How to do exercises without getting out of bed

Morning exercise is a great way to wake up the body, recharge with energy and prepare for a new day. However, when you don’t have the strength to get out of bed, you can do a little exercise right in bed. In this article, we'll walk you through a few exercises that will help you start your day with energy without leaving the comfort of your bed.

  1. Massage
    Start your morning with a pleasant self-massage. Clench your hands into fists and lightly tap your body, starting from your feet and moving up. This will help warm up the muscles and improve blood circulation. Rub your palms until warm and gently rub them over your face, neck, décolleté and earlobes. This massage will help you wake up and feel a surge of energy.

  2. Sipping
    Stretch out straight in bed. You can do stretches in different positions: lying down, sitting or in a bridge. The main goal of this exercise is to stretch the spine and back muscles. Repeat each stretch 3-5 times, feeling your body awaken and prepare for activity.

  3. Rolls on the back
    Pull your legs to your chest and roll back and forth and from side to side. This simple exercise helps to relax and stretch your back muscles. Do 5 repetitions in each direction, feeling your back arch and relax.

  4. Bike
    Lying on your back, imitate pedaling a bicycle. Raise and lower your legs by bending and straightening your knees. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg. Cycling will help activate your leg muscles and prepare them for the day's activities.

  5. Scissors
    Lying on your back, lift your legs up 45 degrees and cross them alternately, as if doing scissors. Swap your legs: left leg on top, then right leg on top. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg. Scissors will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and side muscles of the body.

  6. Back arch
    Roll over onto your stomach, stretch out your chest and lean on your hands. Slowly turn your head first to the right, then to the left, while looking at your feet. Hold each position for 10 seconds. This exercise will help stretch your spine and back, improve flexibility, and prepare you for an active day.

  7. boat
    Lying on your stomach, bend your knees and lift them up. Grab your shins with your hands and bend over, trying to lift your head and chest. Hold this pose for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times. The boat helps to develop the muscles of the back and abdomen.

  8. Standing stretches
    If you're ready to get out of bed, you can finish your morning exercises with a series of stretches. Stand up straight, take a deep breath and stretch your arms up, trying to reach your toes. Then slowly lower your arms down. Repeat this sequence 5 times, feeling your body awakening and preparing for the new day.

This small set of exercises can be done right in bed to start the day with energy and good mood. It will help stretch your muscles, improve blood circulation and prepare your body for daily activity. In addition, such “bed” exercises can serve as an excellent warm-up before a more serious workout.

Don't forget that morning exercise is just one way to prepare your body for the day. Regular exercise, healthy eating and adequate rest also play an important role in maintaining overall physical and mental well-being.