Constipation Neurogenic

As you may know, constipation is a common problem that people face. There are several causes of constipation, but one of the most common is a neurogenic cause.

Neurogenic constipation, also known as “stimulated” constipation, occurs due to the impact of various stress factors such as anxiety, depression or lifestyle changes on the intestines. Increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can lead to decreased bowel activity and poor bowel movements. Also, psychosocial factors such as social isolation and increased social anxiety can create a stressful situation and affect bowel function. This can lead to constipation, which can become chronic and cause discomfort and pain in the abdominal area. Chronic constipation can also lead to various health problems, such as poor absorption of vitamins and minerals, infections, and decreased immunity.

Many people have difficulty controlling their bowel movements. Some people live with it as part of their daily routine, while others try to adhere to dietary restrictions or take laxatives to help their bowels function properly. However, not all constipation treatments are effective or safe. It is important to note that constipation requires medical attention.