Hanging papillomas on the neck: causes and treatment

Hanging papillomas on the neck

The content of the article:
  1. What do hanging papillomas on the neck look like?
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of hanging papilloma on the neck

Hanging papillomas on the neck are benign skin formations caused by human papillomavirus infection. They have a soft structure and are most often flesh-colored. There are other names for this type of growth - arachnoid or filamentous warts, which scientifically sounds like “acrochords”.

What do hanging papillomas on the neck look like?

What do hanging papillomas on the neck look like?

Photo of hanging papillomas on the neck

Hanging papillomas quite often occur on the neck in both men and women, although they are still much more common in the stronger sex. In childhood, this type of growth practically does not develop, even if the corresponding virus is present in the child’s blood.

Most often, filamentous papillomas are localized on the sides of the neck. Sometimes only one or two grow, but there are also multiple growths.

The acrochords have an elongated shape, from the moment of formation they slightly resemble a small papilla. Typically their sizes vary from 1 to 5 mm. The thickness of hanging papilloma on the neck can also increase as it grows up to 3-5 mm. They have a lumpy surface, in some cases they can even be compared to a sprig of cauliflower on a thin stalk.

In 80% of cases, hanging skin lesions do not differ in color from the skin tone; in the remaining 20%, the color can range from whitish to dirty gray and brown.

If hanging papillomas appear on your neck, do not worry too much. This type of neoplasm is not considered dangerous, but it is worth understanding that its location in this area causes a lot of problems not only in aesthetic terms. The growths are quite often subject to injury, which can lead to undesirable consequences such as bleeding, wound infection and further degeneration into a tumor.

To reduce the risk of developing negative consequences, it is recommended to remove hanging papillomas on the neck. You should immediately consult a doctor if even the smallest growth begins to grow more actively, changes in color, begins to bleed and hurt, and also if its structure becomes denser or the skin around it becomes inflamed.

Looking at photos of hanging papillomas on the neck, finding out why they appear on this particular area of ​​the skin - all this is, of course, important, but it is much more important to choose the right treatment method, which will not only eliminate external defects in the form of unaesthetic growths, but also get rid of the human papillomavirus , causing their appearance.

  1. Read also what hanging warts on the neck look like

Causes of hanging papilloma on the neck

HPV 3d model

The root cause of the appearance of acrochords is infection of the body with the papilloma virus. However, not every person infected with HPV shows outward signs of the disease. Very often the disease is asymptomatic. But under certain external and internal factors, the viral microorganism is activated, which leads to the development of thread-like growths.

In this regard, it is important to know why hanging papillomas appear on the neck in order to try to prevent the onset of this process. The main reasons why HPV provokes the appearance of thread-like growths in this area are:

  1. Decreased immune defense of the body. Very often, during the cold season, the immune system weakens, so in the fall, winter and spring, exacerbations of chronic diseases often occur, and HPV is no exception.
  2. Taking medications. Prolonged drug therapy can lead to the same consequences, especially if the dose and duration of medication is exceeded.
  3. Promiscuity. Promiscuity in sexual relations contributes to a decrease in local immunity. Frequent changes of partners serve as a way to transmit various ailments of the reproductive system, which leads to weakening of the body and activation of HPV. This is why hanging papillomas appear on the neck.
  4. Hormonal disorders. They also occur for many reasons - various diseases, age-related characteristics. There are several groups of people who are most susceptible to this disease. These are teenagers, pregnant women and the elderly. At the age of up to 40 years, acrochords are most often single, and after that they grow in numerous groups.
  5. Acute and chronic diseases. Any disease is a provoking factor for the addition and activation of other pathologies. Even a common cold can provoke the growth of hanging papillomas on the neck. We should not forget that stress also significantly weakens the human body, so it is also one of the possible reasons for the appearance of acrochords in this area.
  6. Lack of vitamins. If hanging papillomas appear on the neck, then the reason for this may be a lack of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Ultraviolet radiation. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is considered very dangerous for every person, and even more so for those in whose body HPV is present. It is under the influence of the sun that papillomas can grow and then degenerate into melanoma.
  8. Smoking and alcohol. Is it worth talking about the harm bad habits cause to a person? It is important to mention that this leads to weakening of the entire body, deficiency of nutrients, disruption of blood circulation and cell nutrition. The list can go on for a long time. And all this, of course, can provoke the growth of thread-like growths on the skin. In smokers and people who frequently drink alcohol, hanging papillomas on the neck are more common.

Among the hidden causes of hanging papillomas on the neck are the following:

  1. Uncomfortable clothes. Closed suits, synthetic scarves and other wardrobe items can impede skin breathing and increase sweating.
  2. Insufficient hygiene. Neglect of the rules of personal hygiene gives impetus to a decrease in immunity, due to which the virus becomes more active and manifests itself in places with thin and delicate skin.
  3. Damage to the skin. Sometimes a small scratch is enough to start the growth of hanging papilloma on the neck.
  4. Using perfume or cosmetics. Such products can provoke an allergic reaction, which will trigger the development of acrochords.

Methods for treating hanging papillomas on the neck

Thread-like growths on the neck often interfere with hygiene and cosmetic procedures, because often cling, which leads to severe pain or damage to the skin. You can also get injured when combing long hair or wearing jewelry, and this is fraught with infection by various infections. In this regard, it is advisable to reduce the risks and decide to remove the benign formation. There are many ways to remove hanging papillomas on the neck, but do not forget about eliminating the root cause, i.e. fight against HPV.

Medications for the treatment of hanging papillomas on the neck

Preparations for the treatment of hanging papillomas on the neck

In the photo are preparations for hanging papillomas on the neck

Drug antiviral therapy should become the basis for the treatment of growths on the neck, because It is this that eliminates the root cause and blocks further growth of papillomas on the skin.

The best option is antiviral drugs for oral administration, because Unlike external agents, they actively penetrate the bloodstream and affect the virus throughout the body. Their functionality includes a gradual decrease in the activity of HPV with its further destruction. This in turn slows down the growth of hanging papillomas on the neck.

The most popular antiviral drug is Isoprinosine. Its active ingredient is inosine pranobex at a dosage of 500 mg per tablet. It acts in two directions - it blocks important enzymes of the harmful microorganism, leading to its death, and increases the host’s immunity, thanks to which the person completely defeats the disease. The minimum course of treatment is at least 14 days. The dosage is selected depending on the age and weight of the patient. A package containing 20 tablets costs from 650 to 840 rubles in Russia, and 300-370 hryvnia in Ukraine.

To remove hanging papilloma from the neck, your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:

  1. Panavir. It is a natural preparation; it contains potato tops extract, which helps increase the protective functions of the human body. In general, the drug has antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity. Most often used in the form of a gel. Reduces the growth rate of papillomas and prevents the appearance of new ones. Penetrates well into tissues and fights the virus. Over time, the benign growth on the neck disappears. The price of the product in Russian pharmacies varies from 790 to 870 rubles, in Ukraine - 290-350 hryvnia.
  2. Feresol. It does not have an antiviral effect, but helps eliminate cosmetic defects due to HPV, i.e. removes growths. The main active ingredients are phenol and tricresol. Available in the form of a solution, which is applied directly to the acrochords. It perfectly mummifies and cauterizes hanging papillomas on the neck, which leads to their death. In this regard, the solution must be applied pointwise, without getting on the skin. The cost of one bottle in Russia is about 250-360 rubles, and in Ukraine - 16-25 hryvnia.
  3. Salicylic alcohol. One of the cheapest means for removing small filamentous papillomas. It is applied to a cotton pad and applied over the growth. The compress must be kept for several minutes. May cause skin irritation and redness. The papilloma dries out over time and disappears, leaving no trace. The cost of one bottle in Russia is 25-40 rubles, in Ukraine - 5-9 hryvnia.
  4. Verrucacid. A very active remedy. Capable of removing small formations in 1-2 applications, larger ones in 4-5. Also applied pointwise, because Phenol and metacresol contained in the composition can also burn healthy skin tissue. In Russia, the price for Verrukacid is set at 120-250 rubles; in Ukrainian pharmacies it can be purchased for 190-300 hryvnia.
  5. Super clean. This is a fairly common drug that will help get rid of hanging papillomas on the neck. It is inexpensive and easy to use, because... the bottle contains a special applicator for application. The active ingredients are sodium and potassium alkali. Due to the high chemical activity of these components, Supercleaner is used in combination with zinc ointment, which is applied to protect healthy skin tissue. Apply in stages. The first 3 days, 1 application, break 5-7 days, repeat 3-day course. The price of the product in Russia is up to 40 rubles, in Ukraine – up to 20 hryvnia.
There are other drugs for external use that eliminate the external manifestation of HPV. Most of them are sold without a prescription. But it is worth understanding that the selection of a particular drug should be carried out taking into account the strain of the virus exclusively by a medical specialist.

It will also be important to maintain the body with vitamin complexes and immunomodulatory agents.

Folk remedies for hanging papillomas on the neck

Garlic for hanging papillomas on the neck

Many people believe that hanging papillomas on the neck are not a reason to see a doctor, so they are looking for a way to get rid of them at home using folk remedies.

Here are a few handy products that will help remove thread-like growths, and therefore eliminate the risk of negative consequences of their injury:

  1. Garlic. It can be used in several ways. The simplest one is to cut a thin plate from one tooth, apply it to the papilloma and fix it for several hours. The second is to grind the clove under a press and mix it with a small amount of butter, apply it to the pendulous papilla using a cotton pad and secure it with a band-aid. Instead of oil, you can use baby cream. The effect occurs within 1-2 weeks, it all depends on the size of the hanging papilloma on the neck.
  2. Celandine. The most effective is the fresh juice of a freshly picked plant stem. They treat the entire papilloma. If there is no individual intolerance, then the liquid will not cause irritation on healthy skin, however, after the application procedure, you must wash your hands. Frequency of treatment - twice a day, duration - up to 2 weeks.
  3. Honey and hemp oil. Liquid honey is best suited; it is mixed with the second ingredient in a ratio of 1 to 3. The resulting porridge perfectly dries out the tissue of hanging papillomas on the neck if you apply lotions at least once a day for 1-2 weeks.
  4. Acetic acid. The tip of a cotton swab is moistened in it, then the growth is treated. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day. If the papilloma is small, then a weekly course may be sufficient; the larger the size of the acrochord, the longer the therapy.
  5. Other folk remedies. Papillomas are also removed using lotions made from castor oil, tea tree oil, aloe juice, potatoes, tomatoes, lemon juice, etc.

You should not self-medicate if the growth has changed dramatically in color, is growing rapidly, or the skin around it is red or swollen. This may be evidence of an inflammatory process or the beginning of tissue degeneration into malignant ones. Treatment in such cases should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Removal of hanging papilloma on the neck

Removal of hanging papilloma on the neck

To remove acrochords, you can turn to the services of cosmetology medicine. Currently, there are many effective methods for safely getting rid of such tumors.

Let's consider several procedures for removing hanging papillomas on the neck:

  1. Laser method. It is considered the simplest, and its cost is also lower than some other options. The first stage of the procedure is laser excision of the body of the papilloma after preliminary anesthesia. The second is vascular occlusion, which prevents bleeding and promotes faster healing of skin tissue. Finally, the wound is treated with an antiseptic. Recovery time is about 1 week. As a result, no traces are left. The price in clinics in Russia is 500-1500 rubles, in Ukraine - 300-1300 hryvnia.
  2. Radio wave method. For this purpose, a special device is used that creates high-frequency radio waves, which destroy the tissue of hanging papillomas on the neck. Despite the fact that the effect is non-contact, the treatment site must be numbed. Next, the body of the growth is directly excised, while the small blood vessels seem to be welded together, which eliminates the risk of bleeding. Complete healing occurs in 3-7 days. The price of the procedure in Russia is 200-1500 rubles, in Ukraine - 40-2000 UAH.
  3. Cryodestruction. Regardless of why hanging papillomas appear on the neck, you can use the cryodestruction method to remove them. The principle is based on exposure to low temperatures using liquid nitrogen. This substance freezes the growth at a certain temperature (-195 degrees), which leads to its elimination. The procedure does not require preliminary anesthesia, but requires caution. Efficiency is about 90%. The price in medical institutions in Russia is 200-700 rubles, in Ukraine - 80-350 hryvnia.
  4. Electrocoagulation. This procedure can injure healthy skin, so it is used much less frequently than those listed above. The tool for execution is an electric knife. Its impact not only causes the destruction of hanging papilloma cells on the neck, but also burns the epidermal tissue, which can lead to long-term recovery. The price in Russia is 250-100 rubles, in Ukraine - 140-400 hryvnia.
  5. Surgical method. Perhaps the most radical, because. Along with the growth, the surgeon also removes part of the healthy tissue, which leads to the formation of wounds, and subsequently scars, which in themselves are a cosmetic defect. Requires pain relief and a long recovery period. The cost of the procedure in clinics is calculated individually in each case and depends on the number of papillomas and their size.

Read also, what is better to remove papillomas - radio wave method or laser.

How to get rid of hanging papillomas on the neck - watch the video:

Removal of hanging papillomas is only the elimination of external signs of HPV. So to speak, a cosmetic procedure. In this regard, without drug treatment with antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, it is impossible to avoid relapse, i.e. the appearance of new papillomas. Remember that proper comprehensive treatment will also eliminate the formation of growths inside the body.

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