Facial massage for wrinkles in the salon

Facial massage has always been the most effective and safe way to rejuvenate the skin, unlike creams or medications, which may not only not give the desired result, but also contain harmful chemicals.

Efficiency of the method


Since wrinkles appear more due to physical than chemical factors, they need to be affected physically. That is, using massage touches.

The beauty of the method is that it does not even have a therapeutic, but rather a preventive effect. Girls begin to take care of their facial skin from adolescence. Already at this time, you can begin to do facial massage to maintain the skin in a state of elasticity and slow down the aging mechanisms as much as possible.

Facial massage against wrinkles works in several directions:

  1. Frequent touching causes facial blood vessels to pump blood faster than usual, allowing oxygen to reach skin cells faster.
  2. The consequence of the first point is the increased work of facial skin cells to regenerate - restoration and renewal. A pleasant plus: in addition to reducing wrinkles, redness, spots, and rashes also disappear
  3. As the regenerative function is enhanced, the facial skin becomes elastic and tightened, and the appearance of wrinkles slows down. At the same time, existing wrinkles and the effect of sagging skin, bags under the eyes are gradually smoothed out.

Despite the great benefits, facial massage against wrinkles is contraindicated in some cases. For example, girls with serious dermatological diseases of the facial skin should postpone this procedure.

The main rule of facial massage is clean hands! Otherwise, you can introduce various infections into the skin pores of your face. You can use sterile gloves, the main thing is that their surface is soft and pleasant to the touch and does not injure the skin when touched.

Massage from a professional or with your own hands?

At first glance, anti-aging facial massage seems to be an easy procedure that does not require much effort. Despite this, there are many clinics and salons offering massage in a professional setting.

To understand the difference between a home procedure and a clinical one, you need to carefully consider both processes.

Facial massage at home

The anti-wrinkle massage procedure at home requires careful preparation, without which it is impossible to achieve an effective result:

  1. Half an hour before the massage, you need to steam your facial skin with herbal compresses. With their help, the muscles and skin will become soft and more pliable during the procedure. In addition, during the massage, steamed skin pores will get rid of accumulated dirt and fat.
  2. Wash your hands well with soap, clean the area under your nails, and disinfect. If this is not possible, use sterile gloves with a skin-friendly surface.
  3. Before starting the massage, apply massage oils or cream appropriate to your skin type to your face. For example, jojoba oil is suitable for oily skin, oils containing vitamin E are suitable for dry skin, and almond oil is suitable for sensitive skin. It should be remembered that some substances in oils can cause allergies. Therefore, before applying them, test them on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​skin.

Individual areas of the facial skin need to be massaged differently, depending on the type of wrinkles that appear on them.
Here are a few main areas and techniques for massaging them:

Wrinkles between the eyebrows.


Place 2 fingers in the space between the eyebrows and, with light pressure, perform circular movements in one direction for 30 seconds. Repeat the same thing, but in the other direction.

Wrinkles of the frontal region. Place the pads of your index fingers in the middle of your forehead: one closer to the bridge of the nose, the other closer to the hairline. Perform semicircular movements of your fingers, as if swapping them. At the same time, gradually expand the radius of the semicircles.

Wrinkles at the corners of the lips. Place the pads of your index fingers near the wings of your nose and press gently for a second. After this, start moving across the skin, moving down under the cheekbones and then up to the earlobes. Near the earlobes, gently squeeze the skin for 3 seconds, then return your fingers to their original position. Repeat several times.

Stretching of the skin of the eyelids. Use your thumbs to gently press the bridge of your nose at the inner corners of your eyes, and place your index and middle fingers above your eyebrows. Gently pinching the skin of the eyebrow area, move from the inner to the outer corners of the eyes.

All these exercises literally take 5 minutes of your time. They can be done every day after sleep or before it. The main thing is to avoid too much squeezing, pinching, or stretching, as they can only lead to greater deformation of your skin.

Professional techniques

Many plastic clinics now have anti-aging facial massage techniques borrowed from various scientific studies or national cultures. Typically, such procedures are not cheap, but they are much more effective than home massage, which is more of a preventative measure.

Massage is being used more and more often in clinical settings due to the fact that it is the best substitute for plastic surgery and, in principle, facial surgery, which may not end as successfully as a relaxing massage session.

The mechanism of such techniques is to work on certain points of the face with special movements, materials and objects that enhance the effect of physical impact on the skin. Below are some of the most popular techniques used in modern clinics.

The main rule when choosing the right clinic or salon for facial massage: trust only trusted establishments. Study in detail all the clinics in the city, the procedures they offer, and reviews from visitors.

Chinese massage

Chinese massage is based on working out the active points of the facial skin to actively stimulate the elasticity of the skin there. This is one of the simplest methods of facial massage and it can be performed at home without any improvised means.

The difference between such a massage in a clinical setting is that professionals will work with you in the clinictrained to quickly and correctly perform the necessary massage movements.

Facial massage with spoons

This type of massage involves the use of metal spoons. It is based on the use of spoons of contrasting temperatures, different sizes and shapes for a better effect on the facial skin. When massaging the face with spoons, a larger surface of the skin is simultaneously involved than with a finger (Chinese) massage.

With age, wrinkles appear on the face, the skin becomes less elastic and firm, the oval of the face changes, and the cheeks sag. Representatives of the fair sex are rushing to find a method to restore their former attractiveness.

Fortunately, in the modern world there are enough ways to remove several years from your face without surgery. One of them is a massage for wrinkles. A rather pleasant procedure that will bring good results.

How does it affect the face?

Long-term research and medical observations have proven that anti-wrinkle massage has healing and soothing properties . The impact not only on the coda, but also on the muscles increases the amount of nutrients and allows harmful deposits to be eliminated faster through the lymphatic system.

Without certain physical activities, the muscles receive a relatively small supply of blood. It is not enough to eliminate deposits and prevent the aging process. When muscles are inactive, blood does not enter them, but bypasses them. Once activity begins, the level of blood supply increases significantly.

If the body can be tightened with the help of physical activity, then only a massage will help the face. At the moment when you relax, the massage therapist tenses your muscles in every possible way. He rubs them and squeezes them. As a result, the skin becomes more toned and elastic.

Preparation for the event

Proper preparation of the skin before massage therapy significantly increases the overall level of effectiveness. So, the preliminary stage:

  1. it is necessary to hide the hair under a cap or remove it from the face with a bandage;
  2. All makeup should be removed;
  3. wash your hands and clean your nails with a special brush;
  4. 30 minutes before the start of the session, the skin of the face needs to be steamed using a compress;
  5. A massage cream is applied to the hands and skin of the face (can be replaced with oil, even vegetable oil) so as not to damage the skin during finger contact.

In the modern world, there are several types of methods to combat wrinkles. Each of them is effective in its own way.


That is, classic. This facial massage at home against wrinkles will take you only five minutes a day . Suitable for young girls too. If performed regularly, it will delay the aging process by several years.

Massage techniques are as follows: stroking, tapping, rubbing, and pinching. Performed using special massage lines. Result: improved blood circulation and beautiful complexion. In older age: smoothing of wrinkles and restoration of elasticity.

Asahi - Japanese technique

Every woman and girl wondered: “why do Japanese women at the age of 40 look like they are twenty?” The answer is simple - they have exceptional massage techniques and actively use them. This procedure is not only will eliminate wrinkles, but will also significantly rejuvenate the face generally. When done independently, it takes only 3 minutes a day.

The effect on the skin is deep, right up to the development of bone tissue. All movements are performed from the edges of the face to the center. After the procedure, you may feel slight pain, which will soon go away. If done regularly, your face will look 10 years younger.


This procedure will also help you become younger and more attractive. Includes only 4 techniques, each of which is repeated 10 times. The procedure should begin by pressing on the temples with your fingertips.

Then, move to the forehead. Place two fingers of both hands in the middle. Pressing firmly, move them to the sides of your temples and, without stopping, move towards the bridge of your nose.

Place the middle fingers of both hands above the lip under the nostrils. Press firmly for a few seconds. The next step is to place your index fingers in a horizontal position above the upper and under the lower lip. You also need to press hard.

Despite the fact that after the procedure you may feel some pain, your skin will relax and you will be treated to a feeling of complete relaxation. The result of therapy: complete removal and reduction of facial wrinkles.

Massage with spoons

The therapy originated in China. To perform this you will need a decoction of chamomile, as well as olive oil. Place the broth in two different containers. Cool one of them and heat the other.

Dip the spoons into cold water and apply them to your eyelids. Then, generously coat the spoons with oil and rub them across your forehead. Afterwards, stroke the skin under the chin with hot spoons of oil.

To remove nasolabial folds, also use hot spoons. Move exclusively clockwise. To complete the procedure, use cold spoons over all areas of your face.


This facial massage for wrinkles is often performed in salons. Undoubtedly, you can do it at home, but you will have to wait a little longer for the first results. The therapy involves gripping the skin as well as the muscles. The face is treated with just two fingers - the index and thumb.

It is recommended to do the procedure in the morning, after cleansing the skin.


The most effective method in the fight against wrinkles. In addition, it will eliminate dark circles under the eyes, relieve puffiness, and eliminate age spots and scars. The kinetic technique for performing this technique includes lubricating the skin with oils and moving the jars along the flow of lymph.

In the second method - static, the banks are placed on problem areas, and after a certain time, they are removed. Performed without the use of massage oils.

It is recommended to perform it in a salon. However, you can purchase a massager (sold in every pharmacy) that is suitable for use at home.


This facial massage for wrinkles can be performed at home. It is recommended to do the procedure after washing, early in the morning. The result of the procedure is as follows:

  1. the skin will become more toned;
  1. get rid of sagging cheeks and double chin;
  1. facial muscles will be stronger;
  1. the general condition of the body will significantly improve: your mood will improve, you will get rid of stress and depression, you will quickly find ways to solve problems that previously seemed difficult.

To perform the procedure, you need to use oil (choose which one to your taste).

Massage therapy Jacquet

During the procedure, the skin is deeply grasped. It may cause discomfort, but the results are worth it. It is quite complex, so it should be performed exclusively by professionals.

Pinching alternates with tapping. Must be done daily. A positive result will be noticeable within a week : the skin will become more elastic, its color will be healthier, wrinkles will be smoothed out. To achieve maximum results, 10 procedures are enough.

Techniques for treating various areas of the face against wrinkles

In order to make your face 5-10 years younger and smooth out wrinkles, you need to treat every area of ​​it. There are special technologies for a certain zone.

Massage movements should be made from the center of the face to the temples:

  1. Using your fingertips, you need to stroke the area from the center of the face to the temples. Should be repeated three times.
  2. The area above the bridge of the nose is treated. Movements are carried out clockwise.
  3. Stroking the forehead with both hands (one palm on the other). Movements: up - down and right - left.
  4. You need to tap your forehead with the fingertips of both hands.

In this case, the eyebrow and eyelid areas must be worked on. Correct procedure:

  1. You need to close your eyes and squeeze the skin of your eyelids, as if you are afraid of something. A certain “hump” of skin is formed on the outside of the eyelids, which needs to be “rolled” between two fingers.
  2. Afterwards, lightly press the skin in the same area. When you feel warm, remove your fingers.
  3. Squeeze your eyebrows with two fingers, slowly moving towards your temples.
  4. Massage the area from the bridge of your nose, slowly moving to the outer corners of your eyes.
  5. Knead and stroke the area near the earlobes.
  6. Run your fingers back and forth several times from the outer corners of your eyes to the middle of your ears.
  7. Raise your eyebrows with your fingertips and try to blink as often as possible.

After the massage, you will relax significantly, but at the same time feel a surge of strength. – a second wind will open (you will forget about all the problems, and life will seem much simpler than it seemed before).

With age, folds form between the nose and lips. To avoid this phenomenon, you must regularly perform the following movements:

  1. Place your fingers on the tip of your nose and move in a circular motion to the point between your eyebrows.
  2. Massage the area between the tip of your nose and the point in the middle of your eyebrows.
  3. With your fingers at the tip of your nose, move from the wings up to the point between the eyebrows (pull your fingers to the sides, then quickly up).

Massaging begins from the lower region of this area of ​​the face to the periphery. Light kneading with the thumbs follows first. The movements are circular. Afterwards, stroking from the chin to the earlobes.

The massage ends with four fingers of each hand treating the entire cheek area. The therapy tones the skin, makes it more radiant and healthy, and also increases blood circulation .

To make the massage more comfortable, rest your chin on the base of your palms. To remove wrinkles, do the following:

  1. tap with the fingertips of both hands from the edges of your lips to your ears;
  1. rub your cheeks in semicircular movements, moving towards the edges of your face, then towards your neck;
  1. take air into your mouth (puff out your cheeks), then stroke the treated area in a spiral;
  1. massage the area under the upper and lower lip.

Please note that you can perform the procedure in the most convenient place: in a bathhouse, on the beach, and so on.

Looking younger at home

This technique allows you to influence the muscles, which, if properly treated, will lead to tightening of the skin.

Swelling. If every morning you are greeted by a swollen face in the mirror, massage it with light pats. The lymphatic system, located under the surface of the skin, will begin to remove fluid from the face faster. Also treat your ears - there are a lot of lymph nodes there. This will allow you to get rid of excess fluid even faster. .

Neck. Don't think it needs to be massaged upward. Quite the opposite. To tighten the skin in this area, you must move downwards. This will also help get rid of excess liquid.

Bags under the eyes. Work this area from the inside out using straight strokes. Otherwise, you will only aggravate the situation and make the bags even worse.

Eyelids. Treating this area will lift the brows and stop the brow sagging.


  1. If you have oily skin, then you should avoid active facial treatment. Such stimulation not only improves blood flow, but also promotes increased sebum secretion.
  2. Massage is contraindicated for people who have large moles, rashes, redness and various skin diseases.

You no longer need to “pump” your face with silicone and other means to smooth out wrinkles. Unnaturalness is no longer in fashion. With just a little effort, you can naturally restore your skin to its former freshness and youth.

Choose the technique you like best and take action. And most importantly, the result will not be long in coming - within 10 days significant improvements will be noticeable.

Video lesson: facial massage

Watch an interesting video about facial massage for wrinkles - Japanese technique


Women begin to ask the question of skin rejuvenation with the first appearance of the first wrinkles on the forehead, lips and eyes.


Some people rush to buy miracle anti-aging creams from well-known manufacturers, others decide to undergo cosmetic procedures that promise effective and quick action. There is another very effective way to make the skin elastic, smooth out wrinkles and prolong its youth - this is a special facial massage for wrinkles, which can be done both in the salon and at home on your own.

Anti-wrinkle facial massage: mechanism of action and effect

The wonderful effect of facial massage against wrinkles on the skin is very easy to explain:

  1. blood begins to run faster through the subcutaneous capillaries - metabolic processes in cells begin to occur more intensely - the skin receives the necessary nutrients in larger quantities - collagen and elastin begin to be produced twice as fast - the skin becomes elastic - wrinkles are smoothed out;
  2. muscle tissue is strengthened - the effect of saggy skin disappears;
  3. swelling disappears;
  4. the skin gets tone;
  5. the functioning of the capillaries returns to normal - redness and acne caused by the proximity of blood vessels to the skin disappear without a trace;
  6. facial contours will become more defined, clearer, without the effect of sagging skin;
  7. proper anti-wrinkle facial massage relaxes the skin, relieves tension, which leads to smooth out wrinkles;
  8. Facial massage is not only an effective remedy against wrinkles, but also an excellent preventive measure to prevent them.

Facial massage also helps to relax the ears and eyes, increases sensory perception, relieves fatigue and relieves headaches. You can sign up for a facial and head massage session on the AsiaSPA website.

If you do regular and proper facial massage, the effect of this procedure will not take long to appear: old wrinkles will become less obvious, smooth out, and new ones will stop appearing altogether.

Facial massage for wrinkles: indications and contraindications

You shouldn’t think that facial massage for wrinkles is recommended only for those over 30 who have noticed the first age-related changes on their face. This is an excellent preventive remedy that not only eliminates premature skin aging, but also prevents it. So the sooner you start mastering the technique of this massage, the longer your skin will remain young and beautiful.
You cannot treat facial massage as a generally accessible and completely safe method of rejuvenation, accessible to absolutely everyone. It has a number of contraindications, ignoring which can lead to serious complications:

  1. any inflammatory processes;
  2. herpes;
  3. hemophilia;
  4. open wounds and injuries;
  5. warts;
  6. large moles.

To achieve maximum effect, in addition to contraindications, you also need to know the basic rules.


How to do facial massage against wrinkles?

To do a facial massage at home, you need to follow a few simple but very important rules and know how to do a facial massage yourself.
1. Half an hour before the massage, make a hot herbal compress for the face so that the muscles warm up thoroughly and are more susceptible to massage actions.
2. Don’t let your hair get under your fingers—tuck it under a cap or scarf.
3. You must wash your hands and remove all the dirt from under your nails, otherwise you can easily get infected.
4. Immediately before the massage itself, you need to apply a special cream or oil to your face. It should be remembered that the skin on the face is soft and delicate, so it may react to the ingredients of the massage product with allergic reactions. So it would be a good idea to test it on your wrist.
5. You need to learn the massage lines along which all movements are carried out, since lymph moves along them. If you massage randomly and chaotically, this can lead to the opposite effect: the skin will stretch, sag, and new wrinkles will appear. Massage lines pass:

  1. from the center of the chin to the earlobes;
  2. from the center point under the lower lip to the earlobes;
  3. from the central point above the upper lip to the centers of the temples;
  4. from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears;
  5. from the center of the forehead above the bridge of the nose to the centers of the temples (eyebrow line);
  6. from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones (lower eyelid);
  7. from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer (upper eyelid).

6. When moving from massage one area to another, you need to be able to make this correct transition: with your fingertips, press on the temporal area, which is the center of all metabolic processes in the skin cells of the face.
7. Massage movements should be gentle and careful, especially in the area around the eyes.
To achieve a tangible result that will be visible to the naked eye, home facial massage should be done regularly. For example, 10 days in a row, every day, 10–20 minutes, then resume the course after a week.


The best ways to massage against wrinkles

Depending on the problem area of ​​the face, you can choose several massage techniques.

  1. 1. Massage against vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Place your fingers on the center of your forehead, located on the bridge of your nose. Pressing your fingertips onto the skin, move them from the center of the forehead to the temples. From the temples, return back to the center of the forehead, but without pressing. Repeat 10 times. This facial massage has the most positive reviews, because it allows you to get rid of even facial wrinkles.

  1. 2. Massage against nasolabial folds

Place the index and middle fingers in the depression near the nostrils and press on this place several times.

  1. 3. Massage against wrinkles around the eyes

Using light taps, massage first the upper eyelid, then the lower. Finish the massage by gently pressing your wrist onto the eye socket.

Light tingling is applied along all massage lines, which affects the deeper layers of the skin. You can find only the best reviews for pinch facial massage against wrinkles.

  1. 5. Japanese Shiatsu facial massage

A Japanese anti-wrinkle facial massage that has been very popular lately involves groping and pressing on certain points of the face:

  1. a bone fossa, which is located a centimeter below the top of the cheekbone;
  2. points located along the edge of the lower jaw;
  3. dots along the upper edge of the eye sockets;
  4. point between the eyebrows;
  5. lateral bony fossae of the nose (above the nostrils).

Unique in its effect on the skin, anti-wrinkle facial massage is a very simple and at the same time effective remedy for getting rid of wrinkles of various origins - both facial and age-related.