What are red pimples on the body?





Body care Quite often, the appearance of acne can indicate that some hormonal changes are occurring in the body. Although quite often adults also face this very unpleasant problem. Then there may be more than enough reasons for the rash and they can indicate a variety of diseases or problems with the body. As soon as you notice that you have acne, and you are clearly no longer in adolescence, then you should start by changing your diet and working on a healthy body.

What are the reasons why acne appears on the body?

The occurrence of acne can be caused by both cosmetics and serious illnesses, which the body warns us about in this way.

- Cold. Probably few people have heard of them, but they still exist. Such pimples can appear when we are sick, at a high temperature and after recovery they disappear. These acne are simply a sign that our body is weakened.

— Insufficient personal hygiene. Despite the 21st century, lack of personal hygiene is very common. If a person does not take enough care of his body, then the pores become clogged with dirt and, as a result, acne appears.

- Allergy. If the pimples that appear begin to itch, this may indicate that they are the result of an allergy. It can be caused by both cosmetic products and the clothes you wear. In most cases, it is enough that you say goodbye to the allergen and your acne will go away.

- Poisoning. Even minimal poisoning will put a lot of stress on the liver. She, in turn, will try with all her might to quickly remove all toxins from the body, and in some cases this happens with the help of the skin and the appearance of acne.

— Abuse of harmful foods: fatty, sweet or salty. All this in large quantities can then be reflected in the form of red pimples all over your body.

— Clothes made of synthetics. The skin may well react to non-natural material with the appearance of acne, which disappears immediately after you remove the irritant and the skin is able to breathe freely.

What to do to get rid of red pimples?


If you have acne on your body, you must first determine the cause of its appearance. Then you should take your diet very seriously and stop eating all harmful foods that have very little benefit. Also, stop using cosmetics for a while or replace them with something else. If all this does not give the desired result and the acne does not disappear, then you should contact a specialist. First, he must order examinations and only then diagnose you and choose treatment. In such cases, the doctor may send you to check the thyroid gland (ultrasound), take tests for hormones, hormone and biochemical tests, and also do a coprogram.

Based on the results of tests and examinations, the doctor will determine the nature of your acne. If they are the result of an allergy, then you can cope with them yourself. If the reason is different, then the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs or other medications if the reason is very serious. In order to prevent the appearance of acne, you need to follow a few simple rules.

— Use antibacterial soap;

— If there is no inflammation on the body, then you can use body scrubs;

— Don’t forget about regenerating ointments or creams.

Ultrasound, ozone therapy, mud therapy or mesotherapy will also help in the fight against acne.

The appearance of any skin defect can be perceived negatively by a person and cause a large number of unpleasant symptoms. This disadvantage especially concerns women who pay attention to the appearance of the slightest acne.
