Causes of constantly swollen face

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Many people are often worried about the problem they find in their mirror in the morning - a swollen face. This problem cannot be covered up with clothes or covered up with foundation; it must be dealt with, and for this it is important to know the cause of this condition.

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Causes of facial swelling

We list the main causes of facial swelling:

  1. the face most often swells due to fluid retention by the body;
  2. diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, liver pathologies, endocrine disorders;
  3. vitamin deficiency, basal metabolic disorders;
  4. improperly selected diets, prolonged fasting, lack of sleep, overwork of the body;
  5. evening edema, as a rule, is of cardiac origin;
  6. morning swelling often signals kidney problems;
  7. drinking alcohol the day before, or drinking alcohol in general;
  8. allergic nature of swelling (reaction to drugs, foods, animals);
  9. blood clots or narrowing of the superior vena cava;
  10. infectious lesions of the nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  11. dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  12. insufficient blood supply to the head during sleep due to an incorrectly selected pillow or unnatural sleeping position;
  13. presence of chronic hypertension, development of hypertensive crisis;
  14. improper use of cosmetics or abuse of them.

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Why does my face swell?

To successfully combat this unpleasant condition, it is necessary to understand why the face swells.

Swelling of facial tissues is a consequence of a water imbalance in the body, which occurs with irrational and irregular nutrition, and can also be a manifestation of more serious diseases when the process of removing consumed fluid is disrupted.

The face swells for many reasons, manifesting itself more in the morning or evening, especially during hot periods.

Swelling can be a consequence of renal and cardiovascular pathologies, hormonal disorders, and is often found in people who drink alcohol, in pregnant women, as well as during the premenstrual and menopausal periods. Metabolic disorders, in particular electrolyte metabolism, provoked by irregular and unbalanced nutrition, prolonged fasting, and overwork of the body contribute to the appearance of swelling on the face.

Regular appearance of facial swelling for no apparent reason is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Why does my face sometimes appear swollen in the morning?

If swelling appears constantly in the morning, you should look for provoking factors that cause its appearance. Remember, for example, how much liquid you drink at night: perhaps you like to have evening tea parties, or practice heavy dinners with alcoholic beverages. In such situations, the appearance of swelling on the face is inevitable.

It is also important what kind of food you eat in the late afternoon: excessive consumption of salty and spicy foods (smoked foods, herring, chips, dried fish, chili peppers) causes excess fluid accumulation in the tissues, and swelling is guaranteed in the morning.

Excessive emotionality, tearfulness, poor sleep also contribute to the phenomenon of morning swelling of the face.

The use of cosmetic creams, masks, lotions immediately before bedtime causes a rush of blood to the delicate tissues of the face and, as a result, the same morning swelling. It should be noted that some cosmetic preparations can also provoke the development of allergic manifestations, which, in addition to swelling of the face, are characterized by itching and redness of the skin.

A swollen face in the morning can be associated with an awkward and uncomfortable sleeping position, which provokes stagnation of blood and lymph and worsens the processes of outflow and drainage of fluid from facial tissues. Inadequate head position, too high and hard pillow, stuffiness and high temperature in the room, too close location of heating devices in relation to the head of the bed - all this contributes to the appearance of facial swelling at the time of awakening.

Try to re-equip your sleeping place: change the pillow to a softer and less high one (some even try to do without a pillow), make sure that the length of the bed matches your height. Move the head of the bed away from existing heating devices (radiators, fireplaces, heaters), and thoroughly ventilate the room in which you sleep before going to bed.

Also, do not forget that sleep should be complete: insomnia and lack of sleep, chronic fatigue will immediately affect your appearance. Prepare for bed thoroughly, do not drink a lot of liquids at night, especially coffee, strong tea and alcoholic drinks.

Why does my face swell after drinking alcohol?

Drinking alcoholic beverages, even in moderate quantities, is quite a burden on the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. This is a kind of intoxication of the body, in which many metabolic processes and vital functions fail. Why does my face swell after drinking alcohol? Because the course of almost all processes in the body is disrupted, especially the urinary and vascular systems, the acid-base balance and ionic balance suffer, and significant dehydration of the body begins, to which it reacts with increased accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

The fight against facial swelling after drinking alcohol will be unsuccessful without eliminating the main cause of swelling - regular alcohol consumption.

Facial swelling and other local edema caused by exposure to ethyl alcohol in different concentrations can be leveled after restoring the functional capacity of all major body systems and normalizing impaired metabolic processes.

A swollen face is typical for almost all patients who constantly drink alcoholic beverages for a long time. This is due to functional disorders of renal microcirculation, disruptions of electrolyte and protein metabolism, and difficulties in liver function. This swelling usually subsides only 10-12 days after stopping alcohol intake. Chronic alcoholics who have been drinking alcohol for several years may have a swollen face for life.

In general, with the right adequate approach, it is necessary not only to get rid of the symptom of facial swelling, but to restore, first of all, those disturbances in metabolic processes and electrolyte balance that were provoked by prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Absolute abstinence from alcohol, normalization of nutrition and proper sleep, replenishment of vitamins, microelements, amino acids lost by the body - these are the main aspects of the fight against withdrawal syndrome, a characteristic feature of which is a swollen face.

Why do alcoholics' faces swell?

Facial swelling in alcoholics becomes pronounced and permanent with chronic dependence on alcohol, especially with a decent history of drinking alcoholic beverages. Persistent swelling of the face is a fairly serious sign of impaired functional capabilities of the body, disorders of vital processes and systems. Alcohol damage to the heart muscle, renal parenchyma, damage to the liver structure up to the phenomena of cirrhosis or toxic hepatitis, the development of heart failure, increased blood pressure against the background of vascular sclerosis - this is not a complete list of reasons that provoke the appearance of significant facial swelling in chronic alcoholics.

People who are overly addicted to alcoholic beverages can be recognized immediately by their characteristic appearance: increased expansion of capillaries, blurriness and swelling of the face, visible enlargement of the nose. This process is reversible, but this requires a sufficient period of time and, most importantly, a complete and irreversible cessation of alcoholic beverages in any form.

Why does my face swell after a hangover?

A hangover is far from the most pleasant morning state. It usually occurs after drinking alcohol the night before. Among other manifestations of autonomic disorders in a hangover state, in most cases there is swelling of the face of varying intensity.

Everyone knows that drinking alcohol causes dehydration. However, this is not due to a lack of fluid in general, but due to its incorrect disturbed balance in the body: damage to the kidneys by ethyl alcohol creates a certain stressful situation for them, which impairs their normal excretory function, and causes unresolved fluid to accumulate in the tissues of the body, in particular , on the face. Disorders of the acid-base balance, electrolyte and water metabolism also play a role, especially if the intake of alcoholic beverages was combined with the consumption of spicy, salty and fatty foods.

If the hangover syndrome is not permanent, facial swelling disappears on its own within 2-3 days.

When does the face swell during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, a pregnant woman experiences a change in hormonal balance, water-salt metabolism is rearranged, and the need for additional fluid increases, since the body now needs a much larger volume of blood than before, and it should also be less viscous. For this, as well as for many other reasons, swelling is common to most pregnant women.

Slight swelling of the face, especially in the second half of pregnancy, is a completely physiological condition. However, it is always better to play it safe, especially in such an “interesting” situation, and consult your gynecologist. You may have to undergo some tests to rule out diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and liver pathologies, which can begin at almost any time.

During pregnancy, the load on organs and systems increases significantly, so it is extremely important to diagnose the problem in time and solve it, avoiding negative effects on the body of the expectant mother and the developing fetus.

When does the face become very swollen?

If your face is very swollen, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the root cause of this condition. Perhaps you should change your lifestyle, visit a doctor, and undergo appropriate examinations. In any case, this problem requires serious attention, since the causes of facial swelling can be not only poor diet, drinking alcohol and frequent sunbathing on the beach - it can also be quite serious pathological conditions, and one cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Cardiac dysfunction is manifested by difficulty breathing, pain in the heart and behind the chest, but one of the symptoms may be significant swelling of the face.

Poor circulation also causes puffiness and pastiness of the facial area and signals a malfunction in the vascular system.

Pathology of the urinary system provokes the appearance of quite strong characteristic swelling, mainly in the eye area.

An allergic reaction is characterized by a rapid and sometimes immediate increase in symptoms; the face swells almost “before our eyes.”

All these conditions cannot be avoided without the attention of a doctor, as they have a high probability of an unfavorable course and the development of complications.

When do lips on your face swell?

If the face has not changed its appearance, but the lips are apparently swollen, one can suspect some independent disease of the lips, in particular, various manifestations of cheilitis (inflammatory process on the lips).

Cheilitis is an inflammation of the lips of an eczematous or allergic nature, provoked by the intake of various food additives, dyes, chemicals, as well as exposure to external factors: trauma, too dry or frosty air, mechanical damage to the lips. In addition to swelling, cheilitis can be accompanied by itching, burning sensation, peeling of the skin, and the appearance of microcracks.

An allergic reaction in the form of angioedema is provoked by various types of allergens: food, infectious, medicinal.

Also, swelling of the lips may be associated with the presence of hypersensitivity to low ambient temperatures, pathology of the digestive system and excretory organs, liver diseases, disorders of the autonomic and vascular systems. Violations of the local function of lymph and blood flow often contribute to swelling of the lips.

If half of your face is swollen?

Partial facial swelling can be due to many reasons:

  1. traumatic injury to a part of the face with damage to soft tissues as a result of a blow or bruise from a fall;
  2. swelling due to an insect bite (tick, bee, wasp, etc.);
  3. the result of local inflammatory processes in nearby organs (sinusitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, pathological processes of teeth and gums), as well as purulent diseases of the facial skin (boils, carbuncles, etc.);
  4. angioedema (an allergic reaction, often affecting the lower half of the face and neck);
  5. persistent erythema causing swelling of the upper face;
  6. vascular and ischemic disorders.

What particular pathology led to the swelling of half the face can only be said on the basis of anamnesis, visual examination and some laboratory tests. Undoubtedly, the cause of impaired blood and lymph circulation can only be confirmed by a qualified specialist who will diagnose a specific disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

When does the right side of the face swell?

If the right side of the face is swollen, this may be due to numerous problems that need to be diagnosed and identified:

  1. dental problems with teeth and gums (periodontitis, gumboil, postoperative period after tooth extraction or cyst, abscess);
  2. neuralgia and neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerve, accompanied by pain and facial asymmetry;
  3. vascular pathologies, ischemia of certain facial tissues associated with impaired blood supply to certain areas;
  4. insect bites, injuries, bruises, the presence of other external factors;
  5. angioedema of half the face;
  6. development of right-sided otitis or conjunctivitis, accompanied by pain in the ear and lacrimation;
  7. right-sided sinusitis or sinusitis, accompanied by a runny nose or nasal congestion;
  8. skin diseases (dermatitis, furunculous lesions, folliculitis) begin with the appearance of rashes or a bump-like painful protrusion, later swelling spreads to healthy tissues.

When does the left side of the face swell?

Unilateral swelling is manifested by visible swelling of one half of the face while the opposite side is normal.

The left side of the face can swell for exactly the same reasons as the right. The main reasons may be dental, neurological, otorhinolaryngological problems, which are revealed only after a series of additional studies.

Left-sided swelling on the face can be caused by an inflammatory process on the left side of the head, or an allergic manifestation of the individual sensitivity of the body. Diseases of the vascular system (thrombophlebitis, vascular ischemia), disorders of lymph circulation (lymphangitis, filariasis) contribute to significant fluid retention in the tissues on the affected side.

Unilateral facial swelling can occur as a result of pathological processes in the central nervous system that affect the vasomotor nerve fibers unilaterally. A disease such as facial paralysis is also accompanied by decreased lymphatic drainage and impaired systemic blood flow on the affected side.

A swollen face is not always a sign of a strong friendship with alcohol. Often, this problem occurs in women with impaired metabolism or slow functioning of the endocrine system. Also, swelling in the neck and face can indicate chronic diseases, allergic reactions and some other problems of the body.


The most common causes of swelling on the face are problems of the excretory system or chronic diseases. Here you can add sleeping in the “wrong” position, bad habits and even genetics. According to statistics, every second girl whose mother suffered from a swollen face, the same problem occurs at the age of 35.


Before and after treatment of edema

At the same time, with swelling under the eyes, less common causes of the problem cannot be ruled out:

  1. Accumulation of fatty tissue and fiber under the skin. As a result, entire stagnant pits with undrained lymph and blood are formed on the face. Visually, this can be represented as balls with purulent discharge under the main layers of the epithelium.
  2. Hypertension. Another common cause of edema is high blood pressure. This phenomenon most often occurs in women over 45 years of age or during menopause. In this way, the body tries to readjust itself and check the “performance” of its protective functions.
  3. Breakdown. Don’t be surprised if, after a scandal or other nervous shock, your face swells around the lips and eyes. The “culprit” is the endocrine system, which injected too much adrenaline into the body. He slowed down the rate of fluid removal and began to accumulate it in all accessible parts of the body. The most common areas are the eyes, mouth and legs.

But, unfortunately, such simple causes of edema are very rare. And sometimes it is practically impossible to independently diagnose the cause of swelling.

Chronic diseases

By the appearance of the swelling and the area of ​​its localization, you can determine which organ or system is asking for help.


Cardiac edema

Let's look at how you can make a primary diagnosis based on the color and area of ​​swelling:

  1. In kidney disease, swelling is located mainly on the upper part of the face. They are very small, point-like, but there are many of them. The characteristic color is bluish-white; when pressed, the skin may even turn slightly blue for a couple of seconds.
  2. If swelling of the eyelids of the face appears, then this is a sign of abdominal dropsy, lymphoma or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Let’s make a reservation right away: when diagnosing a serious illness, fever should also be observed along with swelling of the face and eyelids. If the thermometer stubbornly shows 36.6, look carefully at the whites. You may have conjunctivitis.
  3. Red, large, randomly located swellings on the face indicate some kind of liver disease. Most often, this is liver failure. The localization process is very fast. Already a couple of hours after the appearance of the first symptoms, cyanosis of the lips and dizziness are added.
  4. Bags under the eyes, swelling of the bridge of the nose and upper face indicate heart failure. Also a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor is redness of the whites and blue discoloration around the nasolabial fold.
  5. With hypertension, the swelling is large and red; if you press on it, it will leave a permanent white mark. A similar tissue reaction will occur to any nervous shock or mental illness. Sometimes this is a symptom of psychosomatics. The body's reaction to a stressful situation is similar.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, go to see a therapist as soon as possible. In most cases, the puffiness goes away during the day, but in the evening it returns with renewed vigor. If the swelling on the cheekbones and cheeks has disappeared, this is not always remission.


Renal edema

Renal and cardiac edema

The easiest way to recognize is renal swelling of the face: they are large, light-colored, and the main location is under the eyes and around the nose. The kidneys are an organ of the excretory system, and when some kind of malfunction occurs in the body, they immediately let you know about it. Puffiness of this kind is not always a sign of disease (although it is worth checking).

Causes of renal edema:

  1. Plenty of fluids before bed. It is enough to drink a glass of warm water - this will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Tea, coffee, especially alcoholic drinks. They will slow down the excretory system and cause fluid accumulation.
  2. Heavy food. In the evening you should not eat a lot of salty, fried, smoked foods. It also slows down the elimination of toxins and water, dehydrates the body and overloads the stomach.
  3. Large amount of sodium in the body. Its salts enter the body with food and mineral water. Sodium is an essential microelement, but exceeding the permissible level in the blood provokes swelling around the eyes and slows down the functioning of the kidneys.

At the same time, we must not forget that renal swelling of the soft tissues in the face and neck can also be a symptom of a serious illness. In particular, these are pyelonephritis, toxic organ damage, liver failure, nephropathy and others.

Cardiac edema differs from renal edema. The legs begin to swell first, which is typical - both feet inflate symmetrically. The accumulation of fluid occurs as if from the bottom up - from the feet to the face. You need to be able to distinguish them from kidney ones, because in all cases these are signals about the improper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of cardiac edema:

  1. Slow development. It may take a week for the swelling to reach the face.
  2. Along with puffiness, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat are also observed.
  3. The swelling itself is red, dense and large. If you press on them, they will turn white and will remain that way for a long time.
  4. The skin in places of swelling is cold, sometimes damp.

The most common cause of cardiac edema is high or low blood pressure. Also pay attention to where you first noticed the swelling. If on the legs, then the left ventricle is affected, if in the chest area, then the right one.

Age changes after 40

Facial swelling after 40 years and during menopause is a “common” thing. They appear as a result of a violation of lymphatic metabolism. How does age-related puffiness differ from painful:

  1. The skin does not redden or turn pale in the affected areas. It just swells and becomes cooler than before.
  2. Swellings appear at any time of the day and do not go away for a long time. This can happen in the evening, afternoon or morning - on average, they last up to several days.
  3. Parts of the body swell asymmetrically.
  4. When you press on the swelling, a large hole remains, which does not change its shape for a long time.

According to doctors, this is the most difficult type of edema. It is almost impossible to get rid of them with a standard set of medications. To find out the cause and treatment options for the disease, contact a phlebologist (a specialist in veins, arteries and blood vessels).


Swelling during an “interesting position” most often occurs at night and appears on the face and legs. Hormones are raging, the excretory system cannot keep up with the changes in the body. It is worth noting that for pregnant girls, such a phenomenon can indicate a chronic disease and even a threat to the life of the fetus. Most likely it is hetsosis (one of the forms of toxicosis).


Edema during pregnancy

First of all, these edemas are dangerous for the unborn child - due to poor outflow of fluid from the tissues in the body, the pressure is disturbed, and the child begins to suffer from oxygen starvation. A pregnant girl at this time may suffer from swelling of the internal organs and may not even be aware of the danger.

In what cases is swelling during pregnancy dangerous:

  1. If puffiness is accompanied by high blood pressure, loss of strength, nosebleeds and redness of the whites.
  2. In case of shortness of breath. Do not confuse difficulty breathing after climbing stairs with shortness of breath while lying on the bed.
  3. When tested, even the slightest amount of protein was found in the urine.
  4. In addition to the nose and other parts of the face, swelling spreads to the legs, arms and back.

Alcohol and bad habits

A swollen face after a wild party is a common occurrence. Moreover, this is one of the simplest and most common symptoms of a hangover. The kidneys and liver are affected by toxins, which is why they cannot normally perform their direct functions.


Swelling after alcohol

Why does alcohol cause your face to swell?

  1. Toxins contained in alcoholic beverages block the body's ability to properly distribute fluids. As a result, moisture, instead of being removed, is redistributed into the voids under the skin. Hence the involuntary discharge of sore throat and runny nose.
  2. Due to poisoning of the kidneys and liver, the body tries to get rid of intoxication on its own. The result is a decrease in blood volume, a slowdown in the lymphatic system and dry mucous membranes.

To get rid of swelling on the face after alcohol poisoning, doctors recommend drinking brine (this is not a joke, this drink contains a large amount of electrolyte salts necessary to increase blood volume) and only after that drink plain water.


Swelling of the neck and face is also considered a major sign of allergies. Symptoms of histamine puffiness:

  1. Fast flow. First, the face becomes redder, then scarlet spots begin to descend along the body from top to bottom. Depending on the allergen and its amount, swelling may spread within a few hours or a couple of minutes.
  2. Discomfort. The face hurts (often the area of ​​the nose, cheekbones and cheeks), the neck and chest begin to itch.
  3. An allergy after an insect or snake bite is often accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, and hallucinations.

Until the body gets rid of the cause of intoxication, this swelling cannot be removed. But you can slightly muffle the itching and bring down the temperature. If we are talking about a snake bite, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible (if possible, it is advisable to photograph the bitten reptile).


Allergic edema

Bruises and injuries

Spots and swelling after injury, surgical or other invasive intervention are normal. This is how the body protects itself from aggressive external factors. Such swelling occurs after tooth extraction, fights, certain dental diseases (in particular, gumboil), and other similar influences.


Swelling after tooth extraction

In what cases is swelling traumatic?

  1. Swelling after peeling, biorevitalization, dry cleaning or mesotheoapia. In all these procedures, the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged. During the regeneration process, it swells and becomes painfully red. By the way, photorejuvenation leaves the same effect.
  2. After permanent makeup and tattoos. When a colored pigment is driven under the skin, the body tries with all its might to reject it. Here the work of the immune system is responsible for puffiness. Redness and swelling disappear a week after the session.
  3. After beauty injections, implantation of gold threads and other invasive cosmetic procedures.

There is simply no point in treating them. In places of edema, the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted, some of them are destroyed. You need to give your body time to recover. The most you can do is eat more vitamins and ensure yourself quality rest.


A disease where the face swells due to infection is called infectious mononucleosis. This is a fairly rare disease that is divided into two types:

In both cases, the nasopharyngeal mucosa suffers and the face becomes puffy. The cause of the disease is the penetration of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable - it goes away on its own, like chickenpox or measles.

Swelling of the face and eyes in the morning after sleep

This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to emerging from a sleepy state. During sleep, blood and lymph actively flow to the face, and with a sharp rise, these fluids simply do not have time to drain away. In addition, the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  1. Drinking plenty of water at night.
  2. Sleeping on your stomach or with a pillow that is too high - the neck vessels are pinched, which interferes with normal blood circulation.
  3. Fried or too salty foods for dinner.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, as mentioned above, slow down the outflow of lymph, causing swelling around the eyes.

How to remove swelling on the face?

If the cause of puffiness is an injury or another relatively minor reason, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem using home methods. But when swelling is a symptom of a disease or allergy, then you should take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.


Girl relieves swelling with ice

How to treat facial swelling:

  1. Special treatments at the spa. One of the best techniques is the infrared sauna, which removes toxins and excess fluid from the body.
  2. Physical activity. Excellent reviews about the special lymphatic drainage dance - it can be done even by those who have never played sports. Stretching, simple gymnastics and yoga also help normal lymph distribution.
  3. Massage techniques. Special massages are used here, which have an effect similar to physical activity.
  4. Medicines. They are used in the treatment of allergic edema, as well as puffiness, as a symptom of a disease. Can only be prescribed by doctors.
  5. Compresses.

Salon treatments

Before removing swelling from the face in beauty salons, you need to consult a therapist or phlebologist. If they do not find any critical conditions of the body, you can seek help from a cosmetologist.

In the salon for swelling the following is used:

  1. Mask with hyaluronic acid. It increases skin turgor, thereby having a beneficial effect on blood flow. Already after the first procedure, a positive effect is visible.
  2. Mesotherapy with soft rollers copes well with the problem of severe swelling in the eyelid area.
  3. Fillers. These are injections of beneficial substances under the top layer of skin. The technique helps get rid of constant swelling on the cheekbones and around the nose.

Diuretics for facial swelling

Let's say right away that this is the worst way to treat swelling. Essentially, you're just numbing the symptoms with aggressive medications. Among these are Furasemide, which leaches calcium and is addictive, Veroshpiron, a modern analogue of Furasemide and Trifas.

These tablets can only be used as emergency therapy - they can be taken once and only if swelling of the face needs to be urgently eliminated. For example, you need to go on a date or an interview, and you are swollen. Just be prepared for frequent runs to “powder your nose.”

They have contraindications, be careful. It is strictly forbidden to use such drugs for any oncology, diabetes, during pregnancy and lactation.

Home remedies for swelling

The first thing to do if your face is swollen is to wash your face with a contrast shower. This will “reanimate” the vessels and restart the lymphatic system. First, wash with warm water, then ice water. For severe swelling, short-term immersion in a cold bath helps very well. Fill a flat container with water and dip your face in it.

  1. Swelling often manifests itself as fatigue or lack of proper sleep. Massaging the eyelids and nose with a special steel ball will help to visually remove the “sleepy panda” effect. Many well-known companies (Garnier, L`Oreal and others) supplement such products with useful substances.
  2. An old-fashioned way to get rid of swelling is to put slices of raw, cold potatoes on your face. You need to keep this “mask” for at least 15 minutes. Then turn it over and repeat the procedure.
  3. To prevent swelling, regularly drink sage tea in the evenings and flaxseed oil in the mornings. This is especially true after childbirth and with age-related changes. Both remedies help strengthen blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and strengthen the nervous system.
  4. Swollen eyes after vomiting can be quickly removed with cold spoons. Cool the cutlery and apply it to your eyelids. Leave the metal on your skin for up to 10 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  5. Fresh juices have an effect on the body similar to diuretic tablets, only they have no side effects. Fresh juices from carrots, beets and herbs (parsley, spinach, celery) are especially recommended.
  6. For swelling from insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps), heparin ointment will help. It should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area and left until absorbed. Update the layer every 2 hours. This will relieve itching and speed up the healing of the wound.
  7. To eliminate “salt” or kidney edema, Tsitsulin advises drinking a glass of parsley decoction after meals. It will remove toxic substances and speed up metabolism. This method also perfectly relieves hangover.

Contrary to the opinion on the forums, badyaga categorically cannot be used to treat edema. It is an aggressive irritant and can only make your situation worse.

How to get rid of swelling on the face using masks

To eliminate facial puffiness, lifting masks are recommended. The following options have a strong tightening effect:

  1. Clay. Absolutely any available types will do: blue, white, pink, green.
  2. With potatoes. As mentioned above, it helps strengthen turgor and tighten small wrinkles. For greater effect, mix the potato mixture with chilled apple puree.
  3. Vitamin and oil. If the reason lies in insufficient skin nutrition, improper metabolism or bad habits, then you can even remove swelling with coconut oil and Tocopherol.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage will help prevent the appearance of swelling under the eyes, prolong youth and relieve the effect of swollen eyelids.

You need to apply a nourishing cream to cleansed skin - this will facilitate the movement of your fingers over its surface and provide an additional restorative effect from the procedure.

  1. Movements start from the top of the forehead. You need to move your fingertips along the massage lines in a circular motion. From the forehead to the nose, from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones, from the cheeks to the temples.
  2. Afterwards it is necessary to work out the vascular network. To do this, pat the skin with an open palm for several minutes. Movements should be very soft, but confident. During the lymphatic drainage massage there should be no burning or pain.
  3. It remains to draw several times from the top of the forehead to the chin, from the eyebrows to the cheeks and from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. At the end of the session, you can apply a cooling gel to the skin.


If swelling does not go away for a long time after masks, special compresses will help speed up the outflow of lymph. The most important thing is that they must be cold.

Options for compresses against swelling:

  1. Chamomile. Take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers per weave of water. Boil until boiling, then remove the solution and cool in the refrigerator. Keep the compress of this tea for at least 20 minutes.
  2. To eliminate swelling after a blow, the best option is to make a mask of ice cubes. But you can’t keep it on the skin for a long time - the blood flow will be disrupted. It is better to make a compress and apply it to the affected areas for a short time.
  3. It is believed that tissue compresses with vitamins and hyaluronic acid help well. This also includes products with gold and algae extracts. The main thing is that they have a cooling effect.

In case of cancer, diseases of the endocrine system, rehabilitation after surgery, before using any of the listed methods, you should consult with your doctor.

Medicine defines edema as a pathological condition of the body, provoked by an imbalance of water-salt balance and fluid retention. Women most often experience facial swelling, which appears either under the eyes or in the jaw area. This condition cannot be called a disease, so many try to get rid of it at home, resorting to traditional medicine or cosmetology methods. Often such actions do not have the desired effect: this is due to the fact that swelling can be a symptom of some serious disease, and it is impossible to do without the intervention of professional medicine. Sometimes it is enough just to change your lifestyle a little, and swelling will no longer bother you for a long time. Cosmetics can also be effective, but before using them you need to accurately determine the cause and only then try to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon in the most suitable way.

There are many factors that provoke the appearance of swelling on the face. In general terms, three of them can be distinguished:

  1. disease;
  2. Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  3. short-term stress for the body.

In each case, swelling manifests itself differently. And to choose the right means of getting rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause and subsequent actions: consult a doctor or carry out procedures at home.

Do not forget that swelling of the face can be caused by the use of low-quality or non-natural cosmetics. Many skin care products contain dyes and fragrances, as well as more harmful parabens, animal fats and mineral oils. They not only negatively affect the condition of the epidermis, but can also accumulate in internal organs, causing their damage. To avoid this, dermatologists recommend using only completely natural cosmetics. This is produced by the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic, which is the leader in this market segment. The products manufactured by this company contain only natural ingredients. On the official Mulsan website. ru presents a wide range of cosmetic products that have certificates of conformity and are completely safe for your health.

Facial swelling is often the first sign of kidney disease. Due to malfunctions of the excretory system, fluid stagnates in the body and manifests itself as soft, watery swellings that easily move under the skin when pressed. Puffiness appears all over the face, sometimes only on the eyelids, especially on the lower ones. In the case of such diseases, the skin acquires a yellow tint or a rapid increase in body weight is observed due to internal edema.

Another cause may be diseases of the cardiovascular system. Such swelling is accompanied by a blue tint to the puffiness of the facial skin in general, shortness of breath, and enlarged liver.

Swelling that spreads to the nose and eyes can be caused by respiratory problems or sinus infections. In the first case, you can get rid of the unpleasant condition after treating the disease. The second requires the removal of inflammation, which stops the flow of lymph.

Endocrine disorders are characterized by stagnation of mucous tissue under the skin. Only hormonal drugs that stabilize the activity of the endocrine system will help.

A swollen face can also occur due to the appearance of tumors - benign and malignant.

Angioedema is an allergic reaction of the body, which is accompanied by redness and itching, hives, difficulty breathing, and sneezing. In this case, you should immediately take an antihistamine and get rid of the factor causing the allergy.

You cannot do without the help of a doctor in the event of an acute manifestation of an allergy; it can cause Quincke's edema. If it affects the lower part of the face and neck, then there is a possibility of squeezing the throat and suffocation. This phenomenon occurs in complex forms of the disease or when exposed to a strong but short-term allergen, such as insect poison.

The retention of salts in the body is caused by metabolic disorders, which are very common. Their cause is a sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable environmental situation, and consumption of fast food.

Solve the problem by reducing the amount of salt you consume, especially in the afternoon. The liquid will easily leave the body without leaving any traces. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of canned, smoked and fried foods, and minimize spicy foods. The face also swells in those who have late dinners. You should also not drink at night, and to avoid thirst, you just need to avoid eating salty foods in the evening.

People who are used to staying up late also experience unpleasant swelling. Any sleep disturbances and lack of normal rest are manifested by a slowdown in metabolism and, accordingly, disruptions in the water-salt balance. In youth, swelling may not appear after a sleepless night, but in old age, when the body is not able to recover quickly, signs of insomnia will be bags under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and neck.

Such swelling is often irregular and goes away quickly with a change in lifestyle. If this phenomenon is permanent, then it is worth thinking about the condition of the internal organs, which could be damaged due to improper nutrition. In this case, cosmetics and traditional medicine will no longer be able to help, so you should seek the help of a doctor.


These factors include:

  1. overwork;
  2. hard trip;
  3. surgery;
  4. bruise, blow, cut on the face;
  5. alcohol consumption (more typical for men);
  6. premenstrual period or menstruation itself;
  7. pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  8. burns;
  9. hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency.

In these situations, swelling is not considered a symptom of a disease or lifestyle impact, but is only a short-term negative reaction of the body to stress. In some cases, with the removal of the factor that causes swelling of the face, the swelling itself soon disappears, but sometimes you have to resort to herbal preparations or use cosmetics.

Swelling on the face occurs not only in adults, but also in children. In this case, you should pay special attention to the reasons for this phenomenon. The most common factor is crying, but if this is excluded, then you should either reconsider the child’s diet or contact a pediatrician, since facial swelling may indicate some kind of disease or developmental disorder: kidney or heart disease, allergies, mumps.

The cause may also be teething; swelling is accompanied by restlessness and anxiety in the child. The same factors include incorrect body position during sleep, when the outflow of fluid is disrupted. But for any reason, treatment of facial swelling in a child should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.

The most suitable option for relieving swelling directly depends on its cause. The use of medicinal masks in case of hypertension will be useless; taking diuretics after lack of sleep can cause harm.

It is important to choose the safest way, in which swelling on the face does not become a consequence of a disruption in the functioning of one of the body systems.

Prolonged swelling, which is accompanied by other symptoms described above, is most often a consequence of the disease and requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Any traditional methods to get rid of swelling will be useless, and the use of cosmetics that clog pores and further prevent the removal of fluid (foundation, powder) can be dangerous.

But to reduce swelling or eliminate it for a while, you can use the following means:

  1. diuretic (medicinal or herbal: decoction of bear ears, corn silk);
  2. antihistamines, but only if the cause is an allergy;
  3. gels that relieve swelling, but their use on the face is not recommended: most of these drugs are intended to relieve swelling from the legs, arms and other parts of the body.

Before using any of these remedies, you should consult your doctor.

If the cause is not a disease, but an unhealthy diet, then it is imperative to reduce your salt intake to 3 g per day. For greater effect, it is recommended not to use it at all for several days. In the absence of other health problems, intense exercise, a sauna or bath will help, which promote the rapid removal of salts through the skin. It is important to follow these rules:

  1. do not eat or drink a lot of liquids late in the evening;
  2. drink about 2 liters of clean water daily (we are talking about clean water, even filtered water from the tap will not work);
  3. reducing the amount of caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee);
  4. giving up bad habits, alcohol;
  5. sleep - at least 8 hours, in a comfortable bed with a low pillow;
  6. two-time contrast shower;
  7. avoiding stress.

With short-term exposure to negative factors, swelling is also usually short-lived.

Here it is already appropriate to use folk remedies to remove it.

Signs of overwork or lack of sleep can be removed by washing with cold water or applying ice cubes to the swollen areas of the skin.

The best option is cubes of frozen decoctions of chamomile, rose petals, celandine or St. John's wort. A cold compress will also help: just wet a towel and apply it to your face for 5–10 minutes.

Swelling almost always appears as a consequence of surgery. It is most pronounced on the second or third day, after a week it decreases significantly, and after two it disappears completely. You can speed up the recovery process at home, but only with caution and under the supervision of the surgeon who performed the operation. To do this you need:

  1. eliminate alcohol consumption;
  2. reduce to a minimum the amount of salty, fatty, smoked and spicy foods in the diet;
  3. do not take a hot bath or go to the sauna;
  4. rest more, reduce the amount of physical activity, do not bend over often, which provokes an influx of fluid to the facial tissues, blink less often;
  5. do not spend a lot of time at the computer or reading;
  6. Apply cold compresses regularly and wash your face with cold water.

If swelling continues on the face for more than two weeks, you should consult a surgeon.

In this case, the integrity of tissues and capillaries is disrupted, so this reaction of the body is natural. Soon the swelling becomes blue and purple in color, then turns yellow, and after 10–14 days it completely disappears.

The use of simple remedies immediately after the blow helps to significantly reduce its manifestation: apply something cold - ice, frozen food, a metal object - or medicinal (plantain leaf, cabbage leaf). Another folk remedy is bodyaga or a mixture of crushed analgin with iodine. Here it would be appropriate to use decongestant gels, which are easy to find in the pharmacy.

After drinking alcoholic beverages in the morning, you may encounter not only swelling on your face, but also an unpleasant feeling. Usually, along with a hangover, swelling goes away. But if you urgently need to put yourself in order, then well-known express remedies will correct the situation: cold compresses, washing with ice water.

Prudent people prepare ice cubes in the freezer in advance. They are then collected in a towel and applied to the face. Another option is frozen green or black tea bags. They must be placed on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. This product will not only relieve fluid stagnation, but also tones the skin well, making it look fresher and more alert.

Often, immediately before menstruation, women noticeably gain weight, their lower abdomen, chest, face swell, their head and lower abdomen hurt, and their mood changes greatly. It is impossible to completely get rid of these unpleasant phenomena, because they are caused by short-term fluctuations in hormonal balance. But it is possible to make the external manifestations of premenstrual syndrome less noticeable.

Before your period, you should give up junk food, black coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and reduce or eliminate salt intake. Frequent walks or light exercise will help improve your well-being and appearance.

Most often, women over 45 experience hormonal edema. In this case, the problem becomes a decrease in skin elasticity, which is why wrinkles may appear after swelling. The best option is to use a complex of cosmetics or seek help from a professional cosmetologist.

The cause of facial swelling in women is the same as in the previous case - hormonal imbalance. To eliminate such phenomena, it is better not to overuse various decongestant masks, especially cosmetic ones. The most harmless way is a towel moistened with cold water, which is applied to the face, or washing with ice water, walking in the fresh air, yoga.

If swelling does not go away for a long time and is very bothersome, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the most suitable diuretics that will relieve difficulties and will not harm the child.

Swelling on the face also appears due to sunburn; it is easier to prevent them by using regular sunscreens.

If it was not possible to protect yourself, then swelling will be accompanied by elevated body temperature, headache, dizziness, and weakness. Traditional remedies, such as compresses and washing, are the most suitable in such a situation. Under no circumstances should oil be applied to swollen areas.

When sunstroke is too strong, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

In most cases, swelling affects only one side of the face and appears on either the left or right side, depending on where the tooth was removed or surgery was performed. This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to gum damage and cannot be avoided. It is only recommended to apply a cold one to the problem area immediately after removal, and a few hours later - a warm and dry one.

Such swelling should only cause concern when it is accompanied by severe pain, elevated body temperature and other signs of infection in the wound. You should immediately seek help from a specialist.

These include cosmetic masks. They have a more comprehensive effect and effectively relieve swelling if it is not caused by any disease, tone the skin and give the face a fresh and well-groomed appearance.

There are a huge number of different masks from well-known brands, but it is much easier and more practical to prepare such a product at home from natural ingredients.

Examples of such masks:

  1. Cucumber. One cucumber must be pre-cooled, grated on a coarse grater and the resulting mass applied to the face. Remove after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Sour cream. It is necessary to chop parsley or dill, add a teaspoon of the resulting raw material to 2 tablespoons of chilled sour cream, apply to the face, rinse off after 10-15 minutes, rinse the skin with cold water.
  3. Parsley root mask. Grind one small parsley root using a blender or meat grinder, mix with a small amount of strong black or green tea. Apply this paste to the skin of the face, keep for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  4. Buckwheat. A small amount of buckwheat is ground in a coffee grinder, wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in a small amount of boiling water. Leave the bag for a couple of minutes, remove and cool. Apply to problem areas.
  5. Tea room. Brew strong black or green tea. Cool. Dip gauze into the liquid and apply to face. Keep for 10-15 minutes. No less effective are decoctions and infusions of sage, chamomile, and birch buds.
  6. Essential oil mask. For the base, you need to take a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Add two drops of rosemary, juniper and geranium essential oils. Use the resulting mixture to gently massage problem areas on the face. Remove residues with a cotton swab or napkin.
  7. Pumpkin. Boil 50 g of fresh pumpkin, mash, add half a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, keep for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Potato. The most effective option. Boil one potato, mash with a fork along with the peel, let cool slightly. When warm, apply to face. Leave for 10-15 minutes, wash with cool water.

Depending on the cause of swelling on the face, you need to choose the right method to eliminate this problem. A suitable remedy will quickly relieve swelling. Next, you just need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and maintain emotional balance. If swelling is prolonged and severe, you should not neglect the help of a doctor.