Vaseline oil: benefits, harm, methods of use

Vaseline oil

Useful properties of petroleum jelly, contraindications for use. Instructions for using the product for constipation, can it be given to newborns, use for hair and face.

The content of the article:
  1. Beneficial features
  2. Contraindications
  3. Application of petroleum jelly
    1. For constipation
    2. For newborns
    3. For face and hair

Vaseline oil is a product of mineral origin, which is widely used in various industries: perfumery, medicine, industry, cosmetology. Before using it, you should learn in more detail about the available beneficial properties and rules for its use.

Beneficial properties of Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil - application and beneficial properties

Vaseline oil is a colorless paraffin and odorless. This product is obtained during oil refining using a vacuum distillation procedure. The product contains no harmful substances or hazardous organic compounds.

The main composition of the product contains liquid and solid carbon compounds, as well as several types of oils. Due to certain properties, Vaseline oil is considered so valuable:

  1. the intestinal microflora is not disturbed;
  2. there is no mutagenic effect;
  3. the product does not contain harmful carcinogens;
  4. not absorbed into the blood;
  5. excreted from the body naturally;
  6. there is no harmful toxic effect on the body.

Vaseline oil is often used as an additive for creams or other cosmetics, which is required to balance the consistency.

Vaseline oil has the following beneficial effects:

  1. has antibacterial properties;
  2. has a softening effect on rough skin;
  3. subject to constant use for hair care, it significantly improves its condition and structure;
  4. can be used as a lip balm;
  5. helps accelerate the healing process of wounds or other damage to the integrity of the skin;
  6. can be used as massage oil;
  7. used to lubricate feet if there are cracks, accelerates wound healing and softens rough skin;
  8. in cold weather it is used as a skin protectant;
  9. Vaseline oil helps with constipation;
  10. can be used as a lubricant for the surface of fruits and vegetables, which significantly increases their shelf life;
  11. helps painlessly remove feces from the intestines, does not injure it and is not absorbed into its walls;
  12. can be used for delicate insertion of a gas tube and an enema.

You can buy petroleum jelly at almost any pharmacy or order it online. This product is widely distributed in retail sales. Also often found in perfume and cosmetics stores.

The average cost of 50-100 ml of Vaseline oil in Russia ranges from 39 to 100 rubles (price in Ukraine – 24-34 UAH).

Contraindications to the use of petroleum jelly

Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is considered a harmless product. But there are a number of certain contraindications for which its use is prohibited.

It is better to avoid using Vaseline oil in the following cases:

  1. high body temperature;
  2. individual intolerance;
  3. presence of intestinal bleeding;
  4. intestinal ulcer;
  5. stomach ulcer;
  6. diseases of the abdominal cavity that are infectious in nature;
  7. acute intestinal obstruction.

Long-term ingestion of petroleum jelly to treat constipation can lead to decreased bowel activity. As a result, a lack of vitamins A, K and E develops. With prolonged external use, severe dry skin appears and the sebaceous glands become clogged.

Methods of using Vaseline oil

This tool can be used for a variety of purposes. But there are the most common uses of Vaseline oil.

Using petroleum jelly for constipation

Vaseline oil for constipation

Vaseline oil is most often used for constipation, helping to eliminate the problem quickly and without negative consequences. It can be taken orally, strictly following the instructions. In this case, you can quickly solve the problem of constipation.

According to the instructions for the use of petroleum jelly for constipation in adults, the daily dosage should not exceed 1-2 tbsp. l. You need to take the product on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day. After about 5 hours, a laxative effect will appear.

Vaseline oil can be given to children to treat constipation. But not earlier than from one year. If a child has constipation, give 0.5 tsp on an empty stomach. facilities. You can take it several times a day. If there is no laxative effect, you should immediately consult a doctor. Vaseline oil is prohibited for newborns. The full course of treatment cannot last longer than 5 days.

When treating constipation in adults and children, petroleum jelly acts as a lubricant and facilitates easy excretion of feces. Also, the product not only softens stagnant waste products, but also facilitates their sliding through the intestines. Vaseline oil is not absorbed by the body at all and is excreted naturally during bowel movements.

Today in medicine there are no analogues to Vaseline oil that would help solve the problem so quickly and gently.

You can use petroleum jelly to lubricate the gas tube or enema, which makes insertion of the device much easier.

If a person has worms, taking Vaseline oil for constipation is prohibited.

Vaseline oil for newborns

Vaseline oil for newborns

Every first aid kit should have such a well-known and useful remedy as Vaseline oil. This is an indispensable assistant for solving various problems in a newborn baby.

For children, Vaseline oil can be used in the following cases:

  1. Removing baby crust from the head. The product has been used for many years to remove crusts from the scalp. For this purpose, after bathing, you need to lubricate the child’s head with Vaseline oil and put on a cap. As soon as the crusts soften, they are carefully removed. Then you need to wash the child's hair again using a bathing product.
  2. Preventing heat rash and diaper rash. Parents often face this problem. The use of Vaseline oil for newborns should be carried out according to the following scheme: after bathing, a small amount of the product is applied to the folds of the skin.
  3. To normalize bowel movements in a newborn. If your child is constipated, you can give an enema with Vaseline oil. But you cannot resort to this method on your own. Only a doctor should prescribe the use of an enema. Before insertion into the anus, the enema tip is lubricated with a small amount of product, which facilitates the procedure and avoids injury.
  4. Vaseline as a lubricant for the nasal passage. It can be difficult for a newborn baby to breathe due to dirt and dust accumulated in the nose, which he cannot yet remove on his own. In this case, simple Vaseline oil comes to the rescue, moisturizing and softening the mucous membrane of the nose. Thanks to this, the baby begins to breathe freely. There are simple instructions for using Vaseline oil to clean the nose of a newborn baby: a flagellum is wound from cotton wool, which is dipped in a small amount of the product. Alternately, the nasal passages are cleaned with a flagellum.
  5. For mom's breasts. Vaseline oil is often used for chest pain that occurs in a nursing mother. This substance has a calming effect, which is why it is recommended to rub the breasts with Vaseline oil when stagnation appears or lumps of milk form.

Using Vaseline Oil for Face and Hair

Vaseline oil for hair

Vaseline oil has not only medicinal, but also cosmetic effects. It can be used to care for weakened and brittle hair, especially to give thickness to curls. Regular use of Vaseline oil can solve the problem of hair loss.

For this purpose, you can make a simple but effective mask:

  1. To prepare a mask, you can use sea buckthorn, mint, pine, olive, burdock and tea tree oil.
  2. Vaseline oil is mixed with one of these oils. The components are taken in equal quantities.
  3. The composition is mixed well and applied to the hair, starting from the roots, evenly distributed over the entire length.
  4. After 60 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Vaseline oil is widely used for facial skin care. However, using it too often and in large quantities is not recommended, since Vaseline can block the access of oxygen to skin cells, which results in severe dryness of the epidermis.

This product practically does not provoke allergies, therefore it is widely used in the field of cosmetology during the production of creams, as well as other products intended for skin care.

Vaseline oil has gained such popularity in the field of cosmetology due to the following qualities:

  1. helps accelerate hair growth;
  2. prevents the appearance of split ends of hair;
  3. smoothes expression lines;
  4. prevents the appearance of acne, as it has antibacterial properties;
  5. helps cleanse the skin of cosmetic residues;
  6. accelerates the healing of cracks in the feet;
  7. heals the skin of the lips when chapped.

According to numerous reviews, women over the age of 45 use Vaseline oil in the evening instead of night cream. After using the product in this way, in the morning the skin becomes fresher, looks rested and renewed.

This oil can become an invaluable assistant in the treatment of various health problems and an indispensable tool for maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin. But such a result is possible only if it is used correctly.

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