Total knee replacement.

When performing squats and deadlifts with sub-maximum and maximum weights, there is a high probability of getting a knee injury. Moreover, such an injury that can knock you out of your training rut not only for a long time, but forever! This problem is especially relevant for triathletes. After all, powerlifting, as you know, is an extreme sport that involves working to the maximum...

Total arthroplasty is performed when conservative treatment methods do not help restore joint mobility and relieve severe chronic pain. When performing total arthroplasty, all components of the joint are replaced with a prosthesis.

  1. Preparing for surgery.
  2. Main stages of the operation.
  3. Postoperative period.

Preparing for surgery.

Before undergoing total knee replacement surgery, it is necessary to cure all infectious diseases (this is necessary to avoid infection getting into the blood during the operation). Particular attention should be paid to diseases of the kidneys, liver, prostate gland and teeth. Your orthopedist can provide you with all the necessary information on this matter.

Next, you need to undergo several diagnostic studies, including an x-ray - they will provide a general picture of the affected parts of the joint, which will allow you to select a prosthesis and draw up a surgical plan.

Main stages of the operation.


Endoprosthesis replacement is usually performed under general anesthesia, although it is possible that joint replacement is performed under local anesthesia (the person does not feel his legs).

The surgeon makes one or more incisions, then removes the damaged parts of the joint and the inflamed mucous membrane, then installs the parts of the prosthesis and secures them with a special cement substance.

The operation itself takes approximately one to three hours.

Postoperative period.

Patients almost immediately notice relief after surgery - the pain goes away and joint mobility returns. However, in the first days after surgery, a person will still have to take special medications to eliminate pain.

In addition, joint mobility will not be restored immediately - it needs to be trained. For training, a set of special exercises is used, details of which you can check with your orthopedist.

A few facts that those who have undergone this operation need to know. Although endoprosthetics is designed to restore mobility, you will not get complete freedom in this regard. You are not recommended to engage in contact or active sports, as heavy loads may damage the prosthesis.

When visiting the dentist, be sure to inform him about the operation performed; you may also need to take antibiotics before visiting him.

Your prosthesis may be affected by airport security systems, so please inform security personnel if you have it.

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