Masks that smooth out deep wrinkles


As teenagers, trying to get rid of acne, we crush them and leave bumps and scars on the skin. Then we notice with horror the appearance of the first facial wrinkles - on the forehead, around the eyes, near the mouth. A little more - and the skin loses its former elasticity, gradually becoming sluggish and flabby. Skin texture requires regular smoothing procedures, which we forget about.


But it’s so easy to take and prepare smoothing face masks at home - a product that will allow you to look incomparable at any age.

The effect of smoothing masks on the skin

What functions can homemade smoothing masks perform when used regularly?

  1. By activating the vital activity of cells and normalizing metabolic processes in them, the components of such masks promote the production of collagen and elastin in cells. The fabric filled with them stretches, smoothing out wrinkles, and becomes elastic again, as before.
  2. A smoothing face mask even affects post-acne (micro-scars after squeezed out pimples): they become less noticeable or disappear completely.
  3. The roughness of the skin is evened out: after 3-4 masks, the surface of the skin becomes smooth and clean.

In addition to its specific functions, the smoothing mask, thanks to its auxiliary components, also has other effects on the skin - it treats inflammation, nourishes the skin, and protects against harmful factors. Is it really possible to miss such a unique chance for practically nothing and get your skin in order on your own? However, first you need to listen to the advice of experts.


Smoothing face masks: expert recommendations

Cosmetologists warn everyone who decides to use wrinkle-smoothing masks at home: do not rush to do them after noticing the first expression lines in the mirror. They can be straightened using ordinary cosmetics. But narrowly special masks are aimed specifically at skin furrowed with numerous folds and cracks. They can be recommended:

  1. after plastic surgery to resolve scars and microcracks;
  2. with fading, flabby, wrinkled skin;
  3. at the first signs of aging, starting only from the age of 30.

If you start making these masks at an earlier age, nothing bad will happen, but over the years your skin may get used to them and no longer react to familiar, even the most effective components. Now is the time to find out how to smooth your facial skin by preparing a miracle remedy with your own hands.


The best recipes for smoothing face masks

If you need a face mask that smooths out wrinkles, there's only one thing to do: choose a recipe according to your skin type - and enjoy the results.

  1. Yeast smoothing mask for oily skin

Dilute yeast (20 g) with plain water to the consistency of a thick cream, dilute with olive oil (a tablespoon).

  1. Nettle mask that smoothes wrinkles

Contraindicated for sensitive skin! Grind fresh nettles in a blender, mix (a tablespoon) with honey and olive oil (a teaspoon each).

  1. Potato smoothing mask for problem skin

Turn the potatoes boiled in their jackets into a puree without peeling, mix (2 tablespoons) with sour cream and milk at room temperature (a tablespoon each), add olive oil and glycerin (a teaspoon each).

  1. Bread eye mask smoothing

Problem, how to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes, is very relevant, and therefore this smoothing mask will help you solve it quickly and nourishingly. Soak the white bread crumb in warm milk for 10 minutes, mash it into a pulp, add a couple of drops of olive oil.

  1. Nourishing mask for normal skin

Mix the juice squeezed from the lower leaves of aloe (2 tablespoons) with honey, which is best melted in the amount of one tablespoon.

  1. Yolk smoothing mask for dry skin

Grind the yolk with heavy cream.

  1. Yolk mask for smoothing wrinkles under the eyes

Grind the yolk with olive oil until thick, soak gauze in the mixture, and apply to the eyelids overnight.

  1. Banana smoothing mask for aging skin

Mash the banana, mix (2 tablespoons) with olive oil and cream (a teaspoon each), and bring to a consistency with oatmeal.

  1. Grapefruit mask for oily skin

Mix grapefruit pulp in equal proportions with low-fat sour cream.

Now you can imagine how to smooth out wrinkles on your face and even out the surface of your skin. This matter turns out to be not so difficult if you approach it responsibly. Don't neglect your face: take care and regularly smooth your skin with such masks - and you will never be disappointed with your appearance.

After thirty, in the mirror, even with careful facial care, you can observe the first signs of aging. Wrinkles, folds, scars and scars spoil your appearance and mood. Affordable home procedures will correct the effects of age and restore your former confidence.

Rules for using skin smoothing masks

In cosmetology, natural ingredients can be used to smooth the skin and stop the aging process.

  1. Use all ingredients with a soft structure that do not injure, but fill the dermis;
  2. Tangible benefits from such procedures are after 30 years; before reaching this age, the level of elastin and collagen is normal;
  3. Leave the mask on your face for 10 to 40 minutes, then be sure to use a nourishing cream;
  4. To achieve the desired effect, pre-steam your face;
  5. Apply along the lines of a classic massage, treat the eyelid and lip area with a moisturizer;
  6. To improve the effect of the composition, do a light self-massage using olive, grape or pomegranate oil.

The best recipes for homemade smoothing facial masks

Mask smoothing the skin around the eyes

Result: you can achieve an instant effect of skin rejuvenation thanks to folk recipes. The thin epidermis needs to replenish the balance of elastin and collagen.


  1. 17 gr. gelatin;
  2. 19 drops of wheat oil.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve the granules in a warm infusion of thyme, add moisturizing oil. Distribute the composition with your fingertips on the cleaned eyelid area counterclockwise. Gently rinse off with a damp sponge without stretching the thin skin, then you can put a herbal compress with almond oil on your eyelids.

Mask smoothing deep wrinkles

Result: an effective smoothing face mask at home against wrinkles, both statistical and facial. For long-term results, a course of ten to twelve sessions is required.


  1. 17 gr. rye bran;
  2. banana;
  3. 18 drops of olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the small, green fruit in a mortar along with bran and nutritious oil. In the evening, steam your face over a chamomile decoction, using a plastic spatula, starting from the bottom and moving up, to distribute the smoothing mass. After half an hour, remove with tissues and moisturize with rejuvenating night cream.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask smoothing fine wrinkles

Result: small folds and wrinkles around the eyes are easily treated with eyelid smoothing masks. To prevent dry and sagging skin, one procedure per week is enough.


  1. 25 gr. rye bread pulp;
  2. 16 ml pasteurized 20% cream;
  3. 8 drops of green coffee oil.

Preparation and method of application: an hour before bedtime, remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics with micellar liquid, pour warm cream over the pulp, stir until a paste is obtained, add oil. Cover the eyelids with a thin layer of decoupage napkin and only distribute the field in a continuous dense layer on the area around the eyes. Complete the procedure after half an hour, then apply a gel with a filler effect. We also recommend trying homemade masks with the Botox effect.

Lifting smoothing mask

Result: the best mask recipes will help smooth out eyebrow and nasolabial wrinkles and improve skin tone. After 40 years, such caring procedures prevent dehydration and vitamin deficiency of the dermis.


  1. 3 medium aloe leaves;
  2. 20 gr. yeast;
  3. 5 ml mango oil.

Preparation and application method: cut the leaves of the succulent and place it in the refrigerator on the side shelf for a week. Then squeeze out the juice using a press, add granulated yeast and add fruit oil. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with rosehip decoction. Apply to cleansed face, following the lines of lymph movement. Wash off after 16 minutes with nettle infusion.

Smoothing gelatin mask

Result: a collagen mask smoothes the skin and tightens the facial contour. Soft, moisturized dermis, without wrinkles and scars - a real effect after five sessions.


  1. 22 gr. gelatin;
  2. 12 ml milk thistle oil.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve granulated collagen in nettle decoction, add cosmetic oil. Steam the dermis with a hot compress, blot off excess moisture with a napkin. Apply with a wide brush, forming oval lines from bottom to top. After twenty-five minutes, rinse with warm mineral water.

Smoothing clay mask

Result: homemade clay masks will remove toxins and oxidants and smooth the skin. The combination of natural sorbents has a rejuvenating and tonic effect.


  1. 6 gr. white clay;
  2. 5 gr. black clay;
  3. 3 gr. dill seeds;
  4. 22 drops of sunflower oil.

Preparation and method of application: mix the clay until smooth, then add crushed seeds and unrefined oil. Clean the surface of the face with a thermal agent, spread the mask with a spatula, avoiding contact with the eyelids and lip area. Wash off after 12 minutes with nettle infusion.

Smoothing oatmeal mask

Result: natural components stimulate cell regeneration and restore the structure of the dermis. Using effective masks, you can eliminate scars from acne and pustules.


  1. 13 gr. oat flour;
  2. 5 gr. chamomile flowers;
  3. 18 ml kefir.

Preparation and method of application: grind dried flowers into powder in a coffee grinder, add flour and 2.5% fermented milk product. Wash off the makeup with thermal liquid, apply the composition with smooth smoothing movements. Leave the mask on for about ten minutes, then carry out contrast procedures.

Smoothing honey mask

Result: a toning eye mask restores the smooth structure of the thin epidermis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and removes excess fluid. Honey recipes for skin may be harmful to sensitive skin, first apply a small amount to the area near the outer corner of the eye.


  1. 8 gr. honey;
  2. 5 gr. corn/potato starch;
  3. 19 drops of grape oil.

Preparation and method of application: you need to use only liquid honey, melt the sugared honey in hot water. Add starch and berry oil, cleanse delicate skin with micellar liquid, apply with light tapping movements in a circle. After about twelve minutes, wipe with a damp sponge.

Video recipe: Smoothing potato mask at home

Feedback on the use of wrinkle-smoothing recipes

I make moisturizing masks from gelatin. They smooth out fine wrinkles well, the skin is elastic and velvety.

My colleague recommended injections with fillers, but I’ve been afraid of injections since childhood, so I didn’t take the risk. While on vacation I took an intensive course of natural smoothing masks. At work I fought off compliments and looked ten years younger.

After removing the acne, scars remained. For smoothing, I combined gelatin and yeast masks. In two months I managed to completely restore my face.

I often have allergies, especially to cosmetics. I had to learn how to prepare all the creams, masks and scrubs on my own. For smoothing, I use two masks - clay and bran.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm on VKontakte - write, I'm always glad.

Throughout life, human skin undergoes significant changes caused by external and internal factors; with age, its structure changes. At the same time, modern people strive to take care of their appearance, so many are concerned about such issues as smoothing out wrinkles on the face. Currently, most cosmetic centers provide this type of service, but you can completely fight the initial manifestations on your own.

Results of home treatments

Many people notice how much they talk about the age of wrinkles in the eye and eyebrow area, so women first of all pay attention directly to them. Cosmetologists recommend adding home treatments in addition to daily care products, and the effect will not be long in coming.

Smoothing out wrinkles at home using masks can give a lot of beneficial effects:

  1. the intensity of manifestations of skin defects becomes less after 5-6 procedures;
  2. masks activate metabolic processes in facial cells, due to which the synthesis of its own collagen increases, that is, the skin itself begins to renew itself more intensively, becoming softer, more elastic, and pleasant to the touch;
  3. a complex effect is manifested, both small wrinkles and irregularities, skin defects, acne, etc. are eliminated;
  4. signs of inflammation are relieved, rashes and discomfort disappear.

Indications for use

Not everyone knows how to smooth out wrinkles on the face without harming the skin. However, even home remedies have some limitations. Cosmetologists warn against excessive abuse of procedures at a young age, since the skin adapts to their effects, and in the future there may not be a pronounced effect. It is recommended to make homemade masks after 30 years of age, paying special attention to areas with deep wrinkles. Such procedures will perfectly help slow down the aging process of the skin.

Smoothing masks after 30 years

Smoothing wrinkles at home can be done using ingredients available to everyone. It is also important that homemade compositions are applied to all areas of the face, depending on the location of the problem. There are only some restrictions regarding the sensitive area around the eyes; recipes for this area should include soft and nourishing ingredients.

Next, let's look at the most proven masks for smoothing out wrinkles at home:

  1. banana;
  2. based on aloe;
  3. yeast;
  4. bread;
  5. nettle;
  6. potato, etc.

Banana mask

A banana mask is especially good for dry skin, as well as in cases where there are cracks. To prepare it, mix the mashed mass from half a banana with heavy cream until a paste forms, crumble a little white bread crumb. With this procedure, you can smooth out wrinkles on all areas of the face, even on the sensitive area around the eyes. After application, the composition is kept for no more than 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

Aloe based mask

This recipe is universal if there is pigmentation and inflamed areas on the facial skin, since aloe has a number of healing properties, its juice relieves redness, peeling, and itching. To prepare, you need to beat with a blender a mixture made from crushed 2-3 aloe leaves, a teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of milk powder and egg yolk. The composition is applied for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature.

Yeast based mask

Smoothing facial wrinkles at home with the help of this mask is especially suitable for those who have pronounced unevenness, as well as loss of skin elasticity. The recipe is also ideal for those with combination and oily skin. You will need to take 15 g of dry yeast, add water and wait for swelling. Next, 15 ml of olive oil is added to the mixture, thanks to which the mask becomes very comfortable and nourishing. It is important to remember that the resulting mass should be applied to the area around the eyes in a very thin layer.

Bread mask

How to smooth out wrinkles at home using regular bread? Very simple. You just need to soak a small slice of white bread in warm milk, then add a third of a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture. This recipe is used specifically for the area around the eyes. This composition very gently cares for thin skin, eliminating crow's feet and areas of inflammation, making dark circles and swelling less noticeable. The mask is left on any part of the face for no more than half an hour, the residue is removed with water at room temperature.

Potato mask

A potato mask will very carefully smooth out facial wrinkles at home; this composition is suitable for sensitive skin and rashes. You must first boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and mash them. Add sour cream, glycerin and olive oil to the resulting mass to the desired consistency. The resulting paste can be applied to all areas of the face; it makes wrinkles invisible and evens out the complexion. Application time is 15 minutes, then the composition is washed off with cool water.

Honey mask

If, in addition to wrinkles, there is a problem with changing facial contours, honey-based smoothing products are especially recommended. Honey products have long been known for their beneficial properties; they contain a whole range of useful vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances. To prepare the mixture, you need to crush a tablespoon of pollen, add 30 ml of olive oil and 15 ml of liquid honey. The resulting composition is applied for 15-20 minutes, the residue is removed with water. The honey option is not suitable for people prone to hypersensitivity to bee products.

Belkovo - honey mask

Using this recipe, you can quickly achieve a noticeable effect of smoothing wrinkles. The combination of components of the composition also provides a pronounced lifting effect. The product can be applied to the skin in the eye area, it is effective against crow's feet and sagging eyelids. The preparation method is quite simple: you need to add a teaspoon of barley flour and honey to a whipped egg white. The resulting mass is kept on the skin for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

Recipe with yolk

This mask is very nourishing in its composition, it is suitable for any area of ​​the face. The recipe is extremely simple to prepare; you need to mix one raw yolk with one tablespoon of heavy cream. It is better to use homemade cream. The fatter they are, the more nutritious the mask will be. The recipe is especially recommended for those with dry skin; the components present help not only smooth out wrinkles on the face, but also relieve discomfort, eliminate small cracks, give the skin elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Nettle mask

If the question of how to smooth out wrinkles at home arose in the summer, we should not forget about the gifts of nature during the warm season. In this regard, nettle has a number of undoubted advantages; its juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching, redness, and saturates the skin with vitamins. You need to collect fresh nettle leaves, grind them in a blender until you get a paste, then add a little honey and olive oil to the mixture. Since the mask is very active, the area around the eyes should be avoided when applying.

Herbal recipe based on sage and chamomile

Sage and chamomile are traditionally used as ingredients with anti-inflammatory activity. Masks based on them eliminate irritation and promote healing processes. In addition, the combination of these herbs is an excellent remedy for eliminating existing wrinkles and preventing new ones. To prepare the mask, you need to prepare a mixture of equal amounts of dry sage herb and dried chamomile leaves, then you need to add a little lavender herb and grind everything in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is brewed with boiling water for half an hour, excess water is drained, and the composition is applied to the face. The holding time is 20 minutes, after which the mixture is washed off.

Grapefruit mask

A grapefruit mask is a godsend for those with oily facial skin; in this case, wrinkles are smoothed out comfortably and the pores are not clogged with excessively nourishing components. In addition, grapefruit juice contains active fruit acids, which perfectly solve the problems of unevenness and acne. However, please note that this mixture is not applied to the eye area due to increased sensitivity. To prepare the mask, you will need to peel the grapefruit, remove the film from the segments and beat the resulting pulp with one tablespoon of cream in a blender.

Prevention of wrinkles

It is important to remember that masks for smoothing out wrinkles at home will have the best effect if you follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. To prevent the formation of new wrinkles, try to follow the following recommendations:

  1. maintain an optimal drinking regime, you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day (not tea or coffee);
  2. When washing, do not get carried away with soap (it dries out the skin), use cool water;
  3. play sports, active metabolism launches its own renewal processes;
  4. include fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, and grains in your daily diet;
  5. For care, use high-quality anti-aging cosmetics.