Massage :: Page - 263

Oils for the skin under the eyes


According to statistics, when meeting a woman, most men first of all pay attention to her eyes. And the continuation of communication largely depends on how attractive, e ...

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Oils for scalp against flaking


Peeling of the scalp is a very unpleasant and unaesthetic problem: large flaking flakes of skin fall off onto clothes, creating an unkempt and generally unattractive appe ...

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Oil to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy


Hi girls! Yesterday, I think I read somewhere on this forum that it is very good to smear yourself with some kind of oil to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during ...

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Oil for porous facial skin


Many people are sure that oily skin and facial oil are incompatible concepts. But this is a mistake. We provide convincing evidence and learn how to mix vegetable and ess ...

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Oil for facial massage against wrinkles at home


A massage procedure is one of the most ancient ways to relax the body and tone the muscles. It helps to avoid stress and make the body more attractive and fit. Most of ...

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Moisturizing facial oil for dry skin


Facial oils are becoming increasingly popular. For dry skin, they can be a real salvation. Natural oils can help even in cases where the most expensive creams are powerle ...

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Which facial oil to choose at the pharmacy


Facial and body care at home includes the use of many cosmetics, among which natural oils stand out. Their effect on the skin is completely safe, and the effect is no wor ...

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Non-pore-clogging facial oil


Have you already heard about the benefits of oils and tried it for yourself, but instead of clear, young, glowing skin, you ended up with enlarged pores, inflammation and ...

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Grapeseed oil under the eyes


Grapeseed oil has a rich composition. It contains a huge amount of substances that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Grapeseed oil can be used as an independent re ...

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Grapeseed oil for the skin around the eyes


Grapeseed oil has a rich composition. It contains a huge amount of substances that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Grapeseed oil can be used as an independent re ...

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