Oil for facial massage against wrinkles at home


A massage procedure is one of the most ancient ways to relax the body and tone the muscles. It helps to avoid stress and make the body more attractive and fit.

Most often during massage, attention is paid to the body and neck. But this procedure can also have a positive effect on the appearance of your face. A massage course from a good specialist will help you tighten your contours and restore your youth. But this can also be done at home. To make the result more noticeable, use high-quality massage oils.


Cosmetic oil for massage should suit your individual parameters. There are several types of both base and additional oils. The base relaxes and warms the skin, and the additional components nourish it and fill it with essential vitamins.


Thanks to the use of a combination of several oils, you get the maximum effect when using a massage product. Let's look at oils popular among professionals that are used to care for different skin types.


Massage oil base can be sold in both liquid and solid form. It all depends on what product you choose. Keep in mind that using solid oil for facial massage is a little more difficult - you have to additionally heat it in your palms so that it is well absorbed into your skin. But this cannot be called a problem, because in warm hands the oils melt quite easily.


Basic oils can be bought at any pharmacy or even supermarket. The most common options are olive and sunflower. Since they are used in cooking, it is not difficult to find them on shelves. Yes, and they are inexpensive. And the remains can always be used on the farm or for preparing other care compositions.


To actively moisturize the skin during a massage, you can use peach oil. It nourishes the epidermis well from the inside. At the same time, the extract from peach pits easily applies to the face and is absorbed without problems. Among fruit bases, apricot is also worth noting. This oil quite delicately cares for any type of skin, saturating it with beneficial nutrients from the inside.


All these oils are as natural as possible and are easy to find. Due to the absence of chemical additives in their composition, you can be sure that the product affects the dermis in the most gentle way and will not cause you allergies.


Now let's talk about the more expensive oils that are used by professional cosmetologists. First of all, it is worth noting shea butter. It is considered one of the most useful and effective. This product is rich in beneficial minerals and trace elements. It smoothes and softens the skin. Another popular option is grape seed extract. It copes well with age-related problems on the face and enriches the skin with moisture. As a result, she looks more well-groomed and fit.


High-quality almond oil can also make the dermis more elastic. It is used to massage the skin of the entire face and especially the skin around the eyes.


Coconut and jojoba oils are considered absolutely universal. They are suitable for all skin types and do not cause an allergic reaction. It is worth choosing a basis for facial massage, taking into account your individual characteristics of the body.



The same applies to the choice of essential oils. Each of them has a specific effect on the body, so they need to be selected wisely:

  1. If you have problem skin that is prone to rashes and irritation, then you need to choose skin care oils of eucalyptus, mint or chamomile. Extracts of these plants soothe the epidermis and help fight inflammation. Therefore, after using them, the skin will look more well-groomed.




  1. Essential pine supplements will help tighten your facial features. Use pine, thuja, cedar or fir oils during a massage, and the contours of your face will become clearer. To achieve maximum effect, you will need a course of several procedures.


  1. Citrus essential oils will help oily and shiny skin. Grapefruit, lemon, tangerine or orange can cleanse pores and make skin less shiny. In addition, such oils can tighten pores.


  1. Unhealthy complexion can also be removed with the help of beneficial esters. Ginger or cinnamon oils will help make your skin lighter and more even.


  1. For aging skin with fine wrinkles, use rose or jasmine based products. But here you need to be extremely careful, because it is these oils that most often cause allergies. Test the effect of the oil on a separate area of ​​the skin to make sure that your reaction to this product will be normal.



Beneficial features

All massage oils and their complementary components can give the skin a healthier and more well-groomed appearance.

Choose individual combinations for yourself, focusing on the effect you want to get.

Combine the base with essential additions as experts advise, and even at home, a massage will make your skin noticeably better.


How to choose

When choosing the best oil, you should pay attention not only to its properties, but also to other parameters:

  1. An oily mixture of not too thick consistency is suitable for massage. Fatty oil nourishes the skin. But the best one is the one that does not drain from the skin during massage.
  2. The product should also be as natural as possible. Buy it at the pharmacy or on trusted cosmetic sites. Read the ingredients carefully and make sure that there are no harmful substances or components that may cause an allergic reaction in you.




Tips for use

You need to use oil for facial massage at home wisely, taking into account all the features of the selected oily liquid. The selected massage product is ideally applied to the skin warmed up after a sauna or bath. At this time, the pores are enlarged, and the epidermis is able to absorb a maximum of nutrients.

If the resulting mixture is very liquid and you are afraid of getting dirty with it, then before the procedure, change into clothes that you don’t mind, or wrap yourself in a towel.

Massage oil should be applied only to the fingertips, gently rubbing into the skin. This way you will not waste the product in vain.


The massage procedure itself can be carried out in three ways. The first one is classic. It is best suited for those who are not particularly versed in cosmetology and are going to do massage for the first time. This procedure helps tighten the skin and tone the muscles. It can be used on skin that is already beginning to fade. The entire massage process can be clearly seen in the video below.

Classic massage consists of working on individual areas. Start by massaging your cheeks, smoothing the skin with your fingers along the zygomatic arch. Next, proceed to warming up the area around the mouth. To do this, stretch out your lips and make patting movements on the skin next to your lips. Then massage your chin, slowly moving towards your earlobes.


The forehead area needs to be kneaded using your fingertips, carefully moving from one temple to another. Move five times in each direction, and then massage downwards along your temples. Next, proceed to massage the most sensitive area - the eyes. Gently tap your eyelids with your fingertips, moving from the inner to the outer corners. Then the same must be repeated with the lower eyelid. It is enough to repeat this procedure only five times on each eyelid. The facial massage ends with a neck warm-up. Tilt your heads to the side and massage your skin from top to bottom. Then repeat the same on the other side of your neck. At this moment, when all the muscles have been worked out and are as relaxed as possible, the massage can be completed.


In order to get rid of problems such as acne, scars, deep folds or age spots, you can use Jacquet massage. With this procedure, you do not stroke the skin of your face, but pinch it. The process is not the most pleasant, but the results will not keep you waiting. The technique of this massage is shown in the video.

However, it is not advisable to carry out this procedure without consulting a specialist. If you are not sure that it will benefit you, then it is better to refuse a massage. Even small mistakes can lead to negative consequences.


After you have completed the procedure, there is no need to wash off the oil from the skin. It should be absorbed during the massage. If you want, you can also apply a cream at the end of the massage, which will additionally nourish the skin at night.


Recipes at home

To massage your face, you will need to prepare a high-quality oil mixture. The simplest and most universal recipe is a combination of ten milliliters of base oil with a drop of ether and the same amount of vitamin E, which is sold in capsules at any pharmacy.


For greater convenience, the mixture must be prepared in advance. Pour the appropriate amount of oils in the required proportions into a glass bottle and mix well. This finished product can be stored for one year. But to prevent it from spoiling, the product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Prepare a mixture for wrinkles or to add expressiveness to facial features with your own hands, and it will be easy to do a massage at home at any time. But before doing this, be sure to check whether the mixture has spoiled, so as not to accidentally harm yourself by clogging your pores with the spoiled product.



Self-massage with vegetable oils is an excellent way to care for your skin. Girls who have experienced the effects of this procedure confirm that if you do it regularly, your face will look younger, more beautiful and well-groomed.


This procedure is a great way to make your skin more toned and well-groomed. It can be done by anyone who does not have any problems with the epidermis. But if you have any inflammation, pimples, acne or dilated blood vessels, then it is better to avoid massage for a while. Wait until your face is clean and only then experiment with skincare treatments.

For home facial massage, you can use not only natural oils, but also mixtures of them and special cosmetics. The effect of the procedure depends on their quality, and the active components included in the composition create additional effects. Which oil is best for massage depends on skin type, expected result and method of use - in a mixture or in its pure form.

Types of massage oils

All massage oils are divided into base, essential and mixtures. Mixtures can be ready-made or prepared independently at home.

Facial massage mixtures

Ready-made massage mixtures can be either natural or contain aromatic additives, dyes, active chemicals, etc. The composition must be indicated on the label. The label also indicates the skin type for which the mixture is intended. Some manufacturers provide a description of the action of the drug. The price of the finished mixture depends on the manufacturer and the components used. The advantage of such a product is its balanced composition and ease of use.


Disadvantages - unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality ingredients to prepare massage mixtures, which can lead to allergic reactions, burns, and skin diseases.


To massage the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, base oil can be used in pure form or together with various additives.

Olive oil is the most basic oil in cosmetology. It is inexpensive and universal, contains a lot of vitamin E and A, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity and starts tissue regeneration processes. Another oil that is used as a base oil is from grape seeds. It differs from olive oil in its lighter texture and contains polyunsaturated acids, vitamins and basic mineral compounds. Regular use allows you to speed up metabolic processes, cleanse cells of waste and toxins, and remove excess fluid.


Cosmetologists recommend using almond oil as a base product. It is suitable for skin care with pronounced age-related changes. Using the product during a massage allows you to improve and tighten your facial contours, get rid of wrinkles, and increase the tone of muscle tissue. Peach oil is recommended for aging skin, because... has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Sesame oil is used for sensitive or problematic skin. It cleanses well and soothes inflammatory processes, saturates with vitamins and nutrients. To cope with the first age-related changes, the mixture is made with jojoba oil.


Coconut oil is suitable for dry and dry skin. It not only softens, but also eliminates inflammation, nourishes and deeply moisturizes the skin. Coconut oil is also recommended as an anti-wrinkle remedy: it evens out the surface, improves skin tone and elasticity, softens and soothes.


Essential oils are used as additives to the base oil. For convenience, they are divided into several groups according to effect. The first group includes esters that normalize fat balance:


Esters of pine and thyme have a cleansing effect, cypress - lightens the skin, wheat germ - has a strong tightening effect.

Features of specialized oils

The cosmetic effect of base and essential oils is explained by their composition. The main component is acids. Oleic moisturizes and is well absorbed. Lauric acid helps prevent the development of fungi, bacteria and viruses in the pores. Myristic is responsible for the natural regeneration of cells, as well as the absorption of nutrients. Palmitic acid stimulates the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which leads to the elimination of wrinkles and an improvement in complexion. Another important component of the base for massage mixtures is caprylic acid. It improves skin breathing and restores acid-base balance. Linoleic acid penetrates into the deep subcutaneous layers and saturates them with nutrients.


In addition to active acids, essential oils are rich in terpene carbohydrates and alcohols. They have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, eliminate pain. Pure esters and phenols soothe and relieve muscle spasms. Aldehydes not only soothe, but also help cope with viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

How to choose massage oil

When choosing a product, you should carefully read the composition, check the integrity of the packaging and expiration date. Fresh oil should not have a strong odor or be bitter; the best preservative is vitamin E. If a cosmetic product is used for the first time, it needs to be tested:

  1. Apply a small amount to the skin on the crook of the elbow, behind the ear or on the wrist;
  2. Assess absorbency and fat content;
  3. Assess for the presence of residual oily sheen;
  4. Check after 2-6 hours for any rashes or irritation.

A meat-based skin care product should not cause discomfort or burning. If the skin is inflamed after application, it should be rinsed with warm running water and apply cream.

Is regular massage oil suitable for the face?

The skin of the face is sensitive and prone to allergic reactions, so for massage at home it is better to choose natural professional massage oils. You can also use baby oil on your face. This is a universal and hypoallergenic product with a rich composition of minerals and vitamins.


It is important that the purchased oil does not have a heating or cooling effect, does not contain many chemical components or poisons of snakes, bees, spiders, etc.


The use of oils in cosmetology is limited by contraindications. These include not only individual intolerance to components. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, ethers can be used for massage only after consultation with a doctor. Lavender extract is not used for epilepsy and after a course of chemotherapy, as well as while taking iron-containing vitamins and medications. Eucalyptus ether cannot be combined with homeopathic medicines, and bergamot cannot be used for massage before sunbathing or going to the solarium.


Cosmetic oils containing extracts of juniper, mint, sage, cinnamon and ylang-ylang are not recommended for use by teenagers. Citrus essential oils can make your skin look youthful, but overusing them can cause burns.

Preparing massage mixtures at home

Essential and basic oils for facial massage are designed to solve a complex of problems at once:

  1. Moisturize and saturate skin cells with vitamins;
  2. Strengthen blood vessels;
  3. Improve skin color and structure;
  4. Accelerate metabolism at the cellular level;
  5. Calm down or prevent the development of inflammatory processes;
  6. Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  7. Improve blood circulation;
  8. Reduce the manifestation of age-related changes;
  9. Reduce pigmentation


Homemade facial oil can be prepared from base oil and essential oil. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a lid. The shelf life depends on the components and reaches up to 7 months.

Natural recipes cover all skin types and possible problems, the main thing is to follow the dosage and compatibility.

Esters compatibility table

Name What goes with it?
Fir Bergamot, cinnamon, juniper
Tea tree Rosemary, lavender
Orange Juniper, sage
Lemon Ylang-ylang, bergamot, lavender, nerol
Mint Pine, rosemary, rose, bergamot, patchouli, tea tree
Rose Cloves, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, ginger, lavender, sage, frankincense
Pine All citrus, sandalwood, juniper, lavender, rosemary
Cedar Bergamot, cinnamon, lemon, ylang-ylang, sage, rose, patchouli, nerol, grapefruit
Nerol Mint, lemon, sage, eucalyptus

Recipes for home cooking

Instead of using a daily face cream, you can make a shea butter mixture. It is distinguished by its thickness, delicate texture and pleasant nutty aroma. This excellent natural facial skin care product allows you to prolong youth, give freshness and even color. For 20 g of oil, take 6 drops of grapefruit extract and 4 drops of rose extract.

Another composition from cosmetologists: 15 g of cocoa butter, a couple of drops of lemongrass and jasmine extract and a drop of neroli. The mixture is suitable for facial rejuvenation procedures: lifting, peeling and as a basis for an anti-wrinkle mask. A mixture of almond oil and linden honey is also used to smooth out wrinkles. The mass must be heated to a comfortable temperature, and massaging should be carried out for 5-7 minutes.


To eliminate signs of skin aging and improve complexion, use wheat germ oil mixed with liquid vitamin E and a few drops of almond extract. The mixture can be used for any skin type. If the goal is to relieve inflammation and moisturize the skin, then make a massage mixture of 8 drops of sesame oil and a couple of drops of jasmine and rose oils. You can also add wheat bran extract.

Before going to bed, massage treatments using a mixture of 100 ml of any base oil and 15 drops of sandal extract, 9 drops of cinnamon, 6 drops of mint, 5 drops of black pepper ether are suitable.

You can moisturize dry skin with jojoba ether and a few drops of juniper or lemon extract. If the first expression lines appear, then use a composition of 10 drops of jojoba extract, 5 of calendula, 1 of wheat germ and a few drops of jasmine oil.

Which oil to use for massage depends on the desired result, financial capabilities and contraindications. Natural remedies are usually more expensive and more effective: the first positive changes can be achieved after 3-4 applications. A homemade cosmetic massage product is not inferior in quality to purchased products, if you follow the manufacturing recommendations, and it costs less. Skin care procedures should be carried out in the evening: rub the massage mixture with light movements for several minutes. There is no need to apply any additional products after the session.

Facial massage is the leader among the available options for preserving beauty and youth. You can perform the procedure in a salon with a specialist or at home yourself. The process will help you achieve obvious cosmetic effects, take your mind off worries, and relax. To correctly reproduce many popular techniques, the use of oils is required, which help to carry out movements and enhance the effectiveness of actions. The correct selection of a cosmetic composition is an important preparatory stage of the procedure. To get the maximum benefit, you need to know which facial oil for massage is appropriate to use in a particular situation.

Benefits of oils

The most popular result of facial massage is the achievement of cosmetic effects. Rejuvenation, weight loss, formation of the desired contours - everything is achieved by the correct effect on the integument. Oil helps to enhance the contact method of obtaining results.


A correctly selected composition contributes to:

  1. purification;
  2. hydration;
  3. nutrition;
  4. toning;
  5. regeneration;
  6. oval tightening.

Thanks to the use of oil mixtures, a healing effect is achieved. Some ethereal options added to the base substance help treat colds, relieve stress, and headaches.

Important! The use of a fatty base is mandatory when actively affecting the dermis. This helps the hands glide correctly, which has a beneficial effect on the outcome of the procedure. The oil protects the skin from damage and prevents stretching of the epidermis.

Terms of use

You can get a decent effect when using oil during a massage by using the mixture on pre-treated surfaces. To do this, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics. It is important not only to remove makeup, but also to wash your face using a suitable product.

To achieve the best effect, the skin is treated with a scrub (gommage) at least once a week. The upper keratinized layer is removed. The result of the massage and the effect of the oil are enhanced. Before a session of active mechanical action, it is advisable to lightly steam the skin. This is achieved by taking a warm bath or shower. It is permissible to perform light steam treatment.

Oil for the massage procedure is used at room temperature. To use, place the product in the palm of your hand so that the substance reaches body temperature. The comfortable mixture is carefully distributed over the face with your fingertips, moving along the massage lines. Some exposure techniques (Indian Ayurveda) involve applying heated oils. The substance is poured in small portions directly onto the affected area.

Oil cocktail is used in sufficient quantities. The product is evenly distributed over the face. Fingers need to glide. Don't forget about moderation. An excess amount of product can interfere with the normal course of the process.

Types of oils

You can achieve the best results when using oils by using specially selected mixtures. To do this, connect the base with the active components. You can prepare a suitable mixture yourself at home. It is enough to purchase the ingredients at the pharmacy.


Any mixture is based on a universal product suitable for direct interaction with the skin. The following options are popular as basic components for facial massage:

  1. Olive. Suitable for any skin type. It combines components that help moisturize, nourish, and tighten the skin. The high content of vitamins A, E, and minerals has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the integument. Ideal for dry type.


  1. Sesame. Helps cleanse the skin from the inside (removes waste and toxins). Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleansing the dermis of dirt and rashes. Has increased regenerating properties. Ideal option for oily skin.


  1. Jojoba. It is distinguished by obvious anti-inflammatory effectiveness. Mineral components build reliable protection against external aggressive environments. Ideal for aging skin.


  1. Grape seed oil. It is characterized by a high content of antioxidants, components that saturate and moisturize the skin. Has the property of smoothing out wrinkles. Suitable for dry, mature epidermis.


  1. Apricot kernel oil. The maximum benefit is the ability to restore tissue. Moisturizes and soothes the skin. The right choice for sensitive skin.


  1. Almond. Affects the deep layers of the skin. The dermis acquires firmness and elasticity. Blood flow and cellular metabolism are restored. Wrinkles are smoothed out and muscles are strengthened. Easily absorbed. A universal option for any type.


Advice. Sometimes more expensive bases (Shea, cocoa) are used as a basis. Active components (esters) can enhance the qualities of the base and add new properties to it.

Additional Ingredients

The choice of secondary components depends on the tasks at hand. An oil cocktail can be created from several ingredients. The choice often falls on suitable broadcast options:

  1. cinnamon is ideal for combating swelling;
  2. citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit) promote cleansing;
  3. thyme helps fight acne (“blackheads”);
  4. bergamot affects the effectiveness of cleansing and mattifies;
  5. eucalyptus, geranium are aimed at relieving irritations;
  6. jasmine restores metabolism and has high regenerating qualities;
  7. rose increases skin elasticity and minimizes wrinkles;
  8. rosemary regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  9. myrtle stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, tones dry skin;
  10. cypress whitens, improves color.

Esters are added to the base 1-5 drops. It is prohibited to influence the epidermis with concentrated compounds. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with how to choose the right option before use.

Common combinations

To create your own cocktail, just select a suitable base and add the necessary esters. Shake the mixture. Prepare the composition before use or store in a cool place. Add up to 5 drops of ether per 10 ml of base. The following combinations according to skin type are popular:

  1. for oily: olive (sesame) is supplemented with citrus ester, bergamot, cypress;
  2. for normal: olive (almond) is enhanced with jasmine, rose, cypress, bergamot, cedar;
  3. for dry, age: olive (almond, jojoba, grape seed) mixed with rose, myrtle.

By analogy, it is permissible to prepare your own combination. Vitamins (A, E) and honey are often added to the composition.

Review of ready-made tools

You can find many ready-made combinations on sale. The composition is selected in such a way as to achieve the best beneficial effect. Among the popular means are the following:

  1. Organic Thai. The products from this manufacturer are made in Thailand. They are distinguished by a perfectly selected, balanced composition. You will be able to purchase an option for any skin type, different directions of exposure. The cost of a 120 ml bottle starts from 700 rubles.


  1. KHADI. Oil mixtures are made in India or Germany based on ancient recipes. To simplify the choice, a detailed summary of the product is provided. You can purchase a 100 ml bottle for 1100 rubles.


  1. Organic Fiji. A variety of oil blends are made in the USA. The manufacturer focuses on universal formulations for skin types, face, hair, and body. You can buy a package of 89 ml for 860 rubles.


  1. Planeta Organica. The Russian manufacturer offers different options for every taste. The cost of packaging 30 ml starts from 350 rubles.


The variety of offers will allow you to find completely unexpected options.

Attention! Oil mixtures are aimed at solving various problems. The composition is selected depending on individual characteristics and needs.

Possible alternatives

Some types of massage do not involve the use of oils. The effect is applied to dry, cleansed skin. Sometimes it is necessary to abandon the use of oily substances due to individual characteristics and existing problems of the body.

Instead of oil for the procedure, it is permissible to use talc (baby powder), any neutral cleanser (cosmetic milk, cream, soft gel for washing). An alternative to massage oil is often a similar cream.


Those with very oily skin will have to avoid massage using oil. The presence of profuse rashes, inflammation, or open wounds is a reason to postpone the procedure. In other cases, the use of base oil will not be an obstacle to massage.

If you intend to use a complex mixture with ethers, you will have to be more careful in assessing your own health. Contraindications to the procedure include:

  1. problems of the heart, blood vessels;
  2. high blood pressure;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. tendency to allergies.

Esters are used with caution. Before performing a facial massage, it is recommended to test for individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Massage using oils is an excellent procedure for maintaining a decent appearance and relaxation. The main thing is to choose the right method of exposure and use the appropriate oil mixture.

Useful videos

How to choose the right oil for massage.