Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 149

Obesity Hypothalamic


Hypothalamic obesity is not just a problem of excess weight, but a complex set of factors associated with dysregulation of fat metabolism. As a result of obesity, the hyp ...

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Schildera Beard Telekinesis


Hello! I am pleased to offer you an article about a man and his method that can help many people achieve their goals. This man is Shilder Braditekins, known as Shilodebra ...

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Laboratory of Aviation Medicine


This is a unique laboratory that is engaged in research and development in the field of aviation medicine and flight safety. It was created in the early 1960s in Russia, ...

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Submucous Basis


ContentIntroduction * Description of the term * Meaning and application Basic data of the term “submucosal” Features and functions of the submucosal membrane * Elasticity ...

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Croup is a widespread inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract, characterized by fever, symptoms of intoxication and respiratory failure, as well as cough. The ...

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Nerve Oculomotor


The oculomotor nerve (lat. nervus oculomotorii, PM, BNA, JNA) is a cranial nerve containing predominantly motor fibers; part of the fifth cranial nerve. Refers to neurons ...

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Caesarean Section Abdominal-Wall


An abdominal caesarean section (CAS), also known as a caesarean abdominal section (CAS) or caesarean abdominostenopexy, is a surgical procedure in which an elective opera ...

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Ichthyosis Linear Envelope


Ichthyosis can have different manifestations, one of them is linear circumflex erythema - or circumflex linear ichthyosis.Circumflex linearization syndrome is known as ci ...

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Half bath


Half baths are a type of gymnastics instrument that allows you to train your legs in a half-sitting and half-lying position. These exercises are needed for the prevention ...

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Prednisone 20-Beta-Oxyprovidnoe


"Prednisolone" is the international name for a drug from the group of steroid hormones, also known as prednisone 20 - a beta hydroxy derivative. The drug is used in medic ...

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