Snakes that make blood ooze from every pore

These are not good snakes. When they sting, all the pores and openings exude watery blood, which pours out even from long-standing ulcers, with pain in the joints, bloody vomiting and hemoptysis. Ancient doctors say that the body of these snakes is sand-colored and that they have dots on their body, black and white, and long snakes of this breed are long horned snakes. One of the doctors claims that these snakes are smaller than vipers and that their heads and tails are thin. They are ashen in color, and sometimes you come across black, red and white; they have white intersecting stripes on their heads, and when they crawl, you can hear a rustling sound due to the dryness of the scales on their belly, similar to the rustling of reeds; their movements are heavy and their teeth are straight. The same doctor attributes to them the properties of some snakes of the first variety and says These are not good snakes. From their bite, the pores and natural passages exude thin blood, and sometimes a scanty amount of watery moisture flows from them, which pours out even from the body of long-lasting ulcers and from the corners of the eye. Their bite causes bloody vomiting, hemoptysis and nosebleeds with pain in the stomach.

One of the doctors also says that the bitten area swells and turns black, something scanty and watery flows from it, the patient experiences a release of nature, shortness of breath and urine retention, the voice disappears and the limbs relax. The body is taken over by a state similar to oblivion, kuzaz appears, teeth fall out, and the stung person dies.

The treatment of patients is close to the treatment for the bite of a rattlesnake and viper in the sense that they are given a lot of wine to drink and are induced to vomit, having first been fed something like caviar, salted fish or garlic, they are induced to vomit again, and then they eat bread and fish , roasted on coals, and eat olive oil. Radish seeds are also one of the things that are useful for them, especially with wine, as well as squeezed juice of the soporific poppy with the root of the blue iris and wine sometimes bring benefits; egg whites with wine for bad hemoptysis often help with medicinal dressings with purslane, barley flour, or boiled grape leaves, or with plantain or galls. Medicines that stop bleeding by cauterization include leek, nettle, rue with barley flour and egg white.