Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 140

Constipation Neurogenic


As you may know, constipation is a common problem that people face. There are several causes of constipation, but one of the most common is a neurogenic cause. Neurogeni ...

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Chocolate Cyst


Shalmovaya cyst is a tumor-like formation of a benign nature that occurs in the pelvic organs and is the result of filling the capsule of the cystic cavity with a tumor. ...

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Keratoplasty Cosmetic


Cornroplasty is a relatively new surgical procedure that is used to correct aesthetic problems of the eye. It consists of replacing a damaged cornea, which improves visio ...

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Pleurisy Apical


Pleurisy is inflammation of the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura. This is one of the common causes of chest pain, which can be caused by various diseases. Pleur ...

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The article talks about the drug Spirol, which is produced in Germany under the international name Spirolon. This drug has a pronounced effect, causing irritation of the ...

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Resection knife


Resection knife Brief definition: A resection knife is a surgical instrument that is used to create incisions in body tissues and to perform organ-preserving resections ...

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Aspirmia is a congenital or acquired condition in which there are no signs of maturity of male germ cells. In patients with aspirmia, the appearance of sperm in the semen ...

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Fibroma Ameloblastic


Fibroma amelobasic is a rare disease that can affect the skin. However, for people with amelabastic fibroma it is a life-threatening condition. Fibromas arise from skin ...

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Nutrient Media Needle Meme


As is known, nutrient media are used to conduct various studies in the field of biology, microbiology and genetics. One of the most common and well-known media is the IGL ...

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Modern working conditions differ significantly from those that existed before the invention of electricity and the advent of power plants for operating transport. In this ...

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