Taking care of beautiful breasts

The breast is perhaps the most vulnerable place of the female body. How to preserve its beauty for many years? Pregnancy, breastfeeding, some hormonal diseases, too strict and ill-considered diets lead to breasts sagging, becoming far less attractive than before. But high, elastic breasts, like a magnet attracting men’s gaze, are half the component of female beauty...

What to do? Stock up on special cosmetics? Alas, she won't help. Advertising can describe the stunning effect of using various creams and gels that supposedly restore breast elasticity. But all these remedies can only slightly improve the condition of the décolleté skin.

However, you don’t need to think that all is lost - specially designed gymnastics for the chest muscles, if performed regularly, can work wonders! So, if you find yourself looking sideways with envy at the curves appearing in the cleavage of your daughter, niece, or just the first young girl you meet, well, it’s time to get down to business! A month of persistent exercise - and your breasts can become as seductive as those of young beauties.

A complex of eight exercises to strengthen the chest can be done three times a week. The props you will need for training are elementary: a gymnastic mat or just a blanket spread on the floor, dumbbells weighing 0.5-3 kg (they can be replaced with plastic bottles of water) and an expander (or an elastic medical bandage).

Exercises to strengthen your chest

Before performing basic chest strengthening exercises, a short warm-up is necessary - it will help warm up the muscles. It is enough to make 10-15 rotations of your shoulders back and forth and perform the “mill” the same number of times with your arms spread to the sides.

Exercise 1. Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides.

The exercise is useful for strengthening the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and chest. Starting position: take dumbbells and lie on your back, move your arms slightly bent at the elbows forward in front of your chest. Now inhale and slowly spread your arms out to the sides until your elbows touch the floor. Exhale and raise your arms again until you return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-20 times.

Exercise 2. Alternating raises with dumbbells.

The exercise strengthens the same muscle groups as the previous one. Starting position: lying on your back, extend your right arm with a dumbbell along your thigh, and your left arm up in front of your chest. Without bending your elbows, change their position. Do 15-20 repetitions.

Exercise 3. Push-ups.

It is proposed to perform the well-known push-ups, which perfectly strengthen, in addition to the chest muscles, also the shoulders, back, abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks. Starting position: kneeling, spread your arms wide and gradually move your legs back. Make sure that your arms are not spread wide - your wrists should be exactly under your shoulder joints. Now bend your elbows, spreading them apart. When performing the exercise, you should go as low as possible, while it is important not to arch your back or lower your head - the whole body from the top of your head to your heels should be stretched out like a string. A total of 10-20 repetitions will be required.

If it is too difficult for you to do push-ups from a lying position, you can perform the exercise from a kneeling position or even, as a last resort, do push-ups while standing on your feet, resting your hands on a wall or cabinet. In the latter case, it is important to touch the wall with your chest and chin, while bending backwards.

Exercise 4. Raising arms with an expander.

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding an expander in front of you. Stand on your toes and slowly spread your arms to the sides, stretching the expander. Do 8-12 repetitions.

Exercise 5. Lifting in the side plank pose.

The exercise strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, upper chest, upper and middle back.

Starting position: kneeling. Leaning on your right hand, take