Causes of acne on the neck in women

Dermatologists are well aware of how common the phenomenon of acne in women on the neck is. The causes of the pathology are both simple and difficult to establish. On the one hand, they are quite common and even obvious, on the other hand, there are a huge number of them, so only a professional doctor can identify “the one” and prescribe adequate treatment. However, if your neck is covered with pimples, then you probably want to find out the cause as soon as possible and begin treatment. Therefore, today we will try to understand this problem as deeply as possible.


A difficult struggle lies ahead

Usually, before the first rashes appear, the question of how to cope with such a problem does not arise. And the first pimples are usually perceived as something temporary and not particularly dangerous. They begin to sound the alarm only when the rashes acquire significant proportions and are no longer masked with the help of foundation. However, now you can no longer hope that you will be able to find a magic remedy and return your skin to its previous appearance in a few days. If they have already appeared, then treatment will take quite a long time, and even then there is no guarantee that it will be 100% effective. Even after complete healing, traces remain, the so-called post-acne - this is the most common complication that acne affects women on the neck. We will analyze the reasons for their initial appearance in sufficient detail so that you can draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.

A delicate problem

In fact, today such a picture can be found often. A beautiful young woman, and her cheekbones and neck are strewn with sore spots. This greatly spoils the image, looks ugly, and is also accompanied by pain. Such rashes do not go away for a very long time and are often accompanied by itching. Why do acne still appear on women's necks? The reasons may lie primarily in malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, these are not necessarily serious diseases - simple violations of a balanced diet can become the starting impetus for the development of such a dermatological disease. Therefore, any diets that modern women love to indulge in should be agreed upon with an experienced nutritionist. If you cannot get an appointment with such a specialist in person, then try an experiment: for a month, completely remove all sweets and baked goods from the menu, replace them with fruits and dried fruits. It is very important to replace refined rice and pasta with fresh and stewed vegetables. The main dish should not be fried, but boiled or baked meat or fish. Nutritionists say that in some cases, acne on women’s necks became less noticeable within the first month. The causes of many skin diseases lie in poor nutrition, so this method is worth a try.


What are acne on the neck?

And why is this beautiful part of the female body so susceptible to various rashes? First of all, this happens because the skin on the neck is thicker than on the face, and accordingly, it accumulates more sebum. Various factors contribute to the development of infection, cysts, nodules and whiteheads. Thus, the reasons for the appearance of acne on the neck in women are quite banal: the pores become clogged due to the growth of new cells, and sebum along with bacteria accumulates under the epidermis. From all of the above, it follows that the prevention of this disease is first and foremost important, which means maintaining personal hygiene. It is much easier to prevent acne from appearing than to cure it later.

The main reason is violation of personal hygiene rules

We have already touched on this topic, now let's talk about it in a little more detail. So, the skin on the neck is much more difficult to care for than on the face, it is thicker and prone to producing more sebum, but we rarely remember the need to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize it. We wipe our face every day, lubricate it with cream, clean it with a scrub, but the neck area remains outside of our attention. As a result, white pimples appear on the neck of women quite soon. The reason for this is simple, but it will take a very long time to deal with the consequences. If the treatment process is delayed, internal inflammation develops, and this leads to the appearance of subcutaneous pustules. But here you are already provided with the whole range of unpleasant sensations - from itching and burning to twitching and pain, as well as serious suppuration with corresponding complications.


Cosmetics and perfumes

This is an exclusively female prerogative, which is why we include the use of cosmetics in the list of possible causes of acne development. First of all, this applies to inexpensive cosmetics, which contain many fragrances and preservatives, provoking not only clogging of pores, but also allergic reactions. You should choose your perfume very carefully. If you have problem skin, then give up the habit of applying perfume to the neck area. You can use a scented handkerchief for this purpose. It will envelop you in a cloud of aroma, and at the same time the perfume will not come into contact with the skin.


Clothing as a trigger for rashes

Indeed, your everyday clothes can cause not only the occurrence, but also the progression of such a disease. First of all, we are talking about synthetics, which provoke mechanical irritation of the skin and small red rashes. If synthetic fabric cannot be avoided, then at least try not to use clothes with high collars in everyday wear. It’s better to choose things made of cotton or linen.

It is necessary to mention those who like to touch, rub and fiddle with the skin on the cheeks and neck. During the working day, you do not always have time to wash your hands with soap, which means that every such touch is a risk of worsening the condition of your skin.

Allergic reactions

This is a really important point that will help find the answer to the question of where acne on the neck came from. We are now discussing the reasons why these insidious rashes appear. And one of them is allergies. Moreover, this is only the trigger for the appearance of the first rash. Then a bacterial infection joins it, and we see the classic clinical picture when the entire neck is covered with an inflamed scab that itches and cannot be treated. This means that you need to find the source of the allergy, and most often these are your food preferences: bread, pastries, sweets in large quantities. Nutritionists offer the simplest method of treatment. A person is prescribed therapeutic fasting for several days, followed by a cleansing diet of vegetable soups and kefir, then other foods are gradually added (but no more than one at a time), and a diary is kept with photo reports.


Gastrointestinal diseases and hormone imbalances

This is the most difficult case, since you will have to spend a lot of time and money to establish the true cause. The fact is that the hormonal system is interconnected with the entire body: the pancreas produces insulin, which affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and the thyroid gland controls metabolism as a whole, so it’s impossible to say unequivocally, and even without a series of tests, where the failure occurred, impossible. This system is very fragile. An unbalanced diet leads to hormonal imbalance, and disruption of the secretion of one of the glands leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, proper nutrition is the key to health.

The most popular locations for acne

Not only the appearance, but also the location of your rash can tell a doctor a lot. The most interesting thing is that the reason for contacting a specialist is often acne on the back of the neck in women. The reasons for this are most often quite harmless - it is usually clogging of the sebaceous glands due to excessive sweating. This problem most often worsens in the summer, when hair causes a lack of ventilation. Therefore, doctors recommend collecting them in braids or a high ponytail, releasing them only in the evening.

If acne is located mainly behind the ears and under the ears, then this indicates a violation of the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to make it a rule to thoroughly wash and moisturize not only the face, but also the front and back of the neck, as well as the area around the ears. If acne is localized under the jaw, then this indicates that your body needs help. Perhaps he is attacked by viruses or his immunity has decreased for other reasons.


The most difficult to treat are pimples on the neck and chin, sometimes extending to the jaw and lower cheeks. First of all, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, personal hygiene rules, and nutrition. If everything is normal here (you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat rationally and spend enough time in the fresh air), then the cause may be poor heredity. Take a closer look at your close relatives. But it happens that here, at first glance, everything is fine, but acne still appears on women’s necks. The reason (treatment of such a pathology, by the way, can take a long time) may lie in the disruption of the ovaries.

Treatment from within

We looked at the main causes of acne on the neck. Treatment methods are internal and external. Moreover, they must be alternated. First of all, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination by a dermatologist, gynecologist and endocrinologist. In addition to the prescribed treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a rational diet and eat as much fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits as possible. Additionally, folk healers recommend garlic tincture. To do this, chop the head of garlic and add a glass of water. Infuse it until the liquid turns yellowish, and take 5 drops in the morning before meals. Good results can also be achieved by taking brewer's yeast, which is sold in almost every pharmacy. After just two weeks, acne on the neck begins to dry out and disappear. The causes and treatment of this disease may vary, so our article is for informational purposes only. The general recommendation is to take vitamins, eat a balanced diet and avoid fatty foods.


Treatment outside

Despite the importance of treating the body from the inside, we must not forget about caring for inflamed skin from the outside, regardless of the cause of acne on the neck in women. Your attending physician will tell you everything about the treatment, so don’t rush to buy all kinds of pharmacy talkers, creams and gels - they may not always bring the desired effect. Today, many drugs based on antibiotics are sold. This is the famous “Zinerit” and many others. It must be remembered that an antibiotic is only part of a comprehensive treatment. The purpose of such drugs is only to relieve the bacterial complication, then it is necessary to carry out therapy that restores the skin, otherwise it will again be populated by pathogenic microflora that are resistant to the antibiotic. To do this, doctors recommend regularly making clay masks, wiping the skin twice a day with calendula tincture in combination with honey, and cauterizing the inflamed areas with salicylic alcohol or iodine. For restorative therapy, masks made from crushed apple and cucumber with the addition of essential oils of lavender, rose hips and sandalwood, as well as honey, are excellent.

The appearance of pimples on the face and neck upsets any person. Firstly, they can be painful, and secondly, they spoil the appearance. This especially worries women. Getting rid of acne is not so easy if you don’t know why it appeared. If cosmetics do not help, you have to contact a dermatologist and medical specialists in the treatment of diseases of internal organs. There are many pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of skin diseases. Traditional medicine also offers recipes for effective treatment of the skin of the neck and face to get rid of acne.


  1. Features of acne of various types
  2. Why do acne appear on the neck?
  3. What does the specific location of pimples on the neck indicate?
  4. Features of the occurrence of certain types of acne on the neck
  1. Purulent
  2. Reds
  3. Subcutaneous
  4. Blackheads
  5. Small light itchy pimples
Treatment methods for pimples on the neck Treatment with pharmaceutical products Folk remedies for getting rid of pimples on the neck Disinfectants Cosmetics and procedures


Features of acne of various types

Pimples form deep in the skin as a result of the proliferation of bacteria living in the area of ​​the hair follicle and the sebaceous glands attached to it. In a healthy person, bacteria are inactive and do not cause any damage to the body. But as soon as a decrease in immunity occurs for any reason, they begin to multiply intensively, releasing harmful substances. The composition of sebum changes. It clogs pores. The irritating effect of bacterial waste products leads to swelling and inflammation around the follicle. The result is a painful pimple.

There are several types of skin rashes:

  1. Comedones are cysts that form at the mouth of the hair follicle as a result of its overlap with particles of keratinized epithelium mixed with sebum. Such pimples can be closed (white rash) or open (black dots on the skin). The skin around them does not become inflamed.
  2. Papules are nodules that protrude above the skin and do not have a cavity inside. They look like dense balls and are pink or red in color.
  3. Pustules are a rash in the form of compactions with a cavity filled with pus. If purulent pimples are located close to the surface of the skin, they disappear without a trace after treatment. Healing of deep pustules occurs with the formation of scars.

The appearance of acne on the neck of women not only causes discomfort, but, as a rule, indicates the presence of diseases of various organs. Pimples can appear in the form of individual open or closed comedones, as well as in the form of multiple papules and pustules. There is also a severe form of the skin disease, in which the inflamed areas of the rash merge with each other and occupy a significant area. Soreness may be accompanied by itching, which causes suffering and sleep disturbances.

An inflamed pimple turns into a boil (an abscess formed in the hair follicle when a staphylococcal infection gets into the wound) or a carbuncle (infection with pyogenic bacteria leads to damage to several follicles over a large area). They usually occur on the back of the neck.


Why do acne appear on the neck?

Pimples on the neck appear as a result of a decrease in the body's resistance to infection and other adverse factors. The reasons may be:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body. This is what causes the formation of many pimples on the face and neck in adolescents, as well as in women before menstruation. The skin also deteriorates during pregnancy, since during this period a sharp change in hormonal levels occurs in the body. Failure can occur as a result of long-term use of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.
  2. Metabolic disorders as a result of diseases of the thyroid gland or other organ of the endocrine system. Poor nutrition with excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats plays a detrimental role.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases. Improper digestion leads to metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency. The development of opportunistic bacteria in the intestine is facilitated by changes in the composition of its microflora as a result of the use of antibiotics.
  4. Allergies to various foods, food additives, medications, cosmetics.
  5. Poisoning of the body with toxic substances.
  6. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (prolonged exposure to the sun, frequent visits to the solarium).
  7. Poor skin care, non-compliance with hygiene rules.
  8. Wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.

Warning: Skin health is directly related to the state of the nervous system. Stress and anxiety contribute to a decrease in immunity, the occurrence of hormonal disorders and, accordingly, deterioration of skin condition. Bad habits play a negative role. Patients who smoke or are addicted to alcohol can very rarely boast that they have good skin.

There may be a genetic predisposition to the formation of pimples on the neck. Treatment in this case is ineffective. They can only be disguised.

Pimples on the neck, as well as on the face (in the eye area, on the cheekbones) can form as a result of infection with a subcutaneous mite (Demodex), which lives in the hair follicles and secretes caustic irritating substances. The skin is covered with a red, scaly rash that is very itchy.

What does the specific location of pimples on the neck indicate?

The causes of acne on the neck can be approximately judged by their specific location.

Pimples behind the ears. They occur in the upper neck as a symptom of an organ infection or metabolic disorder. Often, a rash appears in connection with a disease of the thyroid gland.

On the back of the neck. They often occur if the skin sweats or is rubbed by the collar. Infrequent washing and wearing synthetic clothing are most often to blame. The formation of acne also indicates increased activity of the sebaceous glands and clogging of pores with sebum.

Under the lower jaw. Ulcers and red papules in this area of ​​the neck are a symptom of hormonal disorders, immune failure or abnormal metabolism.

On the front of the neck and chin. They are often formed due to intestinal diseases, digestive disorders as a result of taking antibiotics, as well as ovarian dysfunction.

In the area of ​​the cervical lymph nodes. Their appearance indicates the presence of infection in the body. Such pimples are especially dangerous because when they are squeezed out, pus can enter the lymph and spread to other organs.


Features of the occurrence of certain types of acne on the neck

Red, black, white, purulent pimples may form on the neck. In addition, the formation of subcutaneous and itchy nodules is possible.

Purulent pimples on the neck often appear when metabolic processes are disrupted. Most often they appear in those who like to eat “junk” foods: flour, sweets, smoked products, fried, spicy foods. Typically, such people are fond of canned food and may be overweight. Such acne can occur on the neck as a result of a lack of vitamins in food (seasonal vitamin deficiency).

Small white pimples often appear in pregnant women. Large white pimples bother teenagers, as well as women with symptoms of hormonal imbalance and diseases of the internal genital organs. Intestinal disorders, nervous stress, and infectious diseases can also cause the formation of white purulent rashes.


A small rash on the neck appears with allergies (for example, to milk, fish, chocolate, eggs).

Red rashes sometimes appear on certain days of the menstrual cycle when hormones surge. If such skin is damaged, then infection gets into the wounds and whiteheads appear. A red rash on the neck may be an elementary heat rash, which occurs especially often during the hot season.


Their appearance indicates a disorder of carbohydrate and fat metabolism or vitamin deficiency. They form if a woman is constantly nervous, lacks sleep, gets little rest, and uses cosmetics that are inappropriate for her skin. Small pores quickly become clogged with sebum, resulting in the formation of papules.

Due to insufficient skin care, the mouths of the follicles become closed with sebum, which gradually turns black due to oxidation in the air. Increased sebum production is a hereditary metabolic feature. Black acne on the neck often appears in women who lead a stressful lifestyle, smoke, and often drink alcohol. Such skin requires special cosmetic care and deep cleansing. Pimples should not be squeezed out, otherwise purulent inflammation will occur.


Their appearance is usually to blame for hormonal changes in the body inherent in pregnancy, the onset of menstruation, or taking hormonal medications. Severe itching is also a concern when an allergic rash occurs.

Treatment methods for pimples on the neck

A dermatologist, whom a patient consults about acne on the neck, usually prescribes medications in the form of ointments or tablets. If there is a suspicion that the cause of their occurrence is more serious than simple irritation or allergies, then the patient is referred for consultation to an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or infectious disease specialist. Blood tests are done for hormones, bacteria, and sugar. Ultrasound and other methods of examining internal organs are used.

After identifying the cause of acne on the neck in women, the corresponding diseases are treated, and then medications are prescribed to eliminate them. Usually used for external use, as well as for oral administration.

External preparations. These include:

  1. Disinfecting, anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical creams, gels, lotions that penetrate deeply into the skin. With their help, they reduce the size of existing pimples and prevent the formation of new ones. You can use Baziron AS, Aknestop, Klenzit, Skinoren.
  2. Products that dry out the skin, relieve redness and accelerate the healing of pimples. For example, you can cauterize them with iodine. After cauterization, they quickly dry out and disappear. Usually, cauterization with alcohol (preferably salicylic) followed by lubricating the skin with zinc ointment helps.
  3. Salicylic ointment or the pharmaceutical product “water-zinc mash” are also used.
  4. Antibiotics (if the cause of acne is infection) that kill streptococci and staphylococci. You can buy clindamycin cream or zinerit solution at the pharmacy.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment. It draws out pus, helps to reduce the pimple and then completely disappear.
  6. Retinoids. To speed up the regeneration of skin cells and eliminate peeling after pimples dry out, products with vitamin A are used, for example, klenzit C (the gel contains the antibiotic clindamycin and the retinoid adapalene).

Internal medications are prescribed in accordance with the examination results. If skin damage occurs as a result of infection, then antibiotics (tetracycline, Unidox Solutab, erythromycin) and antimicrobial agents (Trichopol) are prescribed.

To eliminate hormonal imbalance, drugs containing a mixture of estrogens and progesterone are usually used (for example, oral contraceptives Yarin, Zhanin, Diane 35).


Intestinal dysbiosis is eliminated with the help of sorbents and dietary supplements with lactobacilli. The body is cleansed of toxins and digestion is improved.

In folk medicine, disinfecting, drying, and cauterizing agents are widely used.


Aloe decoction. It can be used in the form of compresses to cleanse the skin of purulent pimples. To prepare the decoction, aloe leaves are finely chopped and placed in water (take 1 glass of water for 1 tablespoon of leaves). Leave for 2 hours, then boil the mass, then cool and filter.

Infusion of St. John's wort, hops and wormwood. Mix the components in equal quantities. Take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture is infused in 1 cup of boiling water. After cooling, strain and use for compresses.


Honey mask with calendula. Mix 1 tbsp. l. honey with 1 tbsp. l. tinctures of calendula (pharmaceutical). Gently moisten the pimples using a cotton swab. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask.

A mask of honey, oatmeal and kaolin (white mineralized clay). Take 2 tbsp. l. melted honey, add 0.5 cups of clay diluted with mineral water. Oatmeal is also placed there to create a mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. Lubricate the neck and leave the mask for 0.5 hours.


Cucumber mask. Prepare a paste of fresh cucumber and apply to the skin for about 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Garlic infusion. Grind 2 cloves of garlic to a pulpy state, add 1 liter of water, leave for 24 hours. Add the juice of half a lemon. Gently wipe the skin with the resulting liquid 3 times a day.

It is useful to wash acne-affected skin using tar soap. Bacteria are destroyed, as well as subcutaneous mites.

You can use a decoction of oak bark, which has an astringent and bactericidal effect.

Cosmetic preparations and procedures

There are many creams and lotions to cleanse various skin types and eliminate acne. For example, “Fly Away” gel-cream based on medicinal plants. It reduces sebum production and is suitable for oily skin.


To remove pimples on the neck and face, beauty salons use procedures such as ozone therapy, ultrasonic cleaning, and retinoic peeling, which promotes the resorption of scars after acne on the skin has healed.

During puberty, acne appears in 85% of boys and girls and gradually disappears by the age of 25. However, in 12% of people with problem skin, acne is diagnosed between the ages of 25 and 45 and older, and it appears more often in women and is localized on the cheeks, back and chest. If acne appears on the neck of women, then most often this is a sign of a number of diseases, in particular disruption of the endocrine glands, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, obesity, and changes in the ovaries.

Acne on the neck in women: causes

In adulthood, the causes of acne on the neck in women are associated with a number of diseases.

The disease is characterized by cycle disorders, infertility, sometimes obesity and excessive male pattern hair growth. This is one of the most common endocrine system disorders in women of childbearing age. The analysis shows a decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in testosterone and androstenedione. The egg does not mature and does not leave the follicle. Ultrasound shows enlarged ovaries and formed cysts.

The tissues of the organ grow and its functioning is disrupted. The symptoms are vague and require careful diagnosis. In this case, the synthesis of cortisol is disrupted, and despite the fact that this disease is often hereditary in nature in childhood and adolescence, this does not affect the appearance of acne. However, in women at a later age, it causes acne to appear on the face and neck. Along with this, acne is accompanied by a change in the timbre of the voice, an increase in muscle mass, the appearance of male-pattern hair, irregularities in the menstrual cycle or its complete absence, a change in the shape of the labia, and breast reduction.

Much less often, dermatologists encounter such a cause of acne as acanthosis nigricans, which manifests itself in the folds of the skin, including the folds between the neck and the back of the head. The skin becomes darker, becomes dry, rough, and a rash appears.

The causes of acne on the neck may be associated with mechanical damage to the skin. Friction and pressure on hair follicles, which are especially numerous in the back of the neck, also provokes inflammatory processes. Rubbing the skin with your palms, using adhesive tape, wearing sweaters and shirts can cause inflammatory elements to appear.

Another reason why acne appears on the neck is the use of cosmetics. Abuse of cosmetics leads to comedones and pustules appearing around the hairs (folliculitis). When neglected, such pustules can turn into large subcutaneous boils - boils. Moreover, closed comedones, papulopustular rashes and open comedones often appear from cosmetics, but rarely. Women try to disguise the rashes with the same cosmetics and thus aggravate the situation. In this case, there is only one treatment - stop using comedogenic cosmetics. These are primarily foundations and contouring preparations, which contain lanolin, isopropyl myristrate, red pigments, etc. Mineral and vegetable oils, which contain most tanning products, enhance their comedogenic properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This partly explains why some women experience acne on their neck and chest during the summer.

In people with weakened immune systems and prone to acne, increased acne may be due to long-term treatment with antibiotics and especially tetracyclines. Initially, when tetracycline antibiotics are used to treat acne, they are highly effective, but subsequently they can aggravate the situation by the fact that gram-negative microorganisms begin to predominate in the skin microflora: enterobacteriaceae, proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Such microorganisms, against the background of weak immunity, lead to the appearance of profuse rashes in the form of papules and pustules. They can be located both on the surface of the dermis and lie deep in it. This disease is called gram-negative folliculitis. The microorganisms that cause acne on the neck of women prefer a moist environment. Therefore, treatment is based on the use of isotretinoin, which has a drying property. The drug has such well-known trade names as Roaccutane and Retinoic ointment. The drug is used for oral administration for severe acne and as a local remedy for various dermatitis and simple acne.

In order for the treatment of acne on the chin and neck to be effective, it is extremely important to know the causes of their appearance and provoking factors. And also strictly observe the dosages and concentrations of medicinal substances, know their combination with other drugs.

Rashes that look like acne

Before you get rid of acne on your neck, you should find out the cause of its appearance. Since some dermatoses look very similar to acne, but have a different nature of origin. Such diseases are called acneiform dermatoses, as they imitate acne. Most often, the causes of dermatoses are associated with medications and food. If acne on the neck is primarily manifested by the appearance of comedones, then dermatoses are characterized by red, cavityless and cavitary purulent elements. Another distinctive feature is that dermatoses quickly and completely disappear, while acne on the neck and face resolves with the formation of scars.

Substances that influence the appearance of acneiform dermatoses:

  1. taking corticosteroids;
  2. antidepressants;
  3. anabolic steroids and B vitamins (doping acne);
  4. oral contraceptives;
  5. medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  6. iodine and bromine preparations taken for several months (vitamins, sleeping pills, sedatives, asthma medications);
  7. Lugol's solution locally.

Acne on the neck caused by medications is called drug acne. The rash occurs suddenly and disappears quickly after stopping or changing the drug.

Bodybuilder's acne is isolated separately. They appear after taking steroids. These substances help build muscle mass and are very popular among athletes. However, taking anabolic steroids leads to an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands and increased seborrhea, including on the neck and cheekbones. Moreover, these can be small pimples, formations with white heads (ulcers) and difficult to treat conglobate and fulminant acne. Women begin to experience changes in their voice, facial hair appears, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

If in the summer rashes suddenly appear in the form of bandless nodules (papules) on and under the neck, chest, arms, then perhaps these are sun acne, known as Mallorca acne. They appear from the use of oil-based sunscreens, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and less often from staying in a solarium. Comedones do not appear, but a rash forms in the form of pustules and red dense tubercles. If a person is prone to sun acne, acne may appear annually.

Treatment in this case begins with the elimination of provoking factors, namely the withdrawal of drugs that caused the rash. If cancellation is not possible, therapy begins with the local use of the following agents:

  1. Azelaic acid;
  2. Adapalene;
  3. Isotretinoin;
  4. Benzoyl Peroxide.

The main emphasis is on local therapy, since the combined use of substances that cause dermatosis and antibiotics can aggravate the situation. If systemic treatment is necessary, preference is given to a drug such as Doxycycline. If therapy is ineffective, isotretinoin is prescribed orally. The dose is calculated individually. On average, the duration of the course is 4-6 months with constant monitoring of blood biochemistry.

Additional methods of therapy are the use of laser, cryomassage, and dermabrasion. If the diagnosis is correct, treatment is effective and stable remission is achieved.

Pimples on the neck in women: which organ is wrong?

If acne suddenly breaks out on your neck, you should first identify the presence of hormonal disorders. In women, the adrenal glands and ovaries are responsible for the production of hormones. Often, in patients with acne, polycystic ovary syndrome does not manifest itself with other symptoms such as a change in voice, irregular periods, or decreased sexual desire. Therefore, if acne suddenly appears and there are no results of treatment, you should be examined for the presence of tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands. To do this, a screening test is performed 2 weeks before the start of menstruation.

What affects the course of acne?

Acne should be treated under the supervision of a doctor and all possible factors that influence the course of the disease should be taken into account:

  1. Exposure to stress. As such, it does not cause acne, but it significantly aggravates its course.
  2. Food. According to many dermatologists, food is not the cause of acne (except for drinking whole milk), but a diet that excludes carbohydrates and fats significantly speeds up healing.
  3. Increased humidity and sweating have a negative impact on the course of the disease.
  4. Artificial ultraviolet light enhances the formation of comedones and increases sebum production. Many women note that acne appears after tanning.
  5. Nicotine has a negative effect and slows down recovery.


Acne is a disease that requires an integrated approach. A woman should be examined by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and dermatologist.

The following types of studies are prescribed:

  1. blood chemistry;
  2. hormonal profile study;
  3. skin scraping;
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Differentiated diagnostics are mandatory to exclude diseases such as rosacea, demodicosis, and gram-negative folliculitis.

Treatment tactics

First of all, treatment of acne in women is carried out taking into account changes in hormonal status, age, presence of diseases and the result of previous therapy (if any).

If small pimples have popped up, with black or white heads and in small quantities, then external treatment will be sufficient. However, if internal acne is diagnosed on the back of the neck or rashes on the lymph nodes, it is necessary to prescribe systemic antibiotics (for oral administration).

Skin care is also important, which acts as a prevention of new rashes. For this area of ​​the body, it is recommended to use salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide as a cleanser (Baziron AS, Desquam, etc.). For inflammatory elements, Azelaic acid preparations (Skinoren, AcneStop, Azelik, etc.) are also prescribed. They are well tolerated, but may cause irritation and itching in the first week of use. Treatment with Azelaic acid lasts from 1 to 4 months.

In the presence of non-inflamed pimples, therapy is recommended with retinoid drugs (Retin-A, Retinoic ointment, Differin, Clenzit). However, please note that retinoids should only be used at night, as they can cause skin irritation, and they are prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If a woman has problems with her hormonal-endocrine status and treatment of acne with external means is ineffective, then hormonal therapy is used. Its goal is to reduce the level of influence of male hormones on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Oral contraceptives are prescribed first. Their effectiveness is possible even in the absence of a laboratory report on the state of hormonal levels. Hormonal treatment is most effective for acne located in the neck and lower part of the face. Important: treatment is prescribed individually and exclusively by a doctor.