Grape seed oil for face against wrinkles reviews

Benefits of grape seed oil

Grapeseed oil is sometimes called the “elixir of youth.” It is a by-product of winemaking and has been known since ancient Greece. It is often included in various cosmetics: creams, masks, balms. Among other vegetable oils, it has one of the most diverse compositions.

It contains more than 70% linoleic acid. The oil is also rich in vitamins, fatty acids and microelements. It is especially rich in vitamin E.

The substances contained in grape seed oil have a positive effect on skin health, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin (due to the presence of resveratrol and vitamins A, C), which give the skin elasticity and firmness. The oil has wound-healing properties, which accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

In addition, the oil penetrates into the deep layers of the epithelium and nourishes them, which helps fight the initial stages of cellulite, improves blood circulation and reduces the manifestations of rosacea and spider veins.

Grapeseed oil is also used to treat damaged and dry hair, as well as thin nails.

For many years now, grape seed oil has won an honorable place among the products used by cosmetologists, as well as cosmetics manufacturers. This lightweight component with a rich composition is considered an impeccable facial care product. Using it separately or in combination with other products, you can significantly improve the appearance and structure of the skin, as well as slow down age-related changes.


The wonderful characteristics of this oil were known many centuries ago. It was used in cooking, in the treatment of rosacea in folk medicine and in cosmetology, as it perfectly helps in the fight against aging of the epidermis.

Grape seed oil for the face, which has excellent reviews, contains the following components:

  1. A rich complex of vitamins B, A, E and C, their benefits are quite multifaceted: from acquiring the correct skin tone to tightening contours, removing excess toxins and accelerating metabolism in cells. It contains a large amount of tocopherol (vitamin E), which, in combination with collagen fibers, actively rejuvenates the face.
  2. A huge arsenal of macro- and microelements (potassium, iron, calcium, sodium) increases the rate of metabolic processes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, and activates cells and blood vessels.
  3. Procyanide and reratrol are considered powerful antioxidants, as they stimulate the production of natural collagen and block the negative effects of free radicals.
  4. Many cosmetologists recommend using masks with grape seed oil for the face. Reviews about this component are very good, since it contains an element such as Omega-9 or oleic acid. It is an excellent cell protector that stimulates metabolism and removes harmful particles from the skin.
  5. Linoleic acid (its other name is Omega-6) is considered an excellent moisturizer and also wonderfully protects the epidermis. This component perfectly stimulates regeneration processes. With the help of unsaturated acids, you can restore moisture, improve the condition of flaky skin and remove inflammatory processes.
  6. Palmitic and stearic acids, flavonoids and phytosterols, tannins also make a significant contribution to improving the epidermis.

Properties and benefits

Grape seed oil for the face is valued in folk medicine for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition looks like a low-viscosity liquid, fluid, light with a light yellow color and a greenish tint without a specific odor.

It is used in cosmetology due to the following characteristics:

  1. removes toxins and cleanses;
  2. Great for dry, oily and combination skin;
  3. fights sagging and wrinkles;
  4. refreshes and improves the color of the skin;
  5. since it has a light consistency, it is perfectly absorbed into the skin, thereby ensuring the delivery of a large number of useful components deep into the tissues;
  6. activates the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  7. tightens enlarged pores;
  8. kills bacteria, so it helps improve problem skin;
  9. used to eliminate streptoderma, dermatitis and acne.

How to choose a quality product

Grapeseed oil for the face, which has excellent reviews, will be useful if it is chosen correctly. It is obtained by pressing or by cold pressing or hot extraction.

The cost of a cold-pressed natural component is quite high, since this is the method that helps preserve the largest amount of necessary substances in it. In order to get just a liter of this wonderful nectar, you will need 50 kg of seeds, and this, in turn, is half a ton of berries. The grains are crushed and squeezed, as a result of this process the coveted oil comes out. Since it contains chlorophyll, it has a slightly greenish tint and a pleasant nutty smell.

The unfiltered component is recommended for consumption due to the fact that it saturates the body with beneficial vitamins and microelements. But for facial skin, grape seed oil is best suited if it is obtained through hot extraction. With this technique, much more of the final component comes out, so its cost is lower.

When purchasing any type, you must pay attention to the country of origin, which must be indicated on the label. The best product will be released in Spain, Argentina, Italy or France. The material from which the bottle is made is also important; it should be glass. After purchasing, it is recommended to store the liquid in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, the substance loses its healing properties.

Application for the skin around the eyes

Vitamin E found in the oil perfectly removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The regenerative properties of the composition also help reduce crow's feet. After its use, you will experience a youthful and healthy appearance.

In order to use the beneficial component, a drop of the extract is applied to the ring finger and then transferred to the eye area. All procedures are carried out before bedtime. You can also remove makeup with this product, as they claim that the oil can dissolve even the most indelible mascara. It is necessary to try to ensure that the composition does not get into the eyes at the time of processing.

Application for dry skin

If there is such a problem, then you need to know how to use grape seed oil for the face. To do this, it is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38–40 degrees, and then applied to the previously cleansed epidermis. If several oils will be used, it is recommended to collect them in 1:1 proportions. It is recommended to combine the base product with wheat germ, castor and shea oil.

Use for oily skin

The use of grape seed oil on the face of this condition is very beneficial. It is recommended to apply compresses, cleansing lotions and applications. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and remarkably tightens pores, thereby stopping the appearance of blackheads and inflammation. It should also be noted that the oil does not leave an oily sheen - this is considered a huge plus for this type of skin. If there is a desire to use a mixture of components, then a solution is formed in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 using a large amount of the base component.

Use instead of cream

The product contains many useful ingredients, so it is recommended as a main care product. Grape seed cosmetic oil for the face, which has quite good reviews, is quite easy to use as a cream. It is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the skin twice a day. After coating with the product, it is recommended to lightly beat it with your fingertips. It should be noted that it is useful as both morning and evening care. If necessary, after a few minutes the excess product can be blotted off with a dry cloth. Often used as a makeup base, it is suitable for every skin type.

Use for acne

Grape seed oil for the face, which has very good reviews from cosmetologists, has antiseptic properties and is successfully used to combat blackheads and acne. To do this, the substance is used as a lotion, and the face is wiped with it several times a day. In order to enhance the effect, the product is used together with tea tree essential oil. It is applied pointwise to the affected areas, and then the entire face is wiped with base oil. If you regularly use these two components, the inflammation will go away and there will be no trace of the problem. Many cosmetologists recommend using these components as a scrub.

To prepare you will need:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, best instant;
  2. 3-5 drops of strong-smelling tea tree oil;
  3. 5 ml grape seed oil.

The flakes are ground in a coffee grinder and the remaining ingredients are added to them, after which the composition is immediately applied to the face. Everything is thoroughly massaged for several minutes and washed off with cool water. A similar procedure is carried out as needed, once a week or daily.

Anti-wrinkle application

If there are shallow facial folds, then the product can be used as the main stage of care. It is applied to the area around the eyes and nasolabial triangle with small massaging movements on cleansed skin several times a week. Grapeseed oil helps the face against wrinkles in later stages; for this case it is better to use the product as a mask.


This procedure has a beneficial effect on the straightening of wrinkles. To do a massage yourself, you don’t need a lot of knowledge and effort; it’s enough that you need to take into account a few specific rules:

  1. the product is applied only along massage lines, this will help avoid unnecessary tension and help improve facial contours;
  2. After the procedure, you need to tap the problem areas a little with your fingertips so that the oil penetrates well;
  3. The most important thing is that the folds must be squeezed out; this requires pinching the skin not along, but exclusively across the grooves. At this stage, each fold needs to be passed 3-5 times with small pinches.

Massage can be performed either with or without oil. When these two procedures are combined, both external nutrition and mechanical smoothing of the skin are provided.


The use of grape seed oil on the face has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis. According to cosmetologists, the substance is often used as a base for nourishing and moisturizing products. It perfectly improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, gives the skin an even tone and tightens pores. It has a beneficial effect on sluggish, inert and aging epidermis, providing a regenerating effect.

After completing the procedures, many satisfied clients say that cosmetologists added grape seed oil to special anti-aging creams, after which they noticed rejuvenation, increased elasticity and the elimination of small wrinkles. Under the influence of oil, the skin gets a healthy look and becomes softer and more elastic.

Those who suffer from acne and blackheads noted that the product has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, since it contains antioxidants that help eliminate disturbances in intracellular metabolic processes.

Many users added that the product perfectly relieves streptoderma, acne and vesiculopustulosis.

In cosmetology, grape seed oil is used, prepared in one of the following ways: extraction or cold pressing. The wide popularity of this product in the fight against wrinkles and aging skin is associated with its rich composition.

Anti-wrinkle grape oil contains flavonoids, vitamins A and E, fatty acids and other substances that determine the regenerative, antioxidant, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effects of the product. The oil is easily absorbed and is suitable for owners of all skin types. It does not contain toxic components and has a pleasant aroma.

Features of grape oil

The oil obtained by cold pressing is the richest in useful substances. Cosmetologists recommend using this particular grape oil for the face.

Since the output is a small amount of product, it has a high cost. But some experts, studying the composition of the extracted oil, came to the conclusion that in terms of the quantitative content of some components it even surpasses the more expensive version of the product obtained by pressing.

Grape seed extract has a unique composition that provides a wide range of beneficial properties, which allows it to be used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

The components of the oil can restore youth to aging skin:

  1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids – linoleic, oleic, palmitoooleic, alpha-linolenic. They improve tissue nutrition and blood circulation, reduce inflammation.
  2. Plant phytosterols have anabolic and adaptogenic effects.
  3. Phenols protect tissues from damage as a result of oxidation processes and the action of free radicals.
  4. Mineral components are necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes.
  5. Tanning substances affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrow enlarged skin pores.
  6. Vitamins E, A, C, Group B serve as coenzymes for vital reactions occurring in the tissues of the body.
  7. Chlorophyll, enzymes have regenerating, tonic and bactericidal qualities.
  8. Fitoalexin resveratrol fights harmful microbes, fungi, viruses, has antioxidant, antitumor, cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. The substance exhibits estrogenic activity. There are animal studies confirming the ability of this compound to increase lifespan and slow down the aging process.
  9. Proanthocyanidin – a phospholipid complex with powerful antioxidant activity that enhances the synthesis of collagen in the skin and blood vessels. Thanks to this, the elasticity of the capillaries supplying blood to the facial tissues is restored. As a result, skin elasticity and turgor increase, and the severity of wrinkles decreases.
  10. Flavonoids grape oil protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, free radicals, and pathogenic microorganisms. P-vitamins, related to flavonoids, strengthen capillaries, having a beneficial effect on aging facial skin.

For maximum anti-aging effect, anti-wrinkle grape oil can be used not only as part of external cosmetics, but also in capsules and other forms for internal use.

Many manufacturers of cosmetic products use it in creams, masks, and cosmetic oils. There are also homemade recipes for anti-wrinkle products, the main component of which is grape seed oil.

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Indications and contraindications for use

Grapeseed oil is generally well tolerated. It is indicated for all skin types. The product is suitable for moisturizing, combating acne, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Restrictions for using the product are:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Use simultaneously with medications requires consultation with the attending physician regarding the compatibility of the drugs used.
  3. The use of the product should be approached with caution in the presence of skin diseases and injuries.

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Rules for applying products with grape oil

When using grape seed oil, you should understand that it cannot replace all other products. It contains many useful components, but you can only get the full spectrum of substances necessary for skin health by using different products. For mature and aging skin, you definitely need cosmetics containing active ingredients for moisturizing, nourishing, and cell regeneration. To care for combination skin, peelings and tonics are recommended.

Rules for applying grape oil:

  1. Apply oil to moisturized skin.
  2. The amount of oil depends on the type of skin - for dry skin you need to use more product (4-5 drops), for normal skin three drops are enough, for oily and combination skin you should limit yourself to one or two drops.
  3. Grapeseed oil is used on its own or as part of mixtures, creams, and masks. When using any of these remedies, you should remember moderation: a few drops of oil at a time are enough, you should not use it too often - once every 3 days is enough, the duration of a separate course is no more than two months.
  4. A good effect can be obtained using an emulsion. To do this, the oil is mixed with water and natural surfactants (surfactants). The latter can be purchased at a cosmetic store. It is better to use natural surfactants made from nuts or seeds. The emulsion prepared in this way has a delicate structure and is excellent for aging skin.

Homemade cosmetics recipes containing grape oil

Grapeseed oil is used not only separately, but also mixed with different types of oils. It is recommended to enrich the base oil by adding a little essential oil: lemon, mint, orange and others.

Mature skin care product

You can prevent the first wrinkles with the help of a composition that contains a tablespoon of grape oil and a couple of drops of one of the essential oils: sandalwood, limetta or cajeput. Apply the product to the face using gentle massaging movements. Before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed, tonic lotion, moisturizing serum or hydrosol applied.

Oil mixtures are used up to 3 times a week, after a maximum of 2 months you need to take a break.

To smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, a mixture is used, in the preparation of which a tablespoon of grape oil is mixed with the same amount of avocado oil.

The effectiveness of the product is enhanced by adding one of the essential oils to the mixture: neroli, sandalwood or rose - just add 1-2 drops. The product should be applied no more than 3 times a week. For the best effect, the procedure is repeated for 1–2 months.

Remedy for deep wrinkles

When creating the mixture, add 2 drops of aromatic oils - fennel, mint, lime or pine - to the grape oil. The choice of oils is determined by your skin type. It is enough to add two types of essential oils to the mixture. The product is applied with light movements, following the massage lines of the face, twice a week on moisturized skin. The course lasts a month.

For a second course, you can use other essential oils. Changing the ingredients will increase the effectiveness of the procedures.

Masks based on grape oil are very helpful in the fight against wrinkles. User reviews confirm their effectiveness.

Mask made from a mixture of oils

For the mask, mix 2 oils: grape and jojoba. You can take each component in a volume of 15 ml, which corresponds to one tablespoon. It is recommended to enhance the effect of the mask with a couple of drops of essential oils - lemon or rose. The mask is applied to the skin, the mixture must be warmed up to body temperature in advance. The face is covered with a film that has slits for the nose, eyes and mouth. Wash off the oil composition with warm water. The course of procedures should be continued for no more than 2 months. Apply the mask twice a week.

Eye mask

You can use grape seed oil for wrinkles under the eyes in the form of a mask applied to the delicate skin in the eye area. Mix avocado and grape seed oils - a tablespoon each, add 2 drops of aromatic oil: neroli, sandalwood or rose. The mask is applied to the skin warm and left for 15 minutes. The remaining product after the procedure should be blotted with a damp cloth. It is enough to use the mask 2 times a week for 2 months.

Mask to restore aging skin

You can return your skin to a tightened and blooming appearance with the help of a mask that includes oatmeal, chopped apple and grape oil.

Add grated apple and a teaspoon of butter to the pre-steamed flakes. This mixture should remain on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. The course lasts a month, the frequency of procedures is twice a week.

In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Recommendations and opinions of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists suggest periodically using grape oil for faces with aging skin and wrinkles. At the same time, they recommend adhering to certain rules:

  1. Grapeseed oil is suitable for cleansing the skin; it is applied after intensive peeling, this way you can achieve an even distribution of the oil.
  2. Esters need to be selected for a specific skin type, then they will transport the beneficial substances of grape oil to the deeper layers.
  3. It is very useful to intensively moisturize the skin before applying oil. To do this, you can use tonic, hydrosol, moisturizer or thermal water. The oil will create a barrier to moisture evaporation, thanks to which the moisturizing effect will last noticeably longer.


I really like using natural facial care products. I always thought that it was too late to start taking care of your skin when clearly visible wrinkles appeared. It's better to prevent than to correct. Therefore, since my youth I have been using various masks and lotions that I make myself using natural ingredients. Grapeseed oil is one of my favorite remedies. It is pleasant to apply, it is easily absorbed, and moisturizes the skin. I use it in different combinations. The oil helps get rid of small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. I recommended my friend to use this product. She is very pleased, the effect is better than after using an expensive cream.

I have been buying grape oil for cosmetic purposes for a long time. I make a mask out of it that smooths out wrinkles well. I also like to use the oil as a stand-alone product. For the mask, I use rolled oats and grated apple, and add grape oil to them. It is enough to apply this mask once a week – the effect is excellent.

I tried different oils - apricot, jojoba, almond, coconut, avocado. But grape oil worked best for me. I mix a couple of drops of orange or rosewood oil into it. Be sure to cleanse the skin, then moisturize it with thermal water. I apply the oil mixture with gentle movements. The effect is wonderful - the next morning the skin is as soft as a baby's. This remedy also helps with wrinkles. Although I, of course, use other anti-wrinkle products.