What is the name of the breed of dog with folds?

There are many dog ​​breeds in the world. They are all different. Each has its own interesting features. Today we will tell you about a dog with folds. There are several breeds with such characteristics. Let's start with the most common one.

Dog with folds: Shar Pei breed. Description of appearance

The cause of the appearance of folds is considered to be a different gene sequence and mutation. Scientists came to this conclusion.

At first, this breed of dog with folds on the muzzle was bred to hunt animals such as wild boar. All the folds that the dog had were distracting elements. They were difficult to grasp. Therefore, the Shar Pei could easily dodge the attacking angry animal.

This dog with folds of skin is small in size. Weight – approximately 23 kilograms. The enormity of the appearance is given by the skin. The coat of these dogs is short and rough.

Representatives of this breed, like the Chow Chow, have a blue tongue. At the same time, they have fighting qualities. The color varies.

Shar Pei character

This folded dog is an excellent guard and watchman. She can become a devoted friend to the family. She is calm by nature. May show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs.

You should start training from a very early age (from about three to four months). This breed has fighting tendencies, so it is very advisable that the owner and the dog go through obedience school.

English Mastiff

This is an old breed that originated in Central Asia. Such a dog with folds was considered at that time an excellent hunter and warrior. She could enter into mortal combat with bears or tigers.

The representative's weight is more than seventy kilograms. A massive body and hanging folds on the muzzle are the distinctive features of the breed. This dog has a quick reaction.

A well-mannered dog behaves with dignity towards its owner. Peaceful towards others. But still, such a dog has excellent fighting qualities. You shouldn't forget about this. Therefore, such a dog can make an excellent family protector. The dog rarely barks.


This is a Belgian breed. Its representatives are large. The weight of one dog is fifty kilograms. Height at the withers is approximately 65 cm.

If we talk about the character of such dogs, they are quite capricious.

It's best to get a puppy. He will become a member of your family. This dog will happily play with both children and adults. This folded dog understands everything without words. You need to educate her only with affection. Aggression and anger should not be used in the training process.

English bulldog

This breed, as the name implies, is registered in England. Its representatives are excellent guards. Although they are small in size. The weight of an English bulldog is no more than 25 kilograms. Height at the withers does not exceed 38 cm.

The body shape of such a dog is short and stocky. This dog with a wrinkled face needs serious training. But it is necessary to teach without the use of aggression and force. Because the dog does not tolerate disrespectful treatment.

If there are children in the family, then it is worth telling them that such a dog should be treated with care. You should play with your dog carefully. It is necessary to monitor the joint fun of the child and the pet.

Such a dog, due to its qualities, may not live in every family where there are children or other animals. This dog has difficulty sharing a room with anyone else.

This is a German breed. It comes from Chinese dogs with bulging eyes. Representatives of the pug breed can live up to fifteen years. The weight of an adult dog is no more than seven kilograms. Height at the withers is no more than thirty centimeters.

This breed has a special feature. This is a pattern on the face created by folds.

The coat of such dogs is smooth, shiny, and the tail is ringed. Pugs have a very funny gait. They swing their pelvis a little while walking.

Different emotions can appear on the cute face of such a dog. Such changes can be observed especially when a dog with folds begs for a piece of tasty treat. Please note that you cannot give her everything and in large quantities. Since pugs very often have various types of allergies. In addition, they are prone to being overweight and obese.

When caring for such a dog, you should pay special attention to the condition of the eyes. Since these dogs have genetic problems with the organs of vision.

Therefore, with such a pet it is worth visiting veterinary hospitals periodically. If any problems with the eyes or other organs are detected, all doctor’s instructions should be followed.

As mentioned above, pugs have a tendency to be overweight, as well as weaken the muscles of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, these cute fidgets require feasible leisurely walks. Due to the special structure of the body and head, heavy loads are contraindicated for such dogs.

Caring for dogs with facial wrinkles

I would like to note that such dogs sweat in the hot season and during intense physical exertion. Microorganisms develop on secretions. As a result, a fungal skin disease may occur. Therefore, such representatives of the above-mentioned breeds, especially Shar-Pei, require systematic skin care. After all, as they say, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.


Now you know what a dog with folds is, you see a photo of it in the article. We have named several breeds with this feature. We hope that the information in the article was interesting to you.

In this article I will look at dog breeds with folds in the skin. I'll tell you about the character and content.

Dog breeds with skin folds

There are hundreds of breeds in the world, each with its own special qualities and characteristics. A special group are pets with folds, which you cannot pass by without being touched.

Shar Pei

Chinese breeders were involved in breeding Shar Peis. The breeders set themselves the goal of creating a good guard and protector. The dog had to be strong, capable of participating in dog fights. The Shar Pei's skin is its armor.

Previously, owners tried to instill in the dog aggression and fighting qualities. Now the Shar Pei is used as a companion.

Males are usually larger than females. The body is covered with numerous wrinkled folds. The coat is short, hard, without undercoat.

Shar Pei

The breed standard identifies the following coat colors:

The dog has a developed intelligence, but a complex character. The dog treats strangers with distrust. The Shar Pei is loyal to its owner. He treats children leniently and forgives all pranks. Has a bold, courageous character. The animal will be happy in a city apartment and in a country house.

Shar Peis are not prone to damaging property. They handle long-distance travel well. The breed is suitable for families with children and people leading an active lifestyle. A puppy costs 10 – 60 thousand rubles.

English Mastiff

One of the oldest breeds. According to scientists, mastiffs were known back in ancient Babylon and Egypt. Dogs were used to guard and protect homes. They were distinguished by their viciousness and severity. The modern breed standard highlights other character traits.

English Mastiffs are calm, balanced pets and do not bark without a reason. For children, the animal will become an excellent nanny, will accompany and protect the child. Suitable for family people. The dog is sincerely devoted to his owners and the home where he lives. He is wary of strangers, but will not attack without reason.

Mastiff is a lazy dog. I run in the morning with my owner, she would prefer to lie on the sofa. It is distinguished by its love of water procedures and swimming.

The standard does not establish the exact dimensions of the animal. The length of the body exceeds the height at the withers. The coat is thick, hard, with a soft undercoat. Standard colors: brindle, apricot, fawn-silver. Life expectancy is 11-13 years.

The cost of a puppy is 8-60 thousand rubles.

English bulldog

The ancestors of English bulldogs are considered to be Old English mastiffs and Viking dogs (Alans). Dogs were bred for corralling bulls and dog fighting. In 1835, England introduced a ban on bloody entertainment using dogs. The breed was on the verge of extinction, but English breeders were able to preserve it.

Bulldogs have a strong build. They have developed muscles and strong bones. Short, thick coat, soft to the touch. The colors vary, but must be clean and even. The spots are pronounced and clearly defined.

Colors allowed by the standard:

English Bulldogs are sensitive and loyal companions. They treat children well and participate in all games. The dog has an extraordinary mind and is capable of making independent decisions if the situation requires it.

They are demanding of other pets and can dominate. The animal is emotionally dependent on communication with humans. People who are rarely at home are not recommended to own a breed.

The cost of puppies varies from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

English bulldog


The breed was bred for hunting. Bloodhounds have a well-developed sense of smell. The dog is used for rescue and search work and in police service. Representatives of the breed are considered to be the oldest dogs that were known in Ancient Babylon.

The dog has powerful muscles, harmonious, strong bones. The skin is thin and elastic, hanging in folds and wrinkles in the head area. The ears are long and covered with short silky hair. The coat is short, thick, close to the body. Acceptable colors are black and red, red, brown and red.

A puppy costs 45-80 thousand rubles.

The dog has unlimited love and devotion to his family. The Blandhound behaves well with children, allowing any pranks. Often the dog has to be protected from the child. There is no aggression or malice, but some individuals may be timid and shy.

The dog is indifferent to other pets; coexistence rarely brings conflicts.

The breed appeared about 3 thousand years ago in China. Dogs were used as companions. It became widespread during the reign of Napoleon. His wife adored pugs and never parted with her pet.

The coat is short, soft, shiny. The color should be uniform: gray, peach, black, beige. Pugs have well-developed muscles and a stocky build.

A distinctive feature of the pug is its kind character. The dog loves his family and children infinitely. Pugs are energetic and sociable dogs who like to be in the center of events.

The pet has a developed mind and good intelligence. Problems may arise during training due to the dog's stubbornness. Despite their small size, pugs selflessly protect their owner, showing aggression towards the offender.

Rules of care

In warm seasons, dogs often sweat, so it is necessary to wash and comb the animal more often. Due to the peculiarities of the skin of these breeds, fungal diseases can occur. The Shar Pei requires special care.

In winter, you cannot walk outside with your dog for a long time. Otherwise she may catch a cold. To protect your pet from hypothermia, you should wear special clothing.

Folded dogs are funny and cute animals that require proper care and attention. They adapt well to life in an apartment and outside the city, the main condition is that the animals receive the love of their owner.

There are a large number of dog breeds in the world, the representatives of which are very different from each other. So, there are several breeds that have folded skin. This Mastino is a Neapolitan, but she only has folds on her muzzle. But among the representatives of the breed SHARPEI folds all over the body.

There are some "wrinkled" dog breeds that have folds of skin on their face or throughout their body. U "Mastino Neapolitano" the muzzle is all in folds, but there are none on the body. Therefore this option is not suitable.

There is another breed of dog with excess skin, which has folds everywhere: on the body, on the paws, and on the face. These funny dogs that resemble plush toys that you just want to “squeeze” are called "shar peis".

We choose this breed of dog as the answer, especially since in the word "shar pei" six letters.