Vetoron e for tanning

The main purpose of the drug Vetoron is the prevention of diseases caused by a lack of vitamins. But the drops can be used as a treatment for mild and moderate vitamin deficiencies, and also as an aid to obtaining an even and safe tan.

The content of the article:
1. Composition
2. Indications for use
3. Properties of Vetoron drops for obtaining a beautiful and harmless tan
4. Instructions for using Vetoron drops for tanning
5. Contraindications, side effects
6. Price, storage conditions of the product
7. Reviews


The drug Vetoron is available in the form of a solution for oral use. Contains vitamins and provitamins that are beneficial for health.

  1. beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A) – 0.02 g;
  2. vitamin E – 0.008 g;
  3. vitamin C – 0.008 g.

The amount of active ingredients is indicated for 1 ml of solution. The multivitamin complex is sold in dropper bottles containing 20 ml of solution. Packed in an individual box.

Indications for use

The main situations in which a multivitamin complex is prescribed:

  1. lack of vitamins A, E or C in the diet;
  2. negative environmental influences or working conditions that expose the body to stress;
  3. the period of increase in the number of colds (spring and autumn);
  4. increased physical activity, which provokes a greater need for nutrients;
  5. disruption of the nervous system, depressed emotional state;
  6. the need to strengthen the immune system;
  7. increased load on the visual organs or diseases affecting the eyes;
  8. skin diseases.

In addition to individual use, drops are also prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases:

  1. circulatory system;
  2. liver and gall bladder;
  3. genitourinary system;
  4. respiratory tract;
  5. benign and malignant tumors;
  6. gastrointestinal tract.

The wide range of applications is due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions of beta-carotene and vitamin E. Taking these fat-soluble vitamins together has a greater effect on human health and strengthening the immune system than taking them separately.

Properties of Vetoron drops for obtaining a beautiful and harmless tan

Thanks to scientific research, it became known that beta-carotene reduces the number of free radicals in the body and helps restore damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes. And the main cause of free radicals in the summer is exposure to direct sunlight, or more precisely, damage to the skin by UV rays.

Tanning occurs due to sunbathing or visiting a solarium. After spending time in the sun, the skin becomes warm and red. Over time, the epidermis recovers and takes on a darker hue to reduce the negative effects of sun exposure.

But when the body is exposed to the sun for too long, the skin becomes too damaged, causing the person to get a sunburn. After this, it takes considerable time for the damaged area to heal. However, you should not sunbathe or visit a solarium. The skin at the site of serious damage becomes painful, and when a new layer of cells grows during the healing process, the damaged ones begin to die, which leads to peeling and peeling of the skin.

Vetoron drops allow you to increase the amount of time spent in the sun by reducing the risk of skin damage. The drug also accelerates recovery mechanisms, which causes the body to tan faster. Due to the fact that saturation with vitamins affects the entire body, the tan turns out even, without pigment spots or other undesirable manifestations.

By reducing free radicals in the blood and cells, the skin remains healthier and less susceptible to aging due to sun damage. At the same time, collagen is destroyed more slowly, because beta-carotene suppresses enzymes that lead to skin aging. Due to the fact that the skin is dense and nourished with beneficial components, the tan lies evenly, without negatively affecting health.

Instructions for use of Vetoron drops for tanning

In order for the body to be protected from damage and the skin to acquire an even tan, it is necessary that the body has a sufficient amount of vitamin A and E. Moreover, if the drug is taken in large doses, it will cause a negative effect and a change in skin color to yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to use Veteron in advance so that the required amount of substances accumulates in the body.

The recommended dose for getting a beautiful tan and restoring weakened immunity is considered to be up to 7 mg per day. This means you need to take Veteron in the amount of 5-7 drops per day. The drug is diluted in a small amount of boiled water without gas or an unsweetened drink. It is important that the temperature of the liquid is not more than +40 and below +10 degrees.

The preferred time to take Veteron is the morning, after breakfast. In the first half of the day, the body absorbs beta-carotene and vitamin E best and quickly creates new compounds based on them.

The optimal period of time that should elapse between starting to take the drug and sunbathing is considered to be 3 weeks. The minimum amount is 14 days. It is important to use the drug according to the instructions, without exceeding or decreasing the dose.

It is necessary to take the drug for another week after the last solarium or outdoor tanning procedure. This will allow the skin to recover faster, which will make the tan last longer and have an even shade.

It is important to remember that vitamin complexes should not be used for too long without a doctor’s prescription - this can lead to an imbalance of nutrients in the body, as a result of which a person will feel unwell. The maximum duration of taking drops is 60 days.

Contraindications, side effects

Like any medicine, Veteron has a number of contraindications:

  1. excessive saturation of the body with one or more vitamins included in the product can provoke intoxication or an allergic reaction;
  2. sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  3. age up to 3 years;
  4. taking vitamin preparations that contain vitamin A or E;
  5. eating food with an amount of vitamin E or A that significantly exceeds the body’s daily requirement.

The main side effect that may occur due to the use of Veteron is carotenoderma. This disorder occurs with excessive consumption of vitamin A, which accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, causing the skin tone to change. On the palms, soles and face, the skin becomes yellowish, orange or mustard in color. After reducing the dosage or stopping taking the drug, the shade will return to its original color. The speed of recovery depends on the amount of vitamins taken.

A change in skin color to orange or yellow is not a sign of illness or pathological changes. All body systems function normally, and skin cells do not differ from their normal state. The only inconvenience a person experiences is their unusual appearance. At the same time, the drug practically does not cause allergic reactions.

Price, storage conditions

The cost of the product depends on the type of medicine - there are forms for children and adults. In the first case, the drops contain fewer active substances, which is why such medications cost a little less. But generally the price in online pharmacies ranges from 200 to 270 rubles per bottle.

Shelf life of Veteron:

  1. The drug is fat-soluble; when it comes into contact with air, it begins to oxidize. Because of this, the multivitamin complex begins to lose its qualities. Therefore, the printed bottle can be stored for up to 3 months. It is important to tighten the lid tightly to reduce the negative impact.
  2. Unopened packaging allows you to store Veteron for 24 months from the date of manufacture.

The drug must be stored in a dark place out of reach of children. It is important that the bottle is not exposed to direct sunlight - they lead to changes in the chemical composition. Permissible temperature is from +10 to +25 degrees.


I read about Veteron for tanning and started taking it before a tanning session, but the effect was insignificant, which really upset me. The tan wasn't much darker and lasted a little longer, but it certainly didn't cover the price. Afterwards I found out that I need to take it in advance, so the bad effect is my mistake, next time I will prepare the skin as in the instructions.

For me, Veteron provoked cycle disruption and other unpleasant consequences in the female part. At first I didn’t understand that it was from the drops, and I tried to take them again a couple of times, and the same thing happened. I went to the doctor and it turned out that I had hypersensitivity, so I was left without a beautiful tan.

I started drinking Veteron 2 weeks before my vacation, putting 4-5 drops in my lunch. I came back from vacation much darker than usual, and what’s surprising is that I never peeled off at sea, my nose wasn’t even damaged! I will now use it every time I decide to sunbathe. And according to my personal feelings, the immune system has become much stronger.

I'm very pale and tan doesn't stick well to me, but I rarely screw it up, which is surprising. My skin is always white, doctors even often think that I have health problems, although everything is fine. Another problem is that what manages to stick disappears very quickly, literally in a couple of months. Veteron allowed me to get a golden tan that lasted me for 5 months!

And for some reason, Veteron helped me in the solarium when I visited it in winter, but did not help at all on the beach in Thailand. The tan, of course, is even, and I did not suffer from burns, although I lay in the sun for a long time, but the dark color never appeared, the color is more like golden. Perhaps this is my personal characteristics, but the drops will only be used in winter.

The main purpose of the drug Vetoron is the prevention of diseases caused by a lack of vitamins. But the drops can be used as a treatment for mild and moderate vitamin deficiencies, and also as an aid to obtaining an even and safe tan.

The content of the article:


The drug Vetoron is available in the form of a solution for oral use. Contains vitamins and provitamins that are beneficial for health.

  1. beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A) – 0.02 g;
  2. vitamin E – 0.008 g;
  3. vitamin C – 0.008 g.

The amount of active ingredients is indicated for 1 ml of solution. The multivitamin complex is sold in dropper bottles containing 20 ml of solution. Packed in an individual box.

Indications for use

The main situations in which a multivitamin complex is prescribed:

  1. lack of vitamins A, E or C in the diet;
  2. negative environmental influences or working conditions that expose the body to stress;
  3. the period of increase in the number of colds (spring and autumn);
  4. increased physical activity, which provokes a greater need for nutrients;
  5. disruption of the nervous system, depressed emotional state;
  6. the need to strengthen the immune system;
  7. increased load on the visual organs or diseases affecting the eyes;
  8. skin diseases.

In addition to individual use, drops are also prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases:

  1. circulatory system;
  2. liver and gall bladder;
  3. genitourinary system;
  4. respiratory tract;
  5. benign and malignant tumors;
  6. gastrointestinal tract.

The wide range of applications is due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions of beta-carotene and vitamin E. Taking these fat-soluble vitamins together has a greater effect on human health and strengthening the immune system than taking them separately.

Properties of Vetoron drops for obtaining a beautiful and harmless tan

Thanks to scientific research, it became known that beta-carotene reduces the number of free radicals in the body and helps restore damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes. And the main cause of free radicals in the summer is exposure to direct sunlight, or more precisely, damage to the skin by UV rays.

Tanning occurs due to sunbathing or visiting a solarium. After spending time in the sun, the skin becomes warm and red. Over time, the epidermis recovers and takes on a darker hue to reduce the negative effects of sun exposure.

But when the body is exposed to the sun for too long, the skin becomes too damaged, causing the person to get a sunburn. After this, it takes considerable time for the damaged area to heal. However, you should not sunbathe or visit a solarium. The skin at the site of serious damage becomes painful, and when a new layer of cells grows during the healing process, the damaged ones begin to die, which leads to peeling and peeling of the skin.

Vetoron drops allow you to increase the amount of time spent in the sun by reducing the risk of skin damage. The drug also accelerates recovery mechanisms, which causes the body to tan faster. Due to the fact that saturation with vitamins affects the entire body, the tan turns out even, without pigment spots or other undesirable manifestations.

By reducing free radicals in the blood and cells, the skin remains healthier and less susceptible to aging due to sun damage. At the same time, collagen is destroyed more slowly, because beta-carotene suppresses enzymes that lead to skin aging. Due to the fact that the skin is dense and nourished with beneficial components, the tan lies evenly, without negatively affecting health.

Instructions for use of Vetoron drops for tanning

In order for the body to be protected from damage and the skin to acquire an even tan, it is necessary that the body has a sufficient amount of vitamin A and E. Moreover, if the drug is taken in large doses, it will cause a negative effect and a change in skin color to yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to use Veteron in advance so that the required amount of substances accumulates in the body.

The recommended dose for getting a beautiful tan and restoring weakened immunity is considered to be up to 7 mg per day. This means you need to take Veteron in the amount of 5-7 drops per day. The drug is diluted in a small amount of boiled water without gas or an unsweetened drink. It is important that the temperature of the liquid is not more than +40 and below +10 degrees.

The preferred time to take Veteron is the morning, after breakfast. In the first half of the day, the body absorbs beta-carotene and vitamin E best and quickly creates new compounds based on them.

The optimal period of time that should elapse between starting to take the drug and sunbathing is considered to be 3 weeks. The minimum amount is 14 days. It is important to use the drug according to the instructions, without exceeding or decreasing the dose.

It is necessary to take the drug for another week after the last solarium or outdoor tanning procedure. This will allow the skin to recover faster, which will make the tan last longer and have an even shade.

It is important to remember that vitamin complexes should not be used for too long without a doctor’s prescription - this can lead to an imbalance of nutrients in the body, as a result of which a person will feel unwell. The maximum duration of taking drops is 60 days.

Contraindications, side effects

Like any medicine, Veteron has a number of contraindications:

  1. excessive saturation of the body with one or more vitamins included in the product can provoke intoxication or an allergic reaction;
  2. sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  3. age up to 3 years;
  4. taking vitamin preparations that contain vitamin A or E;
  5. eating food with an amount of vitamin E or A that significantly exceeds the body’s daily requirement.

The main side effect that may occur due to the use of Veteron is carotenoderma. This disorder occurs with excessive consumption of vitamin A, which accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, causing the skin tone to change. On the palms, soles and face, the skin becomes yellowish, orange or mustard in color. After reducing the dosage or stopping taking the drug, the shade will return to its original color. The speed of recovery depends on the amount of vitamins taken.

A change in skin color to orange or yellow is not a sign of illness or pathological changes. All body systems function normally, and skin cells do not differ from their normal state. The only inconvenience a person experiences is their unusual appearance. At the same time, the drug practically does not cause allergic reactions.

Price, storage conditions

The cost of the product depends on the type of medicine - there are forms for children and adults. In the first case, the drops contain fewer active substances, which is why such medications cost a little less. But generally the price in online pharmacies ranges from 200 to 270 rubles per bottle.

Shelf life of Veteron:

  1. The drug is fat-soluble; when it comes into contact with air, it begins to oxidize. Because of this, the multivitamin complex begins to lose its qualities. Therefore, the printed bottle can be stored for up to 3 months. It is important to tighten the lid tightly to reduce the negative impact.
  2. Unopened packaging allows you to store Veteron for 24 months from the date of manufacture.

The drug must be stored in a dark place out of reach of children. It is important that the bottle is not exposed to direct sunlight - they lead to changes in the chemical composition. Permissible temperature is from +10 to +25 degrees.


I read about Veteron for tanning and started taking it before a tanning session, but the effect was insignificant, which really upset me. The tan wasn't much darker and lasted a little longer, but it certainly didn't cover the price. Afterwards I found out that I need to take it in advance, so the bad effect is my mistake, next time I will prepare the skin as in the instructions.

For me, Veteron provoked cycle disruption and other unpleasant consequences in the female part. At first I didn’t understand that it was from the drops, and I tried to take them again a couple of times, and the same thing happened. I went to the doctor and it turned out that I had hypersensitivity, so I was left without a beautiful tan.

I started drinking Veteron 2 weeks before my vacation, putting 4-5 drops in my lunch. I came back from vacation much darker than usual, and what’s surprising is that I never peeled off at sea, my nose wasn’t even damaged! I will now use it every time I decide to sunbathe. And according to my personal feelings, the immune system has become much stronger.

I'm very pale and tan doesn't stick well to me, but I rarely screw it up, which is surprising. My skin is always white, doctors even often think that I have health problems, although everything is fine. Another problem is that what manages to stick disappears very quickly, literally in a couple of months. Veteron allowed me to get a golden tan that lasted me for 5 months!

And for some reason, Veteron helped me in the solarium when I visited it in winter, but did not help at all on the beach in Thailand. The tan, of course, is even, and I did not suffer from burns, although I lay in the sun for a long time, but the dark color never appeared, the color is more like golden. Perhaps this is my personal characteristics, but the drops will only be used in winter.

All mothers in Russia know Vetoron: pediatricians like to prescribe a solution of carotenoids for immunity. What do you know about vetoron for tanning? In my photo I have Vetoron for children, I used it for homemade cosmetics! )

Vetoron is a solution of beta-carotene in liquid form, it contains beta-carotene and vitamin E, it is used as a means of strengthening the immune system in sick children, as an additional source of beta-carotene.

Vetoron drops are water-soluble and have a rich orange color, so I like to tint homemade masks with it, making them the color of egg yolk or calendula petals.

Being a powerful antioxidant, beta-carotene makes skin less susceptible to sun damage, protects and reduces the risk of damage, reduces skin photosensitivity in the sun. That is, it promotes an even and long-lasting tan without the risk of burning in the sun.

Meanwhile, scientists managed to find out new data about the mechanism of action of beta-carotene against skin damage from sun rays. The researchers found that it resists a specific type of reactive oxygen, singlet oxygen, which is induced by solar radiation.

Exposure of the skin to UVA rays causes premature aging by increasing the oxidative process in the skin and destroying collagen fibers.

The study found that beta-carotene protects collagen from destruction by suppressing UVA-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinases MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-10, which are key to the degradation of the extracellular matrix during premature skin aging.

In other words, beta-carotene protects collagen from destruction by inhibiting the activity of enzymes that cause skin aging. But the activity of MMP enzymes (collagenase genes) is manifested under the influence of not only solar radiation, but also smoking!

“Detoxification of singlet oxygen in cells is achieved only by beta-carotene itself, but not by its function as provitamin A,” the scientists report. In addition, UV radiation quickly destroys beta-carotene in cells, which indicates the need to replenish beta-carotene after sun exposure.

To have a photoprotective effect on the skin, beta-carotene must be taken orally as a supplement, the researchers say. Beta-carotene also alleviates the symptoms of photosensitivity, reduces the possibility of solar dermatitis and has a mild sunscreen effect.

Solgar recommends a daily intake of beta-carotene in the amount of 7 mg once a day with meals.

According to the instructions, 1 ml of Vetoron contains 20 mg of beta-carotene, which means to protect the skin from the sun you need to take 0.3 ml of Vetoron or 6-8 drops daily.

It is recommended to take beta-carotene and Vetoron to protect the skin 2 weeks before active tanning, during active tanning, and after tanning.

Of the minuses of Vetoron: There is no data on the naturalness of the raw materials and there are additional additives in the composition, so I always recommend choosing the highest quality supplements for health and skin:

  1. Beta-carotene Solgar Solgar, Dry Beta Carotene, 10,000 IU (enough for all summer and fall!)

It is ideal to take carotenoids all summer, because regardless of whether you are on vacation at the seaside or staying in the city, solar radiation is active, and long-wave UVA rays are always active, even under cloudy skies.

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Carotenoids are beneficial for all skin types without exception, because they do not have toxic effects on the skin like vitamin A in high dosages. Now scientists have found that beta-carotene also protects the skin from premature aging caused by the sun!