Winds in the bladder

There are locked winds, and there are also moving ones. The cause is bloating food or an abundance of moisture in the bladder with low heat.

Signs. A sign of winds is expansion without heaviness, especially if the winds are moving.

Treatment. The most useful treatment after abstaining from everything bloating and from indigestion is to give castor oil to drink after the juice of medicinal roots and lubricate the forehead with fragrant absorbent oils and hot gums. Bandages with rue, pulegium mint or dill and some strong remedy, for example, beaver stream, stinking ferula gum or musk, are also applied to the area of ​​the bladder. Sometimes these oils with a small amount of beaver stream are injected into the urethra, or squeezed rue juice with musk, or banana oil with musk, or galiya with jasmine oil are injected there.

In conclusion, let us recall what was already told to you in the paragraphs about the kidneys: if the kidneys or bladder are painful or unhealthy, then you should not bring any “nuts” from medicinal seeds close to them, because this will only increase the pain, nor drugs that cause numbness; on the contrary, warm water should be used in such quantity that it does not attract or remove any juices.