Trichopolum in case of pincers on the face

Demodectic mange is an unpleasant skin disease caused by a subcutaneous mite called glandular acne or demodex. Manifests itself in the form of swelling, eye fatigue, itching, redness. It is possible to become infected through direct contact, through clothing, bedding, and even in a beauty salon.

This disease is treated for a long time, from several months to a year. The main helpers are gels and ointments for external use, which act on the mite, regulate the production of sebum, and relieve inflammation. Metronidazole-based tablets are also prescribed. Basically, doctors recommend Trichopolum for demodicosis.

Treatment of demodicosis

A large number of people suffer, in the literal sense of the word, from the disease. Acne, ulcers, flaky eyelids will unsettle even the most balanced person. In addition, these unpleasant manifestations are accompanied by itching, scabies, and dry skin.


The main remedy for demodicosis is ointments. But you should not self-medicate; you should definitely consult a dermatologist. When identifying this disease, a competent specialist should never limit himself to ointment alone.

Treatment should be comprehensive: combine products for both external and internal use. It would be wise to take a course of vitamins to boost your immunity, this will help avoid an early relapse.

At an advanced stage, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, antihistamines, and recommend a number of cosmetic procedures using liquid nitrogen. Therefore, treatment lasts from several months to a year.

By the way, ointments that are used in the treatment of demodicosis and have proven themselves to be an effective remedy in the fight against mites, were invented a long time ago, they were actively used back in the days of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Their cost does not exceed several tens of rubles.

That's far incomplete list of ointmentswhich are prescribed for this disease:

These are well-known effective drugs that have already stood the test of time and have proven themselves to be the best. They are freely available and can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Let's take a closer look at the latter.


The main active ingredient is metronidazole, a broad-spectrum antibiotic., affecting a large number of bacteria. Damages the DNA structure of a microorganism sensitive to it, as a result of which it dies. This antibiotic is active against most protozoa.

Indications for use are as follows:

  1. trichomoniasis;
  2. giardiasis;
  3. infections caused by anaerobic bacteria (including demodicosis);
  4. oral infections (periodontal, etc.);
  5. amoebiasis (all forms);
  6. gastrointestinal ulcers.

Your doctor will tell you how to take Trichopolum for demodicosis. When treating different diseases, different dosage regimens are prescribed.

In case of demodicosis, it is usually recommended to take 2 tablets 3-4 times a day during or immediately after meals, with plenty of water. The course of treatment is no more than 7-10 days.

Trichopolum, like any antibiotic, has contraindications. These include:

  1. high sensitivity to antibiotic (metronidazole);
  2. organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  3. liver and kidney dysfunction;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. lactation period;
  6. children under 3 years of age (for the drug in tablet form).

When prescribing a drug during pregnancy, the doctor assesses the possible risks. If the benefits of taking the drug far outweigh the harm caused, a dermatologist may prescribe pills. The only exception is the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, Trichopolum is never prescribed.

Trichopolum is available in several forms:

  1. tablets for oral use;
  2. solution for intravenous administration;
  3. vaginal tablets.

The drug can be used externally in the form of talkers. The recipes are very varied. The base is usually salicylic alcohol or vodka. You can also find recipes using chloramphenicol, streptocide, propolis, boron and a number of other components. The drugs are mixed, the resulting mixture is applied pointwise to the affected areas, and wait until it dries completely.


Like any antibiotic, Trichopolum has a number of side effectswhich disappear with drug withdrawal. They don't always occur. These include: drowsiness, headaches, temporary visual disturbances, depressed mood, nausea and a number of others. If these symptoms appear, you should inform your doctor, who will adjust the treatment.

Trichopolum for demodicosis and reviews about it give hope for a complete recovery. Simultaneous administration of the drug in tablet form and the use of ointments with metronidazole helps to get rid of the disease.

People on the forums write that when taking Trichopolum, the signs of the disease begin to disappear in the middle of the course - towards the end. With supportive therapy in the form of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, a person can forget about this unpleasant disease once and for all.

Subcutaneous mites or Demodex are a pathogen that causes long-term skin disease. "Trichopol" for demodicosis is prescribed in tablet form in parallel with the local use of ointments and gels. This disease is difficult to treat, so early diagnosis and use of Trichopolum helps to completely get rid of the skin parasite.


The subcutaneous mite may not manifest itself for a long time, which is problematic for diagnosis and further treatment.

Properties and release form

"Trichopol" from Demodex is used in the form of tablets, intravenous administration, or prepared as mash. The drug is based on the active ingredient metronidazole. This medication acts on ferredoxin, a protein that is part of unicellular, protozoan microorganisms and mites. It cleaves the nitro group from this substance, which allows metronidazole to penetrate into the core of the pathogenic pathogen and inhibits the process of nucleic acid synthesis. Thus, the death of the pathological agent occurs and the patient is freed from its harmful effects.

Indications for use

"Trichopol" successfully fights the simplest microorganisms. It is also able to influence a number of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This drug is used to treat the following conditions:

  1. trihopol-pri-kleshe-na-lice-Btzbokg.webp

    Use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor.


amoebiasis; trichomoniasis; giardiasis; Helicobacter pylori infection; nonspecific vaginitis; surgical infection sensitive to metronidazole.

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Trichopolum should not be taken if you have demodicosis if you have an individual hypersensitivity to metronidazole or its derivatives. If there is a history of allergic reactions, the drug is contraindicated. This remedy is not used for Demodex mites in children under 6 years of age. For teenage acne, the formations are first diagnosed, and then the issue of treatment with metronidazole-based drugs is decided.

It is also prohibited to take this drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it is toxic to the fetus and baby. If a pregnant woman is affected by subcutaneous mites, it is important to differentiate from hormonal skin manifestations. A relative contraindication is chronic alcoholism, because alcohol increases the toxicity of this drug when taken in tablet form.

How to use?

The Trichopolum therapy regimen includes taking the drug 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The product should be washed down with plenty of water and drunk after meals. Treatment of tick-borne disease with tablets lasts 7-10 days. Intravenous administration of the drug is used for severe forms of demodicosis and significant impairment of the patient’s general condition.

For a local effect on skin affected by demodicosis, use the preparation of “talkers” based on “Trichopol”. The created solutions are used to wipe the areas of the skin affected by the mite with a cotton pad. There are 3 main recipes:

  1. trihopol-pri-kleshe-na-lice-CrSXPo.webp

    Based on the tablets, a “talk” is prepared for washing.

A crushed tablet of Trichopolum and Levomycetin is placed in a full bottle of salicylic alcohol. You need to shake the resulting mixture until the powder is completely dissolved. Rubbing the skin is carried out 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

To 100 ml of ethyl alcohol or vodka add 6 crushed tablets of Trichopolum, Mumiyo and Streptocide. Having transformed all the components into a homogeneous mass, you can apply it to the affected skin. This should be done before bed for 1 week. Grind 4 Trichopolum tablets and place them in 250 ml of ethyl alcohol. The mixture should sit for 3 days, after which it can be used. Apply once a day. The course lasts 3 weeks. Then they take a break for 21 days and repeat the scheme.

Alcohol-based rubs dry out the skin, so it is recommended to use them in the evening before bed, and in the morning, thoroughly wash the affected skin with running water.

Side effects

The use of Trichopolum may be accompanied by negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, stool disturbances, dryness of the oral mucosa, metallic taste in the mouth, stomatitis. Using the drug in tablet form leads to urine turning red, which is due to the peculiarities of metronidazole metabolism.

When treating demodicosis with talkers based on Trichopolum, side effects occur on the skin. Patients complain of dry skin, burning, and possible allergic rashes. In severe cases, pustular formations develop with transparent exudate inside. If such signs appear, you should stop using the drug.

Analogues of "Trichopol"

Substitutes for this drug include metronidazole-based products: Ornidazole, Tinidazole. They are used in the absence of Trichopolum. The difference lies in the concentration of the active substance. If this drug does not help with demodicosis, other drugs that can affect the subcutaneous mite are prescribed. These include “Benzyl benzoate”, zinc ointment, “Apit”, “Yam”. They are applied topically to areas of affected skin.

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Acne treatment is not complete without antimicrobial agents, and sometimes requires antiparasitic treatment. This effect is inherent in metronidazole, a well-known drug that has found active use in dermatology.

How does it work against acne?


Metronidazole is an imidazole derivative and has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. It acts against anaerobic bacteria:

  1. Peptostreptococci.
  2. Clostridium.
  3. Bacteroides.
  4. Fusobacterium.

However, this list does not include propionobacteria, which are associated with the development of acne. The drug is also active against protozoa, exhibiting an antiprotozoal effect. This effect is due to inhibition of DNA synthesis of pathogens.

After oral administration, metronidazole is rapidly and well absorbed from the digestive tract, reaching peak plasma levels after 1–3 hours. It creates therapeutic concentrations in various tissues and biological fluids, is metabolized in the liver, and excreted by the kidneys and intestines. When used topically, systemic absorption of the drug is negligible.

In addition to antimicrobial properties, the drug has an acaricidal effect and is active against the subcutaneous Demodex mite, which causes demodicosis of the skin and eyes. It is with this that many people associate the appearance of acne. Metronidazole also exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which helps in the treatment of acne (papules, pustules and erythema) with rosacea. Mite infestation is one of the factors in the development of rosacea.

The antimicrobial activity of metronidazole does not affect propionobacteria, but the drug is able to suppress the development of demodex and exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Instructions for use


Metronidazole is available in several dosage forms that are used in dermatology. Their use is determined by the specific situation and individual characteristics of the body.

Metronidazole tablets are intended for systemic use, which can be produced under various trade names: Trichopolum, Metrogyl, Efloran, Tricaside, etc. For cutaneous demodicosis, an average dosage is prescribed - 1 tablet twice a day. You must take the tablets for 7 days, unless your doctor prescribes otherwise.

Treatment for rosacea involves the topical use of metronidazole in the form of a gel or cream, often called an ointment. The drug is used by applying a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin in the morning and evening. If the gel is usually intended for oily skin, then the cream is used for excessive dryness. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually, usually the therapeutic effect is observed within 3 weeks.

In the home treatment of acne, it is suggested to use various talkers based on traditional medicines. To create such a product, metronidazole in the amount of 4 tablets is crushed and diluted in a glass with 70% alcohol. The solution should be infused for 3 days in a dark place with occasional stirring until the powder is completely dissolved.

Apply the prepared mash to problem areas and leave for 7–10 minutes without rinsing. Next, the skin is moisturized with a light cream suitable for problematic epithelium. The procedure is best done in the evening before bedtime.

Side effects

When using the drug topically, side effects are rarely observed. They are usually observed when consuming tablet forms. Among the undesirable effects it is worth noting the following:

During the metabolism of the drug, pigment compounds are formed, which can lead to a change in the color of urine to reddish-brown. This is a temporary phenomenon that stops after discontinuation of the drug.

Treatment of acne with metronidazole must be carried out taking into account the clinical features identified by the diagnostic results.



Metronidazole preparations are not prescribed in the presence of individual intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components of the dosage form. The tablets are not recommended for use if allergic reactions or aseptic meningitis were noted during the previous dose.

Due to the penetration of Trichopolum into breast milk, it is not used during lactation. Teratogenic effects are not expected during pregnancy, but treatment of acne with metronidazole during pregnancy should be carried out after a careful analysis of the likely benefits and risks.

Metronidazole can be used in the treatment of acne caused by demodicosis and rosacea. This is a drug that has antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties; when applied to the skin, it exhibits the ability to suppress inflammation and oxidative cell damage reactions. Despite the wide availability of the medicine in pharmacies, its use must be agreed with a doctor.