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How to quickly get rid of acne


During adolescence, many of us reassure ourselves with the thought that after puberty, skin problems will go away on their own. But the years fly by, and pimples and blac ...

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How to quickly get rid of irritation on your face


Even a person with the most problem-free skin periodically encounters small rashes, peeling or redness - symptoms of irritation. Reaction to cosmetics, weather, food, eco ...

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How to choose an antiperspirant for women


With a modern lifestyle, antiperspirant is an indispensable remedy for any person, not to mention people suffering from excessive sweating. However, there are so many of ...

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How to whiten your skin


Freckles, age spots, uneven tan—every woman faces such problems at least once in her life. Any skin defects can ruin your appearance and mood, and even the best foundatio ...

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How did you get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?


How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? [#folk, hardware and injection methods] How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? This question worries many representatives of the ...

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How to open a purulent pimple


We are glad to meet you again, dear subscribers! Today our conversation will not be devoted to skin diseases or drugs for its treatment. We'll talk about how to squee ...

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How to restore your neck from wrinkles


The skin of the neck is the first to show age. To preserve her youth, we learn to care for this delicate area according to all the rules: we choose advanced cosmetics, we ...

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How to restore dry hand skin


It’s nice to look at a well-groomed, stylishly and fashionably dressed woman. However, everyone can ruin their hands. More precisely, their appearance. Dry, wrinkled, deh ...

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How to restore skin under the eyes


Good afternoon. The skin under the eyes has deteriorated sharply. I have oily skin, I used baziron, not under my eyes, of course, but it may have had some effect. I also ...

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How to restore your scalp


Women pay a lot of attention to their appearance, including their hair. Without a beautiful hairstyle, the image will be unfinished, and even beautiful makeup will not ...

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