Cosmetics in a pharmacy

We bet you go to the pharmacy not only for pills and medicine, but also for face cream or micellar water? Pharmacy cosmetics are becoming more and more popular every year. What are its advantages?

  1. What are pharmaceutical cosmetics
  2. Types of pharmaceutical cosmetics for skin care
  3. How to choose pharmacy facial cosmetics
  4. What you need to know about pharmaceutical facial cosmetics: expert opinion
  5. Pros and cons of cosmetics from pharmacies
  6. Review of pharmaceutical cosmetics for the face

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics

Everything is simple here: these are beauty products that are sold only in pharmacies; you won’t find them in regular cosmetic stores. The formulas are based on the latest achievements in cosmetic chemistry, beauty industry, and pharmaceuticals.

Sometimes these products have been developed for years, and their effectiveness is proven by independent clinical studies.

The main goal of pharmacy cosmetics is to effectively correct skin imperfections and eliminate the problem from the inside. Unlike cosmetics sold in stores, pharmacy ones contain in higher concentrations:

complexes of fruit acids.

You won’t find beauty products that are sold only in pharmacies in regular cosmetic stores © iStock

As you can easily guess from the name, these products are distributed in pharmacy chains, medical clinics or through online pharmacy stores.

“All dermatocosmetics (they are also called pharmaceutical, medicinal, active, cosmeceuticals) are manufactured according to standards close to those used when creating drugs,” says Elena Eliseeva, medical consultant at Vichy. — Testing for effectiveness and safety is mandatory.

At the same time, clinical studies of effectiveness, as in the case of tablets, take place in 3 stages:

testing of the active substance;

testing the performance of the product in vitro;

and finally, in vivo validation.

Formulas must be tested to be hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and safe for sensitive skin.”

Types of pharmaceutical cosmetics for skin care


Since we are talking about pharmaceutical cosmetics, these products are aimed at solving problems:

elimination of oily shine;

Thorough cleansing of acne-prone skin;

delicate cleansing of sensitive skin prone to allergies and redness.

Micellar water

It easily and effectively removes dirt and makeup without irritating or damaging the skin. The main active component is microscopic micelles, complex compounds of fatty acid esters. They are responsible for thorough cleansing. And glycerin in the product softens their effect.

The main goal of pharmacy cosmetics is to truly correct skin imperfections and eliminate the problem from the inside. © iStock

It is selected individually depending on what problem needs to be solved. Some products help cope with increased oily skin and acne, others with dryness and dehydration, and others fight hyperpigmentation and signs of photo- and chronoaging.


Cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing - pharmaceutical masks are very effective. In some cases, for example, after hardware and injection rejuvenation techniques - mesotherapy, laser, they can become an alternative to professional masks. Of course, provided that it is used correctly and in a timely manner.

How to choose pharmacy facial cosmetics

For the product to be truly effective, choose it according to your skin type and specific problems.

Normal skin

There may be nuances with the texture: for the winter period it should be denser, for the warm season it should be light.

Dry skin

The main active ingredients in cosmetics for dry skin are oils and hydrofixatives. After all, this type needs not only active hydration, but also moisture retention.

Oily skin

Light sorbets, gels and fluids will come in handy. They reduce the production of sebum (sebum), mattify, while softening and moisturizing the skin well, giving radiance.

All active components undergo additional testing and purification and have a significantly higher concentration. © iStock

Problem skin

There are probably the most pharmaceutical products for this skin type. There are cleansing products, mattifying masks, and special acne products. If you don’t know which one to choose, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

What you need to know about pharmaceutical facial cosmetics: expert opinion

When studying the label of a pharmaceutical product, it may seem that its composition is no different from the store product. The same hyaluronic acid, collagen, plant extracts. But there are important differences: all active components undergo additional testing and purification and have a significantly higher concentration.

In addition to them, pharmaceutical cosmetics usually include:

thermal water, which does not evaporate, but penetrates into the deep layers of the skin;

Zinc oxide is a known antiseptic;

lactic and glycolic acids - they stimulate cell regeneration, moisturize and nourish the skin;

polysaccharides (fermented kombucha tea extract, rose moschetta seed oil) - prevent aging and fading of the skin.

Pros and cons of cosmetics from pharmacies

All pharmaceutical products are quite expensive - and this is perhaps their main drawback. The high price is explained by the fact that the manufacturing company introduces patented ingredients and/or technologies into the composition, thanks to which the active ingredient is delivered exactly where it is needed.

For the product to be truly effective, choose it according to your skin type and the specific problems you have. © iStock

For example, vitamin C. Everyone knows that this is an excellent antioxidant. However, the molecule of its most active form, L-ascorbic acid, is very unstable and requires transdermal delivery to reach the deep layers of the skin. Developing such technologies is not cheap.

But believe me, it's worth it. After all, these means:

hypoallergenic, their safety has been clinically proven;

solve many problems, from acne and hyperpigmentation to preventing early aging;

they smell pleasant and have a comfortable consistency (laboratories pay special attention to these qualities).

For beauty we go to a cosmetic store, and for health we go to a pharmacy. But did you know that the best products for the face and body can be purchased in pharmacies? The heroes of our article can easily replace famous brand cosmetics and expensive salon procedures. And their cost will please even the most thrifty reader. It’s easy to be beautiful, and you don’t need to “overpay”!

1. Paste for oral administration "Enterosgel"

How to use? Before going to bed, apply a thin layer of Enterosgel paste under your eyes and lie down comfortably. The next morning you will have a fresh, rested look and noticeably transformed eyelid skin. No one will find out about your little secret and write “I know what you did last night!”

Approximate cost - 393 rubles.

2. Zinc ointment

The ideal remedy for this is zinc ointment. It is rightfully the most common anti-inflammatory agent in cosmetic products for problem skin. Cosmetics manufacturers love it for its drying and antibacterial effect.

How to use? Supplement your usual care routine with zinc ointment. Apply the ointment locally to the affected areas of the skin and wait until it is absorbed. Oily shine can be removed with a dry cloth.

Approximate cost - 22 rubles.

3. Solution for infusion "Tiogamma"

One of the main components of the Thiogamma IV solution is alpha-lipoic acid. Advanced beauties know it as a powerful antioxidant that can resist the destructive effects of free radicals - the main culprits of premature skin aging.

How to use? Apply the product to your face once a day, preferably in the evening. Its consistency is similar to a water-based serum. And it is used by analogy - under cream.

Approximate cost - 222 rubles.

4. Retinoic ointment

How to use? Apply the ointment to your face once a day. This should be done in short courses - 7-14 days, then a break for a month or two, depending on the result achieved.

Please note that it is better to use retinol-based ointment in the cold season, as it increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. If you neglect protective factors (creams with high SPF), then you will not only not “rejuvenate”, but you may also visually become older. The ointment may contribute to the formation of new age spots. Be careful!

Approximate cost - 337 rubles.

5. Curiosin gel

How to use? Apply the product to your face once or twice a day until the expected effect appears.

Approximate cost - 594 rubles.

6. Cosmetic clay

How to use? Dilute the dry powder with warm water or milk and apply to the face for 7-10 minutes. Afterwards, wash off the mask and moisturize your face with cream. Rejuvenation with clay masks is carried out in courses - 1-2 masks per week, 10 beauty sessions.

Approximate cost - 35 rubles.

7. Calendula tincture

How to use? Use the tincture morning and evening after standard hygiene procedures before applying moisturizer.

Approximate cost - 27 rubles.

8. Homeopathic ointment "Arnica"

According to cosmetologists, this ointment improves microcirculation of blood and lymph and has a pronounced regenerating effect. This means that it can be used as a “beauty elixir”. Expression wrinkles will become noticeable less, and the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin will disappear.

How to use? Apply a thin layer of ointment to the skin of the face 2 times a day in addition to your usual care.

Approximate cost - 108 rubles.

9. Lactic acid

How to use? Find the percentage of lactic acid on the product label; products can be produced in different variations. For the first procedure you need to use a 10% solution, when the skin gets used to it - 20% and so you need to reach 40% (the maximum concentration for home peeling).

Dilute the acid to the desired concentration with distilled water and apply to the face for 5-7 minutes. Repeat the procedure every other day, the course is 5-10 procedures.

Approximate cost - 50 rubles.

10. Licorice root syrup

How to use? Every evening before going to bed, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in the product until the desired result is achieved. Please note that during daylight hours it is necessary to use a cream with UV protection, since extracts from licorice root increase the photosensitivity of the skin.

Approximate cost - 34 rubles.

11. Levomekol ointment

How to use? Lubricate the affected area with a thick layer of ointment before going to bed and everything will go away. But if pimples appear on your face frequently, make an appointment with your doctor.

Approximate cost - 144 rubles.

12. Vitamin “F 99” cream

How to use? Apply the cream to your face 1-2 times a day. It is instantly absorbed and does not leave behind any greasy residue.

Approximate cost - 250 rubles.

— What “folk” beauty products are effective and safe?

Beauty does not always require global material investments. So, what can you do “with your own hands” today to meet spring fully armed?

Peeling with calcium chloride

Luxurious skin care, the course of which can even replace salon treatments. To do this, you will need to go to a nearby pharmacy for an ampoule of 5% calcium chloride - it costs mere pennies, and to a hardware store for baby soap.

First, a solution of 5% calcium chloride is applied to cleansed skin with a cotton pad, then baby soap is foamed with the same cotton pad, and the skin is treated with the soap solution. Next, wash with plenty of water. Pellets form on the skin, which are particles of old, rough skin. The course of such home peeling is 4-5 procedures, once a week.

Spilled coffee

Why throw the perfect product for smooth skin into the trash?! This is a super scrub for face and body! A small amount of freshly ground coffee can be added to shower gel or face wash and lightly massage any part of the body. Small particles of coffee perfectly exfoliate the top layer of skin and activate microcirculation, which will make your complexion fresh and rested, and your body skin pleasant to the touch.


Where would a Russian beauty be without vodka? That's right - nowhere! In fact, it is difficult for owners of oily, shiny skin with rashes to find a lotion for facial skin care, even at a huge price. But there is a folk remedy that works 100%.

For super lotion you will need a glass of vodka and the juice of one lemon. Mix, shake and wipe the skin instead of washing with water 2 times a day. As a result, the skin is cleansed, pimples go away and beauty comes.

Green tea

I won’t reveal the secret now that green tea is rich in antioxidants, which is very beneficial for the body. The skin also needs data from its “protectors”. If you have a dull complexion, bags and gray circles under your eyes, as well as a tendency to rosacea, then read on very carefully.

We take loose leaf green tea without additives, brew it and freeze it in regular ice trays, and then massage the face with a cube of this ice every morning. Simple advice that will invigorate and tone the skin, and at the same time improve complexion, reduce swelling and inhibit the appearance of new blood vessels on the face.


Those with dry skin, both on the face and body, often have to smear a ton of expensive moisturizers on themselves. Although, by going to a nearby pharmacy, you can purchase the ideal nourishing fortified product in the form of Radevit ointment and Aftershave Cream with Vitamin F. The ointment is perfect for moisturizing the skin of the hands and body, and the cream is suitable for the face.

What to do if a huge pimple with a white head pops up? Squeezing pimples on your own is a bad idea, but drawing out pus through such a physical phenomenon as osmosis is a good idea. So, at the pharmacy we buy an insulin syringe with a thin needle and chlorhexidine.

At home we prepare a warm saline solution - dissolve three pinches of salt in a tablespoon of hot water. We wipe the skin with Chlorhexidine antiseptic, then carefully pierce the skin in the area of ​​the white head, do not press anything, and apply a cotton swab soaked in saline solution, seal the area with a band-aid. It is ideal to do this at night, then in the morning there will be no trace left of a large purulent pimple.

Retinoic ointment

Retinol is a mega-effective and popular component in the fight against wrinkles. This is what is often included in expensive anti-age creams. But attention: this component can be bought freely at the pharmacy in the form of retinoic ointment. After a few weeks of using this product, the quality of the skin noticeably improves, the depth of wrinkles decreases, and age spots lighten.

It is recommended to apply a thin layer of ointment at night; there may be some peeling of the skin. Important: the ointment should not be used in the summer or only if you use cosmetics with a sun protection factor during the day.

Eye drops for eyelash growth

Beautiful, long eyelashes without the help of luxury mascara - easy! All you have to do is order Careprost eye drops from an online pharmacy and apply a thin layer of this magical product to the eyelash growth area.

And after two weeks you can enjoy the WOW effect.


The age of cosmetology demonstrates excellent results with the help of injections, but not everyone can afford it. Still, there is an alternative way to rejuvenate your home - a mesoscooter. It is sold on the Internet, the cost is tens of times less compared to clinic services.

The mesoscooter stimulates the skin to renew and tighten. You need to use it systematically - a course of 10-15 procedures, once a week, but you cannot be overzealous - after the procedure performed at home, there should be no blood dew on the face, only slight redness.


Pumice stone allows you not only to make your heels smooth, but also to smooth out scars and uneven skin instead of expensive laser procedures. It is important to understand that this process is slow, but effective. Systematically once a week, until slight redness occurs, you need to rub the area of ​​skin imperfections with a pumice stone. Attention: slight redness! After which there is no blood or crusts left on the skin, otherwise you can only harm yourself.

Women who care about their appearance and take this issue seriously prefer to purchase face cream at the pharmacy. This is due to the effectiveness of using such products, comparable to procedures in a beauty salon. What drugs can be bought in the pharmacy chain, how the products from well-known global manufacturers differ, how to make the right choice - this is discussed in the review of branded medicinal products.

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics

The modern development of science, turning to traditional medicine, has helped to create a new direction at the intersection of pharmacology and cosmetology - cosmeceuticals, which is engaged in the development of medicinal drugs. Pharmacy cosmetics are products whose action is aimed at solving dermatological and aesthetic problems. These drugs:

  1. contain active natural ingredients;
  2. use the latest scientific developments;
  3. safe - they do not contain dyes, fragrances, parabens;
  4. promote rapid restoration of the skin, treatment, and preventive care.

Pharmacy cosmetics have their own characteristics. They are associated with the high quality of products, the serious attitude of manufacturers to products produced under brands, and therefore are sold through pharmacies. Medical cosmetics:

  1. solves skin problems from the inside;
  2. has certificates - undergoes many laboratory tests;
  3. helps reduce doses of medications;
  4. guarantees long-lasting effect;
  5. differs in the quality of cleaning;
  6. serves as an addition to treatment or acts independently.

Pharmaceutical companies developing unique formulations for pharmaceutical cosmetics produce products that:

  1. solves specific problems of the epidermis;
  2. simultaneously treats, eliminates defects and cares for the skin;
  3. has a price that includes the costs of developing new formulas and clinical studies;
  4. contain vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes that act at the cellular level.

Well-known brands are trying to expand their product line. They produce pharmaceutical cosmetics that satisfy any requirement. Leading companies produce the following types and forms of products:

  1. creams that solve various problems;
  2. lines of hair products;
  3. cosmetic nail care products;
  4. micellar water;
  5. tonics;
  6. emulsions;
  7. vibes;
  8. serums;
  9. foam;
  10. gels;
  11. mousses;
  12. milk;
  13. oils;
  14. lotions.

How is it different from normal

Those with sensitive skin find it difficult to choose cosmetics even in specialized stores. Hypoallergenic pharmaceutical cosmetics have a serious therapeutic effect on skin diseases. Unlike conventional drugs, these products:

  1. penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  2. actively moisturizes the skin;
  3. contains ingredients that are used in the production of medicines;
  4. does not cause allergic reactions.

The products of well-known brands are distinguished by the fact that all components of pharmaceutical products undergo high-quality pre-purification. The effectiveness of drugs is determined by:

  1. no preservatives, parabens, fragrances;
  2. guarantee of laboratory and clinical tests, confirmed by certificates;
  3. use of natural components and modern developments;
  4. the possibility of treatment, preventive care from the effects of the sun, ultraviolet rays;
  5. the ability to solve problems of early aging and fading;
  6. effectiveness in the treatment of acne, acne, rosacea.

Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that meet the diverse needs of consumers. All pharmacy cosmetics are divided into three groups. The most accessible, which is cheap, but distinguished by quality and safety, are mass market products. These drugs, in addition to pharmacies, can be purchased in specialized cosmetics stores and supermarkets. Popular products of domestic and foreign brands: