Blepharogel expiration date after opening

Blepharogel 2 is a therapeutic and hygienic eyelid gel with anti-inflammatory and acaricidal properties. Recommended for use as a means of daily hygiene in the treatment of blepharitis and demodicosis of the eyelids. Effective as a moisturizer for dry eye syndrome, quickly relieves symptoms of fatigue in people exposed to excessive visual strain (including when working with a computer).

Composition and release form

Blepharogel 2 is a sterile therapeutic and hygienic eye gel, containing: hyaluronic acid, propylene glycol, methylparaben, sulfur preparations, Aloe Vera juice, glycerin, carbomer, deionized water.

Package. White polyethylene bottles of 15 mg in a cardboard pack.

Pharmacological properties

Hyaluronic acid, which forms the basis of the drug Blefarogel 2, regulates the moisture content in the tissues of the eyelids, stimulates the processes of differentiation and cell migration. Thanks to its action, the ducts of nearby glands are cleansed and their secretion is normalized. The dermal layer is moisturized and becomes more elastic.

Aloe Vera extract - has antiseptic properties, improves metabolic processes, relieves swelling and other manifestations of irritation.
Sulfur preparations provide antiseptic and acaricidal effects. Sulfur promotes the gradual cleaning of the excretory ducts of the glands located at the edges of the eyelids, ensuring the normalization of secretion. Sulfur preparations with daily use of the drug Blefarogel 2 destroy demodex mites in the roots of eyelashes in patients with demodicosis.

Indications for use

  1. Treatment of blepharitis of various etiologies.
  2. Treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids.
  3. Prevention of recurrence of barley.
  4. Dry eye syndrome.
  5. Impaired tear production when wearing contact lenses.
  6. Elimination of symptoms of eye fatigue due to excessive visual stress.

Directions for use and doses

Before using the drug Blepharogel 2, the skin of the eyelids must be cleaned. Then, apply the gel to your fingertips and massage the eyelids and eyelash edges with light circular movements (1-2 minutes). For chronic blepharitis, it is recommended to use the gel twice a day after washing. For prevention purposes, one application of the gel at night is sufficient. Blefarogel 2 can be used for a long time (until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear). It is recommended for use in physiotherapy, phonophoresis, magnetophoresis, eyelid electrophoresis.


  1. Individual intolerance.

Side effects

  1. The occurrence of allergic reactions in individuals with individual hypersensitivity.
  2. A short-term burning sensation when the gel gets on the mucous membrane.


No cases noted.

Drug interactions

No information received.

Special instructions

Before using Blepharogel 2, be sure to remove contact lenses.

Store Blefarogel 2 at room temperature, do not give to children.

Shelf life – 3 years.

Price of the drug Blefarogel No. 2

The cost of the drug "Blepharogel No. 2" in Moscow pharmacies starts from 220 rubles.

Analogs Blefarogel No. 2

Stop Demodex

Dexodem phyto



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Facial skin has a thinner and more delicate structure, and to maintain its tone requires constant care and attention.

This is especially true for the eye area - this is where the first facial wrinkles, inflammation and all kinds of diseases most often appear.

Blephalogel 2 is an effective medicinal product specially designed for high-quality daily care of this area.

The content of the article:


Blefalogel 2 is a newer, enriched with additional components, an analogue of derivatives of the classic version of the drug.

  1. hyaluronic acid – qualitatively moisturizes the area, providing it with constant internal replenishment, thus enriching not only the epithelial surface, but also the deeper layers of the skin;
  2. aloe vera – softens the skin of the eyelids, relieves inflammation, eliminates the feeling of discomfort, irritation and itching;
  3. glycerol – tightens soft tissues, makes them firmer and more elastic;
  4. propylene glycol - has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  5. carbomer – its concentration in the product is quite small and the main task of the component is the natural thickening of the composition;
  6. methylparaben - an element belonging to the class of preservatives and having a pronounced therapeutic effect;
  7. deionized water – is a binding component, its composition is enriched with silver ions, which has an overall beneficial effect at the cellular level. Stimulates regeneration processes for more active activity;
  8. sulfur – kills decametosis bacteria due to its toxic properties. Microscopic mites cannot tolerate this substance, which has not only a damaging, but also a cleansing effect. With its use, the sebaceous ducts and secretion level will quickly return to normal.

pharmachologic effect

The main component of the drug Blefarogel 2 is the sulfur component. It cleans the glandular ducts located in the corners of the eyelids and normalizes internal secretion processes.

Massage using the product significantly improves blood circulation, activates metabolism in the eyelid area, and also provokes the outflow of fluid produced by the meibomian glands.


The drug has the following indications for use:

  1. blepharitis – regardless of the type of origin and etiology;
  2. venous demodicosis – both in the chronic stage and at the stage of exacerbation of pathology;
  3. barley – in this case, the remedy not only effectively copes with the anomaly, but also minimizes the risk of its further relapses;
  4. dry eye syndrome;
  5. chronic eye fatigue.


No obvious contraindications that could cause harm to human health were identified during clinical testing of the drug.

Also, a contraindication may be the tendency of the eyelid skin to excessive dryness of the epithelial layer.

Come here to find out how to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home.

Instructions for use

Before applying the drug to the problem area, you must wash your hands well to eliminate the risk of infection of the surface.

Squeeze a small amount of gel onto the tip of your finger and rub the product into the eyelid area with careful, gentle massage movements for two minutes. Massage of the ciliary edge of the eyelids is also required.

For chronic manifestations of the disease, Blefarogel 2 is indicated for use twice a day - morning and evening. The manipulation is carried out only after washing the face with warm water.

To prevent blepharitis or eliminate barley, the drug is applied once a day - before bedtime. In some cases, the component can be used as an aid during the electrophoresis or magnetophoresis procedure.

Watch the video instructions for using the drug.