Laser rejuvenation device reviews

Extending youth is the dream of every representative of the fairer sex. And thermotherapy is the most radical and most effective way to get rid of age-related changes in appearance. We propose to consider what laser facial rejuvenation is, its prices in different cities of Russia and Ukraine, as well as the pros and cons of this procedure for the skin.

How laser therapy works

Laser cosmetology is the toughest way to get rid of wrinkles and age spots. The impact on the dermis is carried out using a beam of an energy generator, the doctor determines its optimal temperature and depth, after which the treatment of the epidermis begins. Due to the high temperature, skin cells burn, thereby provoking the body to completely renew the skin. Such rejuvenation has many contraindications and side effects, but helps from:

  1. Deep nasolabial wrinkles;
  2. Pigment spots;
  3. Demodectic mange;
  4. Acne, pimples and acne.

Laser facial rejuvenation

Types of therapy

Using a laser, a multi-level effect is produced on the skin; we suggest considering its types in detail:

  1. fractional ablative rejuvenation (devices - palomarstar, Palomar Max or Lux - Palomar, fraxel). This technique is used to eliminate spot skin imperfections. Scientists have proven that in different areas of the face there are completely different stages of cell growth; accordingly, in certain areas the dermis can be dry and damaged, while in others it can be tender and clean. To target only the problem parts, you need to use a special point laser.
  2. laser biorevitalization (light air) is an innovative non-surgical technology that allows girls to get rid of deep scars and wrinkles without a scalpel. The essence of the technique is to use short laser pulses that burn the damaged and aging upper layer of the dermis and then a new epidermis is formed in its place - clean and fresh. Biorevitalization is also very good because it has a positive effect on the speed and amount of collagen production. To speed up the effect, a special composition is applied to the skin of the face and neck, which penetrates deep into the skin and helps saturate it with useful substances; the drug produced in Germany has proven well;
  3. non-ablative laser irradiation (smart, smooth, cutera) - this is an effect on the face using long laser beams. A fairly serious procedure, it is prescribed only for severe rashes, very deep scars, or after damage to the face from chemicals. Unlike ablative rejuvenation, non-fractional rejuvenation treats the entire surface of the face at once; Photo - Before and after laser facial rejuvenation
  4. laser resurfacing (syneron, smartxide) is the most “harmless” procedure of all the above. If you have special equipment, it can be easily done at home. The correction is performed with an erbium or sapphire laser, which provide a very soft but deep effect on the dermis. This lift will help correct the contour of the face, remove small expression wrinkles, and get rid of crow's feet or acne.
  5. photorejuvenation (friendly) includes a set of procedures from the list. This can be fractional exposure or laser complete skin rejuvenation. Most often prescribed by cosmetologists to give tone and elasticity to the dermis of women over 45.

Video: DOT laser rejuvenation

Contraindications and complications

Laser rejuvenation or Elos hair removal using the fotona device is a very serious step, because thermal exposure is a great stress for the body. The procedure has very serious consequences, especially if contraindications are neglected. To whom it is forbidden perform photorejuvenation:

  1. Pregnant, nursing;
  2. Cancer patients;
  3. Girls with blood diseases, poor fluid clotting, and blockage of blood vessels;
  4. Diabetics (both insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent);
  5. People with mental disabilities;
  6. Adolescents under 16 years of age and adults over 60 (in the first case, the structure of the skin may be disrupted, in the second, recovery processes are very slow);
  7. Hypertensive and hypotensive patients, as well as patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, thermal intolerance, and allergy sufferers.

Photo - Removing pigment spots

More than one women's forum claims that, despite good reviews and impressive photos of the face after the procedure, laser rejuvenation is often accompanied by consequences and harms the body. These are swelling, pain (especially in the first three days), sun intolerance in the first week, a high probability of infection, herpes (according to unofficial data, appears in 80% of cases after therapy) and much more. Also, the body does not always tolerate anesthesia well, and then dizziness or even migraines may occur for several days.

Modern medicine has made good breakthroughs in the field of accelerating regeneration. Doctors prescribe special medications that help the skin fight external irritants, as well as disinfect the dermis and minimize the likelihood of a crust appearing on the face.

Important! If you are really sure that only this procedure will help solve your problems, then agree. But if an alternative is possible, it is advisable to use a more gentle treatment.

Photo - Rejuvenation of old skin

Dot is a great way to become much younger in a short period of time, but it has quite serious consequences and is not cheap. If you have undergone a laser rejuvenation procedure, be sure to write your opinion in the comments and share your experience with readers.

To come in

Philips ReAura: a device for laser skin rejuvenation at home

I first learned about this device for laser skin rejuvenation about six months ago, when it went on sale in the UK. A little later, the first rave reviews from British customers began to appear. And I became convinced that I also want to try ReAura.

Philips, of course, first with a photoepilator, and now with a device for laser skin rejuvenation, which is based on Fraxel technology, occupied a very necessary and for some reason previously actively developed niche (at least in Russia) of cosmetic gadgets that are home option of salon hardware procedures.

So far I have had four treatments with ReAura. It’s too early to talk about visible results; I’m only at the beginning of the course. In this post I will share with you information about what this device is, how to use it, what are the contraindications, first sensations and impressions. At the beginning of October, after completing the course of procedures, I will publish another entry in which I will talk about the effect that I was able to achieve thanks to the course of laser procedures with the ReAura device.

Read about my impressions after prolonged use of ReAura and the results achieved in this entry.

Even before I got the device, it seemed to me that it would be something complicated. I planned to spend a couple of evenings carefully studying the instructions, contraindications and features of use. But in the end, having studied everything on the first evening, I immediately did the first procedure. Despite the seriousness of this device, it turned out to be simple and easy to use.

What's included in the Philips ReAura kit

In addition to the device itself, the package contains a brochure with instructions and a disc with detailed training videos. As well as a gel applied to the skin before the procedure (composition), and a cream intended for application after (composition).

Both products were developed by the creators of Fraxel laser technology. Both the gel and the cream, if necessary, can be purchased separately in the Russian Philips online store.

The white faux leather case contains the device itself, a power cord with an adapter, a cloth and a cleaning brush.

The device itself is wireless. It fits comfortably in the hand and does not feel heavy.

What is important to know before deciding to purchase ReAura

1. First of all, you need to study the list of contraindications and answers to frequently asked questions about this device.
2. If you have any serious health problems, consult your doctor.
3. During the course of treatments with ReAura, as well as two weeks before and two weeks after, it is not recommended to sunbathe. Avoid exposure to the sun and use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on the treated areas.
4. The device is not recommended for use by people under 25 years of age.
5. ReAura can be used by men.

ReAura combats several signs of skin aging using Fraxel's renowned laser technology to stimulate natural cell turnover. Microscopic laser beams penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, activating cellular rejuvenation of the epidermis.

There are three main stages when carrying out the procedure with the ReAura device:
1. Application of a hypoallergenic gel, which ensures optimal contact of the device with the skin and guarantees uniform laser exposure to the treated area.
2. Using the device.
3. Application of a hypoallergenic cream designed to moisturize, relieve skin irritation and consolidate the results of the procedure.

This device can be used on the face (excluding the lips and eyelids), neck, décolleté, back of the hands and the part of the hands from the wrist to the elbow (outer part).

In order for the laser effect on each zone to be optimal, the treated areas were divided into 13 treatment zones (see figure). Each area is processed until a certain sound signal appears (that is, it is not the duration of the procedure that is taken into account, but the amount of “laser exposure”). Therefore, it is recommended to treat the skin zone by zone, without skipping or returning to already treated areas during one session.

After the procedure, you need to rinse off the gel with cold water (it is hydrophilic) and apply the cream, also included, to the skin.

Then you need to wipe the device and clean the removable spout nozzle from the gel with which the procedure was carried out.

By the way, thanks to the removable nozzle, ReAura has “child protection”. The device does not work if the nozzle is not attached. Therefore, it is enough to store the device and the nozzle in different places.

The device is equipped with a power-on lock function, eye protection and three operating modes. In case of too long use (processing more than 13 zones in one session), the device automatically turns off for 24 hours. Charging takes only 60 minutes, and the charge is enough to treat all zones.

It is recommended to take a ReAura course, during which you need to treat each zone twice a week. At least 48 hours must pass between procedures. The instructions do not contain strict recommendations on how often the device can be used further, after the first course, to maintain results; the main thing is not to carry out the procedure more than 2 times a week. But Philips specialists told me about recommended courses per year.

When using the device, thousands of microscopic laser beams penetrate deep into the epidermis and trigger the process of cell renewal. Old and damaged skin cells are gradually replaced by renewed and collagen-rich cells. Regular procedures using the RéAura device tighten the collagen network, help get rid of age spots, smooth the skin and even out its color.

The effectiveness of the RéAura device was confirmed by dermatologists in independent studies in which 64 women took part:

81% got rid of expression lines around the eyes, mouth and cheeks,
83% got rid of age spots and noted that their skin tone became more even,
86% confirmed that regular treatments evened out skin texture.

The effectiveness and safety of Philips RéAura are approved by the National Alliance of Cosmetologists and Dermatologists of Russia.

My first impressions

The most frequently asked question about this device is: “How painful is it to use?” First of all, I would like to say that, in my opinion, effective hardware laser procedures that really work cannot be absolutely painless. This is important to understand from the start. Much depends on your sensitivity and individual reaction.

I think I can tolerate pain quite easily; my pain threshold is probably a little higher than average. At the same time, I always treat teeth with anesthesia. And I prefer to use painkillers when there is an option to use them. My skin turns red easily and does not return to its normal state quickly.

During laser exposure, I feel a tingling sensation, probably comparable to rolling a roller with very short but sharp needles over the skin. It doesn't hurt, but it does cause discomfort, of course. In my case, the most sensitive areas during exposure to the device are: the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and along the line of the orbital bone from the nose to the outer part of the eyelid (the device cannot be applied above this area). During the procedure, the skin becomes very red, a feeling of heat appears, and the skin becomes hot, as if after excessive exposure to the sun. This sensation persists for another hour after the procedure (it is slightly relieved by the cream after using the laser), and then gradually becomes weaker.

As for the redness of the skin, for example, after treating my forehead, when I finish using the device on the second cheek (even before removing the gel and applying the cream), I see that the forehead has become noticeably lighter compared to the same cheeks. Considering how red my skin gets (it may be different for others, of course), I would not recommend using this device on the face for people with severe rosacea, or, if rosacea is only in the area around the nose, not to use the device on this area. Couperosis is not a contraindication to the use of such a laser, but, it seems to me, severe redness has never been beneficial for skin with rosacea.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening to make it easier for the skin to recover at night. Of course, I tried using it in the first half of the day and really noticed that the skin returned to its normal appearance more slowly. The redness seems to completely go away after 2 hours, but then returns a little. About an hour after the procedure, I can leave the house wearing a foundation with a medium level of coverage. If you carry out the procedure before going to bed, then in the morning a light toner and concealer/corrector may be enough in those places where redness is still noticeable (in my case, this is the area of ​​the nasolabial fold). I came to the conclusion that it is better for me to carry out the procedure an hour before bedtime, so that I can go to bed when my skin is no longer too hot and I can sleep peacefully. In the morning, a slight burning sensation is periodically felt, but does not cause discomfort. All the sensations are like after obvious abuse of the sun, only, in my case, the skin returns to normal faster than if I actually burned in the sun.

The cream used after the procedure noticeably soothes the skin and reduces discomfort. I usually apply the cream immediately after the session, and then again (on top of the first layer) about two hours later, before going to bed. The next day I do a soothing mask for the face and décolleté.

During my first ReAura course, I decided to use the device on my face, neck, décolleté and hands.

I noticed that with each subsequent procedure the skin recovers faster and in some areas it even turns a little less red during the procedure. In the treated areas, the skin became slightly denser and more textured to the touch.

The device has three modes that regulate the “strength” of the laser: 1 is intended for testing the laser on the skin. I use ReAura on the second mode.

When the device is turned on and the mode is selected, it begins to work when the leaning spout moves over the skin. A burning green light and a characteristic sound indicate that the device is working. If the green light blinks, it means that it works intermittently (poorly adheres to the skin or the surface is too textured). In general, I quickly learned to move the device over the skin so that the green light burned evenly and practically did not blink. The most difficult thing to treat is the nose.

The only drawback of ReAura, in my opinion, is the duration of impact on each of the zones. The duration is affected not by the time of the procedure, but by the amount of laser exposure. Much here, of course, depends on whether you pause and use the device with short movements or long, continuous ones. On average, I get about 6 minutes for the forehead, 7 for each half of the face, 5 minutes for each of the neck, décolleté and hands. And somehow it takes a long time.

What results do I want to achieve?

In general, of course, I want to improve skin tone, make skin tone more even, reduce the severity of freckles and small pigment spots, reduce the depth of facial wrinkles, and reduce the severity of enlarged pores.

In order to see the effect of the ReAura course, I have now excluded active creams and serums from my care. I switched only to products with basic moisturizing and protective properties.

When will it go on sale and how much will it cost?

Philips ReAura will appear in Russia in September. Will be sold only in the Philips online store.
The device will cost 49,990 rubles.

Considering the cost of salon laser procedures and the operating life of the device, I believe that this is a very profitable investment. And remembering that you can get by with one course per year, you can buy such a device together with your friends or your mother and use it in turn.

Are you interested in a similar home beauty gadget?
Are you ready to carry out the laser rejuvenation procedure yourself at home or would you prefer to do it in a salon?

PS: If you have any questions about this device that are not answered in the file with contraindications and answers to frequently asked questions, and which I cannot answer myself, I will forward your questions to a Philips cosmetologist, a specialist in the field of laser and photoepilation, hardware and injection techniques. And then I will publish her answers in the comments.

The device was provided by Philips PR service.
The fundamental principle of interaction with PR services of cosmetic companies is an unbiased opinion about the product provided. Read more about cooperation with PR services of companies in the Disclaimer & FAQ of the blog.

Today, the most effective anti-aging techniques in the field of aesthetic medicine are considered to be those carried out using laser machines. One of them, Fotona, allows you to work with several types of lasers and at different depths. Because of this, the technology is called 4D rejuvenation.

Laser rejuvenation Fotona 4D - briefly about the main thing

Fotona technology, or, as it is more correctly called, Fotona Technology (FT), was introduced into cosmetology clinics with the advent of a multifunctional laser system. Two types of lasers were placed under one housing - erbium (Er: YAG) and neodymium (Nd: YAG) and the equipment was equipped with replaceable filters, so that doctors were able to “reach” with the laser to a depth of 0.05 mm to 8 mm and solve a variety of problems. age-related and skin health problems:

  1. restore a healthy and even complexion, laser resurfacing (peeling) helps achieve this;
  2. achieve a quick lifting effect in one smooth-rejuvenation procedure (warming the upper layers of the skin with a neodymium laser);
  3. restore complexion and skin density by remodeling the skin - destroying damaged structures and stimulating the synthesis of new healthy cells;
  4. achieve a long-term lifting effect after one session of fractional 4D rejuvenation;
  5. cure acne;
  6. remove pigment spots, scars and cicatrices;
  7. remove moles, warts and papillomas.

The Fotona laser system combines several types of lasers

Fotona 4D laser rejuvenation technology includes four types of procedures that are carried out in one session and complement each other, enhancing the positive effect on the cells and tissues of the facial skin. The same equipment can be used separately with one of the lasers, erbium or neodymium, if the patient’s problem requires it. Not everyone is interested in a comprehensive rejuvenating technique, but if the doctor has prescribed just such a treatment, then the work on the face is carried out alternately using two laser machines, not only on the outside, but also on the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks - all for the sake of a multidimensional effect and renewal cells in the upper layers of the skin, in subcutaneous fat, in muscles and ligaments.

Fotona 4D rejuvenation is carried out on all layers of the skin - both upper and deep

Indications for use

When is laser rejuvenation procedure indicated:

  1. when jowls (sagging cheeks) appear;
  2. with the formation of crow's feet;
  3. with general sagging skin;
  4. when bags and dark circles appear under the eyes;
  5. for expression and age wrinkles;
  6. with unclear facial contour;
  7. when nasolabial folds appear;
  8. with an unhealthy complexion.


Complex laser rejuvenation using the Fotona device is not indicated for everyone; for patients who have health problems, the procedure is contraindicated. Who will be denied treatment:

  1. patients with exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases;
  2. patients with chronic herpes;
  3. patients with signs of skin diseases in the treatment area;
  4. patients with pathologies of the immune system;
  5. patients with bleeding disorders;
  6. patients with oncology.

For pregnant and lactating women, the procedure is also limited and is permissible only on the recommendation of the attending physician. Restrictions are imposed on the use of certain medications - you will either have to give them up for a while, or, if this is unacceptable, postpone the procedure. The list of such medications can be found with a cosmetologist during a preliminary consultation.

How to prepare for the procedure

Laser rejuvenation is a medical procedure, so before you decide to go to the salon, you should visit a dermatologist-cosmetologist and discuss with him the possible consequences of this step. If there are indications for the procedure, and the doctor has given the go-ahead, undergo a medical examination and find out that you have no contraindications. This way you can avoid health problems and wasteful expenses.

Preparation for laser rejuvenation includes a mandatory medical consultation

How does 4D laser rejuvenation work?

The procedure, according to doctors, is painless, so it is performed without anesthesia. An exception can be made for patients with sensitive skin, and then the anesthesia will be local, that is, a cooling cream or gel.

Laser rejuvenation is carried out in one session, but it is divided into several stages:

  1. First stage: laser treatment of the Smooth Liftin type is performed using an erbium laser. The mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips is treated, in this way the ligaments and hypodermis (subcutaneous fat layer) of the middle third of the face are warmed up, collagen fibers are compacted, and tissue density increases.
  2. Second stage: laser treatment using the Frac3 method is performed with a neodymium laser. The laser beam reaches the dermis - the middle layer of the skin - and stimulates cell renewal. If necessary, rosacea is treated with the same type of laser.
  3. Third stage: Piano laser treatment is performed using a neodymium laser. The middle and lower third of the face are treated, also externally. The tissues are heated to a great depth, which is why metabolism and cell division are naturally activated in them. Fat cells, on the contrary, partially die from high temperature, so that excess folds in the cheeks and chin area become smaller.
  4. Stage four: SupErficial laser rejuvenation is performed using an erbium laser. The surface of the skin of the face and upper neck is treated. There are several options for performing this procedure:
  5. cold peeling, or laser skin resurfacing, is a procedure that involves the penetration of short laser pulses into the upper layers of the skin and removal of dead cells. Suitable for delicate areas around the eyes, mouth, neck and décolleté;
  6. Smooth rejuvenation is a procedure for rapid rejuvenation. Involves the thermal effect of long laser pulses on collagen-elastin fibers. Under the influence of high temperature, collagen coagulates, becomes denser, soft tissues are tightened, the skin becomes smoother and more even;
  7. Fractional laser peeling, which is performed with a beam of light divided into microbeams. The layer of dead cells is actually burned out, and new, healthy cells then grow in their place.

The average duration of the procedure is 1.5 hours.

Fotona 4D laser rejuvenation technology - video

The price of laser rejuvenation depends on the treatment area. It starts from about 8–10 thousand rubles. This is how much they will ask for correcting problems around the eyes or mouth.

The laser flashes are bright, so the doctor and patient protect their eyes with goggles during the procedure

Possibilities of 4D laser facial rejuvenation

The effect of complex laser rejuvenation using Fotona 4D technology is usually noticeable a week after the session. The cumulative effect appears over the next month and lasts up to a year.

What you can expect from the procedure:

  1. improving complexion;
  2. restoration of tissue volume, reduction of wrinkles;
  3. increasing skin tone;
  4. pronounced lifting effect and restoration of a clear facial contour.

To preserve youthful skin, it is permissible to perform repeated laser rejuvenation 2–3 months after the first procedure. But this issue is discussed with the doctor individually.

The most common problem for patients is aging of the skin near the eyes and mouth; laser rejuvenation of wrinkles in these areas noticeably reduces

Possibility of using laser at home

At home, laser rejuvenation using 4D technology is impossible: firstly, because the procedure can be carried out exclusively on a stationary device, and its cost is several million rubles. Secondly, only a certified doctor who has undergone appropriate training and received a license can operate such equipment. Without qualifications, working on a laser machine is unacceptable, because the laser can cause serious harm to health. It is for this reason that portable devices for home use have very low power - so that a person who picks up a laser for the first time cannot mutilate himself.

The choice of lasers for the home is now sufficient; in Russia the most popular devices are:

  1. device for laser skin rejuvenation Iluminage Beauty Skin Laser (Israel). The device is intended for the correction of wrinkles on the face, including in the eye and lip area. The manufacturer guarantees a lifting effect for 12 weeks with 5 sessions per week. Price: from 59900 rub.;
  2. laser device for rejuvenation Tria Age-Defying Laser (Russia). A portable diode laser that works using Fraxel technology (the light beam is divided into microbeams) and is designed for superficial facial rejuvenation. Device price: from 27,990 rubles;
  3. laser device for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes TRIA Age-Defying Eye Wrinkle Correcting Laser (Russia). The device is designed to rejuvenate the delicate area around the eyes. It differs from the previous model only in its smaller backlight area. Price: from 19999 rub.;
  4. device for rejuvenation Tria xm2206 Age-Defying Laser (Russia). Fractional laser for facial rejuvenation. Price: from RUB 27,990;
  5. device for skin rejuvenation Iluminage Skin Smoothing Laser (Israel). The rays penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, stimulating the synthesis of its own collagen. Price: from 56,900 rubles;
  6. facial massager Laser rejuvenation LaserLift Rio (UK). The device uses low-intensity laser radiation, so that facial cleansing will be soft and gentle. Device price: from 6990 rubles;
  7. Device for facial skin rejuvenation iluminage Youth Activator (Israel). The device uses radiofrequency radiation, red light, and infrared LEDs, which means it can perform several rejuvenating procedures simultaneously. Price: from 19,600 rub.

The results from using all these low-power devices are similar: a refreshed complexion, improved skin tone, a reduction in fine wrinkles - but nothing more. So you should choose an affordable device.

How is the rehabilitation period going?

The rehabilitation period is no more than 48 hours. At this time, you should not use cosmetics, visit a solarium, or wash your face with bitter water. External traces are usually not visible. Mild redness and swelling will subside a few hours after the procedure, so there will be no need to take sick leave and sit at home to get in shape. Negative consequences such as burns and swelling that does not subside for a long time are observed extremely rarely, usually when the doctor does not comply with safety precautions. No special skin care is required after the procedure; only before going outside, the treated areas should be protected with a cream with an SPF filter of 30+ or ​​higher.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique - table

  1. The laser affects all layers of the skin;
  2. the procedure is painless;
  3. the effect is noticeable after a week, and then becomes even stronger;
  4. the rehabilitation period lasts no more than two days;
  5. The procedure can be done at any time of the year.
  1. High price;
  2. the procedure will not help with severe age-related changes.

Is it possible to combine the procedure with other types of rejuvenation?

Laser rejuvenation will be more effective the better the skin is hydrated. If, due to age or improper care, the tissues contain little moisture, the results of the procedure may not be as pronounced as you would like. The problem can be solved with additional cosmetic procedures such as biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid - or mesotherapy - injection of a vitamin cocktail into problem areas. Both of these injections restore the skin's water balance and stimulate tissue volume restoration and new cell growth. It is permissible to carry out these procedures both before and after laser rejuvenation.


The procedure differs from conventional laser rejuvenation; it has many +. It is done once, not particularly long, painlessly, literally completely painless, compared to other procedures. There are simply no side effects in the form of a red face (like a tomato), edema and swelling. I think this is a colossal breakthrough in cosmetology. I remember how I suffered during cleansing or peeling, and then walked around for several days as red as cancer. The effect of this procedure lasts up to one and a half years, which is a very long time. No Botox or hyaluronic acid injections will give such an effect. I liked this procedure in every way, and an experienced cosmetologist did it for me, thanks to him. The face began to look fresher, better, more youthful, all the wrinkles did not disappear, of course, but were noticeably smoothed out. Finally, tone and elasticity have appeared, I admire my reflection in the mirror. I would recommend this method of rejuvenation to you, if money allows, you won’t regret it.


I am 49 years old. I look much younger. About 35. I often go to a cosmetologist. I read reviews about 4D laser rejuvenation and decided to do it. The cosmetologist said that it would be enough for me to do one procedure per year or 1.5 years. 1 month has passed. The result did not live up to expectations. The skin tightened, but only slightly. The nasolabium (it was not deep before the procedure) has not completely disappeared! The crease under the chin has decreased, but not much. The cheeks and facial contour were not completely tightened. The skin on my neck has become younger. Conclusion: the procedure needs to be repeated in the near future. Side effects: the appearance of brown spots on the face and neck despite the fact that I hid from the sun and applied protection 50. I hope that in the fall they will lighten. This procedure cannot be done in summer. I asked the doctor about the sun, but they assured me that this procedure can be done in the summer. Just don't sunbathe for 2 weeks. In short, this procedure is not worth that kind of money. Now, when they give you a 50% discount on it, then do it. In this case, the price will be proportional to the result obtained. In general, the pursuit of youth heals one thing and cripples others! Injections and gels lead to vascular mesh and brown. spots on the skin, which again have to be removed and again pay money to cosmetologists... It turns out to be a vicious circle. If you are ready for this, then start.


It was scary because I had never done anything like this before. But the cosmetologist-laser therapist dispelled all my fears. We talked for about 20 minutes about how it works, if I have any chronic diseases, what type of skin I have, etc. I was also given recommendations on how to care for my face after the procedure and even a recipe for a hair mask (this is already did not apply to laser therapy).


European clinics have been using Fotona lasers since 1999. Over these three decades, many women have experienced the benefits of lasers, and, I must say, there were many more positive experiences. This suggests that the creators of a new type of combined laser managed to take another step forward on the path to achieving eternal youth and beauty.