Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 150

Speech Sign


Sign speech is historically the most studied type of verbal communication of people with hearing and speech impairments, which is a system of distinctive language signals ...

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Hepatitis Chronic


Chronic hepatitis (CH) is a general concept, a collective name for a group of viral infectious liver diseases that occur with periods of exacerbations and remissions. The ...

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Dubrovina Method


Dubrovin M., article “Du-bro-vi-na method” is a description of the principle of action that was developed by the Soviet dentist, dentist and professor Du-bro-vin A.V. in ...

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Bekhterev Core


*One of the most common forms of systemic autoimmune diseases is Behcet's disease, characterized by recurrent or chronic inflammation of the oral mucosa.*Bekhcetov's dise ...

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Geomania is a mental disorder in which a person is consumed by a passionate love of geographical discoveries, travel and exploring new places. The emergence of geotoweris ...

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Vein Cutaneous Ulnar


Introduction:The cutaneous vein of the elbow is a small vessel that runs under the skin and connects the forearm and arm at the point where the elbow is located. This ves ...

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Frontal sinusitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the ethmoid (less often than others) or frontal sinuses and is the most common type of sinusitis in adults. Un ...

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Vein Subclavian


The subclavian vein is one of the most important veins in the human body. It connects the heart, lungs, brain and other organs, and plays an important role in blood circu ...

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**Splint for the leg bone**, where the leg is a splint for the skeletal system. For injuries to the ligaments of the knee joint, a torn meniscus, or simply inflammation o ...

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Hallucinosis Illusory


Hallucinations are nervous disorders in which a person experiences self-deceptive, illusory visual perceptions that occur without the direct influence of external stimuli ...

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