Moisturizing eye drops instructions price reviews

One of the common pathologies of the eyeball is an insufficient amount of tear fluid. This condition is called dry mucous membrane syndrome. To normalize secretion, special drops for dry eyes are used. Their peculiarity is their composition, which is as close as possible to the chemical composition of tears.

Types of drops for dry eyes

Unlike specialized drops, eye moisturizers have virtually no therapeutic effect. They can only be used for prevention or rapid restoration of the normal state of the mucous membrane.


Moisturizing eye drops

Depending on the form and active components, eye drops for dry eyes are:

  1. Moisturizing. They are the prototype of the human tear. The main purpose is to intensively moisturize the mucous membrane and increase its density. They are also divided into regular and contact lens products. Contact lens preparations are necessary to ensure smooth gliding and protection of the cornea when wearing overlays;


    Eye moisturizing drops
  2. From fatigue. A special feature of such formulations are vitamin supplements. They allow you to not only quickly moisturize sensitive tissues, but also restore clarity to your vision. Such drugs are necessary for people who work a lot behind the monitor, because they provide prevention of dry eye syndrome and maintain visual acuity;


    Drops from fatigue
  3. Antiseptic and vasoconstrictor. Necessary for intensive hydration and quick elimination of discomfort associated with drying of the mucous membrane. They often have a local anesthetic effect. They can be used for preventive measures and to restore the eye after surgical intervention.


    Antiseptic eye drops

Moisturizing Drops Review

In ophthalmology, moisturizing drops are actively used to prevent irritation, as well as treat or alleviate dry eye syndrome.


Sign of dry eye and developing conjunctivitis

Based on patient reviews and effectiveness, we have compiled a rating of the most famous and high-quality eye drops for conjunctivitis and dry eyes.

Name Composition and features
Hyphenation Very good and inexpensive eye drops for dryness. This solution increases the viscosity of the mucous membrane, which helps soften it and prevents irritation. Used to prevent dry eyes and protect when wearing contact lenses. Contains hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
Balarpan-N This drug contains sulfated glycosaminoglycans, which accelerate tissue repair. They also intensively moisturize the outer membrane, thereby preventing the occurrence of conjunctivitis, dry eyes, etc.
Bestoxol These are probably the cheapest eye drops available. The active ingredient is taurine. It accelerates recovery processes, increases the eye's resistance to external irritants (including light exposure), relieves tension and deeply moisturizes the mucous membrane.
Slesin This is an artificial tear preparation. Its composition is close to human secretion. In ophthalmology they are used to moisturize the outer mucous membrane of the cornea.
Restasis A specialized composition prescribed to patients with various diseases of the conjunctiva and cornea to moisturize the membranes. The main active ingredient is cyclosporine. Used to treat dry eye syndrome.
Adgelon A deeply moisturizing product with a powerful regenerating effect. Just a few drops over two weeks are enough to completely restore the eye after a burn or mechanical damage.
Lakrisifi Like Defislez, they contain hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. They have a very viscous consistency, thanks to which they reliably protect the cornea from drying out and injury while wearing contact lenses.
Oksial Nanotechnology is used to produce this drug. Enriched with electrolytes and hyaluronic acid. This combination provides deep hydration of cells and acceleration of their regeneration.
Taufon Supplemented with taurine, which is a high-sulfur amino acid. They are used in ophthalmology to reduce intraocular pressure, eliminate burning and dryness of the cornea, and normalize the condition of the conjunctiva.
Oftagel There are two types of medicine: gel and solution for external use. Like many products containing carbomer, these drops are very effective. Just a few minutes after application, tissues are moisturized and nourished. In addition, secretion secretion is normalized.

Drops from fatigue

Fatigue of the eyeball is another pathology that occurs during prolonged work at a computer or other light load on the eyes.


Signs of eye fatigue

To get rid of this condition, eye drops are prescribed for dryness and fatigue. Below is a list of quality medications.

Name Composition and scope
Artelak Effective domestic drops for intensive hydration of the corneal epithelium. By quickly softening the fabrics, they increase clarity of vision, relieve fatigue, and make blinking easier.
Blink They are divided into solutions for contact lenses and care for “dry” corneas. Blink Contact is used as a softener and improves lens wear. Its main component is sodium hyaluronate. Blink Intensive Thirst protects and normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Contains the latest generation moisturizing component - polyethylene glycol.
Systane Combined Russian drops for fatigue and dry mucous membranes. Contains polydronium chloride. Prescribed when the shell is contaminated with cosmetics, dust, smoke and other aggressive factors. They help create an effective protective shell on the apple.
Ophtolic A specialized product that is used when wearing lenses. These drops eliminate the effect of sand and dryness, eliminate the feeling of stinging and pain when blinking. Helps reduce redness and swelling. They include povidone.
Thealosis A drug for lubricating and thickening the mucous membrane in order to restore it. Prescribed in connection with fatigue and dry eye syndrome, as well as for accelerated tissue restoration after laser correction. Enriched with trehalose.
Hilo-Chest The active ingredient is sodium hyaluronate. Characterized by protective and moisturizing functions. Hypoallergenic, do not contain artificial preservatives. Approved for use during pregnancy and wearing lenses.
Innoxa Cornflowers The best drops for dryness, which also provide relief from fatigue, treatment of redness of the conjunctiva and protein. They thicken the corneal mucosa and make the process of putting on and taking off lenses easier. They are artificial tears.

It is worth remembering that no matter how good drops for fatigue and dryness are presented in the rating, they can only be used after a doctor’s prescription.

Vasoconstrictor and antiseptic drops

Due to the dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva, not only lacrimation, but also the blood supply to the eye is often disrupted. The result is redness, swelling, itching and a constant sensation of a foreign body on the mucous membrane.


Vasoconstrictor eye drops

To remove these and many other symptoms, specialists prescribe specialized antiseptics, vitamin and vasoconstrictor compounds to patients.

Name Composition and application
Aistil Vitamin ophthalmological complex used by ophthalmologists to restore visual acuity and eliminate corneal dryness. It is a completely natural product and is suitable even for children. Does not contain any dyes or preservatives. Created according to Ayurvedic practices.
Quinax One of the purposes of the drops is the treatment of cataracts, but this is not all the capabilities of the solution. Due to its strong vitamin composition, the product improves vision, helps normalize the exchange of oxygen and blood, and strengthens the mucous membrane. Enriched with azapentacene.
Emoxy optic They are characterized by powerful antioxidant and antiseptic effects. Can be used to treat dry mucous membranes resulting from eye contamination. Contains emoxypine.
Vita-Iodurol They improve the blood supply to the apple, relieve fatigue, and restore sharpness and clarity to the eyes after prolonged exposure to light. Contains calcium and magnesium chloride. Approved for use during pregnancy only when absolutely necessary. Their safer analogue is Vitafacol, which contains cytochrome.

To prevent the manifestation of this syndrome, it is important to follow simple rules: do not spend more than 2 hours in a row at the monitor and ventilate the work area. In addition, depending on the cause of dryness, experts recommend eye drops with preventative moisturizing preparations.


Computers, ecology, dust, wind - many factors affect the eyes every day. Irritation, dryness and redness as a result of negative influences do not surprise anyone. To alleviate the condition, manufacturers offer various moisturizing eye drops. It is worth understanding the large assortment and choosing a remedy that will relieve symptoms.

Who is at risk

Perhaps the symptoms are not yet so pronounced, but preventive measures should be taken now. Eye drops for dryness and fatigue will help peoplethose at risk:

  1. Workers who spend most of the day at the computer. When constantly looking at the monitor, people blink less often, try to get closer to the screen, and their eyes can get tired. This leads to dryness and overexertion.

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    Persons whose visual organs are subject to heavy strain at work, for example, welders and drivers.
  3. Contact lens wearers.
  4. People over forty years old, since age-related changes begin around this time.
  5. Residents of environmentally unfavorable areas, for example, those living near busy highways.
  6. Patients with a high risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts should definitely take vitamin preparations.
  7. People with hypersensitive eyes.
  8. Workers who spend most of their time outdoors.
  9. Women who are interested in decorative cosmetics.

Types and principle of action of eye drops

Depending on the main negative factors and the reaction of the visual organs to them, several types of drugs. There is no universal remedy; you need to choose a medicine that helps eliminate a specific problem.

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    Moisturizers promote natural hydration and increase the density of the mucous membrane, allowing you to get rid of the feeling of dryness. There are special drops for those who wear contact lenses.
  2. Eye drops for dry and tired eyes with vitamins moisturize and restore visual acuity. Recommended for people who spend a long time at the computer or reading.
  3. Vasoconstrictors. Vessels dilate due to constant load, and there is a high risk of injury. Thanks to the use of vasoconstrictors, the redness disappears.
  4. Antibacterial drugs will help if the discomfort is caused by an infection.
  5. Antihistamines combat allergy symptoms: dryness or increased tearing, redness.
  6. Healing drugs stimulate the process of tissue regeneration.
  7. Medicinal compositions are selected by the doctor based on examination and accurate diagnosis.

Effective medications for eye fatigue

Often vision deteriorates due to eye fatigue, and not because of eye disease. The condition mainly occurs when working at the monitor. Refusal of the achievements of civilization is hardly possible, so eye drops will come to the rescue when working at a computer. They are safe and have a moisturizing effect.

  1. "Taufon". The active ingredient is the sulfur-containing amino acid taurine, which promotes tissue regeneration in diseases characterized by slow metabolism. Drops are prescribed for corneal injuries, some forms of cataracts and glaucoma. They are also effective in relieving fatigue.

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    "Visine." The active ingredient is tetrizoline, which has a vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect. It is addictive, so it is recommended to use the drug 2-4 times a day until redness and swelling disappear, but not more than 4 days.
  3. "Artelak". Drops containing hyaluronic acid, disodium phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate. The drops are effective for dry eye syndrome and are recommended for contact lens wearers. One drop is enough to moisturize the mucous membrane. The instructions describe in detail a special method of instillation, due to the pumping mechanism of the bottle, due to which no preservatives are used.
  4. "Vitafacol". Improves energy and metabolic mechanisms in the lens, used to prevent cataracts. It has no side effects and is not addictive.
  5. Blink intensive promotes high-quality hydration, soothes, relieves irritation and redness without blurring vision. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, hydration is retained for a long time. Contraindicated in cases of corneal dystrophy, closed-angle glaucoma, pregnancy and children under 3 years of age.
  6. Innoxa drops are recommended for contact lens wearers and drivers. Innoxa is created on the basis of natural extracts of chamomile, cornflower, virginian witch hazel, elderberry and sweet clover, and belongs to the group of artificial tears preparations. If dryness and fatigue occur, or while driving for a long time, instill 1-2 drops.
  7. "Systane" is a polymeric inert solution that does not have a mechanical effect on the cornea. Instill 1-2 drops as needed, suitable for contact lens wearers. Recommended for use for contact conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome when working at a monitor, dryness and irritation.
  8. "Vial". The active ingredient is tetrizoline. The product is used to eliminate swelling and signs of allergies. Relieves itching and burning, pain, increased tearing, irritation and swelling. The vasoconstrictor effect is observed after a few minutes and lasts 4-5 hours. The drug has a local effect.

Review of good inexpensive products

Pharmacy windows display both widely advertised, high-priced drugs whose names are well-known, and inexpensive drops for dry eyes. The choice of which drug is suitable in a particular case is made based on the symptoms.

Inexpensive moisturizing eye dropsthat help with a lack of tear fluid:

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    “Natural tear” replenishes the lack of natural tears and relieves dryness. The action lasts up to one and a half hours. When wearing lenses, it is recommended to instill them 15 minutes before putting them on.
  2. "Visomitin" helps relieve inflammation and improve nutrition of the cornea. It is used in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, as well as for prevention during severe stress.
  3. Vidisik moisturizes the conjunctiva and relieves the feeling of dryness and fatigue. Can be purchased without a prescription.
  4. “Hilo-chest of drawers” ​​- drops with hyaluronic acid. They create a protective film on the cornea that protects against damage.
  5. "Licontin" - fights dry eye syndrome and fatigue. Can be used when wearing lenses.
  6. "Oxial" is a drug containing electrolytes and hyaluronic acid, the composition is similar to tears. Moisturizes, restores tissue and protects from negative external influences.

List of products that promote tissue regeneration:

  1. "Korneregel" is used for mechanical damage to the cornea and is recommended as a prophylactic agent when wearing lenses.
  2. “Oftagel” is a keratoprotector that retains tear fluid, thereby reducing the load and protecting the cornea. It has a calming effect and is used for dryness, eye damage and wearing lenses.
  3. Oftolik drops are available with a prescription. Accelerate corneal recovery and eliminate dryness.
  4. “Optiv” replenishes the lack of tear fluid, restores corneal tissue, and protects against microorganisms. Side effects are observed in the form of redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids, so use is permitted only from 18 years of age.

Remedies to help relieve puffiness and dry eyes:

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    "Octilia." Drops help with redness and swelling. The instructions are required to be read, as there are side effects and contraindications.
  2. "Diklo-F". Sold by prescription. Prescribed after operations, for non-infectious conjunctivitis, to relieve dry eye syndrome. Can only be used after removing lenses.
  3. "Voltaren Ofta" is used as an injection into the anterior chamber of the eye. The drug is prescribed after surgery, for inflammatory processes, and for increased photosensitivity.

Vitamin-containing products include “Vita-Yodurol”, “Svetoch”, “Visor”, “Riboflavin”, and Santen.

Possible contraindications

Products similar to human tears do not have any special restrictions, except for individual intolerance to the components. It is necessary to read the instructions for other drugs,


especially for people with common contraindications:

  1. Intraocular pressure is higher than normal.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Blood clotting disorder.
  4. Weakness of blood vessels, leading to frequent bleeding.
  5. Allergy.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Child's age is up to 3 years.
  8. Colds, flu, acute respiratory infections.

How to use drops correctly

For most drugs application scheme is standard. It is important to strictly follow it so that the use of the remedy leads to relief of symptoms and not to a worsening of the situation.

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    Washing your hands thoroughly with soap will help prevent infection.
  2. Tilt your head back, gently pull the lower eyelid down, and point the pupil upward.
  3. Bring the tip of the bottle or pipette closer to the eyeball without touching it. It is better to drip the product closer to the bridge of the nose, in the inner corner.
  4. After instillation, blink while distributing the product, making sure that it does not leak outside the eye.

Anti-fatigue eye drops help temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms, but you should not assume that they can get rid of the causes of the uncomfortable condition. Eyes can get tired under the influence of various factors that need to be, if not excluded from life, then at least minimized.


There was a pain in my eyes, as if sand had been poured into me. Appeared constantly after sitting at the computer for a long time at work. How else? Until you draw the drawings, while you measure them, while you check them. The doctor prescribed Taufon drops. Pah-pah-pah, while they are saving. No pain.

A friend advised me to buy Visine for red eyes. In principle, this is an inexpensive drug that does the job. There is nothing to compare with yet.

I use Innoxa. I tried a bunch of products, then settled on this one. The drops are good, the eyes relax, tension and dryness go away. Drops of an interesting blue color, apparently the cornflower in the composition helps.

The eyes are one of the main organs for receiving information from the outside world. The visual organ experiences great stress every day.

Various diseases of the visual organ can cause discomfort in the eye area. Harsh light from the sun, wind, working in front of a computer monitor, reading and much more can also cause fatigue, pain, dryness, pain and irritation of the eyes.


Based on the symptoms described, it is recommended to use moisturizing eye drops. The drug should be chosen taking into account the basis for the onset of symptoms.

When should you use moisturizing eye drops?

To prevent dry eye syndrome, medications should be used to eliminate redness and eye fatigue in the following situations:

  1. When working for a long time with a computer or vehicle.
  2. People who work with substances that have a negative effect on the eyes.
  3. People over the age of forty. Because at this age, age-related changes begin to occur.
  4. Systematic use of contact lenses for vision.
  5. Persons living in a part of the city where there is poor ecology.
  6. Using decorative cosmetics on an ongoing basis.


Types and features of application

The main criterion for selecting suitable eye drops is the opinion of a specialist and medical indications.

Eye drops are: moisturizing, eye fatigue, antiseptic and vasoconstrictor.

These include drops such as:

  1. Visine. These drops are very popular due to their effectiveness and reasonable price. These moisturizing drops have a mild, gentle effect on the eyes. No side effects were observed after their use. This product is in great demand among people experiencing increased visual tension. The use of Visine does not require a doctor's prescription. This remedy eliminates weakness, dryness, and ripples in the eyes. Within a few minutes after using these moisturizing drops, the symptoms begin to disappear.


  2. Visomitin is an analogue of Visin. Visomitin also easily relieves eyes from dryness and pain by moisturizing them. After instillation of the visual organ with this remedy, the lacrimal glands return to normal. Visomitin is used in the complex of eye treatment for conjunctivitis and cataracts.
  3. Oksial. These drops help the inflammation, redness, and dry eyes disappear, and the corneal cells are normalized. Oksial has no contraindications or side effects.
  4. Hilo chest of drawers. In most cases it is used when using contact lenses. Hilo-komod drops protect the cornea from mechanical injuries and help eliminate redness and dryness of the eye. This product has a relatively low cost. These drops can also protect your eyes from allergic reactions.


  5. Systane Ultra. Such drops are famous for the fact that they not only relieve the eyes from fatigue and dryness, but also saturate the eyes with vitamins. Systane Ultra can also eliminate allergies.
  6. The tear is natural. The product is identical to human tears. Its action is aimed at gently moisturizing the eye and protecting the cornea. The product is suitable for everyone, has no side effects or contraindications. It can be used even by newborn children. These drops can be used not only as a medicine, but also as a prophylactic. It is completely harmless, so it should be in any family.
  7. Innoxa. These hypoallergenic moisturizing drops contain medicinal plants. This remedy immediately eliminates tension and fatigue.


Next, let's move on to the features of using moisturizing eye drops:

  1. Before you start using eye drops, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to this procedure. Therefore, it is recommended to use the lowest dosage first. And then, if no allergies were noticed, move on to the one you need.
  2. Any drug must be used strictly according to the stated instructions; the permissible period of use must not be exceeded. It is strictly not recommended to use substances that retain moisture for a long time.
  3. When putting drops into your eyes, you need to lie on your back. It is in this position that it is possible to achieve the best effect from the drug used. After completing all the manipulations, you need to stay in this position for a few more minutes.


Review of the best moisturizing eye drops

The best moisturizing eye drops, arranged by price segment (from cheap to more expensive):

  1. Taufon (price - 105 rubles). Such drops help improve metabolic processes in eye tissues. This remedy is intended for adults who have a disorder in the synthesis of tear fluid, which can lead to irreparable consequences of changes in the cornea. Treatment is usually prescribed for a course of no more than ten days. Taufon has no side effects.
  2. Systane Ultra (RUR 198). This tool is described above.
  3. Vidisik (253 rubles). This drug relieves dryness and fatigue from the visual organ and has a moisturizing effect on the conjunctiva. Can be purchased at the pharmacy without an ophthalmologist's prescription.

    p> <p

    1. Oksial. A description of this tool can be found above.
    2. Blink. This remedy is used for dry eyes. The use of these drops is strictly prohibited if you are intolerant to even one substance that is in its composition.


    3. Stillavit. This solution forms a film to protect the visual organ from possible symptoms of dry eye syndrome.
    4. Hilo chest of drawers. See above.
    5. Proactive. The product is suitable for people who constantly use contact lenses. The solution moisturizes the eyes well and forms protection, and does not interfere with the passage of oxygen to the eye tissues.
    6. Hyal Drop Multi. The drug can retain moisture in the eyes for 24 hours and eliminates existing eye irritation. No side effects were identified.
    7. High Fresh Plus Rewetting Drops. This drug is perfect for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer, book, or have contact with eye lenses.
    8. Vizmed. The drug is hypoallergenic and safe. Such drops can be used more than three times a day, for a long time, for such unpleasant sensations in the eyes as: burning, redness, itching.


    Traditional medicine recipes

    Ingredients for preparation: honey and distilled water, 1:5. The prepared solution should be instilled into the eyes 2 – 3 times a day. This remedy is recommended for use for early symptoms of cataracts.

    Treatment of demodicosis on the face with folk remedies


    described in detail in our article on the website.

    Neck exercises according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method are discussed in this article.

    From here you will learn why the lymph nodes in a child’s neck may be enlarged.

    This remedy helps remove cloudy eyes. The drops are quite simple to prepare. To do this, you need to pour one spoon of this crushed herb with hot boiled water and let it brew for an hour and a half.


    To prepare this remedy you will need equal proportions of celandine juice and honey. They must be mixed and cooked over low heat.

    You need to boil until all the foam disappears. After cooling, the broth becomes not very liquid. The resulting remedy is perfect for treating cataracts and trachoma. Duration of instillation: 2 -3 weeks.

    Society's opinion

    Reviews about which moisturizing eye drops are best to use.

    My work activity involves processing incoming emails. After this, redness and eye fatigue began to appear. After contacting a specialist, I started using Visin eye drops. After systematic use, improvement became noticeable. Now, whenever possible, I always recommend them. Because I felt their effect on myself.

    Anna, 28 years old, St. Petersburg

    On the advice of a friend, I purchased Visine moisturizing eye drops. I started putting them in my eyes regularly, but I didn’t feel any noticeable relief. After this, I finally decided to go to the ophthalmologist to examine the visual organ. After this, the doctor prescribed Taufon. Since then, my eyes no longer bother me.

    Olga (Anna’s friend), 32 years old, St. Petersburg

    I have been regularly wearing vision lenses for a long time. After using them, I began to notice dryness in my eyes, more often redness. At the optical shop where I buy contact lenses, I was advised to use a moisturizing eye solution called Hilo-Komodo. After using them, the eye discomfort went away.

    Alexey, 41 years old, Balashikha

    There is some additional information about another drops for moisturizing the eyes in the following video.
