Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 146

Tsike Symptom


Ceiki Symptomya, known as the first name of a Czech physician and one of the founders of modern endocrinology, is a medical phenomenon that is still the subject of contro ...

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Pancreaticoduodenectomy Partial


Pancreaticoduodenopancreatectomy - what is it? There are two designations available for this procedure: resection and ectomy. But the technique used to treat the pancrea ...

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Ristocein is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic that is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections in humans and animals. It was developed in the early 20th centu ...

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Seizure Paralytic


A seizure is a sudden, short-term disruption of the body’s motor abilities in the form of involuntary fast or slow motor acts. Such attacks are usually accompanied by lo ...

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Reticulocytes and reticulocytesThese are fragments of erythroid origin ranging in size from 5 to 12 micrometers. Inside themselves, they contain a nucleus, which is clea ...

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Dental Branches Inferior


The mandibular rami (Latin: "rami dentales inferiores") are thin bones that surround the lower jaw and help hold the teeth in place. The lower rami are an integral part o ...

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Introduction to the article Strains are diverse groups of microorganisms that have similar genetic origins and common properties. This means that strains can produce th ...

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Title of the article: "Synvisc: a drug for replacing synovial and tear fluids"**Introduction:** Synvisc is a drug used to replace synovial fluid in joints and as a tear s ...

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Epilation tweezers Bergha


Epilation is the process of removing hair from the surface of the skin. There are several methods of hair removal, including shaving, waxing, laser hair removal and elect ...

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How often do we think about the issue of health? What is health? How to preserve and maintain it? Many of us ask these questions sooner or later. Fortunately, today there ...

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