Higher than couperose on the face reviews

Couperosis is a disease in which microcirculation in the upper layers of the epidermis is disrupted, as a result of which small capillaries burst and a fine red mesh is formed on the surface.

The disease manifests itself not only as spider veins, but also a burning sensation appears, the skin turns red, and the sensitivity of the dermis increases. In most cases, redness appears on the chin, cheeks and nose. If you do not begin to treat the disease in a timely manner, then rosacea will subsequently progress, and the face will be completely covered with a fine red mesh. In order to prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to understand the causes of the problem, as well as select means that will help in treating the disease.

Features of manifestation

At the initial stage, rosacea manifests itself as redness in some areas of the dermis, which is accompanied by a burning sensation and sensitivity. As a result, the elasticity of the skin decreases, capillaries burst, and a visible defect in the form of a network of blood vessels forms on the face.

Couperose can be distinguished by the following signs:

  1. small spider veins appear on the surface of the dermis;
  2. in most cases, capillaries burst on the cheeks and wings of the nose;
  3. the nodules acquire a bright red or burgundy color;
  4. Over time, the nodules increase in size and can reach a size of 1 cm.

At the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment.

Reasons for development

Medical workers claim that the cause of the development of the disease is a person’s genetic predisposition. However, there are other factors that can affect the manifestation of rosacea:

  1. Regular consumption of drinks containing alcohol. For example, red wine has a vasodilating effect, and this negatively affects the epidermis.
  2. Smoking or other bad habits also cause the development of spider veins on the face, since nicotine has a harmful effect on the body's circulatory system.
  3. Rupture of capillaries can be caused by too spicy or hot food.
  4. Persons predisposed to the development of rosacea should not stay in cold climates for a long time, since sudden temperature changes also negatively affect the epidermis.
  5. Excessive exposure to the sun or ultraviolet radiation on the skin should be avoided, as the sun's rays negatively affect the blood vessels of the skin.
  6. Frequent consumption of hot chocolate or coffee is one of the reasons for the formation of redness, as these products increase blood flow to the face.
  7. Another reason for the development of the disease is nervous exhaustion and regular stressful situations.

Also, rosacea can be triggered by incorrectly selected skin care cosmetics, or a complete lack of skin care products. We should not forget that diseases of the immune system can have a destructive effect on the capillaries and vessels in the epidermis, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the health of the entire body.

How to cure

It is necessary to start treatment at the initial stage of manifestation, that is, as soon as redness begins to appear. The sooner treatment is started, the more favorable the outcome will be. At the initial stage of the disease, you can cope with the disease at home, using special cosmetics and following the recommendations given below.

If the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it will not be possible to strengthen the blood vessels at home.

Treatment recommendations:

  1. You should not do aggressive chemical procedures on the skin, peelings, cryomassages, etc. Also, you should not steam the skin, resort to contrast washing and cleansing with scrubs with large abrasives.
  2. Caring cosmetics should not contain coarse particles that can injure the epidermis.
  3. You should regularly take vitamins such as PP, ascorbic acid, A and E.
  4. At home, you can use cosmetics, masks or creams that contain mineral complexes and vitamin C.
  5. It would be a good idea to use tonics based on herbal decoctions or wipe your face with green tea.
  6. It is imperative to use moisturizing creams with spf, which will protect the epidermis from the negative effects of the sun. In winter, SPF 15 will be enough, and in summer it is best to choose the best sunscreen with SPF above 30-50.
  7. You should reconsider your diet, since with rosacea it is necessary to exclude spicy, salty or spicy foods.

You can read about cleansing masks at home in this article.

Dermatologists often prescribe not only topical treatment, but also oral tablets.

The main medications are:

  1. Askorutin is a vitamin kit that helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The duration of taking the drug is determined by the doctor based on the clinical picture of the disease.
  2. Vikasol is a synthetic vitamin K, which is also necessary for the skin. As a result of using the medicine, the elasticity of the skin increases and blood microcirculation improves.
  3. Troxevasin - capsules, which are most often prescribed along with cream for severe cases of the disease.

These medications can be purchased at the pharmacy, but you should not resort to self-medication, since the dosage and duration of medication should be prescribed by a doctor.

Mandatory components in creams and ointments

The main therapeutic agents are creams and ointments. It is necessary to use only those products that can really help in treating the disease, so you should pay attention to the composition of the cream.

Components that must be present in the anti-rosacea drug:

  1. Plant extracts and extracts from plants. The main medicinal plants are butcher's broom, grapes, walnuts and horse chestnut. These active components improve metabolic processes in epidermal cells, thereby improving microcirculation in blood vessels.
  2. Hyaluronic acid, glycerin - provide additional hydration to the epidermis, making the skin elastic and firm.
  3. Vitamins A, C, E, K and RR. Vitamin complexes help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore skin elasticity. It becomes soft and smooth.
  4. Natural hoods from mimosa, lemon, horse chestnut, etc. These components help get rid of spider veins, improve complexion and appearance.
  5. Collagen and elastin. These components are added to the cream to give the dermis firmness and elasticity.

You should not use cosmetics that contain:

  1. eucalyptus oil;
  2. aloe;
  3. honey;
  4. alcohol or camphor;
  5. menthol;
  6. preservatives and artificial flavors.

How to choose the right anti-rosacea drug

When choosing a medicinal cream, you need to pay attention to the composition. It must contain the above active components. It will also not be amiss if the product contains natural shea, corn or olive oils.

The cosmetics market offers both expensive products from leading brands and budget ones, so everyone can choose the most suitable product for themselves.

When buying a cosmetic product, you should pay attention to the expiration date. It must be normal, otherwise a spoiled product will not only not bring any benefit, but may also aggravate the situation.

Below we consider the rating of the most popular and effective anti-cupid drugs.

Anti-rosacea budgetary and effective creams

Let's start our review of the best creams with budget products, since among the inexpensive products there are decent ones that do an excellent job with rosacea.

Rating of budget anti-rosacea drugs:

Cosmetics from the Russian manufacturer Cora have proven themselves as an effective remedy in the fight against rosacea. Capillary protector cream for the skin cares for the dermis and also prevents damage to blood vessels and capillaries. The product contains plant extracts, phyto-oils, vitamins and panthenol. All these components help improve the condition of the skin and prolong its youth. The product should be used for at least a month, after which the result will be clearly visible. The product costs about 450 rubles.

Doctor Taffy

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, we can come to the conclusion that this is one of the most effective remedies, since the composition contains vegetable oils of calendula, shea butter, chamomile and aloe extracts, as well as vitamin C. All these components can relieve redness and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is best to use the cream as a course for three months. The product costs approximately 350-400 rubles.

Stop rosacea (Stop Cuperoz SOS)

Stop rosacea cream will help to cope with the problem in a short time, improve the condition of the dermis and strengthen blood vessels. The product contains shea butter, panthenol and vitamins. The cream also contains lipids and has protective properties from the sun. The approximate cost of the cream is 550-600 rubles.


This is an inexpensive product that is sold in any pharmacy. The product contains vitamin C and rutin. The cream is quickly absorbed deep into the epidermis and has a pronounced healing effect. The results of the treatment can be observed after just a week of regular use of the product. This cream is recommended for treating a large area of ​​​​the lesion. The approximate cost of the product is around 200 rubles.

Heparin ointment

Many people use heparin to treat rosacea, as it has an antithrombotic effect and promotes the resorption of blood stagnation in the skin. As practice has shown, heparin is a good therapeutic product, and the result of use is noticeable after two weeks. The product costs no more than 100 rubles.

Avene Diroseal

It is better to use Diroseal after consultation with a specialist, since the product contains strong components such as hesperidin methyl chalcone and dekatron sulfate. These components intensively affect the skin, triggering epidermal renewal processes. The product is recommended for use by girls with dry skin types, as the cream has a dense texture that can clog pores. The cream should be used at night. The cost of the remedy is about 1000 rubles.

Rating of the best brand creams

Now let’s take a look at the rating of branded creams that are the most effective and popular.

Rating of branded creams for rosacea

Uriage Roseliane Creme Anti-Redness Cream
The cream soothes and moisturizes irritated dermis, removes redness, improves the appearance of the skin, and eliminates the feeling of dryness of the epidermis. The product contains thermal water, which refreshes the skin and makes it softer. The composition also contains cerasterol - 2F, natural ginseng extract, particles that mask visible imperfections of the epidermis. The product is hypoallergenic and recommended for use twice a day. The cost of the cream is approximately 800 rubles.

Lierac Apaisance Fluide Anti-Rougeurs

After using this product, the dermis becomes elastic with an even complexion. In addition, the plant components in the composition fight redness, mask them and additionally moisturize the skin. The active ingredients of the product are algae extracts, glycerin and green pigments that mask redness on the skin. The cream should be used for at least 3 months to achieve better results. The product costs about 2000 rubles.

La Roche Posay ARRosaliac Intense

This cream-serum has a pronounced therapeutic effect, removes redness and treats inflammation. The product helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves microcirculation in cells, and improves complexion. The composition contains substances such as thermal water, glycerin, ambophenol and others. The product should be used for at least three months. The cost of the product in pharmacies is from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Vichy (Vichy Idealia PRO)

The cream has a serum texture, so it is quickly absorbed and penetrates deep into the epidermis, improving blood circulation in the vessels. In addition, the serum has a lifting effect, relieves inflammation and removes peeling on the skin. The cream costs about 1200 rubles.

Antirougeurs Plus (Antirougeurs FORT)

The product is suitable for sensitive skin, has a light texture, due to which it is quickly absorbed and does not leave an oily sheen. The cream helps cope with redness, inflammation, improves blood circulation in the capillaries and soothes. The approximate price of the cream is from 1200 to 1500 rubles.

Read about soothing face masks here.

Bioderma Sensibio ARCream

The cream has an immediate effect. After applying the product, redness is significantly reduced, and the skin looks healthy and fresh. The product can be used as a base for makeup, as it has a light formula that does not leave a greasy film. The active ingredients of the product are glycerin, algae extract, vitamins and beeswax. You need to use the cream for at least three months. The cost of the treatment is about 1,500 rubles.

Traditional recipes for treatment

In addition to cosmetics, you can use proven home recipes that are no worse, and sometimes even better, than store-bought cosmetics.
Folk remedies:

Ginger mask

Ginger helps improve blood circulation, remove inflammation and redness. To prepare the mask, you need to take about 5 grams of ground ginger, mix with 100 ml of hot water and mix thoroughly. Apply the cooled mask with a cotton pad to the affected areas every day.

You can read about preparing an anti-acne mask at home in this material.

Apple Cider Vinegar Lotion

Vinegar has an antiseptic effect and triggers skin cell renewal processes. The lotion is prepared simply: mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting product should be lubricated on the affected area 1-2 times a day.

Green clay mask

Green clay has a positive calming effect, helps relieve swelling and improve blood circulation. The types of clay can be found here. To prepare the mask you need to take 1 tbsp. green clay and dilute with water until it becomes thick sour cream. The mask should be rubbed into the affected areas of the dermis, left for 5-10 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Read about the best express face masks here.

When choosing ingredients for preparing masks, you should avoid using aggressive ingredients such as onions, mustard, citrus fruits, salt, etc.


Video about the causes and treatment of rosacea.

The appearance of the face has a special meaning for every person. Many of us put a lot of effort into keeping the skin structure of this part of the body clean, healthy and well-groomed.

However, sometimes unpleasant phenomena such as spider veins or telangiectasias may appear on the surface of the skin. This defect is usually the main symptom of a disease such as rosacea.

To effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, Vichy Idealia PRO cream is used, designed specifically to relieve the manifestations of rosacea. This product allows you to remove capillary networks in a short period of time and improve your complexion.

Know the enemy by sight

Cuperosis is a vascular disease, the symptoms of which can appear on almost any part of the body, but the most favorite place for localization of this disorder is the face. This disease most often manifests itself as a result of circulatory problems in the upper layers of the skin.

  1. consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  2. smoking - this bad habit has a negative impact on the functioning of the entire circulatory system, thereby provoking the appearance of spider veins;
  3. Eating hot and spicy foods increases the risk of capillary fragility;
  4. the development of the disease can be caused by living in aggressive climatic conditions, rubbing the skin of the face with ice, frequent visits to hot saunas, steam rooms, and so on;
  5. exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  6. drinking hot chocolate and coffee;
  7. frequent stress, emotional swings, nervous breakdowns.

The first symptom of the disease is severe redness of some areas of the facial skin. If this redness is not eliminated in time, the disease progresses. In places of redness, capillaries burst, and in their place a vascular network is formed, which doctors usually call telangiectasia.

To eliminate these symptoms, various local remedies in the form of creams and ointments are used. Recently, Vichy cream for rosacea has been in great demand. It can eliminate all unpleasant symptoms in just a few uses.

First acquaintance - features and composition

Vichy face cream is an effective remedy for the appearance of rosacea and age spots on the skin. Over a certain period of use, it helps eliminate all unpleasant symptoms and puts the skin in order.

When using this product, the capillary walls are strengthened, blood supply improves, and all signs of inflammation and peeling disappear.

Vichy Idealia PRO is available in the form of a cream-serum. Therefore, when using the cream, its active components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and contribute to the rapid restoration of their structure.

Vichy cream contains a unique active complex DRM-Bright™ + LHA (lipohydroxy acid), which directly affects skin pigmentation. In addition, there are other constituent elements:

  1. Eperulin. This component has an anti-inflammatory effect and also has a calming effect on the skin.
  2. Vichy thermal water. It contains a high level of useful components. Thermal water contains a high content of minerals and trace elements.
  3. Glycerol. This substance promotes maximum skin hydration while using the cream. It attracts and retains moisture in the upper layers of the skin.
  4. Diacalite. This substance promotes a rapid leveling effect.
  5. Procysteine (Oxo Thiazol >Healing properties

Vichy cream can quickly eliminate spider veins and capillary networks that appear during the development of rosacea.

The constituent components penetrate deep into the skin layers and contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged capillaries, strengthen and restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

According to scientific research, Vichy healing serum can relieve symptoms of rosacea by 33%, and pigmentation by 27%. As a result of use, the skin becomes soft, pores narrow and wrinkles disappear. With constant use, the disappearance of the capillary network and smoothing of the facial skin are observed.

Indications for use

Vichy universal anti-rosacea cream, in addition to its direct purpose, is also used to eliminate the following skin diseases:

  1. solar pigmentation, which appears as a result of ultraviolet radiation;
  2. to get rid of hormonal pigmentation;
  3. helps eliminate the appearance of age spots;
  4. eliminates melasma;
  5. signs of post-acne;
  6. various inflammatory processes that appear as a result of impaired blood circulation in the vessels.

Thanks to its complex and balanced composition, the cream allows you to quickly eliminate all unpleasant changes in the skin of the face.

In addition, its components have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The composition of the cream protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight and the negative effects of environmental factors.

How to apply

Before using the healing serum, the surface of the skin must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. After this, the face should be thoroughly wiped with a towel.

The cream is applied to the entire surface of the facial skin, but it is not recommended to apply to the area around the eyes. The Vichy remedy is used twice a day.

The cream can be used both as a stand-alone product and in conjunction with other cosmetics intended for daily skin care.

Advantages of the product

First of all, the use of Vichy cosmetics helps eliminate the capillary network that forms on the surface of the skin due to rosacea.

With regular use of this product, you can quickly restore the normal condition of the skin and remove unpleasant defects from its surface.

In addition, Vichy cream has the following advantages:

  1. due to the fact that Vichy Idealia PRO uses a unique complex DRM-Bright + LHA, its action goes in three directions at once - unsightly capillary networks are treated and eliminated, inflammation is relieved, and the underlying disease that caused the appearance of these disorders is treated;
  2. relieves swelling and inflammation;
  3. helps restore healthy color and appearance of the surface of the facial skin;
  4. it can be used by all people, regardless of skin type and age category;
  5. in addition to rosacea, the cream quickly prevents pigmentation;
  6. normalizes the process of melanin production;
  7. the use of this product allows you to exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  8. renews the skin structure at the cellular level;
  9. with regular use, significant changes in the appearance of facial skin are observed - signs of rosacea disappear, facial skin color evens out;
  10. this cream can be used by allergy sufferers;
  11. after using the serum, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and disappear;
  12. the cream does not form a film or stickiness after application;
  13. All active components of the product instantly penetrate deep into the skin and do not cause tightness.

Real opinion

Reviews from women who have already tried Vichy cream in the practical fight against rosacea and its symptoms.

A year ago, red spots first began to appear on the face, and then capillary networks began to appear. I immediately turned to a cosmetologist.

After the initial cosmetic procedures, he advised me to see a dermatologist, because rosacea should still be treated in specialized medical institutions.

Already on the threshold, the cosmetologist mentioned Vichy Idealia cream. Of course, I went to the doctor, who advised me to avoid strong sun, eat right and not use harsh cleansers on my face.

I also bought Vichy cream and used it for about 2 months. Oddly enough, the spider veins disappeared, and my complexion became much healthier.

Inga, 36 years old

I developed rosacea due to a hereditary factor. At first, I simply did not pay attention to the symptoms, but when spider veins began to appear instead of red spots, I began to worry.

As a result, I had to see a dermatologist. After the examination, the doctor advised to avoid the sun, eat a balanced diet and use skin protective products in the form of creams.

I also recommended Vichy special series cream. I used this product for two months. Yes, all the symptoms completely disappeared, but after a year I began to notice that red spots began to reappear on the surface of the skin.

Now I am using this remedy again together with calendula tincture.

Ekaterina, 42 years old

Facial skin before and after using Vichy cream

Inflamed single capillaries appeared on my face about 4 years ago, at first I somehow didn’t pay attention to it, I thought it was a normal irritation.

However, I became wary when these symptoms began to develop into capillary networks. I immediately thought that this was some kind of serious disease, but then I found out that it was rosacea.

I immediately turned to a dermatologist. At the appointment, the doctor gave a number of recommendations and advised me to make collagen masks and use Vichy cream. After 3 months of such treatment, all unpleasant symptoms completely disappeared.

Tatyana, 51 years old

You can buy Vichy cream at any cosmetics store. It can also be found in pharmacy chains. The average cost is from 1200 to 1500 rubles.

Cream for rosacea on the face - in the pharmacy there is a large assortment of medicines designed to combat spider veins.

Most often, areas on the cheeks, nose, cheekbones are affected; less often, the vascular network occurs on the forehead and chin.

What effect does rosacea cream have on the face?

When capillary elasticity decreases, rosacea occurs. This is due to poor functioning of blood vessels. As a result: they expand and appear on the surface of the skin.

Therapeutic creams are designed to strengthen vascular walls, increasing their elasticity and protective functions. After a course of medical therapy, the vascular patterns disappear.

Effect of pharmaceutical medicinal cream:

  1. restores vascular walls (elasticity, structure) during cupidosis;
  2. moisturizes, normalizes water balance on the face;
  3. restores elasticity;
  4. nourishes the skin with beneficial substances in the deep layers;
  5. strengthens the epidermis and blood vessels;
  6. protects against the negative effects of weather conditions.

Cuperosis affects sensitive, weak integuments that react to various stimuli.

Cream products eliminate the problem due to the content of natural ingredients and vitamins. Creams for rosacea are selected according to the stages of the painful condition.

For minor manifestations of the vascular network, you can use a cosmetic product; it will be enough for preventive and strengthening treatment sessions.

With severe rosacea on the face, complex therapy with medicinal creams sold in pharmacies is required.

Only a specialist can analyze the condition of the integument and prescribe therapeutic therapy. In the severe stage of the disease, medications for unpleasant and painful symptoms are also prescribed.

What components must be included in an anti-rosacea cream purchased at a pharmacy?

Cream products sold in pharmacies must have effective ingredients, the action of which is aimed at normalizing blood circulation and restoring the skin.

It is important to know! High effectiveness of treatment with creams can be achieved only thanks to the active components included in the preparations: extracts from medicinal plants, vitamins, collagen.

Ingredients of creams sold in pharmacies Action against rosacea on the face
Angioprotectors: extracts of natural origin from plants (ruscus, walnut, grapes, horse chestnut) Strengthen metabolic processes in cells and blood vessels, improve blood flow
Excipients: lipids, hyaluron, glycerin Extra hydration
Vitamin complex A, C, E, K, found in tea tree, rice bran, corn, black currant, shea butter, olive Restores and strengthens blood vessels, making the skin elastic and soft
Natural extracts of mimosa, lemon, horsetail, chestnut (horse), blueberry Cleanses the skin of vascular patterns, increases the absorption of beneficial components into the walls of blood vessels
Elastin with collagen Increases firmness with elasticity

Cream for rosacea on the face: you can buy a really high-quality product at the pharmacy - it must have the necessary quality certificate, which states the full composition of the drug.

When choosing a cream for rosacea on the face at the pharmacy, carefully read the composition of the product.

Cream for rosacea on the face: review of the best products

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of vascular creams, including both budget and expensive options. They all differ in composition, but have a similar effect.

In addition, some products have additional properties, so they can be used for other skin problems.

Important to remember! Before choosing a remedy for rosacea, you should study the products offered, read the reviews of doctors and people who have overcome spider veins.

“Vichi Idealia Pro” – cream-serum to eliminate rosacea

The product is recommended for combating age spots and rosacea on the skin. After using the cream, all manifestations of the disease are eliminated, the skin takes on a healthy appearance.

When using the product, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation improves, and signs of inflammation with peeling disappear.

Cream composition:

  1. "Vichy Ideal Pro" is a highly effective serum with an active complex of lipohydroxy acids, which helps relieve inflammation and affects pigmentation.
  2. Included in epiruline has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect.
  3. Thanks to thermal water The cream is enriched with useful components, minerals and trace elements.
  4. Glycerol Maximum moisturizes the epidermis, retains moisture in the top layer.
  5. Diacalite promotes smoothing of the skin.
  6. Amino acids (procystiine) is an excellent antioxidant.

"Vichy Ideal Pro" eliminates vascular patterns with a capillary network in case of rosacea on the face. After the components penetrate into the thickness of the epidermis, existing damage in the capillaries is quickly restored.

This remedy for rosacea is sold in the pharmacy, the approximate price for serum (30 ml) is 1900–2100 rubles.

Attention! scientific studies have shown that thanks to the use of cream-serum, the symptoms of facial rosacea are reduced by 34%, signs of pigmentation - by 28%. The epidermis becomes soft, pores become narrower, and wrinkles disappear.

The versatility of the remedy allows it to be used to eliminate a number of skin diseases:

  1. pigmentation from ultraviolet rays;
  2. manifestations of hormonal imbalance;
  3. age spots;
  4. melasma;
  5. inflammation processes;
  6. post-acne.

Before applying the serum, the skin is cleansed and washed.

The cream must be applied to a dry surface, avoiding the area near the eyes. The product is applied twice a day as an independent or complex application.

Skin cream “Bark” for rosacea

The product is recommended for effective care of skin prone to vascular fragility and redness.

The ingredients included in the treatment complex have a capillary-strengthening effect and also help prolong youth.


  1. plant extracts;
  2. betaine;
  3. verbena (peptides);
  4. phyto-oils;
  5. panthenol;
  6. vitamin complex.

The product is applied to skin cleansed with tonic by patting with fingers. Use the cream twice a day: in the morning and evening.

Particular attention is paid to areas prone to rosacea. After a month's course, there is a noticeable improvement in the epidermis, with the restoration of a healthy structure.

The approximate price for “Bark” cream is 380–420 rubles.

"Tian De" cream for rosacea

The creamy product strengthens blood vessels and skin, eliminates existing vascular patterns, and prevents new manifestations. The disappearance of wrinkles is noted.


  1. Coconut oil;
  2. chamomile extract;
  3. collagen.

The product relieves inflammation, softens, moisturizes, and stimulates regeneration at the cellular level.

Regular use of the cream eliminates inflammatory processes, remove dryness, peeling, wrinkles, prevent premature aging, strengthen blood vessels.

The price of the cream ranges from 480–520 rubles.

Treatment cream for rosacea “Avene Diriseal”

It is recommended to use for vascular manifestations in the form of stars for the sensitive integuments of the epidermis of the face.

The product in question is an analogue of Troxevasin. It follows that the cream has therapeutic and preventive properties.

Action: eliminates irritation and inflammatory processes. Promotes effective restoration of the epidermis, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. The result is healthy skin and strong capillaries.


  1. retinaldehyde and dextran sulfate;
  2. water (thermal).

The cream is applied once a day for 90 days. Recommendations for use, as well as the required course of therapy, should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the individuality and complexity of the disease.

The price is 610–660 rubles.

Cream "Uriage Roselyan" for rosacea on the face

Cream for rosacea on the face in a pharmacy costs 980–1100 rubles.

The product is intended for everyday care of hypersensitive skin prone to spider veins. The cream relieves redness and treats rosacea.


  1. glycerol;
  2. ginseng extract;
  3. cerasterol;
  4. water (thermal);
  5. dextran sulfate;
  6. phytosqualanes;
  7. waxy product of roses.

Thanks to the unique composition of the cream, microcirculation improves, moisturizes, soothes, softens problematic skin, and eliminates irritation. The product is suitable as a base for decorative cosmetics.

Recommended morning and evening application to clean skin, paying special attention to problem areas.

Cream for rosacea "Sensibio" (Bioderma)

The drug in the form of a cream is intended to relieve redness that has arisen as an allergic manifestation of stressful situations, foods, and climate change.

The cream is recommended for use on epidermis with a predisposition to rosacea. An independent or integrated approach with the means in question is possible.

Active substances:

  1. glycerol;
  2. enoxolone;
  3. avocado;
  4. phytosterols;
  5. allantoin;
  6. essential oil (canopic oil);
  7. hydroxypropine.

It is recommended to use twice a day on cleansed, dried skin. Regular use of the creamy medicinal product allows you to completely get rid of redness and visible vascular patterns.

After treatment, the skin receives hydration, an elastic, elastic structure, peeling, dryness and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The product has a long-term effect of maintaining the result.

The cream does not contain harmful coloring or flavoring substances. The price of the product is about 950–1100 rubles.

The choice of a remedy for rosacea is best left to specialists who, based on the condition of the skin, will select adequate treatment.

Based on customer reviews, the products presented above are most in demand and are highly effective in restoring and strengthening blood vessels and the epidermis.

From this video you will learn about creams for rosacea on the face, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

This video will help you choose a remedy for you to treat rosacea.