Massage :: Page - 259

Homemade masks for wrinkles around the mouth and lips


Features of wrinkles around the mouth and factors influencing their appearance Over the years, the amount of hyaluronic acid in skin cells decreases, and the synthesis ...

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Masks for wrinkles around the eyes - folk remedies


Perhaps every representative of the fairer sex suffers from such a problem as wrinkles around the eyes. Eliminating them is difficult, especially in old age, and elimina ...

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Homemade masks for facial wrinkles under the eyes


The face area around the eyes has very thin and delicate skin, so it is easily susceptible to stretching and premature appearance of wrinkles. So, you can “acquire” ugly ...

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Effective masks for bags under eyes


If puffiness and dark circles bother you, use masks for bags under the eyes, made at home from natural products. Proven recipes cope well with the aesthetic problem, but ...

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Anti-cellulite masks at home


The only way to defeat cellulite is to treat it comprehensively. This includes diet correction, adequate physical activity, massage and skin cosmetics. In particular, an ...

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Masks for rosacea on the face in the pharmacy


With rosacea, small vascular networks and stars form on the skin. A large number of women suffer from it. This disease can be treated with medical and folk remedies. Mask ...

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Masks against nasolabial folds


Nasolabial wrinkles do not always occur as the skin ages. Two grooves running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth can appear with certain facial anatom ...

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Masks for itchy scalp


How does a person with itching and dandruff feel? Forced refusal of dark or black clothing. My head is constantly itching, my hands involuntarily reach for my head. Ther ...

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Face masks from loose skins


—Quotation book Prayer that delivers from all curses “I call on the angels of God and all the Lights of the Divine. Best homemade ointment for gout on legs or can cure ...

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Homemade masks for crow's feet


Causes of expression wrinkles Experts assure that such “rays” appear not only with age; expression lines can often be observed in very young women with perfect skin. T ...

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