What is urea in cosmetics?

Most people always want to look good. At the same time, a lot depends on the condition of the skin, which changes over time, not for the better, since with age the processes occurring in the skin slow down. It becomes less elastic, gradually losing its elasticity.

To somehow slow down her aging you need retain valuable moisture in it. It turned out that it was possible to solve the problem with the help of a moisturizer containing urea of ​​the required concentration, since, according to scientists, its physiological properties directly depend on this.

Characteristics of the substance

Urea is a derivative of carbonic acid with a melting point 132.7 degrees Celsius, highly soluble in water, methanol, ethanol. It was first discovered in urine, so it was called urea. It is the final product of protein breakdown in the human body, the body of most animals, and fungi. Its chemical properties resemble amides of carboxylic acids, but with more pronounced nucleophilic properties of the nitrogen atom.


Urea is widely used in agriculture as a feed additive and as a nitrogen fertilizer, as well as in the medical and cosmetic industries for the production of moisturizing creams.


Cosmetics containing synthetic urea may significantly improve skin condition. It has been scientifically proven that it can relieve inflammation and successfully fight many viruses and various harmful bacteria. Its beneficial properties are used for such problems as:

  1. Prevention of skin aging. When a product with urea is applied to the skin, it penetrates into the skin, since the skin has a unique ability to absorb medicinal substances. As a result, moisture is retained and skin dryness is reduced.
  2. Improving skin immunity. When using decorative cosmetics for the face with urea, the skin becomes resistant to external irritants, such as wind, cold, and ultraviolet rays.
  3. Anesthesia. When applied to the face, hands or feet, painful symptoms disappear almost instantly. The skin becomes much softer and velvety.
  4. Exfoliation effect. Urea actively removes dead particles of the epidermis along with accumulated dirt, and with a combination of urea and lactic acid, you can achieve an even better result.
  5. Skin damage. For wounds, scratches, and burns, the drug with urea helps restore it and carefully removes damage to the skin.


Urea is one of the components that make up the human body and therefore its usefulness is beyond doubt. But at the same time, if used incorrectly, this component can cause harm. This:

  1. Violation of the required concentration. When purchasing a cream, be sure to read the instructions, which should indicate the concentration of urea. It is recommended to select the cream depending on the specific condition of the individual dermis.
  2. Individual intolerance. Urea causes allergies extremely rarely, but in some cases it can cause redness and burning of the skin.
  3. Acne. Cosmetologists warn that if you have a large number of acne, using a cream with urea can lead to an increase in pathogenic bacteria, as well as to more active work of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Children's age up to5years. For mothers of such babies, pediatricians do not recommend using preparations containing urea to moisturize children's delicate skin. The exception is atopic dermatitis, and the concentration of urea, according to doctors, should not be higher than 1%.
  5. Oily skin. Cream with urea can lead to increased secretion of sebum, which will not solve the problem, but will only worsen it.


Tips for use

You can buy granulated urea at any pharmacy, add it to a homemade moisturizer or mask, after dissolving the crystals in still mineral water.

Repeated scientific studies have shown that urea, which is part of cosmetics, is non-toxic. However, when applying cream with it on the face, extreme caution must be taken and protect the eyes to avoid irritation of the delicate eye membrane.

A cream containing urea is used not only for the care of the face, body, hands, but also for dry calluses on the feet. Dermatologists recommend using softening creams or foot balms with urea, which has 12% concentration. This cream can gently soften dry calluses. Suitable for everyday use. In particularly advanced cases, cosmetologists advise using a cream with a higher urea content - 20%. The use of such a drug after two years from the date of its release is not allowed.



All people have the same skin structure, the difference lies in how often and how much sebaceous glands secrete sebum and where on the face their secretory activity is most active. Modern cosmetics act on the sebum and influence the moisture level so that the skin remains elastic for as long as possible. Cosmetics manufacturers have spent a lot of money and time searching for such substances. One of them turned out to be urea.

After all, this substance has a high ability to retain water in the skin, which promotes intense hydration, and therefore prevents premature aging of the skin.

Urea is added to many cosmetic products for the care of the face, hair, body, and oral cavity. However, cosmetologists believe that for severely dry, dehydrated skin, such products should be used in conjunction with other drugs.

Urea is carbonic acid diamide (urea). The compound was first discovered in urine, which is how it got its name. Urea is the end product of protein processing in mammals, but is involved in many processes in the human body.

For cosmetology, the compound is of great value. On the one hand, this substance is very hygroscopic and can hold a considerable volume of water. On the other hand, the urea molecule is very small in size and can actually penetrate through the pores of the skin into the dermis. Cream with urea has a noticeable moisturizing effect: the substance passes through the skin barrier, absorbs water trapped in the dermis and retains it.

The urea ointment label contains the abbreviation Urea. Usually the concentration of the substance is also indicated, since this value determines the purpose of the cosmetic product.

What is urea cream

By body moisturizer we mean a composition that includes hygroscopic ingredients. The latter are capable of holding a mass of water that significantly exceeds the mass of the molecule itself. The leader in this area is considered to be hyaluronic acid, as well as glycerin. Read about face masks with glycerin here.

Only substances that can penetrate the skin barrier can have any effect on the dermis. The rest can only affect the epidermis.

The effectiveness of urea cream is much higher than conventional formulations for the face and body. The molecule of the substance is very small and easily penetrates deep into the skin. In terms of moisture retention efficiency, urea is inferior to hyaluronic acid, but this compound breaks down much more slowly, and ultimately has a much stronger effect.

The skin on the heels quite often becomes very rough and thick, cracks and bleeds, causing a lot of discomfort. You can get rid of it only with the help of urea-based ointments. And if the substance turns out to be effective in such severe cases, then it works real miracles with the skin of the hands and face.

The creams do not use natural urea, but a compound obtained artificially. In order not to cause unpleasant associations, the substance is called urea. This name is often indicated in the composition.

The benefits and harms of urea in cosmetics

Carbonic acid diamide is used in ointments for the face, for the body, for areas with very rough skin - when caring for heels.

The compound is used to produce not only cosmetics, but also medicinal creams against psoriasis and eczema. Read about nourishing hand creams in this article.

Urea has antiseptic properties and ensures a long shelf life of the ointment. At the same time, it is not a dangerous preservative.

Diamide provides the following properties of caring compositions:

  1. the epidermis loses a large amount of moisture due to natural evaporation. Urea forms a hydrophobic film on the skin that retains moisture in the cells;
  2. urea binds water deep into the skin, providing deep-level hydration;
  1. urea serves as a kind of conductor for other components of the ointment;
  2. the compound restores the protective epithelial barrier by normalizing water balance and maintaining acidity levels. This ensures not only the softness of the skin, but also quality that is more important for the treatment of eczema: protection against pathogenic microorganisms;
  3. urea acts as a light acid on the upper layer of the epidermis: promotes the separation of keratinized skin flakes, removes deep impurities, softens roughness, calluses, corns;
  4. the substance accelerates the healing of cracks and wounds, which is actively used in medicinal cosmetics in pharmacies;
  5. urea has a mild analgesic effect and is used to suppress itching and burning in psoriasis, dermatitis, and rashes.

It is quite difficult to point out the disadvantages of Urea ointment. The substance does not cause allergies - this is impossible, but it still has some restrictions on use:

  1. the composition should not be used in the treatment of acne in adolescents, especially with pustules, since the substance irritates inflamed skin;
  2. for the same reasons, you should not apply cream to your face if there are open wounds and scratches. They are quite sore and inflamed, although they heal faster.

Read about the treatment of dermatitis on the face in this material.

Which to choose

Cosmetic and medicinal formulations contain different amounts of urea. The higher the concentration, the higher the risk of irritation. On the other hand, a high proportion of the substance provides a very strong effect.

For various purposes, ointments containing different concentrations of urea are used.

  1. For normal skin without noticeable age-related changes, it is recommended to use a cream with 1–3% urea. It is used in courses - over the course of a month, and also as needed: in case of excessive exposure to frost, sun, wind, which leads to severe dehydration of the dermis. It is recommended to use the 1% composition in the morning and under makeup, and apply 3–5% ointment in the evening. For frostbite or severe chapping, the 5% option is also used.
  2. Age-related wrinkles are formed due to the destruction of collagen and a decrease in elastin. However, loss of moisture noticeably worsens even the finest wrinkles. For active hydration of aging skin 5% formulations should be used. 10% is recommended only for severe skin conditions and only after consultation with a dermatologist. The best anti-aging creams are described at this link.

For severe peeling and dry skin, use a 5% product in the morning, evening, and throughout the day. The course lasts until the skin is restored, but not more than 30 days. It is recommended to combine products with cosmetics containing glycerin and hyaluronic acid.

  1. For oily and combination skin 1% cream is enough, since sebum reliably protects the dermis from moisture loss. It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with caring for oily skin.
  1. If you need not only hydration, but also healing and regeneration, then use medicinal ointments with a urea proportion of up to 40%. Such compositions, for example, are prescribed for the treatment of corns and rough heels. Find regenerating face creams here.
  2. The maximum proportion of urea is contained in antifungal compounds - 50%. Thanks to the antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of urea, creams relieve mycoses and other fungal diseases.

The higher the urea concentration, the stronger the exfoliating effect the composition has. Accordingly, in case of inflammation and irritation, you can use cosmetics only with a minimal proportion of urea.

Rules of application

To get maximum results when using a composition with urea, you must follow a number of recommendations. Particular care should be taken when using concentrated ointments for heels or medicinal ointments for psoriasis.

  1. The cream must be applied to damp skin - this is a prerequisite. It’s even better to carry out the procedure after a shower or hot bath, so that the skin is not only moist, but also warm and steamed.
  2. The composition is selected - both medicinal and cosmetic, taking into account the type. For dry but not sensitive aging skin, a 5% composition is suitable, but for oily or dry and very delicate skin, you should choose a cream with 1% urea.
  3. When caring for your face in the morning, use an ointment with a lower concentration. At night, apply a composition with a higher proportion of urea.
  4. When caring for your hands, it is recommended to apply the ointment in the evening and wear cotton gloves at night.
  5. When caring for heels, use a highly concentrated cream. It is applied only to damaged areas, avoiding healthy skin. The procedure is performed with gloves. At night, put cotton socks on your feet.
  6. The instructions should be strictly followed, especially when using medicinal ointments. Do not exceed the dosage or arbitrarily prolong treatment. If necessary, it is better to repeat the course after 3-4 weeks.

Urea can be very irritating to the crust. Before using any product in this category, you must conduct a skin test.

Rating of the best funds

You can only compare creams with approximately the same concentration of urea and the same intended use. At the same time, the purpose is also taken into account: medicinal ointment for feet differs in its properties from caring cream and is used in different cases.

The rating of cosmetic compositions takes into account not only the effectiveness of the composition, but also ease of use and cost.

This category includes creams designed to eliminate corns, rough skin on the heels, and treat cracks and wounds. The compositions occupy an intermediate position between medicinal creams and caring creams.

The concentration of urea in them does not exceed 10–15%. It is applied to both healthy skin and damaged skin and does not require special safety measures.

  1. DiaDermIntensivefrom a Russian manufacturer – medicinal and cosmetic cream. Designed specifically for people with diabetes. There are 5 types of composition available, among which Intensive is distinguished by its speed of action. The cream not only softens the skin, but also improves the nutrition of skin cells, thanks to the vitamin complex included in the composition.
  1. Doctor – in addition to urea, includes glycerin, olive oil and tea tree oil. The composition softens dry and rough skin. Thanks to oak bark extract, it perfectly heals cracks and prevents the growth of bacteria. The healer relieves fatigue as it helps improve lymphatic drainage. The product costs from 240 rubles. for 50 ml.
  2. Avon foot work's softening cream – super moisturizing cream, includes not only urea – 10%, but also alpha hydroxy acid. Apply the composition only once a day. The ointment softens roughness, prevents their transformation into corns and calluses, and ensures smooth skin. The cost of 75 ml is only 69 rubles.
  3. Natural help with a high concentration of urea for cracked heels. If cracks have already appeared on your heels, a regular caring cream will not be enough. Many microbes penetrate through the wound surface, which can cause inflammation and infection. To avoid this, ointments in this category include a higher concentration of urea in order to ensure disinfection.
  4. Sofia – in addition to urea, it contains enzymes obtained from medicinal leeches. The latter activate the growth of skin cells and promote accelerated regeneration. The composition also contains salicylic acid, which improves the antiseptic properties of the cream, while lanolin and beeswax reliably protect damaged skin. The cost is quite affordable - 145–230 rubles. for 75 ml.
  5. Neutrogena Heel Cream – is a series of 3 creams: Regenerating, similar to conventional caring creams, Intensive restoring, designed to regenerate the skin on the legs, and Against calluses. The latter is already classified as medicinal and contains 20% urea.
  1. Fusscreame Urea by Balea – the effect of urea is enhanced by the introduction of lactic acid into the composition. The ointment promotes active exfoliation of keratinized skin scales and significantly softens the heels. One application per day is enough for the results to be felt around the clock. The cost of a 100 ml tube is 170–240 rubles.
  2. Gehwol Med – although the cream is positioned as a product for sensitive skin, at the same time it contains 18% urea. The composition is designed to eliminate itching, rashes, neurodermatitis and even some fungi. This is a medicinal cream, but with certain cosmetic functions. Estimated at 1095–1415 rubles. for 75 ml.
  3. Aqua peeling – eliminates corns and severe thickening of the skin. The ointment contains 25% urea, so the composition should only be applied to damaged areas of the skin. Price – from 260 rub. for 20 ml.
  4. Softening cream-compress for feet series Expert Pharma from Faberlic – contains 10% urea and an oxygen complex for the skin. The ointment does not relieve the feeling of fatigue. Costs 50 ml 89–109 rub.

Facial products may also contain urea, but not more than 5%. The skin here is never so rough and dry that you need to use ointments with a higher content of the substance. Moreover, this is prohibited because urea in high concentration acts as an acid peel, which can cause inflammation.

Read about face cream with urea in the pharmacy at this address.

The composition should be selected taking into account the skin type and only the appropriate category. Do not use hand composition for facial care.

  1. Cream Emolium - pharmaceutical cream. In addition to urea, it includes liquid paraffin, shea butter and hyaluronic acid. The composition is used not only for healthy, but also for dry facial skin, and in the treatment of psoriasis, and to eliminate diaper rash in infants. Available in the form of cream and emulsion.
  1. Night face cream Numis Med Urea 5% + hyaluronic acid – contains 5% urea in combination with hyaluronic acid. Used for dry aging skin, to eliminate dryness in psoriasis, diabetes, neurodermatitis. Used only in the evening, the composition is estimated at 460 rubles.
  2. Moisturizing cream Doliva – includes Tuscan olive oil, shea butter and hyaluronic acid. The urea content is 2%, so the product can be used during the day under makeup and does not leave any greasy marks. 50 ml Doliva costs from 960 rub.
  3. Bioturm – designed for sensitive and dry skin. Contains 5% urea, sunflower oil, canola, plant extracts. Used as a night cream. Issue price – 1490 rub. for 50 ml.
  4. Bioderma Atoderm – hypoallergenic composition, designed to care for any skin. Enriched with tocopherol, glycerin and algae extracts. Recommended for skin damaged by prolonged exposure to the sun, frost, and wind. A 200 ml bottle with a dispenser costs from 839 rubles.
  5. German cream Balea Urea Tagescreme – contains 5% urea. It has not only a moisturizing, but also a soothing effect and relieves itching, burning and rashes. 50 ml cost only 470 rub.

On other parts of the body, the skin also becomes very dry and rough at times. This is especially true for elbows and knees, as well as areas of the back that are subject to constant friction. Special formulations with urea solve this problem.

  1. Topicrem – an excellent remedy for softening and moisturizing rough areas. Includes not only urea, but also beeswax, that is, it moisturizes and protects the skin.
  1. Dermika – contains 10% urea, so it is not suitable for facial care. However, in damaged areas, Dermika quickly eliminates tightness, dryness and promotes active exfoliation. Packaging price – 1500 rub.
  2. Evelyn – 10% urea provides excellent moisturizing effect. Shea butter and D-panthenol soften and soothe. Designed for dry and sensitive skin. 350 ml of Evelyn is priced at 295 rubles.
  3. Uroderm ointment for eczema and psoriasis – medicinal composition, including 30% urea. Uroderm provides accelerated exfoliation of dead cells and preparation of the dermis for further treatment. It is used only as prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of psoriasis, ichthyosis, and hyperkeratotic forms. 10 g of ointment costs from 150 rubles.

The skin on the hands is exposed to the strongest influence of external factors. In addition to the usual cold or heat, contact with a variety of household chemicals is added, which greatly contributes to irritation, allergies, and relapses of skin ailments. Urea is simply irreplaceable for hand restoration.

After applying the composition, it is recommended to wear thin gloves.

  1. Forethal – a utilitarian composition based on petroleum jelly also includes macrogol ester. having strong antibacterial properties. The ointment is prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis, and dermatitis. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot use the cream to care for your face or dry skin on your hands.
  1. Dulgon UREA – a cosmetic product that softens and moisturizes the skin, especially recommended for use in winter when hands become rough due to dry air. 50 ml of cream will cost 120 rubles.


There are few direct contraindications for urea cream:

  1. Do not use the composition if there are open wounds in this area, including scratches. Urea irritates damaged skin;
  2. The recommended concentration is not allowed to be exceeded. Urea rarely causes allergies, but it does cause severe irritation, especially with sensitive skin;
  3. Do not allow the cream to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this does happen, you must immediately rinse your mouth, eyes, and nose with plenty of water.

Although urea penetrates deep into the dermis, it does not enter the bloodstream; therefore, diseases of the internal organs do not require abandoning its use.



Facial and body skin care is an essential part of any woman’s life. As a rule, for this purpose, representatives of the fair sex use various creams, lotions, serums and other cosmetic products. One of the most popular products due to their high efficiency are urea-based products. They have excellent moisturizing properties and have a beneficial effect on skin health.

What is urea cream

This is a cosmetic product designed to actively moisturize and soften the skin. Urea is used to create many different products, including creams. Such cosmetics are very useful for the face, hands, legs and body, since they not only provide high-quality care for the dermis, but also improve its health, penetrating into the deeper layers and helping to restore its structure.

Urea - this is the name of the component in Latin - is often found in skin care cosmetics. It is a solid compound of organic substances similar in structure to sugar crystals. The tissues of the human body also contain urea: without it, the most important processes in cells are impossible. This component can often be found in moisturizing cosmetics, since its key purpose is to regulate the water cellular balance.

The benefits and harms of urea in cosmetics

Urea is often used in the production of cosmetics to moisturize and soften the skin. The natural component is found in the tissues of living organisms (in humans, it is part of the “moisturizing factor” responsible for maintaining the hydrobalance of the dermis, in an amount of 7%). The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries use synthetic urea, which is formed by combining nitrogen dioxide with ammonia. The substance may be in solid or liquid form.

Since urea is inexpensive and very effective, it can often be seen in both affordable cosmetics and professional, elite products. Urea in cream, due to the antiseptic properties of the substance, allows you to reduce the amount of preservatives used to preserve the beneficial qualities of cosmetic products. This component has the following effect on the skin:

  1. helps reduce the evaporation of liquid from the surface of the dermis (a large amount of liquid is released through the epidermis, especially in the summer, thanks to this property, moisture is retained in the cells, which prevents drying of the skin);
  2. hydration is provided (urea - another name for the substance - penetrates the layers of the integument and changes the structure of the amino acids needed to moisturize the dermis);
  3. restores the natural protective barrier of the epithelium, necessary to prevent the harmful effects of pathogenic microbes on the skin;
  4. helps other beneficial components contained in the cream to be absorbed;
  5. relieves pain, thanks to its analgesic properties, can be used to eliminate itching and burning;
  6. provides light peeling - has an exfoliating effect, removing keratinized cell scales on the surface of the face, removes dirt and dust accumulated throughout the day (under the influence of urea, the stratum corneum softens and is easier to remove, and “living” skin becomes smooth and silky);
  7. triggers cell regeneration, promotes wound healing.

Since urea has a small molecular size, this ensures its excellent penetration into the deep layers of the dermis, due to which the substance stimulates the formation of a protective lipid layer of the skin and improved absorption of other active substances. Urea is a very effective component, but it also increases the risk of negative reactions. People with:

  1. acne;
  2. bleeding damage to the dermis;
  3. inflammation, irritation of the skin.


Rules of application

To achieve maximum effect, it is better to apply the cream to warm skin (it is recommended to use the product immediately after a bath/shower). If it is necessary to treat mycoses, ointments with urea are applied directly to the affected area, since the concentration of the substance in such products is high. Urea is a non-toxic element, however, contact with eyes or damaged skin should be avoided. If itching or burning occurs, stop using the product, after which you should consult a dermatologist.

The best means

For certain skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, as well as for dryness, which is typical for people with diabetes, it is important to regularly soften the dermis to prevent cracks and create antimicrobial protection. Urea in cosmetics, where its concentration is 40%, copes well with these tasks. To moisturize the dermis, creams containing 10-20% urea should be used. The maximum amount of urea - about 50% - is included in antifungal ointments, which perfectly fight mycoses of the feet.

The options below contain many different nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. These creams should be used daily after a shower or bath. The compositions are applied to the feet in a thin or thick layer, depending on the skin problems, after which they wait until the base is completely absorbed. The following foot creams with urea have proven themselves to be effective:

  1. DiaDerm "Intensive" (Avanta company). The product belongs to the medicinal group and is designed for people suffering from diabetes. The softening cream perfectly nourishes the dermis, helping to soften even very rough areas.
  2. Evo (Avanta company). The cream will help those whose skin on their feet is very chapped; in addition, the product eliminates corns and old calluses. Evo provides a therapeutic effect, fights mycosis and prevents its occurrence.
  3. Doctor. An effective emollient that provides a healing effect and, in addition, relieves fatigue from the legs. The medicine is used to treat dry calluses and cracked heels.
  4. Baehr. The cream actively moisturizes, nourishes, strengthens the skin barrier, while maintaining hydrolipid balance. Recommended for use by people with diabetes, well suited for those with sensitive skin.
  5. Glatte (Greppmayr company). It is considered one of the most effective urea products for feet, helping in the fight against dry calluses and various growths. Unlike its analogues, Glatte does not require pre-treatment of the feet with pumice. After treatment with the cream, socks are put on the feet, and after 7-8 hours, all softened areas on the feet can be removed with a brush. For cracks and wounds, it is recommended to use the drug at a concentration of 15%, for mild dry skin of the feet - a 5% product.

Urea-based products are often used to care for facial skin, and the formulations should be used with extreme caution. It is important to avoid getting the cream in your eyes. The composition is applied to the skin with light massage movements, thereby improving the absorption of its components. Some of the most effective urea creams for the face include the following:

  1. Doliva. The product, in addition to urea, contains various vitamins, natural oils, and other active substances that make the skin soft and moisturized. After applying the composition, it is quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy film on the surface of the epidermis. Doliva is suitable for any skin type.
  2. Bioturm. A product based on urea, sunflower oil, canola and various plant extracts. Bioturm perfectly moisturizes the dermis, making its surface smooth and velvety. Since the cream contains no synthetic ingredients, including fragrances, it can be used even for hypersensitive skin.
  3. AA Therapy. The product has excellent moisturizing properties and is indicated for those with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. In addition, the product perfectly protects the dermis from harmful environmental influences, be it low temperatures, drying sun or strong winds.
  4. Bioderma. Eliminates dryness, tightness, and any other discomfort associated with lack of moisture in the skin. The cream is suitable for any skin type and belongs to the category of hypoallergenic products. Bioderma, in addition, is able to soothe irritated areas of the dermis, returning it to its normal color.


Thanks to cosmetic products with urea, you can get rid of excessive dryness in certain areas of the body. Such products are applied in small quantities, distributed over the skin in a thin layer. In case of abrasions or open wounds, the composition with urea should be discarded. The following urea-based products are recommended for the body:

  1. Topicrem. Indications for use: rough, dry skin. A cream with a pleasant consistency and neutral odor helps restore the water balance of the dermis, actively moisturizing it. In addition, the product perfectly softens the skin, while simultaneously removing flaking.
  2. Seni Care. Designed to care for sensitive skin, prevents irritation of the epidermis, spreads well due to its light consistency. Seni Care is able to prevent the negative effects of external factors on the skin.
  3. Dermika. Urea body cream contains 10% urea and milk lipids. Dermika saturates cells with the necessary elements, eliminating dryness and tightness of the epidermis. After using the cream, a feeling of comfort should remain.

Urea is found in human skin and is responsible for its hydration, helping to deliver fluid to the cells of the epidermis and retain it there. In addition, urea has antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects, promoting tissue regeneration. The most popular products with urea are:

  1. Doctor. A composition with a pronounced regenerating effect, having a light texture, thanks to which it easily and quickly penetrates into the dermis without leaving an unpleasant film on its surface. The medicine has a neutral odor and a yellowish color. Its big advantage is its low price.
  2. Forethal. The cream is intended for hands and feet, indicated for dry skin, diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, etc. The composition is practically odorless and has a light consistency. According to the instructions, it is optimal to use Foretal twice a day - morning and evening.
  3. Dulgon UREA. The German-made product is suitable for winter use, when there is increased dryness of the skin due to cold weather. Panthenol and urea in cosmetics provide a moisturizing and nourishing effect, promote the healing of microtraumas and reduce the severity of wrinkles.


Urea is present in the human body and is an important element in many physiological processes. However, despite the positive effects, in certain cases the synthetic component may be contraindicated. Urea is not suitable for skin if there are:

  1. inflammation;
  2. wounds;
  3. abrasions;
  4. rash of unknown etymology.

Urea cream can aggravate skin irritation, so it is better to avoid it. In addition, you should not use a composition with urea if the sebaceous glands are overactive. A large number of acne formations is also a contraindication. The use of cosmetics with urea provokes the appearance of even more acne and pimples. People prone to allergic skin reactions use urea-based cosmetics with caution.

How to make urea cream with your own hands

You can purchase a finished product in a store or pharmacy, but if desired, a product with urea can be easily prepared at home. In addition to urea, the main component will be natural oil. Cream recipe:

  1. In a water bath, melt a little beeswax and fatty lanolin (about 5 grams each);
  2. add 15 ml of any anti-aging oil here - sesame, jojoba, wheat germ;
  3. Separately dissolve several urea crystals in 15 ml of mineral water, pour ½ tsp into this mixture. aloe and chamomile extract;
  4. add ylang-ylang essential oil (a couple of drops), liquid vitamins A and E (the contents of two capsules) to the oil-wax mixture;
  5. combine the composition with the urea solution and mix with a mixer.


Skin care cosmetics based on urea are presented in cosmetic stores and pharmacies in different price segments. In addition, compositions for the body, hands, face or feet can be purchased in the online store by selecting suitable products in the virtual catalog and ordering home delivery. The table shows the average cost of popular products in Moscow: