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Red pimples on the cheeks of an adult


Various defects occur on the skin quite often. Causes of acne on cheeks can vary from poor nutrition to serious skin diseases. To determine exactly what causes acne, you ...

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What are red pimples on the body?


17.11.2014 Body care Quite often, the appearance of acne can indicate that some hormonal changes are occurring in the body. Although quite often adults also face thi ...

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Red pimples on fingers


The human body always reacts to all processes occurring in it. Any factors that affect health also manifest themselves externally, including on the skin in the form of ir ...

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Red pimples on the forehead in men


How often do you get pimples on your forehead? Personally, I don’t have a large number of them, but when these jump up pimples, then it starts: pain, swelling, redness, ...

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Red pimples on a child's stomach


Many young parents are faced with the phenomenon of acne on the stomach of a child. Why this happens, whether it is normal or pathological, what diseases the rashes can b ...

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Red pimples how to remove redness


How to remove the redness of a pimple? The question is far from idle. Nasty pimples usually pop up in prominent places at the most inopportune moments, and it’s difficu ...

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Red bumps on the body itch


Any change in the skin should cause concern. If redness, bumps, or rashes appear, you should consult a dermatologist. Remember that the skin reflects our internal state. ...

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Redness after depilation on the face


Epilation is a procedure for removing hair from certain areas of the body. It differs from depilation in that it removes the hair along with the hair follicle. Irritati ...

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Red face and itching causes


If you have itchy skin on your face and don’t know what to do about it, listen to our useful tips and recommendations. You will learn the possible causes of such a scourg ...

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Red mesh on the face treatment


Vascular network, or rosacea, is a disease that occurs frequently. There is no threat to health, but from an aesthetic point of view it looks unattractive. There are ma ...

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