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Salt face masks reviews


Beneficial properties of salt If you use salt masks regularly, they will have the following effect on the epidermis: remove the dead layer; normalize the functioni ...

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Masks with salicylic ointment


Salicylic ointment for blackheads is an excellent remedy, proven by practice and time! Therefore, we at Foto-elf could not pass by such an effective drug that allows ...

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Coconut oil masks for wrinkles


You can effectively fight the signs of skin aging using completely natural products such as coconut oil. Due to the high content of antioxidants and healthy fatty acids ...

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Masks with ana acids for the face


Acid-based face masks are used in modern cosmetology to cleanse, renew, moisturize and nourish epidermal cells. Cream and cleansing lotion-tonic are not enough for daily ...

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Anti-wrinkle clay masks


What are the benefits of blue clay? This popular beauty product actually has anti-aging properties. Clay improves the overall condition of the skin, softens, improves ...

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Masks that smooth out deep wrinkles


As teenagers, trying to get rid of acne, we crush them and leave bumps and scars on the skin. Then we notice with horror the appearance of the first facial wrinkles - o ...

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Masks against blackheads and enlarged pores


Clean and healthy skin is the result of internal health, proper lifestyle and careful regular care. Not everyone can boast of perfect skin; the fair sex especially often ...

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Masks against puffiness under the eyes


Delicate sensitive skin needs a mask against puffiness under the eyes, because the changes occurring in the body make themselves felt “on the face.” This is expressed in ...

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Moisturizing anti-wrinkle masks


A woman remains feminine at any age. It doesn’t matter whether she is twenty years old or well over fifty, she wants to look irresistible on weekdays and holidays. To d ...

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Anti-wrinkle masks with vitamin E


Women, regardless of their age, always want to remain attractive, have a healthy glow and smooth, velvety skin. It is quite possible to achieve this even without visiting ...

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