Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 141



“Pyrazinamide” are anti-tuberculosis drugs for chemotherapy of tuberculosis. This is a large group of drugs containing pyrazinamide acid as the main active ingredient. In ...

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Exanthema Influenza


Exanthema influenza (E. influenza) is an infectious disease caused by the erippyxal fever virus, which is transmitted by airborne droplets and can affect both people and ...

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Paraphrenic syndrome


__Paraphrenic syndrome__ is a mental pathology in which a person develops delusional ideas about himself or the people around him. This diagnosis is a variant of delusion ...

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Airlift: operating principlesAn airlift is a device whose operation is based on creating a pressure difference due to a mixture of high and low density gases, which mean ...

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Burova Vein


The name of this man was unknown to the world for a long time. This is due to the fact that at one time his works, like the works of many other scientists, were not given ...

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Pentalong is an antianginal dosage form that is used to treat chronic heart failure and prevent angina pectoris. The composition of the active substance is tetranitpentae ...

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Imagine that you are going to the store to buy bread and accidentally pass by a street musician playing a guitar. You may have even stopped for a minute or two to listen ...

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Cat Scratch Fever


Cat scratch fever is an infectious disease caused by bacteria found in the saliva and secretions of cats' claws. This disease is also known as cat bite disease or more co ...

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Gland Complex


Composite iron is a variety of iron alloys containing, in addition to carbon, other elements, including silicon, manganese, chromium, nickel, etc. They differ not only in ...

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Elpenora Syndrome


Elpenora (Odyssey VIII.338) - a companion of Odysseus, who was represented as the husband of his beautiful wife Penelope, representing the ordinary human understanding of ...

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