Zufa ratib - lanolin

This is the dirt that accumulates on the wool of the Kurdyuk sheep in Armenia and drags along the grasses of the yattu; it absorbs the powers of these herbs and their milky juices. Sometimes this mud is liquid and is boiled and thickened in those places.

Hot in the second degree, humid in the first.

Actions and properties.
Promotes maturation and resolves.

Tumors and acne.
Lanolin resolves hard tumors and straightens crooked bones if it is used as a medicinal bandage on a diseased organ.

Nutritional organs.
Lanolin in the form of an ointment or drink helps with coldness of the liver.

Eruption organs.
Lanolin dissolves hardening in the area of ​​the bladder and uterus and helps against their coldness, as well as against the coldness of the kidneys.