Causes of tingling all over the body


A person can experience a wide variety of sensations.

Some of them are painful, others are unpleasant, and there are those that simply cause bewilderment with their unusualness.

But they all indicate some processes occurring in the body.

One of the most unusual sensations is a tingling sensation throughout the body.

Most often it is caused by an uncomfortable posture and goes away after changing body position. But in some cases this feeling can cause trouble for a person and result from serious health problems.

Therefore, it is worth carefully understanding what it is.

Tingling all over the body: symptoms

Every person at least once during his life has experienced the sensation as if goosebumps were crawling all over his body or someone was pricking him with needles. In medicine, this condition is called paresthesia. Many people understand that this occurs due to lack of blood supply. But in some cases, a tingling sensation throughout the body is accompanied by other symptoms:

• It may be preceded by numbness or coldness of the extremities.

• Joint mobility may decrease and muscle weakness may occur.

• Increased sensitivity to touch.

• The skin may feel itchy or burning.

• The sensitivity of certain areas of the skin decreases for some time.

• In addition to the sensation of needles, a slight tickling or, conversely, severe stabbing pain is possible.

All symptoms indicate that this malaise is associated with sensations on the surface of the skin. In most cases, they are caused by impaired blood circulation in some areas or a decrease in the sensitivity of the nerve. But not everything is so simple: it happens that such seemingly harmless symptoms may indicate the development of serious diseases. And even if the tingling does not cause big problems, you need to figure out what could be causing it. If possible, it is necessary to avoid provoking factors, treat diseases in a timely manner and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Tingling all over the body: causes

Most often, this sensation occurs due to pinching of nerves or blood vessels. when in an awkward position. This can happen, for example, in a dream, when a person is unable to control himself, when sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable chair or while driving. Usually in this case, the tingling is concentrated in one part of the body and goes away after changing position. Blood circulation is restored and discomfort gradually disappears.

Why does tingling occur after this? A feature of the functioning of the human body is the need for free blood circulation in every cell of the body. If blood does not flow to some place, a feeling of numbness occurs. After blood circulation is restored, a burning and tingling sensation is felt there, sometimes severe pain. Very often, such sensations are also caused due to compression of the nerves or other effects on the nerve endings.

Paresthesia may be chronic. For example, in old age, blood circulation slows down and tingling sensations may occur frequently. Nerve cells function worse and receive less nutrition. Besides, Tingling throughout the body can be caused by other reasons:

• Long and tiring, most often monotonous physical activities.

• Various skin diseases or fungal infections.

• Allergic reaction to medications and cosmetics.

• Insect and animal bites or the presence of parasites in the body.

• Prolonged exposure to very high or low temperatures.

• Various mental illnesses and disorders.

• Lack of certain vitamins and microelements, for example, potassium, sodium, calcium or vitamin B12.

• Poisoning by lead, arsenic or mercury, alcohol, tobacco or other poisons, as well as toxins from spoiled food.

But in some cases, tingling throughout the body can be caused by more serious reasons. There are diseases that occur in a latent form and hardly manifest themselves at all. Only numbness, itching and tingling throughout the body can be their consequence.

What can cause such sensations?

• Pathological disorders in the liver and kidneys.

• Various cardiovascular diseases.

• Disorders of the thyroid gland.

• Acute cerebrovascular accident, spasm, blockage or rupture of blood vessels.

• Diseases of the spine and joints.

• Inflammatory diseases that cause swelling and compression of nerves.

• Severe form of alcohol dependence.

• Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Tingling throughout the body: diagnosis of possible diseases

In cases where such sensations frequently bother a person, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice. This is also necessary when tingling is observed in one part of the body, and also if it intensifies with a sharp muscle contraction. Consultation is especially important if this sensation is accompanied by other symptoms: dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes and muscle spasms. Most often, the examination begins with a therapist, who will prescribe blood tests, collect information about symptoms, and then refer you to specialists. The causes of tingling throughout the body will help determine such diagnostic procedures:

• MRI or CT scan of the spine and brain;

• ultrasound examination of blood vessels;

• general blood analysis;

• Sometimes a skin or nerve biopsy or cerebrospinal fluid test is ordered.

In some cases, based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment, but may refer you for consultation to specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, psychotherapist or surgeon.

What diseases can cause tingling throughout the body?

Spondylosis of the cervical spine. This disease is characterized by the fusion of several adjacent vertebrae, resulting in compression of the nerves. This causes a tingling sensation in the neck, back of the head and upper back.

Intervertebral hernia also pinches nerves and blood vessels. It can cause discomfort in the legs and back.

Cardiovascular diseases cause tingling throughout the body, numbness in the extremities, especially the left arm, or

Joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis and gout. The inflammatory process causes compression of the nerve roots. Because of this, a pins and needles sensation is felt in the limbs.

Acute cerebrovascular accident, blockage or rupture of a blood vessel, stroke - all these problems cause tingling on the scalp, accompanied by darkening of the eyes, nausea and muscle paralysis.

Some mental disorders can also cause tingling throughout the body. Most often these are neuroses, depression or schizophrenia.

• Tingling in the extremities may be the first sign development of diabetes. After all, this disease affects the nerve endings. This is called diabetic neuropathy.

Tingling all over the body: treatment

If these sensations appear infrequently and go away on their own after changing body position or light warm-up, then there is no need to worry. But in cases where tingling throughout the body appears for no apparent reason, the sensation of pins and needles appears in one place or another, or some part of the body goes numb, it is necessary to begin treatment. It should be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and determination of the cause of the ailment. But before that, you can try to relieve the discomfort yourself:

• If there is numbness due to an uncomfortable posture, you need to improve blood circulation through exercises. It is best to make several slow circular movements with your head, stretch the muscles of your arms and legs, and rub the numb area of ​​your body.

• If tingling throughout the body is accompanied by itching, redness of the skin or burning, then this may be an allergic reaction. In this case, antihistamines will help.

• For tingling caused by nervous disorders or mental stress, sedatives are indicated.

• Unpleasant sensations in certain areas of the skin can be relieved using a cream or ointment with a cooling effect. A cold shower or ice cubes have a similar effect.

• Tingling in the hands caused by carpal tunnel syndrome is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that improve blood circulation.

If the cause of paresthesia is determined, the doctor prescribes special treatment. Usually this is the prescription of B vitamins, antioxidants, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation and reduce blood viscosity. Treatment for tingling throughout the body may include:

• Drug therapy: “Finlepsin”, “Piracetam”, “Cavinton”, “Nootropil”, “Actovegin”, “Mexidol”, “Trental”, “Magne B6”, drugs containing gingko biloba extract and other drugs.

• Physiotherapy: electrophoresis, diadynamic currents, mud therapy, acupuncture, darsonvalization, magnetic therapy and massage.

• Traditional medicine for the treatment of paresthesia suggests drinking infusions of horse chestnut and parsley fruits, birch leaves, sweet clover herb, nettle, goldenrod, viburnum peel and willow bark.

Any therapy should be used only after a doctor's prescription. You cannot take any medications or herbal decoctions on your own. Almost all of them affect blood vessels and the circulatory system. After all, it is possible that tingling throughout the body is not caused by these reasons. And any medications can only worsen the situation.

If the examination does not reveal any serious abnormalities in the state of health, then tingling throughout the body is caused by an incorrect lifestyle. To prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant sensations, you need to change your behavior habits and establish proper nutrition.

What can you do to stop the tingling sensations from appearing again?

• Do not stay in one position for a long time. It is recommended to change body position 10-20 times over an hour. If the work involves monotonous movements, it is advisable to take a short break every 15-20 minutes to warm up.

• Do not wear tight clothing that constricts the body. It is desirable that its style does not restrict movement, and that the material is natural. It is worth giving up tight belts and narrow shoes.

• You need to constantly monitor your posture, do not sit with your legs crossed and do gymnastics for your spine.

• In cold weather, you need to dress warmly to prevent hypothermia of your extremities.

• You can improve blood circulation through massage or yoga. It is advisable to visit the gym or swimming pool at least once a week.

Why does itching and tingling occur throughout the body? What diseases cause the body to itch and prick like needles? Treatment and prevention of tingling and itching of the body.

Paresthesia - a common condition when the body tingles like needles over the entire surface and the skin itches. More often it is situational in nature, but can become an external manifestation of systemic diseases.

In the first case, the tingling effect quickly passes and does not recur; in the second, the feeling of discomfort is long-lasting and regularly repeated. This circumstance should be sufficient reason to consult a doctor.

Characteristic symptoms

First, you need to listen to your own state and evaluate the whole range of sensations. Characteristic needles or “goosebumps” all over the body are often accompanied by:

  1. numbness and coldness of the extremities;
  2. decreased mobility in joints, muscle weakness;
  3. an increase in sensitivity to touch or, conversely, a decrease in sensitivity in certain areas of the body;
  4. a change in sensations from subtle tingling to sharp pain.

Possible reasons

Often the listed symptoms arise due to being in one position for a long time. This disrupts normal blood circulation and may be accompanied by compression of nerve endings. When changing position, the body begins to itch and sometimes itch. In a normal state, a small warm-up will eliminate all discomfort. It is more difficult to cope with discomfort when blood flow is impaired for other reasons. It can be:

  1. long and monotonous physical activity;
  2. skin diseases and fungal infections;
  3. allergic reactions to cosmetics and medications;
  4. parasitic infection, animal and insect bites;
  5. low or high temperatures, a person may sweat profusely;
  6. mental disorders;
  7. lack of vitamins or microelements;
  8. food and chemical poisoning;
  9. alcohol or tobacco intoxication.

Diseases with tingling symptoms

Circulatory problems and characteristic symptoms may occur due to hidden diseases that impede blood circulation. Until a certain point, these diseases do not manifest themselves with their own symptoms.

But if the body is injected in different places, the sensations will be wandering, long-lasting and repeated, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Such diseases may include pathologies and injuries:

  1. chronic kidney failure, in which itching is observed in half of the cases;
  2. dysfunction of the liver, when bile stagnation occurs, in some cases it is the only sign of the disease;
  3. cardiovascular, characterized by low blood flow to tissues and organs;
  4. thyroid gland, due to increased kinin activity, is combined with an increase in temperature;
  5. diabetes mellitus, roughness and itching occur when blood vessels are clogged with sugar crystals, which prevents the removal of toxins;
  6. blood circulation in capillaries, metabolic disorders in epithelium;
  7. oncology, under the influence of tumor growth, radiation due to chemotherapy, organ damage or metabolic disorders;
  8. cerebral circulation in the stages preceding a stroke;
  9. joints or spine.

To the list listed you can add epilepsy, migraine, alcohol and drug addiction. Consultation with a doctor will be especially necessary if the above symptoms are combined with dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes, and sweating of the skin.

Prevention of tingling

When you first encounter a situation where the skin prickles all over your body, you need to make changes to your daily habits, supplement your daily routine with physical exercise, and review your wardrobe. The list of measures to prevent discomfort may include:

  1. frequent changes of positions when sitting for long periods of time (10 to 20 times per hour);
  2. small but mandatory breaks during long and monotonous work, at least every 15–20 minutes;
  3. changing tight clothes to looser ones made from natural fabrics;
  4. avoiding excessively tight belts and tight shoes;
  5. control of posture in a sitting position;
  6. spine exercises, massage, visiting the gym or swimming pool;
  7. preventing hypothermia;
  8. review of the diet according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Diagnostic methods

If the above measures do not have an effect, the body still hurts, the symptoms recur periodically, and diagnosis is necessary. It will allow you to accurately determine the causes of the disease. Since the list of possible diseases is wide, it is possible to use various types of diagnostic techniques to determine the source of tingling:

  1. magnetic resonance or computed tomography to examine the brain or spine;
  2. X-rays may be prescribed for the same purposes;
  3. Heart function is checked with an electrocardiogram;
  4. if blood vessels are suspected, an ultrasound examination is prescribed;
  5. the nervous system is examined by electroneuromyography;
  6. in some cases, a biopsy of the skin, nerves, or spinal cord fluid analysis may be used.

Treatment options

Depending on the established diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the optimal treatment option, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The prescribed drugs and procedures correspond to the type of disease. These treatment methods include:

  1. antihistamines for allergic reactions;
  2. sedatives in stressful situations, nervous disorders;
  3. a cold shower or compress, creams and ointments of a similar effect to relieve bothersome symptoms;
  4. drugs that stimulate blood circulation, reduce inflammation in carpal tunnel syndrome with tingling in the hands;
  5. for paresthesia, B vitamins, antioxidants, drugs that reduce blood viscosity and stimulate blood flow are prescribed;
  6. for the same purposes, various options for physiotherapy are prescribed;
  7. Herbal infusions (horse chestnut, parsley, birch leaves, nettle, goldenrod, willow bark, viburnum cake) are used as a method of treatment.

A timely visit to a doctor and strict adherence to his recommendations will allow you to quickly cope with the ailment and avoid possible complications.

A person can experience a wide variety of sensations. Tingling like needles all over the body: arms, legs, back and other parts of the body is one of the most unusual and unpleasant. This may be a signal of health problems, following which you need to contact a professional.

The mechanism of stabbing sensations in the limbs and causes

Each person experienced a feeling of tingling goosebumps throughout the body. There is a clinical term for this sensation - paresthesia. It is often accompanied by a number of additional symptoms:

  1. the skin becomes numb and cold temperatures appear in the hands and feet;
  2. muscle weakness;
  3. joint mobility decreases;
  4. itches and burns the skin;
  5. skin sensitivity decreases;
  6. there is a feeling of slight tickling or sharp pain.

Almost always, such symptoms are associated with poor circulation or decreased sensitivity of the nerves. Such, at first glance, not bright symptoms can be signs of serious illnesses.

Paresthesia can be chronic. In older people, blood circulation naturally slows down and the tingling condition is normal for them. In other people, it occurs when the functioning of nerve cells is disrupted. Paresthesia can also be caused by:

  1. monotonous and long-term physical activity;
  2. fungal infections;
  3. skin diseases;
  4. allergies;
  5. animal and insect bites;
  6. the presence of parasites;
  7. hypothermia or heat stroke;
  8. lack of vitamins (sodium, vitamin B12, potassium and calcium);
  9. poisoning (alcohol, food, mercury, arsenic, lead).

Latent diseases are characterized by such degrees of paresthesia as numbness, itching and prickling throughout the body. If the symptoms progress, the sting becomes more acute and turns into pain, and the numbness does not occur often and does not go away for a long time, you should immediately take therapeutic measures.

What diseases can cause tingling?

This unusual sensation can be caused by a number of medical conditions. The important thing is that stabbing sensations throughout the body can be both a primary symptom and an additional symptom. Diseases that cause itching:

  1. Kidney disease and kidney failure. Tingling occurs mainly in patients with uremia, most often at the terminal stage. The stronger the impairment of kidney function, the more intense the symptom manifests itself. Dialysis helps reduce tingling sensations, but it is not able to completely get rid of them.
Poor circulation in the brain. Tingling in the scalp area occurs due to a stroke, blockage or rupture of blood vessels. Accompanied by muscle paralysis, darkening of the eyes and dizziness. Joint diseases. This means arthritis, gout, arthrosis. Due to the ongoing inflammatory process, the nerve roots are compressed. The sensation of goosebumps is localized in the legs.

Diagnosis of diseases

If the patient has been bothered by stabbing sensations for a long time, it is worth contacting a specialist at the clinic. This is especially true if tingling is observed in one part of the body and its intensity increases with any muscle activity. The doctor will be able to collect a general history, taking into account secondary symptoms (such as nausea, muscle spasms, dizziness, darkening of the eyes) and pinpoint the cause of the tingling sensation.

First of all, you should contact a therapist. He will prescribe a blood test to the patient, ask him about his general well-being, and based on this, refer him to a more specialized specialist. To diagnose diseases, the following series of procedures are prescribed:

If necessary, refer to:

  1. cerebrospinal fluid analysis;
  2. skin or nerve biopsy.

Based on the test results, the therapist refers the patient to a psychotherapist, surgeon, cardiologist or neurologist.


Depending on the cause of the symptom, the doctor most often prescribes the following treatment options:

  1. Allergic reaction - tingling is accompanied by itching, burning and redness of the skin. Antihistamines are prescribed.
  1. Nervous disorders and mental stress - taking sedatives.
  2. Short-term stabbing sensations are eliminated by using cooling ointments.
  3. Tunnel syndrome - stabbing in the hands. Anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to improve blood circulation are prescribed.

Any therapeutic measures should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. All these procedures affect the circulatory system. An incorrectly selected treatment method or drug can worsen the situation.

Prevention against tingling in the body

You can not only eliminate the unpleasant sensation with medications and procedures. To avoid unpleasant sensations, you can resort to the following preventive methods:

  1. Constantly monitor your posture and do not sit cross-legged for a long time.
  2. Do exercises to strengthen the paravertebral muscles.
  3. Get massages and do yoga. Exercising in the gym or swimming pool also helps a lot.

These methods can promptly prevent the appearance of pins and needles sensations. The main thing is that you exercise regularly in your life and that clothes do not interfere with your ability to move freely.