Human papillomavirus type 59: causes, symptoms and treatment

HPV type 59 in a woman

The content of the article:
  1. General information about HPV type 59
  2. Transmission routes
  3. Main manifestations
  4. Diagnosis of papillomavirus type 59
  5. Treatment methods
    1. Removal of papillomas
    2. Drug therapy
  6. Prevention of papilloma virus
  7. Real reviews about the treatment of HPV type 59

Human papillomavirus type 59 is a strain that poses a high oncogenic risk. Its manifestations, as well as those of non-dangerous HPV genotypes, are non-indicative, which makes the situation especially alarming. Many people, noticing a papilloma, simply “etch” it with folk remedies, but this line of behavior is completely unsuitable for oncogenic strains and can lead to the rapid development and growth of a cancerous tumor. That is why, if you detect any abnormal growths on the body, you must first consult a doctor and conduct a histological analysis of the growth.

General information about HPV type 59

3d model of HPV type 59

HPV is one of the most common viruses on earth. All its types act equally; in a passive state they are completely harmless, but under the influence of one or another factor, most often associated with suppression of the immune system for various reasons, activation occurs. The active virus, in turn, leads to changes in epithelial tissues.

Human papillomavirus type 59 in terms of the activation mechanism is no different from the others, but its exclusivity lies in its high oncogenic activity, as well as “sexual preferences” - this type of pathogen affects women much more often and is most often localized on the genitals. Although, you need to understand that men are not immune from it, and its localization is not limited to the reproductive system. By the way, the second most common location of type 59 papillomas is the rectum.

Condylomas type 59

The photo shows the manifestations of HPV type 59

As you can see, the favorite localization sites of human papillomavirus type 59 make the situation especially dangerous, since the papilloma is located on internal organs, it is impossible to notice it outside of a routine examination, which means there is a high risk of not detecting transformation into a cancerous tumor at the initial stage.

Routes of transmission of papillomavirus type 59

Sexual contact as a method of infection with HPV type 59

The main route of infection with human papillomavirus type 59 in both women and men is sexual contact with an infected person. Unfortunately, the risk of infection exists during both protected and unprotected sexual intercourse, but in the latter case the probability will still be 60% higher. Also, it is worth noting that transmission of infection can also occur through contact of mucous membranes, that is, through an ordinary kiss.

Infection with HPV 59 strain can occur in other ways - household and generic. The first has a low probability, but people with weak immune systems often become infected with the virus through shared objects.

The second way is also not so common, since all women, when planning a child, must undergo special studies and tests; if HPV is detected, treatment is prescribed and pregnancy is postponed. If infection and transition to the active stage occurred at a time when pregnancy had already occurred, type 59 papillomavirus can be transmitted from a woman to a child as it passes through the birth canal. In such cases, cesarean section is often recommended, but many experts argue that this operation, again, does not exclude infection.

Main manifestations of papillomavirus type 59

Stress on a girl

The activation of the virus is greatly influenced by the state of the body's immune system. It is noteworthy that if infected through birth, but with a strong immune system, a person can live his whole life with HPV in the passive stage, and, on the contrary, with weak immunity, human papillomavirus type 59 is quickly activated after sexual contact with the carrier.

In view of these circumstances, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion about protection from the virus entering the active stage. It is necessary to pay attention to the immune system, it is especially important to stimulate it after a prolonged illness and taking aggressive medications, during periods of vitamin deficiency.

Risk factors for activation of papillomavirus type 59 in women and men:

  1. Bad habits;
  2. Incorrect daily routine;
  3. Excessive physical and/or mental stress;
  4. Being under stress;
  5. Poor nutrition;
  6. Long-term use of antibiotics;
  7. Insufficient hygiene;
  8. Infectious diseases.

Type 59 papillomas on the genitals

The photo shows type 59 papillomas on the genitals

Unfortunately, the dangerous 59 type of papilloma virus does not have unique symptoms in women and men. Just like all other strains of HPV, in the initial stages it does not manifest itself at all.

Let's consider 4 stages of the disease:

  1. Latent. The virus establishes itself in epithelial cells, integrates into their structure, and begins to multiply. There are no symptoms at all.
  2. The appearance of papillomas. At this stage, papillomas can already be detected; the 59 strain virus is characterized by a type of pointed growths of a pink-brown hue of small size, as a rule, they are located in groups, most often localized around the anus and on the labia.
  3. Atypical stage. This phase involves a pathological change in tissue; it is also called precancerous. In many cases, this is the last stage, at which it is still possible to quickly and without consequences solve the problem. Additional symptoms already appear in the form of constant fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and weight loss.
  4. Cancer stage. If adequate treatment for human papillomavirus type 59 is not started, the process continues to develop rapidly. Healthy tissue cells mutate and form a cancerous tumor. At this stage, new symptoms are added, mainly associated with discomfort in the intestines - stool disorders, flatulence, pain, blood in the stool, etc.
Unfortunately, a malignant tumor caused by human papillomavirus type 59 tends to grow rapidly - a noticeable increase in size can occur in just a few hours!

Read also about HPV type 18 and type 39.

Diagnosis of papillomavirus type 59

PAP test

If you find yourself with papilloma, this is always a reason to see a doctor. But! If one of the above warning symptoms is added to this, this means that seeking medical help should be urgent.

In turn, an adequate response from a specialist is necessary; the so-called PAP test, which is deciphered as follows:

  1. 1 class — cells are not affected by human papillomavirus type 59;
  2. 2nd grade — there is a slight change in cells, an inflammatory process is possible, general tests are prescribed;
  3. 3rd grade — changes in cell nuclei are recorded and a histological examination is prescribed;
  4. 4th grade — morphological signs of malignant changes are recorded;
  5. 5th grade — cancer cells are clearly identified.

Modern histological examination for the detection of human papillomavirus, both type 59 and others, is carried out through PCR techniques, which makes it possible to unambiguously and with the highest degree of probability identify pathological cells and prescribe adequate treatment.

If during a routine gynecological examination the doctor discovers papillomas on the genitals, he prescribes tissue biopsy of growths and colposcopy - examination of the cervix through a microscope.

Colposcopy usually accompanies mosaic test: the cervix is ​​treated with a special solution of acetic acid, and then with Lugol’s solution; if the solution is unevenly absorbed by the tissues, a conclusion is drawn about the presence of pathology.

  1. Read about the reasons for the activation of HPV 45 in women

Methods of treating papillomavirus type 59

Treatment of oncogenic strains of the papilloma virus, including type 59 in women and men, is a responsible task that excludes amateur efforts; it must be taken as seriously as possible. If non-dangerous genotypes of the pathogen can be easily derived using traditional methods, in this case such a line of behavior is excluded. Therapy for HPV strain 59 involves three stages: removal of papillomas, taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, and control tests.

Removal of type 59 papillomas

Cryodestruction of papillomas type 59

Today there are many ways to get rid of growths surgically. In the case where there is no reason to assume the presence of an atypical and cancerous stage, it is allowed to remove growths using the following methods:

  1. Laser Application. Removal is performed using a laser beam. The cost of the operation ranges from 600-1500 rubles (250-650 hryvnia) depending on the size of the papilloma and the chosen clinic.
  2. Cryodestruction. Getting rid of growths using liquid nitrogen. The operation is performed either with ordinary tweezers, cooled to a temperature of -200 degrees, or with a special apparatus. The cost of the operation depends on the size of the tumor and the instrumentation of the operation. Removing one papilloma on the human body with type 59 virus less than 5 mm in size will on average cost about 300 rubles (130 hryvnia), for a papilloma larger than 5 mm you will have to pay 600 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  3. Chemical destruction. Burning out growths with a special chemical composition. The average cost of the operation is 600 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  4. Radiosurgery. Exposure of growths to radio wave radiation. The price of the operation, again, is determined primarily by the size of the growths, so the destruction of a 2-mm papilloma will cost 500 rubles (200 hryvnia), and a 10-mm papilloma will cost 1,500 rubles (650 hryvnia).

All of these methods have a short recovery period and minimal risk of complications, however, if the presence of cancer cells is suspected, the operation is performed in the classical way - growths are cut out with a scalpel. For human papillomavirus type 59, traditional resection is often recommended; its cost is always calculated strictly individually.

Drug therapy for papillomavirus 59 strain

Medicines for the treatment of HPV type 59

The photo shows medications for the treatment of HPV type 59

Despite the fact that the disease manifests itself primarily in the form of neoplasms on the body, one should not forget that we are still talking about a virus, which means that the destruction of growths must be accompanied by antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy.

Let's consider effective drugs against human papillomavirus type 59:

  1. The most popular drug that stimulates the immune system is Viferon. Its analogs are also often prescribed - Anaferon, Kipferon, Cycloferon, etc. The advantage of these drugs is that they stimulate the production of interferon, that is, in fact, they just strengthen their own immunity, which means they do not harm the body. The cost of the above drugs is about 200 rubles (85 hryvnia).
  2. Among antiviral drugs, Panavir is often prescribed - it has no direct analogues and is not cheap, about 1,500 rubles (650 hryvnia). The low-cost Amizon and Acyclovir are similar in action; their price fluctuates around 300 rubles (130 hryvnia). Antiviral drugs are prescribed only when there are already morphological changes in tissue.
  3. Another group of drugs are cytotoxins.. These are antitumor drugs, and their use is required only if a malignant tumor has begun to form. The most popular are Podophyllin and its analogue Condilin. The cost of medicine is about 600 rubles (250 hryvnia).
It is worth noting that immunomodulatory therapy should be carried out both before and after surgery to remove tumors, right up to a control test. For oncogenic human papillomavirus type 59, such therapy is especially important.
  1. Read about traditional methods of treating HPV 56

Prevention of human papillomavirus type 59

Taking vitamin complexes

As we said above, human papillomavirus type 59 does not tolerate amateur treatment. However, traditional therapy can also help in its treatment if its funds are used to increase immunity. In this sense, various herbal infusions are well suited.

It is worth noting that maintaining immunity in proper form is required even after treatment. Papillomatosis is a disease that cannot be completely cured; it can only be stopped, that is, the virus can be driven into a passive stage. It must be remembered that at any “opportunity”, namely a critical decrease in immune forces, its activation will occur.

Thus, if you have been diagnosed with human papillomavirus type 59, you should take special care of your health throughout your life - eat right, follow a daily routine, avoid stress, take vitamin complexes.

Real reviews about the treatment of HPV type 59

Reviews about the treatment of HPV type 59

HPV type 59 is a dangerous virus, but there is definitely no need to despair when it is detected. Modern medicine makes it possible to quickly and without consequences treat complex diseases. All that is important from the patient is the right psychological attitude. If you are faced with HPV strain 59, it will be useful to read positive reviews about the cure for this disease.

Zhanna, 38 years old

Human papillomavirus type 59 was detected, the gynecologist drew attention to the growths during a routine examination. Thank God, it was the initial stage, but they really scared me that I needed to be treated and I couldn’t delay it. I trust my doctor very much, so I immediately began to act. They removed it with nitrogen, the operation is very simple, the likelihood of complications, as I was told, is zero. Then there was a course of immunomodulators. There are no relapses, 2 years have passed.

Olya, 26 years old

I still don’t know how I got human papillomavirus type 59. I didn’t sleep with men, I know for sure from childbirth that it wasn’t passed on. This means that there remains an unlikely contact-domestic path, although, again, public baths, saunas, swimming pools are not for me. In short, no one is immune. The main thing is that it turned out that everything was still not scary, everything was removed and without consequences. But it was very scary, I read a lot on the Internet. Now I tell my friends everything: “no-no” with other people’s things, but I don’t care anymore, I’ve been infected once and for all.

Nastya, 30 years old

Everything is curable, you just need the right doctor to do it quickly and without nerves. It didn't work out that way for me. I always went to the gynecologist for routine examinations, but for some reason she didn’t bother to pay attention. And then, by some miracle, I ended up with someone else, he immediately ordered tests, and it was already at the stage of degeneration into cancer. To say that I was scared is an understatement, but the same doctor found the right words and sent me to the right specialists. The operation was successful, I had a long course of medication afterward, and now I take great care of my health so that it doesn’t happen again, God forbid.

Watch a video about human papillomavirus:

  1. Related article: How to use potassium permanganate for papillomas