Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 143

Spigeliev's share


In medicine, the term "lobe of the liver of Spigelius" has no official name, but is often used as a synonym to describe part of the left lobe of the liver. This area is f ...

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Ganglion Renal


The renal ganglion is a complex anatomical formation that is not related to the kidneys or urinary tract. This is a collection of nerve fibers located between the renal a ...

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Biggs and Douglas - the method of the well-known American biochemist Stanley Cohen, the McFarlen test is a series of experiments designed to study the relationship betwee ...

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Microsers are an innovative product produced by the Italian company Prodotti ForMenti. They are drugs containing betahistine, a histamine that has a wide range of uses. I ...

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Intoxication Asthmatic


**Intoxication with “asthmatol”** This is the name for the state of intoxication that occurs from taking adulterated alcohol containing tranquilizers. People call them ha ...

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Lumbar Interval


The lumbar region is one of the most vulnerable and sensitive areas of the human body. It is located between two bony structures - the pelvis and the thigh, and is a comp ...

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Hepatitis Viral Chronic


Viral hepatitis is one of the most common diseases associated with liver dysfunction. Hepatitis is a chronic infection from the group of viruses of the hepatitis family. ...

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Alopecia Senile


The problem of hair loss is a problem for all age groups, but in addition, every year it becomes more and more relevant. With age, hair loses its elasticity and becomes d ...

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Soothing Foot Bath


"Soothing Foot Baths" is a product for moisturizing and soothing the skin of the feet from Scholl. It is made in the UK and belongs to the group of medicinal baths. The b ...

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Omphalitis Purulent


Unfortunately, within the framework of one answer to such a voluminous request, I can only give a brief, superficial description of the disease. **Omphalitis** is inflamm ...

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