderance of positive reviews there are still more. Many note the simplicity and convenience of the device.

Of course, magic will not happen, since the fight against problem skin consists of a number of factors: regimen, proper nutrition, lack of stress, cosmetic products, and in some cases even drug treatment. All this needs to be taken into account. But this ion device is definitely wonderful: its use will not harm, but will significantly speed up some processes. It's worth taking note.

Revoskin device is the latest development of Japanese scientists. It affects the skin with negatively charged ions, not only eliminating signs of aging, but also starting the body's regeneration process. As a result, the body's dormant reserves are activated and it successfully fights major skin problems.

Using a Revoskin massager helps you avoid salon procedures, which are often harmful to the skin, damaging and depleting its natural resource. When carrying out the procedures, you can completely abandon the use of home or pharmacy products for facial care. The device is compact, easily fits in a handbag and runs on batteries.

Revoskin starts the process of regeneration and treatment of the skin at the cellular level. Thanks to this, wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes more elastic, the oval of the face is tightened, dark circles under the eyes disappear and, in most cases, pigment spots completely disappear.

Negative reviews about Revoskin

Like any product, Revoskin has not only positive, but also negative reviews. If you have experience using the device, the site administration invites you to write your review about the product.

Negative user reviews are extremely important. After all, they are the ones who will help a potential buyer decide whether to purchase a product or not.

The site publishes absolutely real reviews about Revoskin. Have you stumbled upon a fake product? Be sure to write about it! This will help other people not to make the same mistake and use only the original product.

If for some reason the device did not provide you with the promised result or did not justify its cost, be sure to leave a comment. Perhaps your review will help to sort out all the identified shortcomings of the device.


“I ordered it online and immediately decided to try it at home for myself. I didn't notice any stunning effect. The skin did become slightly smoother, but no better than from salon treatments with professional devices. In addition, having bought such a device, an ordinary woman without a cosmetologist’s education may use it incorrectly and not get the expected effect.”


“I ordered Revoskin before going to the seaside. I liked that it is compact and you don’t need to take a lot of cosmetics with you, since it replaces all products. I am very dissatisfied with the result, or rather the lack thereof. All the wrinkles remained in place, only the skin stopped drying. I did not get any normal effect, and even after the procedure, redness appeared on the skin in places. True, they left within an hour, but it was still not very pleasant.”

The dream of any female representative is to be forever attractive and young! The years fly by quickly, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to hide it. The skin loses elasticity and wrinkles appear. There is always a way out! A product that will help fight the signs of aging and prevent it is the Revoskin vibrating massager. Reviews about this device are varied. Having learned more information about this miracle of technology, it will be possible to draw conclusions! Negatively charged ions do incredible work. They smooth out the skin texture, remove blackheads and flaking, and normalize the oiliness of the epidermis!

Good or bad?

It’s nice to visit a beauty salon, get massages, injections, masks, but it takes a lot of time and money from the family budget. And not everyone can afford plastic surgery. Modern developers have found a way out of the situation. Japanese craftsmen have delighted women all over the world. They have created a device that replaces all facial procedures and preserves youthful skin - the Revoskin Gold ionic vibration massager. Reviews about it can be confusing, but it’s still worth paying due attention to them. Read a few opinions and draw your own conclusion.

Two sides of the coin

Everyone has their own opinion, and now you can express it without any barriers. Maybe the statements of dissatisfied people will help someone! Many girls noted that the device is just a transfer of batteries, an ordinary motor in a beautiful guise. There is no promised stunning effect! Adult women say that wrinkles, sagging cheeks and chin remain in place even after prolonged use! Representatives of the older generation are not ready to give their money to Japanese manufacturers, because the device is of zero use.

There is a lot of talk and controversy surrounding the Revoskin massager; negative reviews are nothing new. Some ladies are delighted with this device, but the other half considers it a useless thing!


The principle of operation of this device is the effect of negatively charged ions on the skin. From such an onslaught, the epidermis gains strength, smoothes out, and elasticity appears. An important fact is that the massager gets rid of blackheads! Dead cells disappear after two uses, the skin is transformed before our eyes. This device is suitable for use by both men and women. It will smooth out all skin irregularities, get rid of age spots and visible blood vessels!

Many women have tested the device. But it’s impossible to say for sure whether the Revoskin ionic vibration massager is good or bad; reviews will help you form an opinion about this device. You can use it to improve skin on any part of the body!

Golden friend

The massager looks very solemn and promising. Although it is small in size, shaped like a razor, it is very glamorous. The device is plated with 24-karat gold and weighs less than one hundred grams. Therefore, you can safely take it on trips and continue your beauty course!

Six thousand vibrations per minute sweep away all imperfections and problems of the skin in its path. The device can be used on any part of the body. The Revoskin massager does not cause any side effects or allergic reactions. Reviews from a few users refute this opinion. According to the girls, the device causes itching and burning. Redness of the skin often occurs after the first use. Customers would like to know whether such side effects are the effect of negatively charged ions or poor quality materials. Maybe the device is made of harmful alloys or low-quality plastic? The owners of this golden miracle have many questions! But no one can get a clear answer from the manufacturer! Advertising says that your skin will instantly transform, but in reality it turns out differently!

Don't forget to read the instructions before you start using the Revoskin massager. Reviews are also a good advisor, but it’s better to trust those who invented this device!

Correct Application

The session time for using the Revoskin device is from three to ten minutes. You can do several approaches a day. The main thing is regularity and patience. After four sessions you will see the first results. And then the process of restoring the perfection of the skin before your eyes will begin. Don't forget to set aside time for treatments every day. There is no need to be too zealous either. Universal usage scheme:

  1. first week – daily, once a day for five minutes;
  2. second week – daily, twice a day for six minutes;
  3. third week – once every two days.

The Revoskin massager will not cause any harm to the skin, reviews are contradictory, but there have been no cases of global health damage. But if you suffer from allergies or your skin is too sensitive, refrain from the procedures!

golden thing

Revoskin Gold looks like a glamorous razor! But as soon as the power button is pressed, it starts working great. 6000 vibrations per minute is a good indicator! The massager does not need power supply; it runs on batteries. Therefore, you can take it on any trip without fear of not finding a power source. But after reading reviews of the Japanese ionic vibration massager Revoskin Gold, you may feel bewildered. A large number of people who have tried the product claim that blackheads disappeared after several sessions, expression lines were smoothed out, the oval of the face was tightened, and the skin regained its elasticity. It’s convenient to take the device with you when you’re late, so you don’t have to interrupt pleasant procedures. You can do them even on a train or plane. No obstacles on the path to perfection!

But there are also dissatisfied massager owners. They are outraged that they threw money away. The most ardent fans of beauty procedures ordered this device immediately, as soon as they saw the advertisement. But their expectations were not met. Buyers note that after a daily monthly course, improvements did not appear. Wasted time and money, disappointment and new searches - this is what the order of the Revoskin device led to.

Difficult choice

Rejuvenating masks and treatments in the salon are very expensive. Therefore, many girls are looking for a budget alternative! Order the Revoskin Gold and Turboskin device. Reviews say a lot, but it’s better to try it for yourself once than to trust strangers!

If you use a vibrating massager regularly, blood circulation will improve, scars, stretch marks and skin imperfections will disappear or at least become less noticeable. You will forget what peeling and increased fat content are. Don't ignore the décolleté area either. Move the massager along your neck for a few minutes and go lower. Hands also require care and maintenance of youth, because they begin to reveal a lady’s true age before her face! Three times a week, have an ion massage on your hands! Use the device every day on your face for a few minutes and after twenty-one days you simply won’t recognize your skin! She will shine and say “thank you” for such care.


Pregnant women should use any massager with caution, although there is no need to warn them, they are more beautiful than ever during this period of life! Persons under eighteen years of age are not recommended to use the massager. Patients with heart disease, asthmatics, and hypertensive patients should also abstain. In pursuit of youth and beauty, do not lose your head. If you are at risk, it is better to consult your doctor. After all, the dream of glowing skin should not become a threat to your health. Manufacturers promise that with regular use of the device, dark circles under the eyes will disappear. You should not believe such loud statements. Instead of spending money on Japanese new products, go see a doctor. After all, dark circles under the eyes sometimes signal serious health problems, and a massager is powerless here!

Didn't live up to expectations

Negative reviews about the Revoskin device continue to flood websites and forums. After all, there is no smoke without fire. Many people put forward versions that people writing malicious petitions simply ran into a fake. This is also possible, but getting to the bottom of the truth is not so easy.

The story of one customer confirms speculation that there are counterfeits of the device on the market. She claims that she tried using a massager from a friend. For three days the girl moved it over her face, carefully, carefully and regularly. I noticed the result already on the second day of use and was indescribably delighted. The skin acquired elasticity and began to glow from the inside. Dnushka immediately ordered this magic wand for herself. But when I started using my own device, I didn’t notice any improvements after a month or two! It's a shame to waste time and money. Apparently, the buyer came across a fake, or maybe the device is not suitable for everyone? The skin of some girls simply does not accept the “care” of the device, and therefore the effect is zero. But does he help someone?

Love yourself

You can often find angry reviews from deceived customers online. But you shouldn’t believe them one hundred percent either. After all, some write them for money, others - out of anger at the whole world or because they have nothing to do, but among all this there are also truthful statements. It's better to believe in yourself. Try the device ordered on the official website and share your impressions with other customers.

Love and appreciate yourself! Take care of your body, no matter how old you are. After all, a woman should always remain attractive and desirable! Take care of your youth and freshness. Alcohol and smoking leave a terrible imprint on the faces of girls. Give up everything that can harm your beautiful appearance! And then you will see the goddess in the mirror. Use the massager daily, but do not forget about other treatments for your skin. Massage your beautiful body, and it will respond to you with charming beauty and slimness! Believe in your strength, charms, beauty, and everything in life will begin to work out, and your dreams will come true!