Budget-friendly moisturizer for oily skin

Many women are looking for a cream for oily skin, without understanding how to find the right product. After all, in fact, this type of epidermis has a lot of problems - greasy shine, enlarged pores, acne, pimples. And she, oily skin, needs hydration, nutrition and protection no less than any other.

To successfully search, you need to arm yourself with some knowledge, determine priorities (the presence of the entire list of problems or one in particular), understand the abundance of chemical terms and finally make the long-awaited purchase.

Interesting fact. Owners of oily skin, having a whole “bouquet” of unpleasant problems, are protected from one thing – the premature appearance of wrinkles. Indeed, with this type, age-related changes in the form of folds appear much later than, for example, in young ladies with sensitive and thin epidermis.

What should you consider when choosing a cream?

To choose the “right” cream for oily and problematic facial skin, which will be beneficial and allow you to cope with existing defects, let’s listen to the advice of professionals.

  1. Before going to the store, make a list of pre-selected products. The Internet will help you do this, where you can find reviews and ratings for almost every product.
  2. Pay attention to the presence of all relevant certificates, which must be available to the seller. If they refuse to show you such a document, this is already a reason to think about the quality of the product being offered.
  3. Carefully inspect the packaging for integrity. Under no circumstances buy a product if its expiration date has passed or is running out. The lack of effect when using such a cream is the most harmless consequence.
  4. Find an indication that the product is designed specifically for oily and problem skin.
  5. Read the composition. Do not buy creams with unfamiliar or unclear ingredients or substances that may cause an allergic reaction. The closer to the beginning of the list an ingredient is listed, the more of it is contained in the product.

If all of the above points satisfy you, then now is the time to pay attention to the additional functions that the manufacturer has assigned to its cosmetic product.

As practice shows, budget products in this segment are not very inferior to their expensive counterparts. But if the product is offered much cheaper and the manufacturer was not known to you before, then such a product is not worth buying.

What should be included in the composition of natural ingredients?

Oily skin is not a cosmetic problem at all, as many people think. It can be inherited, or it can manifest itself during life due to the negative impact of external factors and pathologies of internal organs.

The correct composition of a cream for oily skin will provide timely and comprehensive care for the epidermis and help maintain the normal condition of the skin on the face.

The main problem in our case is the overactive functioning of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the formation of a greasy sheen, enlarged pores, and the appearance of blackheads, pimples, and comedones.

It is completely natural that we are looking for natural cosmetics - that is, made from natural ingredients. But not all of them will be equally useful for everyone without exception.

Natural components of the cream for oily skin that will be beneficial and help cope with existing problems:

  1. vitamin C – improves metabolic processes, regulates (rather than suppresses) the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has an antioxidant effect, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  2. fruit acids eliminate oily shine (mattify), remove dead epidermal cells, promote nutrition and hydration;
  3. plant extracts of chamomile, calendula, ginseng - excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing components;
  4. Sophora extract has a rejuvenating, tightening, cleansing effect.

If you find at least one of these components in the cream, then it is suitable for oily skin.

Chemical composition

Face cream is essentially a whole chemical laboratory. Elements, as in the periodic table, have their own not entirely clear and sometimes scary names. It would be better if every buyer could understand the terms that are written on the packaging of a cosmetic product. After all, some chemistry is quite dangerous and toxic.

What can you find on a jar or tube of cream for problematic and oily skin and these substances are not “poison”:

  1. benzoyl peroxide - to combat rashes;
  2. salicylic acid – dries, eliminates even the strongest shine;
  3. caffeine - to tighten pores;
  4. Niacinamide – eliminates irritation;
  5. retinol and sulfur – fight acne;
  6. alpha hydroxy acids in combination with essential oils have an antibacterial effect;
  7. vitamin complexes - for nutrition;
  8. extracts of medicinal plants - soothe and cool the skin;
  9. hyaluronic acid – deep hydration without affecting the activity of the sebaceous glands.

The presence of such substances in the composition of the presented product indicates its effectiveness. But the components are highly active and can cause unpredictable reactions.

Therefore, when using for the first time, it is better to conduct a tolerance test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to your wrist and monitor the skin reaction for 30 minutes. If there are no visual or tactile unpleasant sensations, you can use it.


A contraindication to the use of any cosmetic product will be individual intolerance to any component of the product. In all other aspects, you should pay attention to features of use that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

  1. The label “for oily skin” was not written in vain. You need to use only specialized products that have the right composition designed to combat the problems of oily and problematic skin.
  2. Age parameters. Look for a cream with the corresponding number on the box. Otherwise, the desired effect “will not happen.”
  3. Storage conditions. Our “hero” is best stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Placement in a bathroom, in light (sunny or artificial), at high humidity and temperature will lead to loss of beneficial qualities long before the expiration date.
  4. Tara. Any containers containing the product must be tightly closed to prevent oxidation of the product. Contact of products with air is the minimum possible amount of time. In this regard, preference is given to tubes with a narrow neck rather than jars.
  5. Application of the product. Remember that any skincare cosmetics must be applied to previously cleansed skin.
  6. Application rules. You cannot put pressure on your face, rub the cream intensively, or make chaotic movements - this can stretch or injure the skin. You need to apply it with your fingertips, using light movements along the massage lines.

Please pay attention! Allergic reactions are companions of all active agents. Especially nourishing cream for oily skin, enriched with vitamin complexes, or products with fruit acids or essential oils require a tolerance test!

Rating of the best according to cosmetologists and users

Cream for oily and combination skin is a special product, since it must have special qualities that are not inherent in cosmetics for other skin types. Let's say more - you should have several such creams at your disposal, since each of them performs certain functions.

To make it easier to choose a cream for oily skin, here is a list compiled in accordance with the opinions of professionals and consumers.


All skin requires moisture, including problem skin. Its deficiency will lead to even more active work of the sebaceous glands and aggravation of inflammatory processes. And after them - an increase in the number of pimples, blackheads and blackheads. The best moisturizers for oily skin bring the water-salt balance back to normal and help eliminate blemishes.

  1. La Roche Posay EFFACLAR H - according to reviews, the best moisturizer for oily skin, which softens, soothes, relieves flaking, is instantly absorbed and does not leave a shiny film.
  2. Avene Clean AC Hydrating has a double effect. Along with moisturizing, it dries out acne, soothes irritations, and softens.


The best cream for oily skin with a nourishing effect will help cope with vitamin deficiencies in autumn and spring. If you see a deterioration in your appearance, a gray face and at the same time feel unnatural fatigue and exhaustion, you have vitamin deficiency (most likely). Choose a product that will provide adequate nutrition to your “hungry” epidermis.

  1. GiGi Vitamin E contains not only the vitamin indicated in the name, but also some others, selected specifically for oily skin types.
  2. TimeWise Mary Kay intensively nourishes, moisturizes, stimulates the production of collagen fibers, and has an anti-aging effect.


The rating of creams for oily and problem skin continues to be protected by protective products. They need to be selected according to the season, since there will be differences in the component composition in the UV filters section.

  1. Estée Lauder DayWear is a protective cream for summer. It has nourishing, moisturizing and tonic qualities.
  2. Natura Siberica “Sophora Japonica” is a universal protective cream that can be used at any time of the year.


It is very important which cream to choose for daytime use. After all, it must meet several criteria: fight problems, not leave an oily sheen, and not spoil makeup.

  1. Garnier BB Cream “The Secret of Perfection” evens out the complexion, does not require subsequent application of foundation or powder, does not clog pores, fights existing acne and prevents the appearance of new acne.
  2. Noreva Exfoliac Acnomega 200 – for very oily skin with redness, pimples and blackheads. Dries, relieves inflammation, evens out color, and absorbs sebum secretion throughout the day.


The night cream is designed to actively solve problems without providing an aesthetic effect, that is, it has a denser consistency and does not remove greasy marks on the skin. But it nourishes, moisturizes and fights age-related changes very well.

  1. Clinique Youth Surge Night is an excellent anti-aging product, nourishing, moisturizing and toning.
  2. Vichy Normaderm. Vichy does not need additional advertising, since all the products of this manufacturer are of high quality and effectiveness.


A good anti-inflammatory cream not only copes with inflammation, but also heals, retains moisture, protects and prevents age-related changes.

  1. Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Light Cream from Vichy. And again Vishy, ​​who in this case is above all praise.
  2. HyaluroMat Cream from Lirene meets all the objectives. At the same time, it perfectly mattifies the skin, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminating excess oily sheen.


As we have already said, a cream for problematic facial skin should not only solve these very problems, but also hide their unaesthetic manifestations. Some of the best in this role are recognized as:

  1. Vichy Normaderm Total Mat comes to the rescue again. Manufacturers have thought through everything to the smallest detail and their product ensures tone alignment, color improvement, and fights age-related changes;
  2. Day matting cream “Baikal Herbals” is a representative of the cohort of Russian products for problematic and oily skin. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, evens out the color, eliminates the sebaceous film.

You can see a review and personal opinion about creams for oily skin below:

Any skin type requires care, and from a very early age. Then the years will not form wrinkles on the face and spoil the mood of a woman who feels young and carefree.

Characteristics in the rating

1 Vichy Normaderm Night Detox Anti-Imperfection Clarifying Care Best night cream for oily skin
2 La Roche-Posay Effaclar DUO(+) Fastest healing of acne marks
4 Vichy Dermablend 3D correction The choice of professional makeup artists
5 KLEONA Night. With natural salicylates Natural composition
6 Kora Seb control. Mattifying Effect. Day/Evening Review leader
7 Maybelline Affinitone Best-seller
8 ACTIVE CREAM Librederm SERACIN Economical consumption
9 Lizo cosmetics ProBIO 14+ Combats teenage imperfections
10 Cream-active Biokon. Problem skin Best price

Problem skin is usually called the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin), which is prone to defects. The most common cause is hormonal imbalance in adolescence and after 45 years. Poor nutrition also leads to acne due to increased cholesterol levels, and bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, provoke the breakdown of collagen, causing the skin to lose elasticity and age spots to appear. Another popular reason is cosmetics with poor quality ingredients. Less often, the problem lies in vitamin deficiency and low water balance.

The most obvious indicators of unhealthy skin are:

  1. Oily sheen and feeling of greasy;
  2. Pigment "islands";
  3. Millet, comedones, pustules, papules;
  4. Peeling against a background of dryness, in advanced forms turning into cracks;
  5. Frequent allergic rashes.

You can ignore pimples when there are only a couple of them and they can be hidden with cosmetics, the same foundation, but when most of the face is red, peeling or, on the contrary, glows with an oily sheen, the reflection in the mirror ceases to please. Creams designed specifically for problem skin can solve such problems. Some will dry out, others will moisturize, and others will tint. To make your choice easier, we've created a ranking of the best products that can transform your skin, taking into account your individual nuances.

TOP 10 best creams for problem skin

10 Cream-active Biokon. Problem skin

One of the best budget products for problem skin is the cream-active product from the famous Ukrainian brand Biocon. The manufacturer guarantees a drying effect by normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands, which will help the skin get rid of imperfections. The silver ions present in the composition prevent irritation; azelaic acid exfoliates dead cells; panthenol nourishes the skin with moisture in the winter, and in the summer it will relieve redness after a long stay in the sun.

When applying the cream, a slightly cooling effect is felt. Reviews note the light floral scent of the product and the fact that it does not clump on the face, does not highlight flaking and is absorbed quickly enough, so Biocon can be safely used as a base for daytime makeup. The cream-active is used in courses of 3 weeks for combination and dry skin and for those prone to excessive oiliness - 9-10 weeks.

9 Lizo cosmetics ProBIO 14+

ProBIO 14+ is an effective assistant in the fight against acne in adolescence and has a natural composition. The symbiosis of lactic and succinic acid exfoliates dead cells. Grape seed extract and tea tree oil have antibacterial properties, which is important for those with oily skin prone to acne. Lysates will create an optimal environment on the skin surface for the proliferation of normal microflora.

Although the cream was initially aimed at combating the first teenage acne, you can find reviews on the Internet that say that ProBIO 14+ is no less effective on the skin of adult girls. The cream can heal small scars and acne marks and reduce the pain from sunburn. Since the cream has a very light milky smell and is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen, it can act as a base even for daytime makeup.


Librederm Seracin cream is created specifically for oily skin with acne. It is applied pointwise, the tube itself has a dispenser-spout, which allows you to use the product economically. The salicylic acid, sulfur and zinc included in the composition have long been recognized as a real weapon against acne; they regulate the activity of sebum production and dry out acne, and also have an antibacterial effect and significantly reduce redness.

It should be applied locally with patting movements to acne lesions. Due to the hydrophobic properties of salicylic acid, when entering the pores, the active components exfoliate dead cells, which are often the cause of acne, and zinc and sulfur are transported into the contaminant-free pores, which act as an antiseptic. Reviews often note that Librederm Seracin active cream is usually sold in pharmacies, but it is difficult to find, so it is easier to order it online.

7 Maybelline Affinitone

Maybelline foundation not only has excellent coverage properties, but also mattifies the skin well. It copes with both redness and freckles, moreover, it perfectly evens out the tone and does not clump in the pores. Despite its density, the product lays on the skin like a thin veil without a mask effect. Maybelline Affinitone also has a huge number of shades for both fair-skinned and dark-skinned girls, which will bring you closer to a natural effect.

Due to the presence of vitamin E and argan oil, deep hydration is provided, the skin becomes smooth to the touch and fresh in appearance. The texture of the foundation is liquid, making it easy to evenly distribute without stains, so Maybelline Affinitone can be safely used for daytime makeup, without fear that the transition will be noticeable in the light. You can buy foundation in almost any cosmetic store, since the series is very popular and is a bestseller.

6 Kora Seb control. Mattifying Effect. Day/Evening

An ideal, both day and night, cream designed to treat oily problem skin, thanks to the plant extracts in its composition, it stabilizes the sebaceous glands, fights inflammation and blackheads. Corn oil will become a source of vitamin E; calendula, raspberry and arnica will act as a powerful antiseptic; plantain will speed up the healing of wounds; Shea butter will prolong the youth of the skin at the cellular level.

The manufacturer also included a super-moisturizing complex that will preserve the natural water balance of the skin. Also, there is a sebocomplex that monitors the work of sebaceous secretions. Isoquercetin will be an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. Kora cream takes a leading place in voting for the best cream that regulates the oiliness of the epidermis in the middle price segment. The product is sold in a 50 ml plastic tube with a convenient dispenser.

5 KLEONA Night. With natural salicylates

Kleona night cream helps reduce oily shine, the number of comedones and enlarged pores - the main manifestations of problem skin. The cream will please you with its most natural composition: natural salicylates reduce infectious inflammation on the face, improve blood flow, and also have an antibacterial effect; willow bark and calendula flowers dry out acne; Shea butter, olive and rice butter give the skin powerful hydration.

The cream is a plastic tube with a convenient dispenser; the product itself has a delicate, literally airy texture and a pleasant, unobtrusive herbal aroma with a light perfume scent that will stay on the skin for some time. Kleona spreads well and is instantly absorbed. The manufacturer promises a healthy, noticeably even complexion and velvety skin after 3-4 weeks of regular use of the product.

4 Vichy Dermablend 3D correction

Vichy Dermablend 3D correction is a foundation designed specifically for problem skin, which often appears in the cosmetic bags of beauty bloggers; It is also called a must-have by professional makeup artists. Vichy's toning product will perfectly hide blackheads, various redness, age spots and even papulopustular acne and can last on the skin for the whole day. The texture is dense, so you need to spread it in a thin layer; The manufacturer recommends doing this with your fingertips.

Another advantage is the cost-effectiveness of the cream, because with regular use, a tube lasts on average for six months, which will cover its non-budget cost. Most of those who have tried Vichy Dermablend 3D correction believe that this product is very whimsical, so, on dry skin with flaking or in the presence of large acne, it can only cover the inflamed shade, but the relief will not be perfectly smooth.


Cleanance Hydra Soothing Cream is a cream from the Avene pharmacy series of care products, created specifically for critically dry skin that needs to restore its water balance after a course of acne treatment with harsh drying agents. The cream with a light cosmetic fragrance is produced in small tubes, the consumption of which is on average 6-7 months. The non-greasy, light texture is especially suitable for sensitive skin, providing it with a moisturizing and soothing effect.

Nutrition and the feeling of breathing pores throughout the day will be provided by the shea butter, jojoba and cocoa butter contained in the composition. Bisabolol is responsible for elasticity and relieving redness, a gentle concentration of zinc dries out inflammation and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. And the thermal water contained in the composition instantly refreshes tired skin and has an excellent regenerative effect. Avene Cleanance Hydra can be used both during the day and at night.

2 La Roche-Posay Effaclar DUO(+)

La Roche-Posay Effaclar DUO(+) is sold in a 40 ml tube and is intended to combat critical forms of acne in the shortest possible time. The manufacturer promises a noticeable reduction in redness within 12 hours; after a week – acne reduction by a third; in a month – breathing pores, smooth skin texture, no oily sheen. Such data are compiled based on the results of 6,700 patients with different phototypes who tested the cream.

The main active components are: lipo-hydroxy acid - responsible for exfoliating dead cells; prokerod and niacinamide – eliminates the likelihood of the appearance of age spots from acne, useful at all stages of the inflammatory process; piroctone olamine – has an antibacterial effect. The texture of the cream-gel is very light, absorbed in just a few seconds, which makes it the best moisturizing product for daytime use.

1 Vichy Normaderm Night Detox Anti-Imperfection Clarifying Care

Vichy night care cream is an ideal remedy for problematic and sensitive epidermis. Thanks to it, you will wake up with skin feeling much more rested and breathable. The next morning, due to the moisturizing properties of the cream, your skin will be ready to apply daytime makeup. Statistical studies have shown that after just 3 weeks, skin oiliness decreases threefold! In addition, the product has a cumulative effect, which means clear skin will delight you for many months.

The product contains two active complexes: “Detox” and “Sebum Control”. The first is a symbiosis of eperulin, salicylic and lipo-hydroxy acids, which reduce free radicals (antioxidant properties), cleanse clogged pores, and exfoliate dead “dead” cells from the upper layers. The second is an absorbent powder and perlite, which will eliminate excess sebum, which is actively produced during sleep.

Oily facial skin requires regular deep moisturizing and appropriate care - without it, its condition will constantly worsen. Winter negative factors are wind, cold air, summer ones are heat, dust, UV radiation. When choosing a cream for oily epidermis, always look at the composition - the more aggressive chemical components, the higher the risks of allergic reactions and side effects. Ideally, the bulk should be natural substances, although chemical components cannot be avoided - without them, the product would deteriorate much faster. In this review we will talk about the rules for choosing a cream for oily skin and look at the most popular products.

Features of choosing cosmetics for oily skin

Oily skin, like any other, requires careful, gentle, competent care. Before you go shopping, first determine the list of products you are interested in, read reviews about them, find out the prices. Always look at the composition, availability of certificates of conformity and safety. Pay attention to the packaging - if it is damaged or deformed, it is better to refuse the purchase. It is better not to take a cream with an expiration date, since it could already change its properties and become unsafe.

Read the composition - if you find unknown ingredients or substances in it, it is better to look for another formula. Any new component is a potential allergen, moreover, it may be unsafe. The closer to the beginning of the list an ingredient is located, the more of it there is in the product. Budget creams, as a rule, are much inferior in effectiveness to their analogues, but even among them there are products of a decent level of performance.

If you have excessive oiliness, you should only take products labeled “for oily skin.” Otherwise, you risk making the problem worse.

What should be included

Oily skin is not a cosmetic problem, but a whole set of causes and symptoms, including those of a hereditary nature. For a long time, increased greasiness may not manifest itself in any way, but under appropriate circumstances it makes itself felt. To improve the condition of your skin, regulate the volume of sebum secretion, adjust your diet, choose the right care and visit a cosmetologist. Thanks to the recommendations of a specialist, you can eliminate the main unpleasant symptoms and prevent their occurrence in the future.

The main problem of oily skin is the increased work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the appearance of shine, enlarged pores, pimples, blackheads, and comedones. Naturally, chemical components will only aggravate the problem and increase inflammation. You also need to be careful with natural remedies - not all of them are equally useful.

Natural ingredients that should be included in moisturizers for oily skin:

  1. vitamin C – improves metabolism, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands (it regulates, not suppresses), has a pronounced antioxidant effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  2. fruit acids - remove oily shine (in simple words - mattify), eliminate dead cells, nourish, moisturize;
  3. extracts of ginseng, calendula, chamomile - soothe, relieve inflammation;
  4. Sophora – rejuvenates, tightens, cleanses.

The key to successful oily skin care is the right choice of product. But remember that individual intolerance to the components cannot be ruled out.

There are no chemical components only in handmade products, but they are not always safe. You should not be afraid of chemistry, since not all of it is equally harmful. High-quality components of creams for oily skin of non-natural origin:

  1. caffeine – tightens pores;
  2. benzoyl peroxide – removes rashes;
  3. salicylic acid – eliminates shine, dries;
  4. niacinamide – relieves irritation;
  5. retinol, sulfur – fight acne;
  6. alpha hydroxy acids and esters (in combination) – antibacterial effect;
  7. vitamins - nutrition;
  8. extracts of medicinal plants – cool, soothe;
  9. hyaluronic acid – deeply moisturizes and does not affect the activity of the sebaceous glands.

At the same time, a preliminary test for sensitivity and individual tolerance of certain components will never be superfluous.


You should refuse to use the cream if you have an individual intolerance - even if it is of very high quality, expensive, and has excellent reviews, such reactions cannot be ruled out. Moreover, you could simply buy a fake. Other nuances:

  1. Cream for oily skin is used only for oily skin, and for dry skin - for dry skin. Read also about moisturizing creams for dry skin here. Even the best quality product, if selected incorrectly, can produce results that are opposite to the desired ones.
  2. Look at your age - lifting products for 40+ young skin are contraindicated.
  3. Storage conditions must be observed - even an expired cream, if it has not been stored as it should, can cause harm.
  4. Containers and packaging - they must be intact and tightly closed. Otherwise, it will be difficult to predict exactly what you are buying.
  5. The cream should be applied to previously cleansed skin, along massage lines, and not chaotically, with fingertips. Also use night moisturizers.
  6. If the cream contains esters, first test the reaction by applying a small amount of the product to your wrist. Essential oils and acids very often cause allergies.

You might also be interested in reading about moisturizers with SPF in this article.

Top best - recommendations from cosmetologists

A cream for combination, oily skin should have certain properties, since it is aimed at solving the problems of increased oiliness. Let's consider the TOP tools that can be useful in solving your problem.

Garnier moisturizing emulsion

The product is suitable for daily use and provides comprehensive deep care without grease or stickiness. The formula contains corn, grape extracts, aloe vera, moisturizing and saturating with valuable substances. After use, there is a pleasant feeling on the skin, no tightness, no shine.

The emulsion does not contain sulfates, parabens, or dyes. An ideal choice for young skin, but also suitable for ages 30-40+. The tube is convenient and provides comfortable, hygienic application. The texture is light, but not too much, it spreads and is absorbed well. The aroma is pronounced, but pleasant, unobtrusive. Consumption is quite fast. According to reviews, this is a good moisturizer for sensitive skin.

There are other care products in the line that may be of interest to you - for example, cleansing gel, tonic.

Uriage Aqua Precis

Uriage Aqua Presi contains SPF 20. Provides intensive care, protection, reduces the impact of external negative factors, and is indispensable for use in a big city.

The basis of the cream is thermal water, rich in minerals and valuable substances. Mineral components activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, accelerate skin renewal, and the production of elastin and collagen. Due to this, the cream can be used as an anti-aging treatment. The emulsion is light, has a pleasant aroma, and is quickly absorbed. Consumption is economical.

Bioderma Sebium AKN with mattifying effect

An effective remedy for problematic, oily, acne-prone skin, it can be used for treatment and as a preventive measure. Apply the cream to the entire face, except the eyelid area.

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to pre-cleanse the skin using special products from the Sebium series. Bioderma Sebium AKN quickly normalizes sebum secretion, cleanses pores, moisturizes, and has a detrimental effect on bacteria. There are no age restrictions for use.

Vichy (Vichy) Normaderm for problem skin

A popular, highly effective product for problematic oily skin. High moisturizing characteristics without stickiness and weight make the cream a constant leader in the ratings. It contains hyaluronic acid and is gentle on the sensitive epidermis.

An excellent choice for daily care after the age of 30, but you can start using it earlier. In addition to intense hydration, the formula evens out the complexion. It should be applied in a thin layer twice a day. After starting to use Vichy Thermal cream, the skin will become smooth, elastic, and evened out. The composition is hypoallergenic; with constant use of the product, acne inflammation goes away. High efficiency, instant results. Pleasant side effects - gentle care, pronounced hydration.

Tolederm Uriage for dehydrated skin

Relieves inflammation and quickly replenishes moisture deficiency in cells. The product is suitable for dehydrated, irritated, dry skin. The main components are thermal water, glycerin, algae.

There is no alcohol or dyes in the composition, so unwanted reactions are excluded. We also recommend paying attention to other products in the Tolederm line. The care is universal and suitable for young, mature skin.

Lierak Hydra Chrono “Moisturizing and care”

Gel Lierak effectively cares for the skin without being greasy or sticky, and prevents dehydration. Active components have a positive effect on dry, dehydrated skin, improve its appearance, and make wrinkles less pronounced.

Apply the gel only to thoroughly cleansed skin at least a couple of times a day. The product is an ideal base for makeup, provides the skin with effective care throughout the day, and promotes a more uniform distribution of tone and powder.

Light pharmaceutical cream Health&Beauty

An oil-free moisturizer designed specifically for oily, combination skin and helps with excessive sweating. Absorbs instantly, gives a pleasant feeling of comfort, moisture, and matte finish.

The product can be used by women of all ages and men after shaving. The oily shine goes away for a long time, without tightening the skin. Contains green tea, aloe extract, cucumber, Dead Sea minerals, chamomile, vitamins.

The composition of the Chista Line moisturizing cream can be found here.

Non-comedogenic product for combination skin Day Vitamin Cream from Mulsan Cosmetic

High-quality day care product, sold in 75 ml tubes. Day Vitamin Cream was developed specifically for problematic, oily facial skin, and therefore effectively solves its problems.

Vitamin B5 provides deep restoration, gives smoothness, elasticity, B7 removes unevenness, rashes, deeply nourishes skin cells, regulates the secretion of sebum. Chamomile relieves inflammation, soothes and moisturizes. The product is ideal for continuous use.

Nourishing cream Effaclar H La Roche Posay (La Roche Posay)

A soothing, intensively caring cream that restores damaged barrier functions. Eliminates dryness, removes irritation - frequent companions of drug treatment of rashes and acne. One of the best non-comedogenic moisturizing creams.

The cost is 40 ml, the price is approximately 1000 rubles, the products are sold in cosmetic chains and pharmacies. The main components are niacinamide (soothes), ceramide, MP lipids. They moisturize, restore, nourish, give elasticity and a well-groomed appearance. Proteins give a comfortable feeling, make the epidermis nourished and moisturized.

We also recommend that you read about Korean moisturizing creams in this material.

Anti-aging non-greasy anti-wrinkle cream JANSSEN DRY SKIN DAY VITALIZER

German sulfate-free cream. The product is intended for daytime care, effectively moisturizes, penetrates deep into cells, saturates them with useful substances. The main component is hyaluronic acid, which regulates hydrobalance. The formula contains shea butter and macadamia butter.

The quality is high, so you will notice results in the first weeks of use. Inflammations and red spots disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes well-groomed. There are no sulfates in the cream, but there is SPF-6. The formula has a slight mattifying effect, saturates with vitamins, and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. The aroma is light, pleasant, the texture is delicate.

You can find a list of moisturizing men's face creams at the link.


For details about moisturizers for oily skin, watch the video.