Massage :: Page - 72

White clay for blackheads reviews


Cosmetologists often encounter a situation where clients complain about the presence of blackheads that spoil their appearance. These points are localized mainly in areas ...

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Belara side reviews of women after 30 years


I am 21 years old, I have very problematic skin, the gynecologist gave me Belara, before she did the examination, she said that they would help, I started drinking for 11 ...

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Belara for acne on the face reviews


I was prescribed OK to lower the level of male hormones. I've been drinking Chloe for a week now. Before the first pill, I thought that now the problems with my face were ...

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Wrinkle free reviews


I have repeatedly read that people advise applying ointments like this under the eyes - supposedly it helps with bruises. Is it true? Does anyone have personal experience ...

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Safe tanning in a solarium


You don't know when the bulbs were changed In unscrupulous tanning studios, in order to save money, they do not change lamps or change them very rarely. The problem he ...

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Cupping massage technique video


Anti-cellulite massage is the most effective method of combating the “orange peel”. It is performed with the usual medical jars of different sizes. In traditional glasswa ...

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Cupping back massage bruises


Bruises after various types of massage are a fairly common occurrence. Some people are even sure that the more painful the procedure is, and the more hematomas and bruise ...

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Cupping massage for cellulite, how often to do it


Medical expert article Vacuum massage is an effective way to get rid of orange peel skin that does not require much physical effort. The massage is performed using speci ...

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Cupping massage of nasolabial folds


It is quite possible to maintain freshness and firmness of the skin up to 40 years and after 50. Modern techniques and means allow a woman to feel attractive for many yea ...

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Cupping massage on hands


For many, subcutaneous fat is formed not only on the waist or hips. It can often be found on the hands or forearms! A special massage can reduce this layer and restore li ...

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