Laser removal of papillomas: consequences and reviews

Laser removal of papillomas on the back

The content of the article:
  1. Description of the procedure
  2. Complications after laser removal of papilloma
  3. Reviews about laser papilloma removal

The consequences of removing papillomas with a laser are a very rare phenomenon, which is observed only if an unqualified doctor is involved in the process and if the skin is not properly cared for. They can appear either immediately after the operation or after some time.

Description of the laser papilloma removal procedure

Laser papilloma removal procedure

The photo shows how a papilloma is removed with a laser

This technique is called laser therapy and is based on the destructive effect of the beam on the tumor. Penetrating deep into the tissue, it changes the structure of cells, warms up the growth and thereby promotes its natural removal. The characteristics of this ray can be very different, depending on the depth of the papilloma root.

In order to eliminate the consequences of removing papilloma with a laser, according to patient reviews, only the best devices with special tips are used for the procedure. Most often, a model with a CO2 laser is used; its attachment does not touch the skin, but is kept at a distance of 2-3 cm from them. This method is atraumatic and does not cause tissue damage, which makes it completely safe for health.

To effectively combat this formation, one visit to the doctor is usually sufficient. On average, a session lasts about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the formation. The procedure for laser removal of papillomas, as well as the removal of warts, is carried out under local anesthesia, for which special anesthetic creams are used.

Since the consequences of removing papillomas with a laser, according to reviews, are very rare, the therapy is easily carried out even in an outpatient clinic, without placing the patient in a hospital. The procedure is performed by a dermatologist who has permission to work with a laser device.

The advantages of this method are obvious - bloodlessness, low likelihood of scarring and tissue pigmentation, absence of pain and a long rehabilitation period.

Contraindications to laser removal of papillomas are pregnancy, cancer, and age under 18 years.

  1. Read also how papillomas are cauterized with liquid nitrogen

Complications after laser removal of papilloma

Consequences of laser papilloma removal

The photo shows the consequences of laser papilloma removal 

Problems may arise from contacting non-professionals, for example, in beauty salons. Ordinary cosmetologists work here who do not have sufficient medical experience to perform such a specific operation. It should be performed by a surgeon, dermatologist or oncologist, and in order to eliminate the consequences of removing papilloma with a laser, according to patient reviews, it is necessary to diagnose the body and thoroughly examine the formation before doing this.

Among the complications are the following:

  1. Blood poisoning. This phenomenon in medicine is called sepsis, which is considered a serious condition and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. It is caused by infections entering the blood through damaged areas and spreading throughout the body. When it is infected, the body temperature usually rises, hallucinations appear, and blood pressure rises.
  2. Skin irritation. It may be a tissue reaction to the effects of a laser beam, which is sometimes difficult for them to tolerate due to increased sensitivity. Such consequences of laser papilloma removal in the photo look like redness and swelling of the skin. To eliminate these pathologies, it is necessary to lubricate it with soothing and anti-inflammatory agents, for example, Finalgon.
  3. Suppuration. In this case, in the place where the papilloma used to be, a large amount of cloudy exudate accumulates. If left untreated, the situation worsens and there is a possibility of tissue irritation. Pus can also be inside them and penetrate into the blood, which provokes infection (sepsis).
  4. Allergy. This deviation occurs in the case of increased sensitivity of tissues to laser exposure and painkillers used during the procedure. It is characterized by redness, irritation, itching of the skin, and the wound may also sting a little. Sometimes, in addition, according to reviews, the consequences of removing papillomas and moles with a laser appear in the form of painful sensations, which is usually caused by too deep penetration of the laser beam into the tissue.
  5. Scarring. This is faced mainly by those who are predisposed to the formation of keloid scars. This problem most often appears when the skin is in close contact with clothing, as a result of constant friction. This is an ordinary scar, standing out in color against the general background with its pink tint, and also characterized by an uneven surface and poorly defined edges.

In the first days after removal of the papilloma, the consequences in the form of redness, slight swelling and burning can hardly be avoided; in a word, they are completely normal. Usually they are not classified as complications, since these manifestations go away on their own. If this does not happen, then something is going wrong.

Complications can result not only from an incorrectly performed operation, but also from a lack of proper care for the treated area. This can be caused by touching wounds with dirty hands, scratching the skin in this place, frequent exposure to sunlight, visiting a bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool immediately after the procedure.

  1. Read also how and how long it takes for a wound to heal after wart removal

Reviews about laser papilloma removal

Reviews about laser papilloma removal

Most people speak positively about such an operation, but sometimes there are also negative aspects in their statements. At the same time, problems that arise after performing the procedure are usually non-critical and can be easily corrected. More serious pathologies develop due to the doctor’s inexperience and lack of normal interaction with the patient.

Alexandra, 27 years old

When I became pregnant for the third time, at first I was very happy, but the pregnancy was difficult. Almost immediately after conception, more than 5 papillomas appeared on my neck, then they began to appear on my shoulders and chest. In these places the formations are not visible, so I decided not to touch them, but on the neck they are very noticeable, especially in summer. The growth was removed using a laser in about 30 minutes, and I did not feel any pain. The next day, the skin showed consequences after removing the papilloma with a laser - redness and slight swelling; after 3 days they disappeared. It’s good that everything went without any complications.

Irina, 30 years old

The papilloma that appeared on my face after childbirth greatly spoiled my appearance; it was large in size, ugly in shape, too bright in color, and conspicuous to others. While for others this may be a highlight, in my case education has turned into a defect. That's why I removed it with a laser. The procedure itself went smoothly, without complications, but after its completion there was a small mark left above the lip. I wouldn’t say that this is very critical, but this scar is still visible. The doctor said that I could re-do laser therapy, but with the aim of eliminating this scar. Perhaps this is what I will do after the end of breastfeeding. I attribute the appearance of the consequences of removing papillomas with a laser to the unprofessionalism of the doctor who eliminated the formation; perhaps he did something wrong.

Andrey, 41 years old

I removed a papilloma with a laser about six months ago at a large cosmetology center; a female dermatologist worked with me. Now there are no traces of the procedure left on the skin, but in the first weeks after it was carried out, I even regretted that I decided to do it. The thing is that my skin was very red, itching, and I wanted to scratch the wound. True, it healed very quickly, and these problems disappeared on their own, without having to resort to various means. My doctor said that this is a normal tissue reaction to laser exposure, especially in my case, since my skin is sensitive and dry. Therefore, I consider this method to be the most optimal, safe and convenient for removing the growth in a minimally invasive way, regardless of its location. This is very convenient, and in general reviews of papillomas removal with a laser rarely complain about serious consequences.

Rimma, 63 years old

Papillomas have been present in my life for a long time, I would not have touched them if they had not started to bother me. It is very uncomfortable to walk under your arm with them, the growth will get caught on your clothes, or when shaving it will get damaged and start to bleed. Still, the formation had to be removed, and for this I chose, based on reviews, laser removal of papillomas in Yekaterinburg due to the lack of consequences and low invasiveness. It is safe, painless and effective, it helped me the first time. There were no consequences, and where would they come from if I went to a very experienced doctor, so I advise others to do the same, so as not to complain about side effects later. I didn’t want to think about a surgical solution to the problem and I don’t intend to do that in the future, it’s too dangerous and traumatic.

  1. See also real reviews about Darsonval for removing papillomas

How to do laser removal of papillomas - watch the video:

Laser removal of papillomas in large cities reduces the likelihood of consequences due to the usually higher qualifications of doctors. In small settlements, things are still worse, since many specialists leave to work in megacities. That is why it is recommended not to save on their services, but to contact trusted, preferably metropolitan, clinics that employ professionals in their field.

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