Care for the eye area

Everyone knows that the first signs of aging in a woman appear around the eyes, since this area has the thinnest layer of the epidermis and almost no sebaceous glands and muscles, which is why the skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. That is why the skin around the eyes needs regular, thorough, and most importantly, proper care.


Caring for the skin around the eyes, namely constant moisturizing, must begin as early as possible. Since the skin of the eyelids is always mobile (facial expressions, blinking), with the exception of sleep, skin stretching and the first wrinkles can appear quite quickly if there is insufficient hydration. From 20-25 years old, the skin needs special care, including cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. It is necessary to choose eyelid skin care products very carefully. In addition, until the age of 25-30, it is better to refrain from using anti-aging skin care products around the eyes, of course, unless the skin is in a “deplorable” condition. It is best to use light, moisturizing gels and creams in care. In addition, various natural oils are very suitable for this purpose and have an effective effect. They can be purchased at any pharmacy at an inexpensive price. When choosing eye care products, be sure to pay attention to their composition. It is very good if the products contain vitamins A and E. In addition, when choosing various products for caring for the skin around the eyes, you need to not only forget about your skin type, but also take into account your age. For example, when choosing skin care products for the skin around the eyes after 40 years, it is best to give preference to products that promote cell renewal and restoration, as well as the production of collagen and elastin, thereby helping to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin. For young skin, the most suitable cosmetics will be those containing fruit and plant extracts, as well as vegetable oils. Particular attention should be paid to cosmetic products against the appearance of facial wrinkles. Such products most often provide a temporary effect, but stopping their use may, as a rule, contribute to the deterioration of the skin condition. The reason lies in the fact that the effect of cosmetics against facial wrinkles is mainly aimed at weakening muscle contractions, which contributes to a slower supply of blood to tissues. As a result, we have a lack of nutrition for the skin cells around the eyes, sagging skin, on which even more wrinkles appear.

Now let’s look directly at the main stages of caring for the skin around the eyes.

Cleansing is an important, regular and mandatory procedure. A special cosmetic milk is usually used to remove eye makeup. Today, the cosmetic industry offers the newest eye makeup removers, which are two liquids that do not mix with each other: the upper liquid contains ultra-light oils that perfectly remove waterproof makeup, the lower liquid contains soothing plant extracts and is used to remove “regular » cosmetics and irritations. You can use fatty creams and oil-based eye make-up removers only if you are using waterproof cosmetics. For those who wear contact lenses, it is not advisable to use greasy eye makeup removers. For this purpose, it is better to use a fat-free lotion to remove eye makeup and abandon waterproof mascara in favor of regular one.

Rules for removing eye makeup.
First you need to remove the mascara. To do this, apply eye makeup remover to cotton swabs, apply to the eyes for 2 - 3 minutes, and then carefully remove any remaining makeup. Mascara must be removed along the eyelash growth line - from roots to tips. The rest of the cosmetics is also removed using a cotton swab and a selected special product, and cleansing must be carried out along massage lines. The swab must be swabbed from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner, and then in the opposite direction. It is very important not to rub or stretch the skin. In addition, it is not recommended to rub the makeup remover into the skin to prevent it from being absorbed into it. It is better to remove makeup and dirt by lightly patting the skin. It is strictly forbidden to remove makeup from the skin around the eyes with hot or very cold water, or, even worse, with soap. This can cause a lot of damage to your skin that may not be easy to reverse.

Moisturizing and nutrition.
Special lotions, gels and creams are used to moisturize and nourish the skin around the eyes. These products, unlike conventional skin care products, do not contain various oils, which, when used, spread and can get into the eyes, thereby causing irritation. Such products must be approved by ophthalmologists. The use of creams is more suitable for dry skin, as they replenish the fat that is so lacking in the area around the eyes, smooth out fine wrinkles that can be caused by a lack of moisture, and also make the skin smooth and elastic. It is better not to apply creams to the upper eyelids and the area directly under the eyes, as various fats and oils contained in them can get into the eye, which is very harmful. It is imperative to read the ingredients of the product you are purchasing. The presence of a substance such as lanolin in creams must be avoided, since this substance can cause redness and irritation of the eyes when used.

It is very important to correctly apply skin care products around the eyes, since incorrect application of even the most effective and expensive product can have the opposite effect: wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes will not take long to appear. It is strictly forbidden to smear the cream on the skin of the eyelids. It is recommended to apply cream for the skin around the eyes with your ring finger, since it is the most “non-working” finger. Drops of cream should be applied with light, circular, barely noticeable movements along the massage lines around the eyes. In addition, you can do light tapping with your fingertips, but this is only if you have circles under your eyes. This method of application promotes effective penetration of the cream, prevents skin stretching, and stimulates blood circulation. Eye cream should be applied from the outer corner to the inner corner, and not vice versa, as many of us do.

Lotions are lighter in composition than creams, so they are absorbed faster. They also help smooth out wrinkles and make the skin smooth and shiny. Gels for the skin around the eyes are the most effective and useful, especially in cases of increased eye sensitivity, tendency to swelling, and wearing contact lenses. Products such as gels for the skin around the eyes can also be applied to the eyelids. To avoid any allergic reactions, as well as conjunctivitis, it is necessary to change skin care products around the eyes periodically, namely once every four months.

The use of lotions, gels and tonics based on plant extracts soothes and refreshes the skin. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad in one of the mentioned cotton products and apply it to your eyes for 5-10 minutes. The skin around the eyes requires a different treatment, especially if any problems have arisen. Frozen ice cubes made from a decoction of calendula, chamomile, mint, parsley or linden blossom, or plain drinking water, have a good tonic effect. It’s very good to rub an ice cube over the skin around your eyes every morning after washing your face for a few minutes, and then let the skin dry on its own. Cosmetologists recommend using skin toning and moisturizing cosmetics based on plant extracts twice a day, morning and evening after cleansing the skin. It is very useful for the skin of the eyelids, especially after 30 years, to make various nourishing, refreshing and toning masks that help smooth out wrinkles, eliminate age spots and swelling.

Toning cucumber mask. For this you can use 1 tsp cucumber juice. and 1 tsp. powdered milk. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the eyelids for 10 minutes, then removed with a damp swab. In addition, it is useful to apply cucumber slices to the skin of the eyelids for 5-10 minutes.

It is very useful to use various oils to moisturize the skin, such as jojoba oil, castor or olive oil. Apply the oil to the skin around the eyes clockwise.

Refreshing mask: 2 teaspoons of dry dill, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wet cotton swabs generously and, after squeezing them lightly, apply them to the eyes for 20 minutes.

Nourishing mask: mix 1.5 tbsp. spoons of tomato juice with 1 yolk. Then dissolve 2 tbsp. baby formula in a small amount of water and combine with the tomato-yolk mixture. Apply to the skin around the eyes.

Mask for tired eyes: it is useful to nourish your eyes with grape juice, for which you just need to cut a grape and rub half over the skin around the eyes.

Natural mask for dry skin around the eyes: mix 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey, apply the resulting mixture to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Everyone knows the saying that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Poor sleep, worries and many other factors are reflected in our eyes. Here are some tips on what to do when dark circles appear under the eyes or puffiness after sleep. For the morning cleansing procedure, you can use a special cooling eye gel based on plant extracts. Apply this gel in a small amount to the upper and lower eyelids for a few minutes, and then you can start applying makeup. The most common remedy for puffy eyes is the use of cold black tea bags. To do this, you need to brew the bags with hot water, cool and place on your eyelids for a few minutes. After this, you need to apply a thin layer of cream to the area around the eyes and be sure to do physical exercise, you can even run, since tea lotions in combination with sweating and physical activity help eliminate swelling quite quickly. In addition, in pharmacies you can buy special eye masks that are made of plastic and filled with gel. They must be stored in the refrigerator. If necessary, such masks are applied to closed eyes for a few minutes. You can also prepare a herbal mask at home. To do this, you need to mince the parsley roots, apply the resulting mixture to your eyes and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. In any case, you need to consult an ophthalmologist to make sure that your kidneys are in good order.

To hide dark circles under the eyes, there are special concealers called concealers. These products have a fairly light and delicate texture, although their ability to hide imperfections is much higher than any foundation. Before applying concealers, it is recommended to use a lifting cream, which will smooth out fine wrinkles and improve skin tone. It is imperative to allow the cream to absorb so that the skin looks smoother. A product that masks dark circles under the eyes should be applied only to the “bruised” area. The finishing touch will be powdering the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids.

Bags under the eyes.
Bags under the eyes are also a common problem in the eye area. What you need to do to prevent their occurrence:

  1. it is necessary to sleep so that the head is slightly higher than the level of the body
  2. do not use very greasy creams for the skin around the eyes, as they only increase puffiness
  3. do not abuse beer and other alcoholic drinks, salty and spicy foods, as all this leads to the accumulation of fluid, and, consequently, swelling.

Contrasting compresses made from sage decoction help in the fight against bags under the eyes: this requires 1 hour. l. pour sage herbs with half a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and divide into two portions - hot and cold. Make two gauze pads and alternately apply cold and hot compresses to your eyes for 10 minutes. This procedure must be done for a month before going to bed. In addition to sage, chamomile or dill are suitable for this compress. You can use a mask of raw grated potatoes: the mixture is spread on gauze and applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes, 1-2 times a week. In addition, a special massage (lymphatic drainage), which is best done by a specialist cosmetologist, provides a significant improvement. Bags under the eyes can be disguised with foundation, which must be applied in a very thin layer, which should be slightly darker than your natural skin tone.

Irritation and inflammation.
Eye baths are very helpful for eye inflammation. Fill a convenient small dish (cuvette) with a soft liquid eye cream, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, carefully apply it to the open eye and rotate the eyeball until it becomes moist. In addition, you can use eye drops, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, some drops contain substances that constrict blood vessels, so they are not recommended for long-term use. Redness of the eyes can be relieved with infusion of chamomile or linden. For this you need 1 tsp. dry flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and strain.

Small wrinkles around the eyes.
To prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to use special cosmetics that affect collagen production In bright sunlight, especially in summer, it is necessary to wear sunglasses to avoid frequent blinking and squinting. In addition, it is very important to regularly massage the area around the eyes with oils (olive, almond), which prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles: apply a few drops of oil with your fingertips to the area around the eyes and light circular and massaging movements in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer . After this, close your eyes, place your bent fingers on your eyelids and try to open your eyes. Under tension, raise your eyebrows at the same time.

Masks from the “mesh” around the eyes.
Infusion of fresh birch leaves: pour 1 glass of birch leaves with 1 glass of cold water and leave for 8 hours, strain. Use as a compress. Melt 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix with 1 tbsp. wheat flour and whipped egg white. When the mask dries, wash it off with warm water.

Wrinkles can be camouflaged using products containing ultra-fine powder particles that reflect light, thereby making wrinkles less noticeable. Biohyaluronic acid and malt oil strengthen the skin and make it more elastic. This type of product should be applied in the morning with light patting movements before applying makeup.

Organizing proper care for the skin around the eyes, as well as eliminating the causes (smoking, stress, lack of sleep, fatigue) that can lead to the above problems will contribute to beautiful, elastic skin without any wrinkles or unpleasant defects.

We learn to care for the delicate skin of the eyelids the way it deserves: carefully, using the most delicate and effective products for cleansing, moisturizing and protecting. Why take all these precautions - read in this article.

  1. The need for skin care around the eyes
  2. How to properly care
  3. What tools to use
  4. What ingredients should you avoid in eye products?
  5. Eyelid skin care rules
  6. Review of eyelid skin products

The need for skin care around the eyes

Caring for the skin around the eyes should be not just gentle, but very gentle. The reason is in its physiological characteristics. “The skin here is about six times thinner than on the cheeks,” says Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva. “It also lacks sebaceous glands, so no matter what type of skin you have, the area around your eyes will by default tend to be dry.”

Active facial expressions, blinking (the average person blinks 60 times per minute) and a thin hydrolipid mantle are the three main reasons for the need for special care.

Eye cream should contain nutrients and moisturizers.

Cosmetologists advise starting to use moisturizer for this area at the age of 18. “And if a teenage girl has poor eyesight and constantly squints, then prevention will not hurt even at the age of 16,” Elena Eliseeva is convinced. “This will delay crow’s feet and prevent creases.”

The main reasons why you need to pay special attention to caring for the skin around the eyes are active facial expressions, blinking and a thin hydrolipid mantle in this area.

How to properly care

Look for makeup removers labeled “for the eye area.” Choose the most comfortable texture, focusing on your feelings: it can be milk, gel, micellar solution, two-phase liquid. Avoid foaming products - foam can cause irritation if it gets on the mucous membrane. Look for the “ophthalmologist tested” label on the packaging.

“Due to the thin hydrolipidic mantle, the skin around the eyes is prone to dehydration and dryness, so the cream should contain both nourishing and moisturizing components,” explains Elena Eliseeva. Choose products with hyaluronic acid, glycerin and nourishing oils such as shea butter.

There are not many creams with SPF for the area around the eyes on the beauty market. “In the sun, we usually wear sunglasses, which protect not only the retina, but also the skin around the eyes,” says a medical expert from the Vichy brand.

Glasses should be large to protect the space from eyebrows to cheekbones. And select lenses with a UV filter of type 1, 2, 3 or 4. So, for Moscow, the 2nd type is suitable, for Sochi - the 3rd, for traveling to the tropics or mountains, choose the 4th type of UV filters.

What tools to use

The beauty routine for the skin around the eyes does not provide much variety. Basically, three types of cosmetic products are used.

On the packaging of the eyelid product, look for the inscription “Tested by ophthalmologists.”

It can be moisturizing, nourishing or anti-aging. Another option is a cream filler for instantly filling wrinkles (usually containing hyaluronic acid).

This category of creams differs from daytime ones by containing components with drainage properties and a higher concentration of nutrients.

They are washable and indelible. Use eye masks no more than 2-3 times a week. Apply the products in a dense layer - this creates a greenhouse effect, and the beneficial substances penetrate deeper into the skin.

When choosing an eye cream, respect the age limit: over the years, the needs of the skin around the eyes change. Accordingly, the formulas of the funds should be different.

Apply eye cream using your fingertips over the orbital bone.

Age Features of the skin of the eyelids Suitable means
18–25 years old Possible dehydration of the skin with a feeling of tightness. Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid and extracts of natural origin.
25–30 years Fine wrinkles begin to form around the eyes, and the skin loses its elasticity. Cream based on antioxidants (vitamins C and E, polyphenols), with extracts of rose and witch hazel.
35–45 years Visible crow's feet, decreased tone, swelling and bruises under the eyes. Anti-aging cream with antioxidants, retinol, caffeine.
45+ The skin of the eyelids loses its tone, sags, and becomes thinner. Increased tendency to swelling. Lifting cream based on peptides and Omega fatty acids cream with a draining effect based on caffeine.

What ingredients should you avoid in eye products?

First of all, experts call parabens. “There is nothing wrong with parabens themselves, they are inert preservatives,” explains Elena Eliseeva. “But dermatologists believe they can cause allergic reactions.”

Also worth adding to the list:

lanolin (this is animal fat - a substance obtained by washing sheep wool)

Choose makeup removers labeled “for the skin around the eyes.”

Eyelid skin care rules

Now be patient because the list will be long. After all, there are many rules for caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Apply eye cream twice a day: in the morning before applying makeup and in the evening before bed.

The amount of cream is small, about the size of a grain of rice. Distribute the product equally on the pads of your ring fingers (they are the weakest and will not stretch the skin) and spread over the skin around the eyes, focusing on the orbital bone. Do not apply cream to the moving eyelid.

Apply anti-aging products, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, carefully “filling” wrinkles.

To remove eye makeup, take two cotton pads and soak them in makeup remover. Fold one disc in half and place it under your lower eyelashes. With the second, gently blot the upper eyelashes and remove makeup in one or two movements. Try not to rub your eyes. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before the procedure.

Products with a drainage effect will help against swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Remove waterproof cosmetics with special oil-based products: water-based formulas are not able to dissolve the wax contained in eye shadow, mascara or eyeliner marked waterproof.

Before a long flight, take moisturizing eye cream or patches on the plane - this is a sure way to prevent active loss of moisture.

The skin around the eyes is delicate and sensitive it is the first to fade when exposed to negative factors. It is more difficult to hide imperfections under the eyes, because most decorative cosmetics form a “mask” on this area. This is why care is so important. If you want your skin to look young and your eyes to be fresh and rested, this article was written especially for you.

Features of the skin around the eyes

So what makes this small patch of skin different from the rest of the body? Several features can be highlighted:

  1. Dryness, which is caused by the absence of sebaceous glands. Even those with problematic oily skin may notice flaking, redness and other signs of skin dehydration in these areas.
  2. Tendency to the immediate appearance of facial wrinkles. We express most emotions with the help of our eyes, and the skin reacts to this and undergoes point deformation. Fine wrinkles around the eyes are called “crow’s feet.” They are often found in fairly young young ladies.
  3. Swelling. If there is excess fluid in the body, it is primarily deposited in the form of “bags” under the eyes.
  4. Thinness (only 0.5 millimeters).
  5. Instant reaction to stress. A person subject to stress and overwork can be immediately seen in his eyes. This may partly explain the fact that women are more in need of careful care for this area of ​​the skin. Representatives of the fair sex are sensitive and emotional.


General care advice

The beauty and health of the whole body depend, first of all, on lifestyle. The skin around the eyes is no exception. Even the most expensive product and the newest procedure will not give the desired effect without following simple rules. To avoid premature aging, you will have to give up cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and the habit of snacking on the run.

In addition to a healthy image, you can prolong the youth of the skin around the eyes by using our tips:

  1. Rub your eyes with ice cubes often. Cold is the best friend of youthful skin. For these purposes, you can use either regular ice or ice prepared with herbal infusions. To make it more convenient, you can wrap the cube in a piece of gauze.


  2. Choose eyelid makeup remover products based on herbal ingredients.
  3. Creams for the skin around the eyes require special application. They should not be rubbed, but easily driven in with your fingertips.
  4. For night care, use products with a tightening effect, and for morning care, moisturizing and nourishing creams are suitable.
  5. Choose only high-quality decorative cosmetics for your eyes. Cheap cosmetics contain chemical components that cause irritation.

The skin around the eyes needs specific care do not apply conventional products intended for facial skin care.

Anti-wrinkle care

Wrinkles are formed due to the destruction of proteins that provide skin elasticity - collagen and elastin. Unfortunately, with age this process becomes irreversible. You can minimize their depth and prevent the formation of new wrinkles. But it is only possible to completely remove existing wrinkles with the help of expensive cosmetic procedures. This is why it is so important to provide comprehensive skin care, which includes:

  1. Correct lifestyle: balanced diet, giving up bad habits, consuming enough clean drinking water (about 2 liters per day)
  2. The use of cosmetics designed specifically for the care of these areas of the skin
  3. The use of care products made according to folk recipes.


Cosmetics include toners, creams and various rollers for the skin around the eyes. Today there are a large number of them, so you can choose to suit every taste and budget. Over the past few years, patches have become very popular in the beauty industry - small strips under the eyes impregnated with a special care composition.
For home care, daily treatment with aloe juice is suitable.

If you do not have such a plant, use vegetable oils: coconut, olive, almond or peach. You can purchase them at a pharmacy or online store. The most valuable oils are those sold in darkened glass bottles.

Anti-bag care

Bags under the eyes are a common “bonus” of adult life. Many people experience this during their student years due to anxiety and chronic lack of sleep. The situation does not change when you go back to work - days spent at the computer put a lot of strain on the eyes. The solution here is simple: protect yourself from overwork and lack of sleep.


Swelling can also be caused by more serious reasons: pathology of the urinary system, hormonal imbalance and many others. Before dealing with bags under the eyes, it is worth determining their cause. If it is of a medical nature, then you will have to get rid of the swelling with the help of medications.

When working at the computer, adjust the brightness to a low level or wear special glasses.

When it comes to cosmetic products, give preference to creams that are saturated with oxygen and also rich in plant components. Well, if the cause of bags under the eyes is a simple lack of sleep, which at the moment cannot be eliminated, you can simply cover up the dark circles with concealer.

Care against wreath

Like puffiness, blue protruding veins under the eyes can be the result of dangerous diseases of the internal organs. If you have such a problem, you first need to make sure that there are no liver or gallbladder diseases.


If no medical pathologies have been established, then the causes of such mesh may be a hereditary predisposition. In this case, you need to take care of your eyelids with the help of special creams - venotonics.

Even the most expensive creams have the stated effect by only 20%. This is due to a chemical reaction: upon contact with oxygen, the cream oxidizes and loses its properties.

Makeup removal is an important evening ritual. The skin around the eyes needs rest. There are special products for removing eye makeup. If possible, you should choose them. The products are presented both in the mass market and in the luxury segment. As a rule, they contain extracts from plants, special oils, and some, especially creative ones, bring such a product closer in composition to real human tears.
You need to remove eye makeup every day. Even if this day has been very busy and you are tired. Your skin also needs rest. You can’t “cut off its oxygen” at night, leaving the pores clogged.

Salon treatments

In the age of high technology development, one cannot remain silent about the latest developments in cosmetology. A method (or set of methods) for skin care around the eyes is selected for each client individually, taking into account the nature and extent of the problems.

Mesotherapy is the introduction under the skin of special “cocktails” consisting of nutritional components. The procedure is designed to restore tissue structures and increase vascular tone.

Biorevitalization – subcutaneous injections based on hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and younger. The procedure is carried out to combat the signs of aging - wrinkles and aging skin. Due to the fact that acid is removed from the body slowly, the effect of the procedure will last for a long time.

Chemical peeling helps get rid of dark spots under the eyes. Its composition often repeats the composition of a regular peeling, but the acids here are the least concentrated.
Botulinum therapy is the subcutaneous administration of botulinum toxin preparations (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport). The procedure is very popular among those experiencing signs of aging. Its popularity is explained by its effectiveness and duration of action.




Home treatments

If the budget does not allow the use of expensive creams or procedures, they can be replaced with folk remedies. Eye compresses should be at a comfortable temperature. You need to devote 10-15 minutes to the procedure, and absolute relaxation is required.

Spend time lying on the couch and think about something pleasant. Products that can be used for compress:

  1. Potatoes and sour cream (1 tsp sour cream per medium potato). The potatoes need to be crushed and mixed thoroughly with sour cream.
  2. Horsetail decoction. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of herb per 250 ml. boiled water. Let the mixture sit until it reaches room temperature, then strain through cheesecloth.
  3. Chamomile ice. Pour the chamomile infusion into ice cube trays. Use cubes to rub the skin around your eyes daily.


Devices, massagers, gymnastics

If you don’t have time for cosmetologists and preparing homemade masks, you can turn to special massagers for help. One session (no more than half an hour) can easily replace a salon procedure. We present to your attention the top 5 devices for massaging the area around the eyes:

  1. Healthy Eyes is an acupuncture massager in the form of glasses. Skin care is carried out using 22 silicone “fingers”. Such glasses will not only cope with the signs of aging and fatigue, but will help solve vision problems at the initial stage. We can recommend them to people who are often stressed.
  2. Gezatone Minilift Eyes m809 – roller massager. Daily procedures (3-5 minutes) eliminate wrinkles and signs of aging skin around the eyes. The electroporation function provides an effect on the deep subcutaneous layers.
  3. Gezatone m190 is a device that can be used both for independent procedures and for deeper penetration of oils, lotions, tonics and other care products into the epidermis.
  4. Gezatone BREEZE is a reusable gel face mask. It will help restore a rested look to your eyes, and thanks to the properties of the gel included in the composition, it even copes with headaches.
  5. Gezatone ISee 208 is a magnetic acupuncture massager. It will relieve signs of fatigue and solve vision problems at the initial stage.

Each device has a list of contraindications.

Gymnastics for the skin around the eyes is as useful as any other. A daily set of exercises will help you achieve good results. For more information about this, watch the video:

As you can see, the skin around the eyes needs special care. There are many means to preserve her youth and beauty. All you have to do is choose from the whole variety what suits you personally.